HERE - Denyse Herder

Empowering Diné Youth and
Reducing Alcohol Abuse Through
Hozho and K’e
Interventions for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention in Native
American Populations (RO1)
 Research Project Grant
 Community Based Research
 Up to 5 years (Award Period)
 From National Institutes of Health: National Institute on
Alcoholism and Alcohol Abuse (NIAAA)
 NIAAA Interests
Reduction of high risk drinking, alcohol misuse, promotion of moderate
drinking, youth refrainment from drinking at early age, prevention of
alcohol use among pregnant women
 Target Population: Native Americans
 Alaska Native, American Indian, & Native Hawaiian
 Eligible Organizations
Higher Education Institutions
For-profit organizations
 Tribal and non-tribal
 Other: Native American Tribal
Organizations, faith-based
community organizations,
independent school districts,
public/Native American housing
Maryellen Connell
Grants Management Branch
National Institute on Drug Abuse
6001 Executive Blvd.
Bethesda, MD 20892-9560
Telephone: (301) 774.-3803
 Health Promotion and disease prevention among Native American populations as a
result of health disparities such as Chronic disease, substance abuse, mental illness,
and HIV-infection prevalent within Native communities
 To create, develop, and test culturally appropriate intervention program that will
enhance Native American communities through promotion of healthy behaviors,
healthy lifestyles.
 Intervention Program should be developed in such a way that community resources
will be able to sustain the program with the probability of promoting a similar
program in other Native communities
 Long-term goal:
Reduce morbidity & mortality in Native American communities!
Indigenous Values
Children are sacred,
they are the future
There is potential in the cultures of
indigenous peoples to heal their
communities. Our youth are the future,
they are leaders in the making. Within
Native culture exists protective factors
for youth against risky behaviors.
Intervention Program:
 Target Population
 Navajo Reservation: Leupp, AZ Community
 Navajo Youth grades K-12
 Organization applying for funding:
 Navajo Nation Office of Youth Development sub office- Leupp Youth Center
 As the only youth organization in the Leupp area, we strive to meet the recreational, social,
cultural, and academic needs of our Dine youth, providing service to more than 50 youth, K-12th
grade, and their families per week. Our facility provides a computer room, weight room, reading
room, a summer activity program, tutoring, and an after school program.
 Although Leupp center provides programs it lacks a culturally appropriate alcohol prevention
program for youth.
 Leupp Youth Center Goals
 Youth Resiliency, Wellness, & Leadership
Intervention Program: A Need Exists
 Leupp is a bordertown to Winslow & Flagstaff AZ
 Incidents related to alcohol in Leupp Area
Fatal Car Crashes
Student Intoxication at school
Domestic/Family Violence
Child Abuse
 Early onset of alcohol use among youth & impact of misuse
 “Most of the pre-teen boys to 18 years of age are the ones that I have seen with
substance abuse and alcohol problems, they party on weekends with friends
and even their own families……They get to the point of not doing well in
school... Most of my boys are coming from alcoholic families…the abuse and
neglect that parents do to their kids is the reason why the boys say they do
what they do…It comes down to dropping out of school and not having the
desire to accomplish anything (Kristopher Herder, Residential Aid at Leupp Schools Inc.
Dormitory, 2013).”
Intervention Program:
Empowering Dine Youth and Reducing Alcohol
Abuse Through Hozho and K’é
 K’é
Family & Clan Relationships
“K’é is essential to a person’s inner peace and is what a person is to strive toward on a daily
basis….K’é involves the balancing of kindness and empathy on one hand and Navajo
teaching on the other” (Parsons-Yazzie)
Helps strengthen family bonds-Promoting peace, respect, sense of responsibility
Helps Build Community-fosters unity, sense of belonging to family & social group
How is K’é applicable to enhancing community health?
 Hozho
Beauty, Balance, Harmony
Blessingway Ceremony based on Hozho
Encompasses the good things in life
How does alcohol cause barriers to living one’s life in balance & beauty?
Intervention Program: Emphasis on
importance of community (K’é)
•What do we want for our community?
•Family & Community Activities
•Parent & Youth Talking Circles
•Presenters from community
•What is hozho?
•Staying safe & Keeping our bodies healthy
•How alcohol conflicts with Hozho:
Incorporation of cultural teachings
•Youth sense of belonging in community
•Strengthening of families
•Increased awareness of alcohol misuse
Parents &
Program Details
Total Cost for Entire Project: $160,000 for 1 year
Total Direct Costs: $100,000
Total Indirect costs: $60,000
Collaboration with the following stakeholders
Local schools
Navajo Nation Law Enforcement
Navajo Nation Dept. of Behavioral Health
Navajo Nation Youth Council
Leupp Social Services
Local Community Members & Leupp Chapter House
10 Classes
Emphasize alcohol education, community support of youth, importance of community, awareness of negative implications of
alcohol misuse & Navajo cultural components to make material relevant to Navajo community wellness
Potential Barriers
Level of commitment and involvement of community
Opposition of a program that incorporates Diné culture
Interpretation of Diné concepts
Intervention Program: Outcomes
 Competence, Confidence, Connection, Character, ContributionPositive Youth Development
 Cultural participation by youth
 Strengthening of family bonds & communication
 Collaboration with community knowledge holders
 Enhancement of Leupp community health
Thank You!
Begay, S. (2003, Feb 27). Target: Drunk Drivers; Crownpoint opens MADD Chapter in Battle
Against Drunk Driving. Navajo Times. Retrieved from
Brokenleg, M. (2012). Transforming Cultural Trauma into Resilience. Reclaiming
Children & Youth, 21(3), 9-13.
Cody Jr. (2013, Oct 29). Identifying local rez problems, want & needs and ideas.
Message posted to
Friese, B., Grube, J. W., Moore, R. S., Paschall, M. J., & Seninger, S. (2011, January). Drinking
behavior and sources of alcohol: differences between Native American and White youths. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 72(1), 53+. Retrieved from
HeavyRunner-Rioux, A. R., & Hollist, D. R. (2010). Community, Family, and Peer
Influences on Alcohol, Marijuana, and Illicit Drug Use Among a Sample of Native American Youth: An Analysis of Predictive Factors. Journal Of Ethnicity In
Substance Abuse, 9(4), 260-283. doi:10.1080/15332640.2010.522893
Kenyon, D., & Hanson, J. D. (2012). Incorporating Traditional Culture Into Positive
Youth Development Programs With American Indian/Alaska Native Youth. Child Development Perspectives, 6(3), 272-279. doi:
10.1111/j. 17508606.2011.00227.x
Kristopher Herder, interviewed by Denyse Herder, December 9, 2013.
Long, W., Downs, A., Gillette, B., Kills in Sight, L. L., & Konen, E. (2006). Assessing
Cultural Life Skills of American Indian Youth. Child & Youth Care Forum,
35(4), 289-304. doi:10.1007/s10566-006-9017-8
Napoli, M., Marsiglia, F., & Kulis, S. (2003). Sense of Belonging lit School as a Protective
Factor Against Drug Abuse Among Native American Urban Adolescents. Journal Of
Social Work Practice In The Addictions, 3(2), 25-41. doi:10.1300J160v03n02_03
Parsons-Yazzie, E. (2007). Dine Bina’nitin Navajo Teachings Dine Bizaad Binahoo’aah
Rediscovering the Navajo Language: An Introduction to the Navajo Language. Flagstaff, AZ: Salina Bookshelf.
Ross, G. (2013, Oct 9). Using Tradition to Teach our Kids Purpose: Mentorship Matters, Part
II. Indian Country Today. Retrieved from
SAMHSA. (2013, Aug 26) (NACE) “Critical Dialoge with Native Youth about
Underage Drinking: Our Culture is Prevention”. Retrieved from
Yellow, L.R. (2012, Feb 12). We have Issues in Tuba City. Navajo Times. Retrieved from
Images courtesy of Google Images & Denyse Herder photos