GESD Unit Plan Framework

GESD Unit Plan
Unit Topic: Our Place in the Universe
Grade Level:
Subject: Science
Author: Andrea Grabow, Joel Wisser
Big Idea: Man's Attempt to Understand and Manipulate the World
Unit Outcome: TSW will apply knowledge of the planetary and lunar characteristics, previous and
current space exploration, existing and researched based inventive technology to create a space
habitat on a chosen planet or moon, by constructing a model and writing 6-11 paragraphs defending
their creation.
Core Standards: (from data) 5S2C1PO1,
5S2C2PO1, 5S6C2PO1, 5S6C2PO2, 5S6C2PO3,
5S6C3PO1, 5S6C3PO2, 5S6C3PO6,
Integrated Standards:
Writing: 5S3C2PO1, 5S3C2PO2, 5S3C2PO3
Math: 5S2C1PO1, 5SC1PO2
L.A.: 5S1C6PO1, 5S1C6PO2, 5S1C6PO3,
5S1C6PO4, 5S1C6PO5, 5S1C6PO6, 5S3C1PO1,
5S3C1PO2, 5S3C1PO3, 5S3C1PO4, 5S3C1PO5,
5S3C1PO6, 5S3C1PO7, 5S3C1PO8, 5S3C2PO1
SS: 5S4C3
Prior Knowledge: The students must understand the concept of their location in relation to the
world. They must have a point of reference between themselves, the Earth, and the Solar System.
They must understand that space exploration is not a new concept.
Task Analysis of Daily Objectives:
1. TSW identify two reasons to explain why the United States entered into a “Space Race” with the
Soviet Union.
2. TSW describe why the success and failures of the Apollo Missions were important in the United
States efforts to explore space.
3. TSW identify 3 reasons why the Sky Lab was an important first step towards establishing a
permanent habitat in outer space.
4. TSW create a timeline of events that led up to the first lunar landing in July of 1969.
5. TSW describe how scientists used previous knowledge of the moon and outer space to design
and build a special vehicle for astronauts to use on the moon.
6. TSW Describe and either defend or protest NASA’s creation of the first space shuttle.
7. TSW identify how many different countries have contributed to the International Space Station’s
creation, maintenance, and growth.
8. TSW describe how the Moon’s appearance changes during a four week lunar cycle.
9. TSW demonstrate how the earth rotates on its’ axis and describe how that rotation creates
weather and is used as a measurement for both time and location.
a. TSW demonstrate how the Earth rotates on its axis and provide 4 synonyms for the
word “rotate.”
b. TSW correctly label lines of latitude and longitude with a simple drawing.
c. TSW correctly determine the time in two other (U.S.) time zones when given an Arizona
d. TSW identify the difference in seasons in the northern and southern hemispheres.
e. TSW write a 4 sentence summary to describe how the Earth rotates and how that
rotation is used to measure location, time, and how it creates weather.
10. TSW demonstrate how the earth revolves on its’ orbit and describe how that revolution creates
a calendar year.
a. TSW identify that the Earth makes one trip around the Sun in one calendar year.
b. TSW correctly demonstrate the process of Earth’s revolution.
c. TSW create an illustration showing the Earth in relationship to the Sun during the start
of the four seasons.
11. TSW identify the 8 planets of our solar system in order starting from closest to the Sun and
headed outward.
12. TSW describe the distinguishing characteristics of the planets in the solar system , including size,
location in relationship to the sun, temperature, composition, length of rotation and revolution.
13. TSW describe 3 discoveries that have come from space probe exploration to other planets,
moons, comets, etc.
14. TSW indentify important contributions that have been made by scientist Edwin Hubble.
15. TSW will compare the advantages and disadvantages of Earth based telescopes vs. satellite
based telescopes (eg. Hubble Telescope)
16. Students will explore technology that was necessary to create and control a sustainable habitat
such as Biosphere 2.
Rubric for Unit Outcome
Teacher created student sample at exemplar level
At least three lesson plans in GESD framework (sub objectives and check for understanding)
Critical resources