Tuesday 21st April 2015 Clubs academy is about preparing you for the year ahead to run your club as successfully as possible with the required knowledge and skills. This is your day so try and get the most out of it by asking loads of questions and finding out the information you require There are no stupid questions!!! Reflect on 2014/5 and set objectives on how to make things even better in 2015/16. Start the planning process with your committee and talk to and learn from other clubs. Know resources available to you, from funding to venues – from staff support to printing – Union, Resources & Support How to lead and run your club making it the best it can be for your members - Leadership Review and reflect on 2013/14 and set your targets and start the planning process for 2014/15 - Plan Your Year Develop an understanding how to plan events and how your club should be using social media and marketing - Events, Marketing & Website Development Develop an understanding of how to administrate your fixtures and what is involved in booking transport for away fixtures - Transport and Fixtures Get an understanding of your club’s finances, how to apply for funding and explore fundraising ideas – Funding & Finance An introduction to the subject area of equality and diversity and what it means in relation to students within a University setting - Equality & Diversity Sabbatical Officers Sports President – Union President – VP Communities – VP Education – Jess Morris Andrew Kinnell Lauren Marriott Hollie Cameron Union Staff Scott Chaplain Jill Lowe Wendy Forbes Sasha Young Nick Manton Lauren Kirk Frances Slorance Lynn Mayer Stef Black – Sports Development Coordinator – Sports Administrator – Union Secretary – Finance Manager – Marketing & Events Coordinator – Marketing Assistant - Commercial Manager - Academic & Representation Coordinator - Policy & Research Coordinator Sports Union Exec Aileen Sissons - Health Promotions Officer The following positions will be open for nominations next semester: Participation & Engagement Officer Communication Officer Media Officers AirTV – Andrew Pope stationmanager@airtvonline.com Air3 Radio – Andrew Baxter stationmanager@air3radio.com Brig newspaper – Lucy McLellan editor@brignewspaper.com Publicity and printing Access to rooms and facilities Help organise events, transport, etc. Help access/administer club funds Fundraising/sponsorship advice Provide Funding Recruiting events (Freshers Fayre, GIAG week...) Day to day support… …and MUCH MORE!!! Sport President Communications Officer Club President Club President Participation and Engagement Officer Club Member Health Promotions Officer Club Member Club Member Club Development How can you improve and develop your club? Increase Participation and Membership Community Link Coaching Facilities Coach Education Strength & Conditioning Task First Aid Courses What do your club do well? Where could your club improve? Community Links Would creating links with community sport clubs improve your club? Active Stirling Community Sport Clubs Volunteer Work Experience Sharing Resources Wallace Community Sport Hubs Active Schools Health and Wellbeing Healthy Body Healthy Mind Award – aiming to achieve 5 stars Smoking Awareness and Prevention Mental and Emotional Health De-Stress Participation Events – Rounders, Dodgeball, Touch Tennis Community Sport 1 year rolling on contract for 2015/16 There has been a slight improvement in customer service and its about building on that next year Make sure from our end orders are efficient: ◦ Sizes ◦ Quantities Order current member kit now Order Freshers kit at a time convenient at start of next year Reduced rate on President Hoodies of £10 Lauren Kirk (Marketing Assistant) Can help with designs, and low volume printing E.g. Posters, leaflets, etc. Mail Boxes Will help with larger volume of printing and more complex designs info@mbestirling.co.uk 01786 449543 Baker Street, Stirling City Centre Contact them with a design or use designer service. No need to pay upfront. Sports Centre Facilities Training slots 2015/16 meeting ◦ Wednesday 22nd April, Tennis Conference Room, 4:30pm – 6:00pm University Venues- Rooms/Lecture Theatres Send room booking form (available at www.stirlingstudentsunion.com) to theunion@stir.ac.uk with at least 3 days notice. Atrium can be booked all day every day Rooms & Lecture Theatre – only outside teaching time (all day on weekends and after 6.30pm Mon-Fri) Union Facilities Ian King’s Room (20 people max) Send an email to theunion@stir.ac.uk with details and times or visit the front desk in the Union Office. Once you receive confirmation, you hold a booking Studio/Underground/Envy Speak to Frances Slorance – Commercial Manager 01786 467183 or frances.slorance@stir.ac.uk Once you receive confirmation, you hold a booking Coaching Fund - £9,000 (£4,500 - SDS) ◦ Fill in an application form that can be found on Students Union website (www.stirlingstudentsunion.com) ◦ Sport Zone Exec Committee approve ◦ How is it going to benefit club in long term? ◦ Look for a club contribution ◦ Detail on the coach/course and the specific costs Capital Equipment - £3,000 ◦ Fill in an application form that can be found on Students Union website (www.stirlingstudentsunion.com) ◦ Sport Zone Exec Committee approve ◦ How is it going to benefit club in long term? ◦ Look for a club contribution ◦ Detail and cost of specific item required ◦ Not an everyday piece of equipment such as cones, bibs, balls etc Small pot of money last year but have requested it to be extended in Budget Let us know as early as possible the full of details of the competition and costs etc Will be similar to Coaching Fund and Capital Equipment in that Sport Exec Committee will approve amount awarded Help organise fixtures, transport, etc. Training times Sport Centre Facility enquiries Help access/administer club funds Fundraising/sponsorship advice Provide Funding Sports Bazaar & GIAG week Jill Jess/Scott Jess Jill Jess/Scott Scott Jess/Scott/Jill