Cell Analogy Cell-Castle Grant Anger Nucleolus-Keep Nucleolus-Eukaryotes cells Contains the genetic information Nucleus-King Nucleus-Eukaryotes cells Ribosomes-Workers Robsomes-All cells Makes prtotiens for use in the cells Mitochondrion-Bakery Mitochondrion-Eukaryotes cells Makes energy for the use in the cell Cell Wall-Castle Wall Cell wall-Plant and Prokaryotes cells Provides support for the cell Plasma Membrane-Soldiers Plasma Mebrane- All cells Acts as border control and keeps allows molecules in Golgi Body-Armory Golgi Body-eukaryotes cells Customization of proteins Smooth and Rough ER-Barracks Barracks-Eukaroytes cells Places where the Protien synthesis ocurs Chroplats-Food sources Choroplats-plant cells Provides energy for the cell Vacule-Soterage Vacule-eukaryotes cells Storage of molecules in the cell Cytoplasm-Town Cytoplasm-All cells Holds the main organells in the cell Source Citations CastleHappy3D. "3D Models Evolved - Checkmate„ ¢ Certification." 3D Models, Textures and Plugins at TurboSquid. Turbosquid, n.d. Web. 22 Oct. 2012. <http://www.turbosquid.com/>. SoldierSchroeder, Dave. "Schroeder Guildroy Home Page." Schroeder Guildroy Home Page. Dave Schroeder, n.d. Web. 22 Oct. 2012. <http:// www.daveschroeder.com/>. Source Citations continuted BlacksmithEdwards, Mrs. "Day in the Life of a Blacksmith." Living in the Middle Ages /. Living in the Middle Ages, 8 Feb. 2009. Web. 22 Oct. 2012. <http:// medievallife.pbworks.com/w/page/20701040/Day %20in%20the%20life%20of%20a%20Blacksmith> BakerRayner, Lisa. "LisaRayner Home Page - Cooking, Canning and Gardening Books." LisaRayner Home Page - Cooking, Canning and Gardening Books. Lisa Rayner, n.d. Web. 22 Oct. 2012. <http://www.lisarayner.com/>.