Our philosophy of children's ministry

Jackson Baptist Church
Philosophy of Children’s Ministry
Amazed By God's Grace - Reflecting His Love
Amazed by God’s Grace; Reflecting His Love
Widespread Parental Involvement
Making disciples of children is a God given privilege of parents “Bring them up in the training and
instruction of the Lord” (Eph 6:4). JBC's Children ministries exist to strategically equip parents for
disciple making and to supplement their efforts at home. We help parents see the spiritual needs of
their children as more important than social needs, educational needs and even physical needs. The
home is the front line of disciple making. Families that pray together, share meals together, read the
Bible together, practice hospitality together, worship and serve together in missional community groups
fulfill the biblical mandate to “impress them (words of God) on your children. Talk about them when you
sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up” (Dt 6:7). JBC
Children’s Ministry Team (CMT) is to assist parents in making mature disciples. Our goal is to make JBC
the best friend a parent can have to raise their child for the kingdom of God.
A Church-wide Prayer Investment
Life transformation and changing a culture is God's work. We minister in vital partner with the Holy Spirit
through fervent focused prayer. We envision the entire congregation praying for children, parents and
CMT, parents gathering for prayer, CMT praying for students, CMT praying as a team, missional
community praying for children, and intercessors for each CMT and child.
Our Goal is Life Transformation
Our goal is mature disciples and we minister for life transformation. We want children who with a vital
relationship with God demonstrated by knowing what and why they believe, having biblical values and
are active in missional community groups and regular worship. This can be observed, prayed for,
planned for, and regularly evaluated. Our best strategy is to start young, “Unless you become like a little
child you will never enter the kingdom of heaven” (Mt 18:3) and pray and work together till we reach our
We believe our ministry to children and their parents is our best strategy to “make disciples in vital
partnership with the Holy Spirit” and will impact our surrounding community for multiple generations,
“that the generation to come...would put their trust in God” (Ps 78:7). Our ministry to children is not
just a “value added” effort for adult ministry, but the main priority for JBC. Our approach has four
components: The Home, JBC KIDS, Missional Community Groups and Mentors.
Modes for Children’s Ministry
Those on the Children Ministry Team can serve in four ways:
Our philosophy of integration is not being kid friendly but family friendly. Sunday morning by itself is not
enough. Our philosophy of children’s ministry values integration over segregation. While there are
understandably age appropriate or specialized needs within the body, we should take every opportunity
to bring God’s people together, integrating children into body life of the church.
A CMT can serve in four ways:
1) Home 2) “JBC Kids” 3) Missional Community Group 4) Mentor
The Home
We believe the Bible clearly identifies the home as primary place where children are to be discipled (Dt
6:4-9). Parents are the most important part of the CMT. Their influence and potential impact on their
children is unrivaled, and most importantly this responsibility has been commissioned to them by God,
Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the
Lord (Eph 6:4). The church is here to inspire, equip and empower the family to fulfill their God given role.
We connect all church ministries to the home.
Missional Community Groups
Small group or cell group ministries are very common place today in most churches. What is unique
about Missional Community Groups is that they are not segregated by specialization (age, gender,
interest, etc.). Missional Community Groups celebrate the diversity within the body of Christ by
integrating kids and believers of all ages to engage the mission of God together. We believe Missional
Community Groups will serve as dynamic means to “renew, relate, restore” local communities for the
Gospel of Jesus Christ by creating both an organic and intentional means to love God and people in local
communities. This is a key way for children to serve using their gifts and contribute to the body.
“JBC Kids”
The 10:45am worship service at JBC will be designed to be integrated for all ages, while not
compromising the content and integrity of the worship service. We do not believe a family-friendly
means creating a “dumbed down”, entertainment driven worship service. We believe the purpose of a
family friendly worship service is not to entertain, but to equip families in becoming not just hearers but
doers of the Word of God. We encourage families to worship together. All kids are with the adults for
prayer, music, giving, fellowship and the sacraments. Parents are welcome to have the children stay
with them through the whole service. A nursery is provided for infants to age 3.
We also offer “JBC Kids” approximately half way through the 10:45am service, where children can leave
for a message specifically targeted for their age group. JBC Kids will be using The Gospel Project, which
takes children through the meta-narrative of Scripture by teaching the redemptive narrative of the
Gospel in all the text. Our focus is for children to know the Bible is not a book of rules, values, or heroes;
it is a love story of how our King left everything to rescue the one that He loves. The emphasis of “JBC
Kids” is for children to be confronted and engaged with the Gospel explicitly, that children would
understand their identity in Christ rooted in the Gospel. Children must know the implications of the
Gospel in their life (inheritance, what they have been saved from & for) and that we are strong in Christ
and apart from His grace we are lost and helpless.
We are going to develop a culture of mentoring kids. This will begin with those who are CMT’s who have
a vital relationship with a kid. We believe parents will welcome as many Godly influences in their
children’s lives as possible in their child’s discipleship process. This won’t be another program but a key
value we will pray for, encourage and equip.
“JBC Kids” Format
Half way through the 10:45am worship service, JBC Kids (ages 3-11) will meet for 45 minutes.
This will be broken into 5 groups:
 3 year old class
 Pre-K & Kindergarten (Ages 4-5)
 1st & 2nd Grade
 3rd & 4th Grade
 5th & 6th Grade
Each group will be assigned three members of our CMT for the duration of the school year
We have chosen to adopt Lifeway Christian Resources’ The Gospel Project. Through much prayer,
research and discussion we believe the focus of The Gospel Project is in lock-step with the
mission, philosophy and strategy of Jackson Baptist Church. It focuses on teaching God’s story of
redemption through Jesus Christ in all of Scripture. The Gospel Project shares one of the
dominant aspects of our philosophy, identifying the home as the primary place where children
are to be disciple. The curriculum offers several resources to assist parents with partnering with
the church by equipping them to take the lead in their child’s spiritual development by offering
take home materials, free online helps, and a downloadable app.
Please watch this video for a comprehensive look at The Gospel Project
Qualifications & Expectations for Children Ministry Team:
Ministry Description: JBC KIDS Teacher
Amazing children with God’s grace, teaching them to reflect God’s love via the instruction of His Word.
Brief Description
A JBC KIDS teacher is a committed Christian who guides, loves, teaches, & cares for the children in their class. The
teacher prays for the children in the class, desires to build relationships with them & their parents, thoughtfully &
prayerfully plans their lesson & class time, and implements a ministry for them.
The focus for a JBC KIDS teacher is to communicate to children that the Bible is not a book of rules, values, or
heroes; it is a love story of how our King Jesus left everything to rescue the one that He loves. The emphasis of JBC
KIDS is for children to be confronted and engaged with the Gospel explicitly, that children would understand their
identity in Christ rooted in the Gospel. Children must know the implications of the Gospel in their life (inheritance,
what they have been saved from & for) and that we are strong in Christ and apart from His grace we are lost and
Responsible to
JBC KIDS Coordinator; Pastor of Family Ministries
Description of duties
Commit to be present at each JBC KIDS class as scheduled.
Prepare lessons in advance and come to teach thoroughly prepared.
Having an understanding of the meta-narrative of Scripture by teaching the redemptive narrative of the
Gospel in all the text
Pray regularly for each child, your teaching ministry, and other volunteers on your team.
Ensure that classroom is clean and set up properly before children arrive.
Gather all needed supplies before children arrive.
Be present in classroom 15 minutes before class begins; remain until last child has been picked up.
Keep attendance records.
Fill out and utilize information cards on regular attendees and new students.
Arrange for a substitute teacher from the approved list of subs if you can’t serve when scheduled. Do this in
communication with the JBC KIDS Coordinator and your co-teachers.
Work to develop relationship with parents and to include & involve them in your classroom.
Attend training meetings.
Follow all established safety and security guidelines for children’s ministry programs, including submitting to
the church’s policies on screening, background checks, safety training, etc.
Time requirements
1-2 hours preparing for classes when scheduled to teach
Approximately 1 hour in the classroom to prepare, welcome children, teach, send children home with parents,
and clean up after the class.
1 school year (September-June). Teachers will notify JBC KIDS Coordinator if they plan to teach the following
school year at the end of their term
Mandatory Summer break (July-August)
Training and resources
Attend monthly or quarterly teacher training meetings.
Use teacher’s guides of curriculum provided by the church.
Ask Pastor of Family Ministries for any other specialized training or resources you need to deal with needs in
your class.
Qualifications, skills, and gifts
Member or regular attender of JBC that is in agreement with JBC doctrinal statement
Must attend the early Sunday morning worship service
Submission of background check and compliance with JBC Child Protection Policy
Appointed by JBC KIDS coordinator and Pastor of Family Ministries
An understanding & articulation of the Gospel as part of the redemptive meta-narrative of Scripture
Affirmation of teaching gifts
Prayed for and commissioned in 11am service
A love for the Word of God displayed in a strong and growing personal commitment to Jesus.
A heart, passion, and love for children, particularly of those in the age group you’ll be teaching.
Committed to values, mission and vision of JBC and of the larger children’s ministry.
Enthusiastic, Dependable, Engaging, Works well with others
Personal Benefits: How does JBC Kids fit in with the mission & vision of JBC?
Growth in your own knowledge of the Bible as you prepare lessons and teach classes (“Renew”); intimacy with
God & others as you equip others with His Word (“Relate”); unrivaled community as an engaged member of the
body of Christ as you live out the Gospel with the children of the church as well as their parents (“Relate”);
profound satisfaction in knowing that you are equipping another generation of Christians to further the kingdom
of God (“Restore”).
CMTs report to “JBC Kids” Coordinator, who reports to Pastor Jared
We encourage communication of prayer requests & praises
Training Content & Orientation (required for new CMT):
Session 1: Biblical Basis for CM &The Prepared Children’s Minister
Session 2: Discipline in the Classroom & Message of Salvation/Counseling a Child for Salvation
Session 3: Bible Lesson Preparation & Curriculum overview and resources
o 3 hours total (each session 1 hour)