Slovak University of Agriculture Nitra Faculty of EU Studies and Regional Development Ex-ante Evaluation of Local Action Group (LAG), Levoca Presented by: Main Facilitator: Ing. Jela Tvrdoňová, PhD Field Facilitator: Ing. Barbora Milotová, PhD. Ali, Festus Arroyo, Jose Bhandari, Thaneshwar Laing,Lan Nyoni, Abel Outline of the presentation • • • • • • Introduction Objectives Methodology Main findings Conclusion Recommendation 1.Introduction • The LEADER axis (4) approach implemented in Slovakia since 2007. • Integrated rural development strategy has been elaborated and is about to go operational for MAS LEV. • Population of the LAG´s region: 31 017 • 29 villages and 2 towns. • Area of the LAG : 251 km ². Introduction (contd..)- Membership 67 members: Public sector (51,56%) Private sector (15,63%) Civil sector (32,81%) 2. Objetives • To identify the link between the SWOT analysis, problem analysis, priorities, Strategic objective, specific objectives, measures, and activities. • To establish a clear relation between the measures, action plan, chosen activities and the budget plan. • To assess and judge the quality of partnershipLAG 3. Methodology • Collection of primary information using: questionnaires, university guidelines, discussions with key stakeholders and partners. • Consulting documents of LAG and internet website. • Field visit by observing historical sites and villages. Framework of Evaluation of strategy SWOT & Situation analysis vision Key problems Strategic objective priorities Specific objectives measures Financial plan actions 4. Main Findings 4.1: SWOT analysis • Is broad & reflects the situation on the ground • Puts much emphasis on tourism development • Used participatory bottom-up approach i.e. workshops in 29 villages covering the entire territory. • Reflect the selected development priorities, objectives, measures However, improvements could be done to include: • Other potential sectors like agriculture and industrial activities. • Information on issues such as mobility of tourists in the region, social networks and the general situation of basic social services provision. Main Findings (Contd..) 4.2.Problem Analysis • Participatory problem analysis involving all stakeholders. • Identified problems reflect the needs of the region in the tourism sector • Key priorities have been established based on the problems identified. 4.3 Logic of Strategic Framework & interlinkages: • Selected objectives & measures are well justified by situation analysis & SWOT • Intervention logic is clearly set by strategic framework. • Selected measures contributing to fulfillment of specific & consequently strategic objectives. However, • Priority 4 and its specific objective are too ambitious & might not be achieved even if the planned measures and activities are achieved. 4.4 Venn Diagram 4.5 Partnership Analysis Peter Pitoňák Jozef Molčan Ing. Miroslav Ladislav Čurilla Maturkanič Ing. Monika Iveta Ing. Fabiánová Chomjak Andrea ová Hradiská Peter Pitoňák Jozef Molčan Ing. Ladislav Maturkanič Miroslav Čurilla Ing. Monika Fabiánová Iveta Chomjaková Ing. Andrea Hradiská +++ ++ ++ ++ +++ +++ 0 ++ ++ 0 0 0 0 0 0 +++ +++ ++ +++ +++: High level of partnership +: minimum level of partnership + + ++: Medium level of partnership 0: Neutral level of partnership 4.6 Assessment on Organisational Structure The partnership is composed equally by representatives of public, private and civic sector 5 4 LAG structure allow s effective monitoring and evaluation of implementation 3 2 The partnership reflects a balanced geographical, social and gender representation 1 0 The structure of executive bodies LAG allow s the effective implementation of the strategy (particularly the project cycle) The selection committee covers fields of strategy Decision-making bodies represent structure of LAG 4.7 Assessment of Management Decision-making authority betw een LAG and management are effectively divided 5 Management has the ability to create contacts and netw orks among stakeholders w ithin and outside the LAG 4 3 2 Management has sufficient human capacity for realization of the strategy 1 0 Management has sufficient professional capacity to help the final users of the strategy w ith the project preparation Management is know n and available in the territory Management is w ell technically and financially equipped for its activity 4.8 Assessment of strategy implementation and monitoring system AG has sufficient human capacities for monitoring of strategy implementation Management LAG has sufficient human capacity for monitoring of project realization 5 4 3 2 1 0 Strategy and its priority is approved bottom-up principle Strategy and its priority are prepared bottom-up principle 4.9 Assesement of strategy/project implementation Autonomy in financial decision of LAG 5 4 3 Eligible applicants are able to cofinance projects 2 1 LAG has sufficient capacities for identification, selection and control of project implementation 0 There is a sufficient number of eligible applicants for the strategy set out measures There are clear rules for the implementation of the strategy 5.Conclusion • The structure, institutional & administrative capacity of LAG promises successful implementation & monitoring of the proposed integrated development strategy. • Preparedness of APA and MoA may affect implementation of the LAG’s strategies and activities. the • Without additional planned measures and activities with linkage to other programs, some of the specific objectives may not be fully achieve. • LAG LEV is ready to start the implementation. 6. Recommendations • Need to integrate program committee into executive body. • All the committees need to be constituted in such a way that would avoid conflict of interest & ensure transparency in decision making. • Need to include external members in both selection & monitoring committees. • General assembly should develop mechanism on election of members into all committees to ensure geographical balance. • LAG and Micro region should clearly define their roles in integrated development in order to avoid any conflict that may arise in the future. • To achieve better quality of life of rural population in priority 4, there is a need to plan additional measures and activities. Thank you for your attention