PTO Meeting Minutes November 14, 2013 Welcome – Thank you to

PTO Meeting Minutes
November 14, 2013
Welcome –
Thank you to – Jen Patkoske for picture day – pictures went home today and retakes are next Friday.
Box Tops came back and we made over $300. Freaky Friday was great – spread out over the hallways
worked well. Bigger turn out. Jog-a-thon was a success.
Minutes: Approval 1st Kristin Stearley 2nd Jill Martindale
Treasurers report: Approval 1st Kristin Stearley 2nd Martha Conneely.
Technology Fund Drive from 2012-2013 – made $250 to purchase Apple tv, but district paid for it. We
have a surplus and would like to use the money to purchase a 42” LCD tv to hang in the lobby to show
pictures of students, upcoming events - group voted yes for using money for tv.
Fourth grade teachers report – Thank you for gift card to target – used right away! Writing - opinion
and argument unit – students are also working on developing a thesis about a topic they are passionate
about. Reading unit is non-fiction, and students are working to increase reading volume – logging
reading is important so teachers can talk to the kids about their reading. Math – transition into
multiplication and division – goal is to master multiplication facts using Ipad games and flashcards.
Science – beginning electricity and magnetism unit.
Principal update – Into reader’s writer’s workshop; children are on task and teachers conferencing with
them. Working on math workshop – same process as reader’s and writer’s – still need to teach skills
explicitly – budget – music risers, screen in music room, elmo for 4th grade and carpet = all put into
budget for next year; adding screens to nurses office, painting cabinets; awnings and real entrance
doors to café; SBAC testing will be done on Ipads in the spring (Mr. Horter is looking into grants to get
money for Ipads for students). We will be borrowing from high school so all students have them if
grants don’t come through. We will not get results before December/January of next year. Fifth graders
will still take CMT for science. Pilot enrichment for students who need to be challenged , as well as
those who need extra help as per SRBI. Cultural Awareness night was a success. Student Government
campaign – parents would have liked a little more information ahead of time about it. Goal is for it to
be all about the students and completely student-led. “A Second Cup of Coffee” – open forum of
parent-led topics – is there an interest here?
WSPC – talked to superintendent about SBAC testing. Also, high school, and traffic patterns are
changing all the time. Asbestos removal will be done over Christmas break – no one will allowed in
building for next two weeks Hope to be open Jan. 2nd, but they have back-up plans in case it doesn’t
happen. Activities normally running at HS, even through parks and rec, may be shifting to other schools.
Highcrest principal is retiring in December. Plan is to bring in interim for remainder of year and use
spring to search. Walk-to-school day – successful, the committee will be working with department of
transportation to create a master plan for district on how we can plan out safer routes for kids getting to
school. Bike to school day – dot will provide information on biking safety to school – safe routes will
help fund what we need to fix for the routes to be safer for kids. (80/20)
December meeting – vote to cancel – voted yes to cancel
Committee Updates- 6th grade update – t-shirts for 6th graders – budget $1300 for Lyman pies, a little
behind; Wolfpack night – made $810 ($260 over what was thought ) Holiday Shoppe will have bake sale,
and parents night out Friday Dec. 6th – Charles Wright students only; Custodian for the day – (took place
of principal for the day) is the early dismissal before Thanksgiving; Science Night and Technology drive
– postponed until February – Science Night will align with 5th grade CMT.
Creative Arts Council – we had two fall performances – anti-bullying for 4-6 and puppet for k-3. Spring
is Cool Cats Jazz Band (Wethersfield resident is a part of it); Marissa Powers – looking for additional
parents to attend functions sponsored by Creative Arts Council.
Enrichment - $1500 to spend on assembly enrichment for school – any ideas please let us know.
Upcoming events– Afterschool movie – 3-4:30; spring is for younger kids. Book fair – 12/12 – 12/13 will be open before and after school, and during Holiday Shoppe, too. Two days prior to book fair, will
be teacher preview – kids can look, make wish lists and bring those home for parents. Special Persons
Day – we are doing a separate event on 12/12 (next week is national education week and guests can
come in to class between 8-8:30 am) , same time frame, and then will have donuts when leaving.
WCOC – Holidays on Main 12/5
Adjourn – K. Stearley J. Martindale