
Name: _______________________________________
Class: _______________________________________
Date: ________________________________________
Walam Olum & Navajo Origin Legend: Origin and Emergence
1. In what ways are the “Walam Olum” and “Navajo Origin” tales of origin and emergence? Compare and
contrast the two stories. _________________________________________________________________
2. Where do you see influences or traces of the oral tradition in these two stories? In other words, what would
make these stories easy to memorize and retell to other people. Give specific examples. ______________
3. Explain the connection between humans and nature in each story. _____________________________
4. Identify and quote specific examples of symbols that you find in these myths. What do you think they mean?
5. “Walam Olum” is an origin myth that attempts to explain natural phenomena. Indirectly, it teaches the values
and ideals of the Delaware culture. What can you infer about the values of the tribe from their origin
tale? ________________________________________________________________________________
6. “Navajo Origin” is also a myth. Indirectly, it teaches the values and ideals of the Navajo culture. What can
you infer about the values of their tribe from this origin tale? ___________________________________