STAUGHTON COLLEGE 2012 POLICIES and PROCEDURES HANDBOOK Staughton College Wilson Road Melton South, 3338 Phone: Fax: Email: Web: 9743 4622 9747 8408 1 INDEX TERMS OF REFERENCE FOR COLLEGE SUB COMMITTEES...................................................3 WHOLE SCHOOL TEAMS...............................................................................................................4 THE POLICY PROCESS ................................................................................................................... 5 VCE/VET/VCAL POLICY .................................................................................................................. 6 STAUGHTON COLLEGE DEBUTANTE BALL POLICY ........................................................... 15 ANTI-BULLYING AND PROCEDURES ....................................................................................... 16 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................ 16 ATTENDANCE ................................................................................................................................ 19 EXCURSIONS .................................................................................................................................. 22 STAFF LEAVE .................................................................................................................................. 24 UNIFORM ......................................................................................................................................... 27 GIRLS ................................................................................................................................................ 28 BOYS ................................................................................................................................................. 28 E-LEARNING.................................................................................................................................... 31 STUDENT ENGAGEMENT POLICY ............................................................................................ 34 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY ................................................................................................................ 48 INVESTMENT .................................................................................................................................. 53 PRIVACY .......................................................................................................................................... 54 FUND RAISING ............................................................................................................................... 57 PREVENTION OF BULLYING IN THE WORKPLACE .............................................................. 58 ISDES - ILLICIT DRUG USE ........................................................................................................... 60 INDIVIDUAL SCHOOLS DRUG EDUCATION STRATEGY - SMOKING ............................... 62 SCHOOL CAMPS ............................................................................................................................ 63 MUSIC ............................................................................................................................................... 67 REFUND ........................................................................................................................................... 68 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT ............................................................................................... 70 HOMEWORK ................................................................................................................................... 72 VET ENROLMENT FORM .............................................................................................................. 75 ANAPHYLAXIS ............................................................................................................................... 77 FIRST AID POLICY ......................................................................................................................... 79 MANUAL HANDLING POLICY .................................................................................................... 81 RETURN TO WORK ....................................................................................................................... 85 APPENDIX 1 .................................................................................................................................... 85 INTERNET BANKING .................................................................................................................... 88 2 TERMS OF REFERENCE FOR COLLEGE SUB COMMITTEES EDUCATION SUB-COMMITTEE Responsibilities: The Education Sub-Committee has delegated responsibility to: oversee the development and on-going evaluation of all College policies in keeping with the policy and guidelines of the Department of Education and Training, and within the jurisdiction of College Council constituting orders provide regular reports to the College Council provide information and advice to the College Council, as required, on educational matters ensure that all sections of the College community have the opportunity to have input into formulation of policies and recommendations to the College Council Specific attention should be given to: College Curriculum Student Engagement Guidelines Student Dress Code Camps and Excursions Aspects of College Strategic Plan/Annual Implementation Plan/Triennial Review FINANCE SUB-COMMITTEE Responsibilities: The Finance Sub-Committee has delegated responsibility to: oversee the preparation of a master budget that ensures that College goals and priorities can be met in accordance with the policy and guidelines of the Department of Education and Training, and within the jurisdiction of College Council constituting orders monitor cash financial transactions and ensure they are in accordance with the budget plan provide regular reports to the College Council provide information and advice to the College Council, as required, on financial matters Specific attention should be given to: Development of an Annual statement of Receipts and Expenditure Program Budget process Cash allocation in the School Global Budget Trading Operations Facilities and Maintenance Leased Equipment Aspects of the College Strategic Plan/Annual Implementation Plan/Triennial Review . PROMOTIONS/FUND-RAISING SUB-COMMITTEE Responsibilities: The Promotions/Fund-Raising Sub-Committee has delegated responsibility to: Develop and oversee the timeline of organisation of all fund-raising and promotional activities that ensures College goals and priorities can be met in accordance with the policy and guidelines of the Department of Education and Training, and within the jurisdiction of College Council constituting orders monitor all financial transactions associated with the organisations and running of events within standard Department of Education guidelines provide regular reports to the College Council provide information and advice to the College Council, as required, on promotional and fund-raising events Specific attention should be given to: Initiating and coordinating fund-raising events (eg: chocolate drive, trivia night) Supporting annual College events (eg: Year 7 barbecue, Information evenings) Coordinating promotional events News releases 3 WHOLE SCHOOL TEAMS PRINCIPALS ADVISORY TEAM Duties: This team will be responsible for all matters relating to staff working conditions and duties Membership: Principal Assistant Principal X1 Assistant Principal (Minutes secretary) Staff Representative X 2 ADMIN TEAM Duties: This team will be responsible for all matters relating to all matters relating to the administration and organisation within the school with a focus on future directions. TEACHING AND LEARNING TEAM Duties: This team will be responsible for all matters relating to curriculum development, implementation and evaluation of the Colleges curriculum program within state-wide and College policies and guidelines. STUDENT OPERATIONS TEAM Duties: This team will be responsible for all matters relating to student welfare and school wide positive behaviour within the school, and to ensure that state-wide and College Policies and guidelines are met. PERFORMANCE AND DEVELOPMENT TEAM Duties: This team will be responsible for Performance and Development within the school. They have a particular focus on coaching. STUDENT LEADERSHIP TEAM Duties: This team will be responsible for extracurricular activities at the college and the selection, roles and development of student leaders within the school 4 Staughton College Policy THE POLICY PROCESS Policy making provides an open and systematic approach to school management. For this purpose a comprehensive and sustained development process will operate at Staughton College. The College Council is the only body responsible for ratifying process Policies must be consistent with DEECD policy Policy development will be co-ordinated by the Education subcommittee from the College Council Opportunities will be provided for the community to participate All policies will be included in the Policy Handbook Evaluation and review will occur as part of a cyclical process 5 Staughton College Policy VCE/VET/VCAL POLICY Introduction The Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA) has responsibility for the regulations governing the VCE. Staughton College is responsible for developing policies and procedures for the implementation and management of the VCE across the College. The College Council approves all College policies before publication and implementation. The Principal is responsible for publishing this policy and overseeing its implementation at the College. All College policies are reviewed periodically by College Council Committees. Parents, teachers and students of the College are encouraged to play an active role in policy drafting. Written submissions to change this policy should be addressed to the Principal. The VCAA has published the “VCE and VCAL Administrative Handbook 2009” which contains requirements and guidelines for schools offering VCE courses. Copies of the handbook are available for perusal at the College or may be obtained directly from the VCAA. Additionally, the handbook is published on the Internet at This policy is based on the following principles: The College’s policies and practices will aim to be fair and assist students to successfully complete their VCE. Teachers will make all reasonable efforts to assist and support students to succeed. Students will be ultimately responsible for their actions and behaviour. In fairness to teachers and students, procedures need to be implemented fairly and consistently across all VCE programs. At the beginning of each unit students and parents will be informed as to the expectation, assessment criteria and work to be done in that unit. The students and their parents need to be supplied with clear, constructive feedback on student performance within the VCE units. Note: Equivalent National Tertiary Entrance Rank (ENTER) will now be referred to in 2010 as the Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR). It is a name change only. There is no change to the calculation and it will have no effect on students’ ranking or the selection process. VCE Guidelines 1. Student enrolment All students must complete a VASS personal details form and sign the agreement to abide by the VCAA’s regulations. Any student who is transferring from another school or returning to study must ensure that details of past enrolments, including their student number, are included on the VASS form. It is the student’s responsibility to make sure that all personal details are correct on the VASS form. All correspondence regarding Unit 3 and 4 results and tertiary offers are mailed directly to the address on the VASS files, not to the College, so students must ensure that VCAA has all the correct details. 2. Satisfactory completion of a unit 6 Students must demonstrate achievement of each of the outcomes specified in the Study Design for each VCE unit. The decision to award an ‘S’ or an ‘N’ is based on a teacher’s professional judgement of a student’s performance on assessment tasks and coursework designated for the unit. This decision is distinct from the assessment of levels of performance. Students can complete multiple assessment tasks in order to achieve competency. Any flexible learning options are negotiated directly with the teacher/trainer. The student must submit all work on time, unless an extension of time has been previously arranged. The student must submit work that is clearly their own. If all outcomes are achieved, the student receives an ‘S’ (Satisfactory) for the unit. Where a student has achieved all the unit outcomes but has not met the class attendance requirements, the student will be awarded an ‘N’. A student will receive an ‘N’ for the unit if: - The work is not of the required standard. - He/she has failed to meet a college deadline for the assessment task, including where an extension of time has been granted for any reason. - The work cannot be authenticated. - There has been a breach of rules, including college attendance rules. The teacher must keep accurate records of their assessments of students’ work; both for the purpose of feedback to students and parents, and for accountability to the College and the VCAA. 3. Deadlines Staughton College has the responsibility for setting completion dates for Coursework Assessments and advertising these in advance to students and parents. The VCAA Handbook 2009 Section 10.2 states: “Teachers are advised to give students the dates for completion of assessment tasks in advance, taking into account the VCAA important administrative dates. Schools should take into account the issues of authentication and student workload in deciding when specific details of tasks are given to students. An extension may be needed to account for circumstances in which an individual student or group of students has not been given appropriate time to undertake or complete Schoolassessed Coursework or a School-assessed Task.” 4. Assessment The VCAA sets down eight rules which a student must observe when preparing work for assessment by the school. They are: 1. A student must ensure that all unacknowledged work submitted for assessment is genuinely his/her own. 2. A student must acknowledge all resources used, including: • text, websites and source material • the name/s and status of any person/s who provided assistance and the type of assistance provided. 3. A student must not receive undue assistance from another person in the preparation and submission of work. Acceptable levels of assistance include: • the incorporation of ideas or material derived from other sources (for example, by reading, viewing or note taking), but which has been transformed by the student and used in a new context • prompting and general advice from another person or source which leads to refinements and/or selfcorrection. Unacceptable forms of assistance include: • use of, or copying of, another person’s work or other resources without acknowledgment • corrections or improvements made or dictated by another person. 4. A student must not submit the same piece of work for assessment in more than one study. 5. A student who knowingly assists other students in a breach of rules may be penalised. 7 6. A student must sign an authentication record for work done outside class at the time of submitting the completed task. This declaration states that all unacknowledged work is the student’s own. 7. A student must sign a general declaration that he/she will obey the rules and instructions for the VCE, and accept its disciplinary provisions. 8. A student undertaking School-assessed Coursework or School-assessed Tasks tests must comply with examination rules. (See 5.11.1 of the VCE and VCAL Administrative Handbook 2009) In addition to observing the VCAA’s rules, students must also observe the College rules, including rules regarding attendance and deadlines. 5. School Assessment School Assessed Coursework (SACs) and School Assessed Tasks (SATs) count towards a student’s Study Score in each VCE study and towards the student’s Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) score. School-Assessed Tasks (SATs) School-assessed Tasks are subject to review by a panel appointed by the VCAA. The Study Designs set out details of the SATs to be completed for assessment purposes. Written comments should be made by teachers on only one draft of each SAT. The draft containing the teacher’s comments should be initialled and dated by the teacher. This draft should be retained and submitted with the final work. School-Assessed Coursework (SACs) Students should be clearly informed of the timeline and conditions under which each Coursework Assessment is to be conducted. SACs are completed mainly in class time within a limited period. Teachers should select an appropriate range of SAC tasks selected from the Study Design. At the commencement of a SAC teachers will provide to students a clear description of the task to be completed and any special requirements that must be followed. For example, when the task is to prepare a written document, then word count ranges will be specified. Teachers must keep in mind the issue of workload when devising SAC tasks. Work completed by students out of class must be authenticated according to the guidelines set out by the VCAA. Students must attend the lessons where SAC tasks are scheduled. If students know in advance that they will be absent, the VCE Coordinator must be informed in writing. Students who advise the College in advance of a legitimate absence will be permitted to sit an alternative SAC at a later date. Students absent from a scheduled SAC (without forewarning) must supply a doctor’s certificate, or equivalent documentation, if they are to sit an alternative task on a later date. (See 11.3 and 11.4.2 of the VCE and VCAL Administrative Handbook 2009) Teachers are not required to formally sight drafts or to record their completion. Teachers must not mark or provide comments on any draft of work that is to be submitted for coursework assessment. 6. Moderation Moderation is a process in which the assessments of teachers are compared across classes completing similar assessment tasks, with the objective of ensuring that individual teachers are neither too harsh nor too lenient in their assessment of students' work. To ensure consistency in assessment, the College will undertake moderation of teacher assessments, both within and outside the College. The VCAA demands moderation of assessments when a class contains less than five students and recommends moderation when classes contain between five and fifteen students. 8 The College shall determine if the moderation process will require some College time and budget accordingly for replacement teacher costs. 7. Attendance Students should attend all scheduled classes for their chosen VCE units. The College has determined that regular student attendance and participation in scheduled classes are important factors in VCE coursework and assist teachers to assess and authenticate student outcomes. Although the College recognises that, from time to time, students will be unable to attend class because of illness or other legitimate reason; for the sake of consistency, the College has established strict attendance requirements across all VCE units. Students are expected to attend every scheduled class or have a valid reason for non-attendance. Our College classifies two types of absence: - An authorised absence, which can be validated by official documentation. - An unauthorised absence, which cannot be validated by official documentation. What is an authorised absence? - Absences with a medical certificate. - Participation in College-approved activities such as sport, music lessons, leadership courses, excursions, VET, etc. - Suspension. What is an unauthorised absence? - All other absences. A student is permitted to have up to 10% absences in a unit without affecting their course completion requirements. VCE students who fail to meet the attendance requirements for a VCE unit may not be considered to have successfully completed that unit. Written notices advising a student’s parents or guardians that the student’s absences are jeopardising the successful completion of a VCE unit will be sent after four unauthorised absences. A letter requesting an interview will be sent to parents or guardians when the student has reached seven unauthorised absences. The purpose of the meeting will be to develop a clear Action Plan to assist the student to achieve the course outcomes. In the case of students enrolling part way through a VCE unit, the College will make an individual determination of attendance requirements at the time of enrolment. 8. Lateness VCE Students arriving late to a scheduled class may miss important information regarding the unit, apart from the disruptive effect that late arrivals have on a class in progress. Repeated lateness in arriving for class is seen by the College as being similar to absence from class. 9. Examinations An examination is any centrally set task, which is externally assessed by the VCAA. This includes written, oral or performance tasks conducted according to the requirements of accredited Study Designs and taken under examination conditions External examinations for units 3 and 4 are set by panels appointed by the VCAA. They include the General Achievement Test (GAT). All VCE students enrolled in one or more unit 3 and 4 sequence must sit the GAT. Special arrangements may be made to meet the needs of students who have disabilities or illnesses that would affect their performance in an examination. An Application for Special Examination Arrangements form can be obtained from the VCE Coordinator. The VCAA decides the timing of external units 3 and 4 examinations. There are two major scheduled examination periods during the year: June and October/November. Units 3 and 4 examinations, set by the VCAA, will be subject to independent marking by assessing panels appointed by the VCAA. 9 An examination week will be scheduled for all Units 3 and 4 studies after the midyear VCAA exams and during the first week of term 4. These examinations will be set and marked internally by the College. Students studying Units 1 and 2 will be required to sit examinations set and marked internally by the College. These examinations will take place at the end of each semester. 10. Reporting This is the process of informing students, parents and the administration of individual teacher’s assessment of students on SAC tasks and outcomes. This will comprise two systems: an ‘S’ or an ‘N’ for Outcomes, and a numerical grade for School Assessed Coursework. Reporting of satisfactory completion of outcomes and levels of achievement on SAC tasks to the VCAA is mandatory for all schools using the VASS system. Staughton College will be responsible for the administration of all mid-semester and end of semester reports. After work is submitted and marked, teachers should provide feedback to students. Teachers may inform the students of their initial SAC scores. However, it must be stressed that the scores are conditional and may change as a result of statistical moderation. A student’s Study Score is calculated using the student’s moderated coursework scores for School Assessed Coursework and examination scores. VTAC uses these scores for the calculation of the student’s ATAR. A Study Score has a maximum of 50. A student will be awarded the VCE when they have successfully completed 16 units which include: - Three units from the English group. - Three sequences of units 3 and 4 studies other than English, of which 2 two can be VCE VET sequences. Students will only receive an ATAR score if they have successfully completed units 3 and 4 of an English study. The VCAA issues a Statement of Results at the end of the calendar year for all students enrolled in VCE units. 11. Redemption Students may make a written application to the VCE Coordinator at the College in order to redeem an 'N' result for an outcome. Guidelines for the redemption process state: “If, in the judgment of the teacher, work submitted by a student for the assessment of an outcome does not meet the required standard for satisfactory completion, the teacher may take into consideration work previously submitted by the student provided it meets the requirements set out, or allow the student to submit further work. A teacher may permit a student to submit further work to meet satisfactory completion requirements of a unit. Students may not submit further tasks for the reconsideration of School-assessed Coursework scores awarded by the school. Normally, students complete work for a unit during the semester in which the unit is undertaken. The school may decide to delay the decision about satisfactory completion to allow a student to complete or submit further work”. (See 7.1.3 of the VCE and VCAL Administrative Handbook 2009) Supplementary assessment tasks will be scheduled at a later date. 12. Appeals Procedure Students can appeal to the VCE Coordinator at the College against any ‘N’ results that they receive in a VCE unit. The student must lodge the appeal in writing to the VCE Coordinator within 14 days of receiving the decision. Guidelines for the appeal process are in the VCE and VCAL 2009 Administrative Handbook published by the VCAA. 10 The VCE Appeals Panel at the College will normally comprise the VCE Coordinator, the Principal and another staff member; however, if any proposed member of the panel has been the student’s teacher for the unit which is being appealed then the College Principal will nominate a substitute panel member for that hearing. If the panel deems that an interview is necessary, the student should not be given less than 24 hours notice of the interview. If the student wishes, a parent or friend may attend in a support role but not as an advocate. The decision by the VCE Appeals Panel at the College to change or not change a VCE unit result is final; there is no appeal against assessment to the VCAA. Students may appeal to the VCAA if they believe there has been a breach of VCAA policy or guidelines. 13. Recognition of Prior Learning and Mutual Recognition Staughton College recognises prior student learning and achievement in: VCE units completed at other institutions and recorded in VASS. AQF (Australian Qualifications Framework). Statements of Attainment issued by any Registered Training Organisation. Conversely, some subjects require prior knowledge or a willingness to undertake some preparation if entering the subject at Unit 3 level. The VCAA advises that students complete either or both Units 1 and 2 before attempting Unit 3. 14. Special Provision/Consideration of Disadvantage A student is eligible for Special Provision in student programs if, at any time while studying for the VCE, he/she is adversely affected in a significant way by: • illness (physical or psychological) • any factors relating to personal environment • other serious cause • an impairment or disability, including learning disabilities. The circumstances affecting the student do not include matters or situations of the student’s own choosing, for example involvement in social or sporting activities or school events. Students must be able to complete all work related to satisfactory completion of the outcomes of the unit. Students absent from school for prolonged periods must be able to comply with the school’s authentication procedures to demonstrate that they have completed the work and that the work is their own. Prolonged absence from school or study is not in itself grounds for Special Provision. However, arrangements described in this section are applicable to students experiencing severe hardship which may result in prolonged absence. Where a student is unable to complete a scheduled coursework task or whose achievement on a coursework task is affected by illness or by other factors, the College may: Allow the student to undertake the task at a later date. Grant an extension of time to complete the task. Assess the same outcome(s) by setting a substitute task of similar scope and demand. Using technology, aides or other special arrangements to undertake assessment tasks. If a student believes they may be eligible for Special Consideration they should contact the VCE Coordinator as quickly as possible, providing appropriate documentary evidence. The Special Provision guidelines are in the VCE 2009 Administrative Handbook published by the VCAA. 15. Extensions of Time 11 An extension of time for all students in the class will only be given on condition that all students are given adequate notice and that no one in the class or another class is advantaged or disadvantaged by the change. Extension of time for an individual student should only be granted in special circumstances. The conditions under which an extension for individuals may be granted will be common for all VCE studies within the College. Students can be granted an extension of time by making a request in writing to the VCE Coordinator before the published due date. Work will not be accepted after the deadline if an extension of time has not been requested and granted. The only exception will be the provision of a doctor’s certificate. Tasks, which have been missed through illness or other serious causes, may be rescheduled. Medical certificates or other relevant documentation must be supplied to the VCE Coordinator prior to the due date of the task. There will be a maximum of one extension granted for any unit of study. SAC tasks will usually be completed in class time within strict time limits. If a student is unable to complete such a task, an extension of time cannot be sought. Extensions of time may extend from first to second semester, but not into the next school year. Extensions of time must not exceed the deadlines for reporting of results to the VCAA. 16. The Use of Learning Technologies Students can use computers and other technologies when completing SACs/SATs. Teachers must ensure that the strict guidelines governing the use of learning technologies are specified to students in advance. It is the individual student’s decision to use leaning technology such as computers and they must accept the full responsibility for completing SACs on time even if the equipment malfunctions. Students are not eligible for Special Consideration if they are affected by faulty technology in the preparation of work. The Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL) Guidelines Introduction This is an accredited senior secondary school qualification undertaken by students in Year 11 and 12. VCAL stands for ‘The Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning’ and is divided into 4 Learning Strands: Literacy, Numeracy, Personal Development and Work Related Skills. The subjects for this are timetabled over 3 days. Students are required to complete a VET Course for one day a week and to organise one day per week work placement. This is discussed further in the Work Related Skills class. VCAL certificates VCAL certificates can be completed at Foundation, Intermediate and Senior Levels and are determined on how well students work independently, whether they follow all projects to completion, to what level they fulfil outcomes and how much teacher support they require. The Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL) is a senior secondary certificate of education recognised within the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF). The VCAL can include components of accredited Vocational Education and Training (VET) qualifications from within the AQF. VET and Further Education (FE) form an integral part of the VCAL. VET training is a compulsory requirement for completion of VCAL certificates at Intermediate and Senior level. The VCAL is accredited and issued at three award levels: • Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (Foundation) 12 • Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (Intermediate) • Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (Senior). The qualification aims to provide the skills, knowledge and attitudes to enable students to make informed choices regarding pathways to work and further education. Personal development, the utilisation of a student’s particular interests and new pathways for senior secondary students, in the context of applied learning, is the underpinning principles of the VCAL. VCAL acknowledges these principles by the development of: • knowledge and employability skills that help prepare the individual for employment and for participation in the broader context of family, community and lifelong learning • knowledge and skills that assist the individual to make informed vocational choices within specific industry sectors and/or to facilitate pathways to further learning. The VCAL certificate at each level recognises completion of a senior secondary qualification and primarily prepares students for further studies at the next VCAL level, in Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) and in VET and/or employment. Students enrol in a VCAL learning program at the level that matches their skills and abilities. For example, a student may start at either Foundation level or Intermediate level in Year 11. Each of the three award levels has a nominal duration of 1000 hours. A typical VCAL learning program would be based on a full-time load of independent learning and timetabled class time of 1000 hours. However, particularly in non-school settings, the nominal hours (including both scheduled and unscheduled contact hours) may vary, when considering the specific needs of the student. Satisfactory completion of a unit To be awarded the VCAL, students must successfully complete a learning program which contains a minimum of ten credits. The VCAL program must include: • curriculum components to the value of at least one credit, each of which can be justified against the purpose statement for each of the four VCAL curriculum strands • a minimum of two VCAL units • one credit for numeracy • curriculum components to the value of six credits at the level of the VCAL award (or above), of which one must be for literacy and one credit must be for a VCAL Personal Development Skills unit. At the VCAL Intermediate and Senior levels, the learning program must also include accredited VET curriculum components to the value of a minimum of one credit in the Industry Specific Skills Strand. The VCAL program may also contain curriculum components drawn from VCE units and FE accredited curriculum. One credit is awarded on successful completion of 100 nominal hours of accredited FE curriculum. Pathways The VCAL is designed to develop and extend pathways for young people. On completion of a VCAL, students will be able to make informed choices about employment or education pathways. Meaningful pathways are created through linking student aspirations and future employment goals to the choice of accredited curriculum in individualised ways, as well as connecting local community partnerships with VCAL learning programs for work and industry experiences, active participation in the community, and to support young people. The ability to include curriculum from VET and FE in VCAL learning programs connects students with broader options for work, further education, and active community participation. Successful partnerships in the VCAL involve building a culture of collaboration and crossing bridges between schools and other providers. Achieving the pathways that arise from these partnerships relies on strong cooperative relationships and commitment to: • a shared understanding that ‘learning does not stop at the school gate’ 13 • personal, current, working knowledge of cultures of Technical and Further Education (TAFE) institutes/Adult Community Education (ACE) organisations and of schools, with easy movement between these sectors • a ‘whole community’ approach, involving shared leadership, the pooling of resources and expertise, and the letting go of exclusive ownership of learning programs. VOCATIONAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING (VET) IN THE VCE AND VCAL Introduction Recognition of Vocational Education and Training (VET) and Further Education (FE) within the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) and Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL) ensures that students who complete all or part of a nationally recognised VET or FE qualification will receive credit towards satisfactory completion of the VCE or VCAL. All VCE VET programs provide credit towards the VCE. Most VCE VET programs provide credit at Units 1–4 level; however, some programs provide credit at Units 1 and 2 level only. Some programs have been revised for 2009. VCE VET programs also provide credit towards VCAL. School Based New Apprenticeships and Traineeships A student may choose to undertake a vocational training program within a part-time employment arrangement; this is referred to as a School Based New Apprenticeship or Traineeship. The student will be required to enter into a formal training contract. The School Based New Apprenticeship or Traineeship comprises three main parts: • enrolment in the VCE or VCAL at school • enrolment with a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) in a structured vocational training program that leads to a vocational qualification • part-time, paid work. Contribution of VET to VCEPart A: Qualifi cations As units of competence/modules are completed, VCE VET unit completion is calculated automatically. The value of each VCE VET unit is approximately 100 nominal hours. The nominal hours for VCE VET units vary from program to program. In VCE VET programs where a study score is available, the contents of the Units 3 and 4 sequences are prescribed. Completion of the VCE VET units is dependent on completion of the prescribed units of competence/modules in the Units 3 and 4 sequences. Contribution of VET to VCAL Nationally recognised VET will contribute to two of the four VCAL strands – Work Related Skills and Industry Specific Skills. Curriculum in the Literacy and Numeracy Skills strand can include accredited units of competence/modules with a literacy or numeracy focus from FE qualifications. At the Intermediate and Senior VCAL levels, components of nationally recognised VET to the value of at least one credit must be included in the Industry Specific Skills strand. For all certificate types (VES, NAP and VFE), a credit towards VCAL is awarded on successful completion of approximately 100 nominal hours of accredited curriculum/nationally recognised training. Policy is due for review Term 3 2012 14 Staughton College Policy STAUGHTON COLLEGE DEBUTANTE BALL POLICY Introduction Staughton College is committed to holding a Debutante Ball each year as one of the important celebrations in the College. The Annual Staughton Debutante Ball is organised with the assistance of The Debutante Ball Coordinator . The Deb Set is made up of girls in Year 11 at Staughton or those in school approved pathway partnered by Staughton boys. Students elect to become part of the Deb Set a as this event is a showcase event for the College misbehaviour will not be tolerated, and all candidates must demonstrate mature behaviour at rehearsals and in the College. Eligible Debutantes 1. Girls enrolled in Year 11 or Year 12 at Staughton College. 2. Girls who have not previously been a Debutante. Partners 1. Boys enrolled at Staughton College; in Year 12, 11 or (in some circumstances Year 10). Organiser The Debutante Ball Coordinator is contracted by Staughton College to undertake the following tasks. 1. book and liaise with the venue; and select menus, 2. secure instructors for the Deb Set dance lessons, 3. oversee the hire of clothing and flowers, 4. oversee ticket sales. 5. set table groups and the floor plan 6. hire and oversee security staff. 7. hire official photographer and oversee orders. Authority The Debutante Ball Coordinator (in consultation with the College Assistant Principal or Principal), is able to recommend and effect the removal of a Debutante or a Partner from the Deb set. (Severe discipline and aggravation of the staff or other Debutantes could warrant this action). The Principal or Assistant Principal may in extreme circumstances cancel a Debutante Ball. If that occurs Debutantes wanting to join the Deb set would get priority in the following year. As this event is conducted in the College name poor behaviour in the lead up to, and on the night of the Deb Ball may result in punishment ie; suspension from school. Policy is due for review Term 2 2014 15 Staughton College Policy ANTI-BULLYING AND PROCEDURES Introduction Being bullied or harassed means that someone is subject to behaviour which is hurtful, threatening or frightening and this behaviour is repeated over time. Most bullying is secret, and that secrecy is a major stumbling block to stopping bullying in our school. Students must feel able to talk about what is happening to them if the bullying is to stop. Contents: Guiding principles Procedures for staff Restoration process for victim Treatment for bullies False claim Implementation Guiding Principles: Every member of the school community, including the students, is responsible for implementing this policy. All complaints will be taken seriously. Students will be treated with respect and confidentiality. The bottom line is - these behaviours will not be tolerated. Bullying can take many forms: Physical Bullying Includes fighting, pushing, shoving, gestures or invasion of personal space, looking at a person Verbal Bullying Includes name calling, offensive language, putting people down behind their backs, picking on people because of their race, gender or religion creed. Whispering campaigns. Visual Bullying Includes offensive notes or material, graffiti, or damaging other people's possessions. Victimisation Includes stand-over tactics, picking on others, threats to "get" people, repeated exclusion. Exclusion Isolate the student from his/her peers, talk about victim in a huddle as if they’re not there (making them a non person). Extortion Bullying Use victim to obtain money, food personal equipment, clothes or other things that students bring to school. Have victim do work for him/her. 16 Electronic Bullying Use SMS, MSN, Mobile Phone, etc to bully students Onlookers often support bullying, either by giving positive encouragement or by not intervening on behalf of the victim. DOING NOTHING WILL NOT IMPROVE THE SITUATION. Onlookers may be subject to the same consequences as the bully if they choose to do nothing Witnesses are expected to report the case of bullying to a teacher immediately. Procedures for staff: When a student approaches a member of staff at Staughton they will be listened to regarding complaint. be taken seriously, (nothing will be considered insignificant). be treated with respect. be allowed to maintain anonymity, (if this is practical, however it may not be possible for this to occur). have their complaint treated in a manner consistent with other complaints. If a student approaches a teacher with a complaint and the teacher feels the matter should go further, the matter should be referred to the relevant Year Level Coordinator or Student Manager 1. The Year Level Coordinator will interview the student making the complaint and record agreed details. The student is required to answer the following questions: What happened? Who was involved? Here did it take place? When did it take place? How do you think we can resolve this problem? Why do you think it happened? 2. Students accused of bullying are called in by relevant Year Level Coordinator, and are taken through the same process, being asked torecord details, If there is more than one student then each student must follow this process independently to prevent collusion. 3. If a case has been made to the Year Level Coordinator‘s satisfaction that bullying did take place, they implement the restoration process for the victim and the treatment process for bullies. If it is determined that there is no case of bullying then the false claim process is to be followed Restoration Process for Victim: • Victims will be followed up on a regular basis to ensure that the situation has improved. • Referral to Wellbeing staff, if necessary. Treatment for Bullies: 1st incident: • Bullies will be informed that a record of the incident will be recorded on their files and parents will be notified • Bullies may be required to formally apologise verbally in front of appropriate people. This may be(class, victim, parents, etc). • Bullies are advised that if their behaviour is repeated they may be suspended from the school and (if necessary referred to Wellbeing staff for appropriate counselling). 2nd Incident: 17 • If there is a repetition of this behaviour, by whatever source, their parents/guardians will be contacted and further suspensions may follow. False Claims: If it is found that any student has deliberately falsely accused another student of bullying, then the accusing student will be dealt with as the offending student. Denial, No witness, No proof: Year Level Coordinator will inform the parties of the consequences of bullying and false claim and will place a note on students’ files to the effect that a report has been made but nothing proved. Mediation may be pursued. Administrative and Organisational Procedures: • Short Term: All staff to be familiar with Bullying Policy. Professional Development for staff; (eg: on mediation, dealing with bullies and signs of bullying). • Medium Term: Yearly evaluation of procedures. Year 7s inducted into “What is Bullying Program?” in Term 1 or 2 Include Bullying Policy in school diaries. Middle Years curriculum through social skills. • Long Term: Emphasis on mediation and conflict resolution skills for students. Policy is due for review Term 2 2013 18 Staughton College Policy ATTENDANCE 1.0 RATIONALE The Staughton College community believes that students learn best when they attend scheduled classes and that persistent absence blocks effective learning. 2.0 2.1 2.2 GUIDELINES: Students are expected to attend all scheduled classes A student must achieve a 90% attendance rate to satisfy course requirements Types of Absence 2.3 The College classifies three types of absence Type 1 Absence - due to Illness/Family issue 2.4 2.5 2.6 Absence due to illness/family issue will count as both a school absence and a class absence Students may miss scheduled classes due to illness or a family issue that temporarily prevents them from attending school. Absence due to illness/family issue can be verified by a note/telephone call from parent/guardian or by a doctor’s certificate Type 2 Absence - unauthorised 2.7 2.8 2.9 Unauthorised absences will count as both a school absence and a class absence A student who misses a scheduled class without the permission of the College or parent is considered to be truant Unauthorised absences that cannot be verified by any official means and will lead to disciplinary action Type 3 Absence - due to College-approved activity 2.10 Participation in College-approved activities will not count as a school absence or as a class absence providing that the process in clause 2.17 is followed 2.11 Students may miss scheduled classes due to participation in a variety of College-approved activities 2.12 A College-approved activity is defined as: Sport Music lessons/performance Work experience/work placement Camps and Excursions Student Leadership (SRC meetings, peer support) Community Service (student-of-the-day, yard duty, one-off special events) Suspension 2.13 The Assistant Principal will make the final determination as to what constitutes a College-approved activity 2.14 Absence due to participation in a College-approved activity must be verified PRIOR to the activity by completing appropriate permission form and gaining the approval of the class teacher. 2.15 The Assistant Principal will grant final approval for any student to participate in a College-approved activity 2.16 Class teachers must keep accurate roll records of a student’s involvement in College-approved activities 2.17 A student is permitted to participate in College-approved activities so long as the class work set during each absence is completed correctly and by the agreed date to the satisfaction of the classroom teacher 2.18 The Student Management Team will monitor student participation in all College-approved activities 2.19 Should a student not complete the set work correctly by the agreed date, that student will not be permitted to participate in any further College-approved activity until the outstanding work is redeemed according to agreed processes (see Section 4 below). 2.20 Incomplete work as described in 2.19 will count as a class absence but not as a school absence 19 3.1 Implementation: General Administration 3.2 Parents are required to provide official notification to the College if their child is absent. This is normally in the form of a written note or telephone call 3.3 Parents are requested to telephone the College, preferably by 9:15 am, if their child is going to be absent from school. This telephone call will be accepted as official notification of the absence instead of an absence note. 3.4 A student is permitted to have up to 10% Type 1 and/or Type 2 absences in a subject each semester without affecting course completion requirements. 3.5 A student who has more than 10% Type 1 and/or Type 2 absences in a subject during a semester has not met attendance requirements and will be considered not to have successfully completed course requirements. 3.6 In the advent of a conflict between student and teacher over the granting of permission to attend a College-approved activity, the organizing teacher will act as intermediary in an attempt to resolve the dispute. The final decision will rest with the Student Management Team. 3.7 If a student does not complete the set work in accordance with the teacher’s instructions in granting permission to attend a College-approved activity, the Student Management Team must be informed immediately 3.8 Documentation of the implementation process of this Policy is to be prepared by the Assistant Principal. Parent Notification 3.9 Parents/guardians will be notified of student absences on a daily basis if no phone call has been received. 3.10 If patterns of absence develop, parents will be requested to attend an interview with the Year Level Coordinator. 3.11 The purpose of the interview will be to develop a clear Action Plan to assist the student to more effectively prioritise their time in order to achieve the course outcomes. 3.12 In the case of students who enrol part way through a subject, the College will make an individual determination of attendance requirements at the time of enrolment. 3.13 A student who has more than 10% Type 1 and/or Type 2 absences in a subject at the end of the semester will be automatically awarded an overall “UG” (Not Complete) result on the subject report Redemption 3.14 A student may redeem an absence in any subject by attending the Homework Club which operates after school on most days throughout the semester 3.15 Redemption Days will also be scheduled throughout the semester to enable students to redeem “UG” results 3.16 Attendance at Redemption Days may depend upon record of attendance at Homework Club 3.17 Students who fall below 90% Type 1 and/or Type 2 attendance in a class will be required to redeem missed classes through the Homework Club 3.18 Teachers may, at times, set alternate tasks due to issues of authentication. In such instances, teachers will set appropriate tasks for the students to complete under supervision within a strict time limit. The form of the task may be exercises, practical tasks or tests. Consideration of Disadvantage 3.19 Consideration of Disadvantage is a process designed to alert the teacher that a student has been disadvantaged through no fault of their own in completing a piece of work 3.20 A piece of work assessed under Consideration of Disadvantage would have the final result asterisked (*) to indicate that the standard of work would normally be better. An asterisked result may lead to a different overall result for the subject at the end of semester 3.21 Consideration of Disadvantage does not lead to exemption from completing pieces of work 20 3.22 3.23 3.24 A student may apply for Consideration of Disadvantage if during the completion of a semester they are: a) affected significantly by illness, by factors relating to personal environment, or by other serious cause, OR b) are prevented by illness, by factors relating to personal environment or other serious cause from completing a task for assessment, OR c) disadvantaged by disability or impairment Consideration of Disadvantage should only apply in cases where a student has been unable, because of illness or other serious cause to do sufficient coursework for a reliable assessment to be made The Student Manager may convene a panel to consider a student’s application for Consideration of Disadvantage Appeals 3.25 A student may appeal a decision related to the implementation 90% Type 1 and/or Type 2 attendance requirement of the Attendance Policy (that is, an “NC” result for a subject) 3.26 A student who wishes to appeal a decision must complete an Appeal Form and give it to the Assistant Principal. Detailed written reasons for an appeal should be attached. 3.27 The Assistant Principal will convene a panel to consider a student’s Appeal application 3.28 The panel may request extra information from the student to support their appeal application 3.29 The outcome of an Appeal may be: a) the “NC” decision stands, and the student will be required to follow the Redemption process to redeem the result b) the “NC” result is overturned and the student’s results are then considered against the usual teacher judgements for course completion. Exemptions from the Attendance Policy 3.30 Exemptions from this policy will not normally be granted 3.31 Exemptions to the Attendance Policy can be sought on the grounds of disability as defined by DE&T Disability and Impairments guidelines 3.32 Students who have a designated disability (as defined in 3.23) undertake a modified program of study in which periods of absence can be accommodated 4.0 Policy Endorsement by School Council: Policy is due for review Term 2 2014 21 Staughton College Policy EXCURSIONS Rationale: The school’s excursion program enables students to further their learning and social skills development in a non-school setting. Excursions complement, and are an important aspect of the educational programs offered at our school Aims: To reinforce, complement and extend learning opportunities beyond the classroom. To develop an understanding that learning is not limited to school, and that valuable and powerful learning takes place in the real world. Implementation: An excursion is defined as any activity beyond the school grounds. The Assistant Principal and Daily Organiser must approve all excursions. In doing so, they will determine a schedule of excursions for the school year, will ensure that all excursions are maintained at a reasonable and affordable cost, and comply with all DEET requirements. Notice of excursions, including costs, will be distributed in the school newsletter, and will be updated on a needs basis. Parents experiencing financial difficulty, who wish for their children to attend an excursion, will be required to discuss their individual situation with the Principal. Decisions relating to time payment arrangements will be made by the Principal on a case-by-case basis. All families will be notified of due dates for payment. Students may be excluded from an excursion if full payment is not made before final due date. Office staff will be responsible for managing and monitoring the payments made by parents and will provide classroom teachers with detailed records on a regular basis. A designated “Teacher in Charge” will co-ordinate each excursion. Prior to any child attending an excursion, parents/guardians must have provided to the school a signed permission form, a signed “Confidential Medical Information for School Council Approved Excursions” form, and must have paid the costs involved. Prior to any child attending an excursion, subject teachers must provide permission via the “Students Permission Form”. In the case where subject teachers will not give permission for the child to attend an excursion, the relevant Head of School will make the final decision. The Head of School must sign the “Students Permission Form”. Information will be provided to all parents of non-English speaking families in a manner that allows them to provide an informed consent to their children attending excursions. The designated “Teacher in Charge” of each excursion will ensure that all excursions, transport arrangements and excursion activities comply with Department of Employment, Education and Training guidelines. The “Notification of School Activity” form will be completed and forwarded to DEET (if required) three weeks prior to the excursion departure date. Classroom teachers will be given the first option to attend excursions, but the organisational needs of the School must be given first priority. The school will continue to provide the opportunity for teachers to update their first aid skills. The school will provide a mobile phone and a first-aid kit for all excursions. Copies of completed Permission forms, and signed “Confidential Medical Information for School Council Approved Excursions” forms must be carried by excursion staff at all times. 22 A senior staff member will be in attendance at school whilst the children are returning from any outof-school-hours excursion. “The Teacher in Charge” will communicate with this person with regards the anticipated return time. Parents of children involved in all other excursions may be invited to assist in the delivery of excursions. When deciding on which parents will attend, the Teacher in Charge will take into account – Any valuable skills the parents have to offer, e.g. bus licence, first aid, etc. The special needs of particular students. Parents selected to assist with an excursion may be required to pay costs associated with the excursion. Only children who have displayed sensible, reliable behaviour at school will be invited to participate in school excursions. Parents will be notified if a child is in danger of losing their invitation to participate in an excursion due to poor behaviour at school. The decision to exclude a student will be made by the Principal, in consultation with the classroom teacher and the “Teacher in Charge”. Students on any form of behaviour modification program at the time of the excursion may not be permitted to attend an excursion. This decision is up to the discretion of the relevant Head of School in consultation with the Assistant Principal. A Planning Package will be developed by the Assistant Principal to assist teachers in planning excursions Normally, excursions must be fully organised and approved two weeks prior to departure. In some instances, at the discretion of the Assistant Principal, excursions may be approved in a shorter time period. Unless otherwise stated all students must wear complete school uniform on all excursions Policy is due for review Term 4 2013 23 Staughton College Policy STAFF LEAVE Rationale Members of the Principal Class, the Teaching Service and School Support Officers have an unqualified right to certain leave entitlements and, through the Principal, qualified rights to other entitlements. Leave entitlements are a fundamental condition of employment, support equal employment opportunity, and support the balancing of work and family responsibilities. Leave entitlements are encompassed in Awards, Acts, Regulations, Orders and Department of Education policy and procedures. The Schools of the Future Reference Guide (at Clause 6.9) details the leave available to staff and the process for granting that leave. It identifies automatic leave entitlements and those that are subject to the Principal’s discretion. Where an entitlement exists, and discretion is relevant, every effort shall be made to respond favourably to a staff member’s request for leave. Leave without pay can be requested for whole terms, with a one Term minimum. Leave without pay will not be automatically granted to members of the profession moving from Govt to Non-Govt schools. Types of Leave Non-discretionary leave There are a number of types of leave that as an employee of the DEECD you have an automatic right providing an entitlement exists and the necessary evidence is provided. Examples of nondiscretionary leave include sick leave, family leave, carers leave, bereavement leave, etc. Discretionary leave This type of leave is authorised at the discretion of the Principal and therefore may be supported or refused. Before discretionary leave can be granted, an entitlement must be shown to exist and evidence provided, if relevant. Examples of discretionary leave include long service leave, leave without pay, study leave, etc. Applications for leave days including time in lieu either side of public holidays will not automatically be granted. Guidelines 1. Applicants are asked to provide evidence to support leave applications. Evidence will be considered by the Leave Committee in making a deliberation and will remain confidential. 2. In considering applications for leave, the principal will adhere to the various requirements and guidelines that prohibit discriminatory, arbitrary and unfair treatment. 3. To ensure that the process of granting leave is fair and equitable for all applicants, clear guidelines need to be established at the school level. 4. Appeal mechanisms exist to provide protection and redress for the applicant 5. Teaching staff only - A teacher who intends applying to teach a Year 12 class in the following year should indicate their intention to take leave by the end of term 3 in the year prior to the leave. As a general principle, the College will not allocate a Year 12 class to teachers who take leave during the calendar year due to the disruption to the college program 6. Requests for leave should be submitted by the end of Term 3 in the year prior to the leave taking place. Discretionary LWOP will not be granted beyond a 12 month period. Applications made in reference to exceptional and unanticipated circumstances will naturally be considered in a much shorter time period 24 7. The timing of some types of non-discretionary leave may be required to be negotiated with the principal 8. In considering applications for leave, the following will be taken into account the following principles: 8.1. that “the leave will not adversely affect the running of the school and suitable replacement staff members are available” will form the basis of all leave decisions 8.2. whether or not the leave is non-discretionary, or subject to the approval of the Principal 8.3. whether or not an entitlement exists and the availability of supporting evidence (when relevant) 8.4. the circumstances of the staff member in applying for leave, including health issues, compassionate and compelling personal circumstances 8.5. the program needs of the school including personnel/administrative issues. 8.6. the number of staff requesting leave in a related time frame 8.7. whether or not leave has recently been granted to the applicant 8.8. the type of leave being requested, ie: paid/unpaid leave 8.9. the availability of a suitable replacement IMPORTANT NOTE: Schools are responsible for meeting the salary and relief costs for nonteaching staff undertaking long service leave and paid family leave of less than 31 days. Process 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. All requests for personal leave must be submitted using eduPay by the following Wednesday on return to work. Medical certificates supporting personal leave must be delivered to the Business manager by the following Wednesday on return to work. Long service and LWOP applications need to be submitted using eduPay. A leave committee of PAT and or ESCC will consider applications for LSL and LWOP submitted at the end of Term 3 for the following year. LSL and LWOP replacement requires planning time. Applications submitted after this date will not be considered. Incomplete applications for LSL will be returned without consideration by the Leave Committee. Staff should NOT make arrangements associated with their leave prior to it being confirmed by the committee. All requests will attract a written response. If leave is not granted in the terms being sought, the reasons for the refusal will be provided. Unless indicated otherwise in the School of the Future Reference Guide, once the Principal has authorised leave and the staff member has accepted, neither party may unilaterally withdraw from the arrangement. However, if the circumstances of the staff member or the school change unexpectedly or dramatically, either party may initiate discussions to explore other options. Appeals 1. Applicants have the right to appeal decisions of the Leave Committee. If applicants wish to lodge an appeal, it should be lodged within seven (7) days of the receipt of the letter of decision. The appeal should be in writing detailing the grounds for appeal with any supporting evidence to be attached. Policy Endorsement by School Council: term 2 2012 Policy is due for review Term 2 2015 25 APPLICATION FOR LEAVE Applicant: I wish to apply for the following type of leave: DISCRETIONARY LEAVE () Long Service Leave Leave Without Pay Study Leave Compassionate Leave Other ( ) Day/date to recommence work: Do you have an entitlement to this leave? YES. (Please attach NO. (Please consider relevant evidence as required - see JPH) this application under compassionate grounds) If NO, please provide reasons for consideration under compassionate grounds. Information disclosed will be dealt with confidentially at the Leave Committee. APPLICANT GIVE COMPLETED LEAVE APPLICATION FORM WITH EVIDENCE TO THE BUSINESS MANAGER Leave Committee to complete: Has the applicant recently taken leave? YES Which types? NO Can a suitable replacement be found? Will granting this leave adversely affect the smooth running of the College? How The Leave Committee has APPROVED/NOT APPROVED this leave application. Signed: Principal 26 Staughton College Policy Uniform College expectations around uniform are detailed below Positive Behaviour Support Positive Behaviour Support is a school-wide approach to support and teach expected student and teacher/staff behaviour. All Staughton teachers/staff and students will use the SWPBS matrix on a daily basis to learn and practice social behaviours that are conducive to a positive school climate. This chart is a teaching tool for the Staughton College community. School-Wide Uniform Expectations Students are expected to wear the correct school uniform whilst at the College, travelling to and from the College, and when attending College functions. Student Expectations ● Students are expected to wear the correct school uniform at all times. Teacher/Principal Expectations ● Teachers monitor student uniform compliance during class time and in the school yard. ● Students are expected to bring the correct school uniform to participate in ● Students who present to class and physical education classes in the school yard out of uniform will be sent to the year level ● If a student is in the incorrect school coordinators office for an out of uniform it is expected that they will get uniform pass. a uniform pass from their year level coordinator prior to the ● Record students’ out of uniform in commencement of classes. RAM every time a student presents out of uniform and issue a valid pass. Parent/Guardian Expectations ● In accordance with the guidelines set by the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development (DEECD) students are expected to wear the correct school uniform at all times. ●The school, at its discretion, may require medical notes or parent conferences for excessive uniform passes. ● “Uniform sweeps” will be held. ● A common-approach to dealing with students being out of uniform and the staged-response will be communicated. 27 Staughton College - Official Uniform Supplier; Rushfords Schoolwear Staughton College Uniform Shop; Rushfords Shop; Monday 8-10.00am & Thursday 3 – 5.00pm 3-5 Watton Arcade, 28 Watton St, Werribee GIRLS Pullover (Navy Soft Feel, with stripe in V-neck and school logo) COMPULSORY Blazer ( Navy Twill with logo ) OPTIONAL OR Polar Fleece Jacket (Navy Polar Fleece Zip Jacket, with school Logo) OPTIONAL BOYS Pullover (Navy Soft Feel, with stripe in V-neck and school logo) COMPULSORY Blazer ( Navy Twill with logo ) OPTIONAL OR Polar Fleece Jacket (Navy Polar Fleece Zip Jacket, with school Logo) OPTIONAL Summer Dress (Blue/White check dress) Summer/Winter Skirt (Blue/White/Gold Check Skirt in Poly Viscose Fabric) Trousers (Grey, Imported, 2 Pleat Tailored Trouser with school Logo) Unisex Trousers (Grey, full elastic waist trouser with school Logo) Unisex Shorts (Grey full elastic waist draw string shorts, with logo) S/S Shirt L/S Shirt (Blue Short Sleeve collar attached straight bottom shirt with school logo) (Blue Long Sleeve collar attached straight bottom shirt with school logo) Girls Slacks (Grey Poly/Viscose, Straight Leg Slacks with logo) Unisex Trousers (Grey, full elastic waist trouser with school Logo) Unisex Shorts (Grey full elastic waist draw string shorts, with logo) Socks (White ) OR Tights (Navy Microfibre/Opaque Tights) UNISEX SPORTS UNIFORM Polar Fleece Jacket (Navy Polar Fleece Zip Jacket, with school Logo) OPTIONAL Sports Polo ( Navy / Grey Panel with Logo ) Sports Shorts ( Navy Microfibre with logo ) Tracksuit Pants (Navy Straight Leg ) Sports Socks ( white ) S/S Shirt L/S Shirt (Blue Short Sleeve collar attached straight bottom shirt with school logo) (Blue Long Sleeve collar attached straight bottom shirt with school logo) Socks (white or grey) ACCESSORIES School Bag ( Navy with logo incl netbook/ipad pouch) compulsory for Year 7, 2013 Rain Jacket (Navy, Waterproof with mesh lining with Logo) Scarf ( Navy loop through with logo) Beanie ( Navy with logo ) Cap ( Navy with logo ) Bucket Hat ( Navy with logo ) Hair bands/ribbons (White or Navy) To ensure College pride, all items of uniform must be worn in good, clean condition. No alterations to uniform without approval. Footwear Black leather polishable lace up shoes for boys and girls. Black leather polishable T-bar shoes for girls. Shoe laces are to be totally black. Refer to the chart below; 28 School Shoes So, what are acceptable school shoes? 29 Exemptions An application for an exemption from the Uniform Policy can be sought where: An aspect of the code offends a religious belief held by the student/parents/guardians An aspect of the code prevents the student from complying with a requirement of their ethnic or cultural background An aspect of the code prevents students with disabilities from being able to attend school or participate in school activities on the same terms as other students The student has a particular health condition that requires a departure from an aspect of the code The student or the parents/guardians can demonstrate economic hardship that prevents them from complying with the code Procedures for seeking an exemption Parents are to put in writing to the Principal any requests for exemption from the Uniform Code. The request needs to clearly specify under which grounds an exemption is sought. Documentary evidence must be provided to the Principal to support the grounds of the request, and additional documentary evidence may be sought from parents to assist with deliberations. Any personal information supplied to substantiate a claim will be dealt with in the strictest confidence. Where possible, requests for exemption will be considered within one calendar week unless additional material is sought. Procedures for granting an exemption In deliberating on any application for exemption, the Principal: will form a panel of three (3) including a member of College Council, preferably a parent may deliberate on the matter by allowing a full exemption, a partial exemption or no exemption may refer the application to the welfare team to affect financial support will provide a summary report which will be tabled at College Council Policy is due for review Term 3 2015 30 Staughton College Policy E-LEARNING Rationale Education of the 21st Century requires educational institutions to produce individuals who are life long independent learners. Our task is to ensure that our students are skilled in the use of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) and their ability to use ICT to make informed choices. The development and use of a range of e-learning experiences will equip them with the necessary skills and empower them to become responsible, aware and multi-skilled citizens of the future. Staughton College envisages a classroom where the use of information and communications technology is fully and consistently integrated into high quality teaching and learning. We aim for a culture of embedding learning technologies within the curriculum, supporting all teachers through highly effective professional learning. In accordance with wider school goals and aims, planned and appropriate use of learning technologies will assist the attainment of improved student outcomes and improve the quality of programs offered. Guidelines Staughton College recognises that information and communications technology will directly influence all students and the types of employment they will be able to seek. Accordingly, learning technologies will be incorporated into all learning areas. The school will promote a culture of eLearning where: The teacher can choose to operate as a facilitator of learning in the classroom rather then the centre of it. Teachers can utilise ICT to improve student outcomes and priorities identified by wider school aims. Students exercise a degree of responsibility for their learning by helping shape the direction and content of relevant studies, building towards autonomous, independent learners. Students make independent use of a range of information and communication technologies when appropriate. Students are actively involved in a wide range of activities that will contribute to developing partnerships with local schools, tertiary institutions, industry and wider community groups. Students are able to gain skills and competence with new technologies that will enhance employment prospects. Students and teachers make use of communication technologies to involve engage in collaborative projects within the school and externally including schools from the local area, the state, nation and globe. School and student achievement is publicised by new technologies. A cross curricular approach to teaching and learning outcomes is adopted. Provision is made for professional growth of all teachers and staff members. Learners are technologically literate and confident in the use of existing, and open to developing technologies. Students and staff are engaged and focused and able to use ICT to explore, research, think critically, reflect, communicate, collaborate, plan, analyse and solve problems. We are all safe and responsible cyber citizens, socially and ethically aware 31 Implimentation Staff and Learning Ethos - - The computers and internet provided in school are tools to help teaching and learning. I will have access to the internet for professional use. Limits exist for downloads. If I cannot access a site that will help my teaching and learning, I will see if it can be made available. I understand that not all information on the internet is correct, and nothing I put online is private. I will acknowledge the sources of internet information I have used in my work. I understand that all equipment and software is provided by DEECD to assist my teaching and learning. I understand that I must print responsibly for school purposes. I will only use my account and keep my password private. I understand that any content shared in school must be linked to the subjects I teach. I understand the responsibility I have in modelling safe and appropriate use of internet content as outlined by DEECD guidelines at A hard copy of this document is available at the front office I am able to, through the correct processes, receive assistance with any problems I have in using computing equipment to help my teaching and learning. The more the equipment is respected, the better access to ICT equipment will be available. I understand that I have a responsibility to embed eLearning and use of ICT equipment in my professional practice. I will be a safe, responsible cyber citizen, and will model this with my students. Failure to comply with the above may result in limitations being placed on use of ICT equipment or other appropriate consequences. 32 Student Internet User Agreement Student First Name:…………………………….. Student Last Name:……………………………… Home Group: ………………… - The computers and internet provided in school are tools to help my learning in the subjects I study. I will actively seek to develop my skills in using ICT equipment, and will take responsibility for developing my cyber skills to ensure I access the internet safely. If I cannot access a site that will help my learning, I will ask my teacher to see if it can be made available. I understand that not all information on the internet is correct, and nothing I put online is private. I will reference or acknowledge the sources of internet information I have used in my work (say where I got my information from). I understand that all equipment and software is for my learning, and I will use them responsibly. I understand that I am charged for printing. I will only use my account and keep my password private. I understand that any content shared in school must be linked to the subjects I study. I understand that there will be a consequence for cyber bullying, viewing or sharing unsafe or inappropriate content. I will talk to a teacher if I am unhappy about anything I view online. I am able to get assistance with any problems I have in using computing equipment to help my learning. The more the equipment is respected, the better access to computers I will have. Failure to follow this code of conduct may result in Temporary ban on using computers or removal of internet access privileges. Detention or suspension for unacceptable behaviour Paying to replace damaged equipment. Parent/Guardian Date:………………… Signature:……………………………………………… Student Signature: ……………………………………………………………. ACCESS TO INTERNET IS NOT PERMITTED UNTIL ALL SECTIONS OF THE FORM HAVE BEEN COMPLETED. Policy is due for review Term 2 2015 33 Staughton College Policy STUDENT ENGAGEMENT POLICY Section 1: School Profile Statement Melton Melton is located 40 kilometres west of Melbourne and is one of the most rapidly growing Local Government Areas in Australia. The population of Melton is more than 80,000 and projections show that the population of Melton will nearly double in size to more than 150,000 residents by 2020. The total Indigenous population of Melton is more than 500. The proportion of residents in Melton with a profound disability (3.5%) is similar to the proportion in other Western Metropolitan Region networks. In Melton a relatively large proportion of the overall labour force is employed part-time (31.3%) and the unemployment rate is also relatively high (6%). Staughton College is located in Melton South. Teachers and Students Staughton College has approximately 900 enrolments in Years 7-12. The College has experienced rapid growth during the past five years. During this time the average year 7 enrolments have been over 160 students each year. This change is not due to an increase in the grade 6 cohorts in our feeder primary schools (there has actually been a slight decrease in grade 6 numbers) but reflects an overwhelming endorsement from the local community in the direction of the College. This growth has resulted in many new teachers employed during the past three years. This staff profile means that Staughton College has a young, enthusiastic and ICT literate staff and focuses our professional learning to strategically cater for our many beginning teachers. Staughton College operates on a four team structure. These teams drive all aspects of the Strategic and the Annual Implementation Plans. The College teams are each headed by a Leading Teacher. All time allowance and extra responsibility positions are allocated to one of these teams. The Senior Management Team consists of the Principal Class, the four team leaders and four other leading teachers Physical Environment The College has excellent facilities including a VET Hospitality centre and 60-seat restaurant and a 300-seat auditorium. A significant amount of resources have been committed to improving the physical learning environment. The classrooms have been updated and painted in bright engaging colours. New classroom furniture has been purchased and colour coded to each room. The College now employs 2 full time maintenance staff (painting and repairs). The College grounds have been rejuvenated by the employment of a gardener (3 days a week) and a Government Water Grant has enabled us to install 5 water tanks. SFO The College Student Family Occupation (SFO) density of .68 indicates a relatively low socio-economic status (SES). The SFO density reflects the occupations of our parents. The proportion of Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA) recipients is 50%. Literacy and numeracy NAPLAN and ACER testing shows that, approximately two thirds of students entering the College, are at below the expected level for literacy and numeracy.Recent NAPLAN results show that in Reading, Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation, and Numeracy – improving faster than the state although the actual student achievement level is below the state average. LBOTE 34 The proportion of Language Background Other Than English (LBOTE) students is relatively low (0.04) – that is, most students are from English-speaking backgrounds. Curriculum Staughton College is a Registered Training Organisation (RTO). We are registered to deliver VET Hospitality Certificate II, and VET Building and Construction Certificate II. We are a member of the Western Edge VET Cluster, which oversees the delivery of all VET programs to nearly 400 secondary school students across Melton. In 2006, Staughton College was accredited as a SEAL school. All students in years 7 and 8 study a core curriculum. Students in Year 9 study a core curriculum complimented by subjects from a pathway of their choice. A MYCAL pathway which leads to VCAL is also offered. In Year 10 students can choose to study VCAL or a select from a range of VCE subjects, including VET. In all year levels there is an emphasis on creating orderly classroom environments with a focus on literacy and numeracy and targeting student needs At Staughton College we are committed to provisions that ensure all children and young people can receive a quality education. We will uphold this commitment through the promotion and consistent implementation of the Student Engagement and Wellbeing Policy. Emphasis throughout the document is on achieving high levels of learning, engagement, attendance and behaviour through a supportive and safe learning environment. Emphasis is also on recognising the rights and responsibilities of all school community members and on developing the ability to translate responsible behaviours and citizenship throughout contexts within and outside the school environment. 35 Section 2: Whole School Prevention Statement Our aim is to continually improve as a learning community in striving to provide a safe and respectful environment with positive management and engagement strategies that enable improved student learning outcomes and post school pathways. Staughton College has high expectations of student behaviour, attendance and uniform. We strive to build a positive and orderly learning environment through school wide systems of primary prevention including: Teaching social skills to help students meet expectations that emerge from our whole school rights and responsibilities (Learn, Respect, Safe) Acknowledging students meeting expectations in a whole school way Speaking to students in a calm ‘adult’ manner Building positive and professional staff-student relationships Using a least intrusive to most intrusive staged response to student misbehaviour In addition to this we aim to identify students ‘at risk’ of unsuccessful outcomes and provide appropriate further support to them including working with wellbeing staff key agencies and student support services. To improve student learning outcomes we focus on: Making the learning intention and success criteria of the lesson clear to all students Providing learning opportunities that are differentiated for individual students Literacy, Numeracy and ICT skills We aim to be inclusive of student voice both in the classroom and in curriculum enrichment areas such as: Lunchtime activities Sport Music Art Student leadership We are committed to building and maintaining a cooperative and supportive partnership between home and school to achieve positive outcomes for all students. In all of the areas above we expect our staff students and parents to embody our moto and to ‘Try and Persevere’ in order to ‘Achieve’ 36 Section 3: Rights and Responsibilities 3.1 Guiding principles Every member of the Melton network school community has a right to fully participate in an educational environment that is safe, supportive and inclusive. Everyone deserves to be treated with dignity and respect. All students who meet the eligibility criteria have the right to enrol at our school. 3.2 Equal Opportunity We recognise and accept the equality of men and women and people of all races, regardless of their religious or political convictions, their impairments or their age. Under the Equal Opportunity Act, it is unlawful to discriminate against a person based on their age, gender, sexual orientation, occupation, impairments, marital status, parental status, physical features, political beliefs, pregnancy, race, religious beliefs or personal associations. 3.3 The Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities We respect and promote the following four basic principles of human rights and responsibilities: freedom, respect, equality and dignity. When making decisions, we act compatibly with human rights and consider each of the following: the right not to be discriminated against; the right to privacy and reputation; the right to freedom of thought, conscience, religion and belief; and cultural rights. Staff, students and parents understand that with human rights comes a responsibility to respect the human rights of others. 3.4 Students with Disabilities As detailed in the Disability Standards for Education, we are committed to making reasonable adjustments to accommodate a student with a disability, balancing the interests of all parties affected including those of the student with the disability, the school, staff and other students. 3.5 Bullying and Harassment Definitions Harassment is any verbal, physical or sexual conduct (including gestures) which is uninvited, unwelcome or offensive to a person. Harassment includes things such as offensive staring, leering or name calling; unwanted and provocative comments, questions or jokes about physical appearance, race, sexual preference, private life or family; displays of sexually graphic material; unwanted physical contact; and grabbing, hitting, kicking, pinching and shoving. Bullying is repeated oppression, physical or psychological, of a less powerful person by a more powerful person or group. Bullying includes things such as publicly excluding a person from a group; taking or breaking a person’s property (and knocking belongings out of their hands or off their desk); teasing; aggressive staring; grabbing, hitting, kicking, pinching and shoving. Cyberbullying is a form of bullying which is carried out through an internet service such as email, chat room, discussion group, online social networking, instant messaging or web pages. It can also include bullying through mobile phone technologies such as SMS. It may involve text or images. Cyberbullying includes things such as teasing, spreading rumours online, sending unwanted messages and defamation. We are committed to providing a safe and friendly environment for students, staff and parents and we encourage courtesy, care and respect for others at school, at home, in the community at large and online. We expect students who observe another person being harassed or bullied to tell that person to report the issue to a teacher or another suitable member of staff. We expect students who see a friend harassing or bullying another person to let them know their behaviour is unacceptable. Bystanders who do nothing to stop harassment or bullying may be contributing to the problem by providing an audience for the bully. We expect students who are being harassed or bullied to tell the person to stop what they are saying or doing and to report the matter to a student leader, teacher or another suitable member of staff. Student concerns about harassment, bullying and cyberbullying will be taken seriously and all reports and complaints will be treated confidentially. 37 3.6 Rights and Responsibilities of the School Community All the members of our school community have the following three rights and responsibilities: Learn The right to learn and the responsibility to let others learn Respect The right to be respected and the responsibility to respect others Safe The right to be safe and the responsibility to allow others to be safe We aim for members of the school community to demonstrate their responsibility on an individual level and on a communal level by assisting others to be responsible. Section 4: Shared Expectations As a school community, we have a shared commitment to creating and maintaining a safe, stimulating and orderly learning environment that ensures all students can engage effectively in their education. We are committed to the following school values: Try Persevere Achieve Learn Respect Safe We bring our school values to life through our behaviours and interactions with each other. We display and model our school values through behaviours such as the following: Students Right/ Responsibility The right to learn and the responsibility to allow others to learn Behaviours Try- Have a go Persevere- Don’t give up Achieve- Finish what you start Arrive at class on time with appropriate equipment and resources Attendance in each subject above 90% Demonstrate improvement in learning Complete all class work and homework, catch up on work when absent Use the school diary for homework and communication The right to be respected and the responsibility to respect others Use polite manners with students, staff and parents Follow teachers’ reasonable requests Actively listen to others Look after own belongings, own work and others’ belongings Look after the school environment and equipment Wear full school uniform correctly The right to be safe and the responsibility to allow others to be safe Be inclusive and tolerant of others opinions, differences and cultural backgrounds Follow school safety procedures and report possible problems Respect the physical space of others 38 Teachers Right/ Responsibility The right to learn and the responsibility to allow others to learn The right to be respected and the responsibility to respect others The right to be safe and the responsibility to allow others to be safe Behaviours Arrive at class on time with appropriate equipment and resources Assist students set goals to improve their learning and give them feedback on their progress Modify work to suit a range of ability levels Use a range of strategies to make learning meaningful, rigorous and interesting Keep parents informed about students progress e.g. diary/phone/ reports Provide students with checklists of work due Use polite manners with students, staff and parents Actively listen to others including students Implement a class plan that reflects clear school wide expectations, class routines, consequences and rewards Teach students expected positive behaviours Dress professionally for specific subjects Complete all professional requirements in curriculum documentation across the school e.g. reports, exams Be inclusive and tolerant of others opinions, differences and cultural backgrounds Follow school safety procedures and report possible problems Respect the physical space of others Parents Right/ Responsibility The right to learn and the responsibility to allow others to learn Behaviours Support school policies, decisions and rules Maintain regular communication with the via appropriate avenues Teach, support and model the school expectations of learning Accept teacher judgments Attend parent-teacher interviews when requested The right to be respected and the responsibility to respect others Use polite manners with students, staff and parents Support student learning about positive behaviours Teach support and model the school expectations of respect (i.e. the left hand column) Contribute to a positive school culture The right to be safe and the responsibility to allow others to be safe Be Inclusive and tolerant of others opinions, differences and cultural backgrounds Reinforce and model the school expectations of student safety (i.e. the left hand column) Be actively involved in the school community Respect the physical space of others 39 Section 5: School Actions and Consequences School Wide Positive Behaviour Support for Effective Learning (SWPBSEL) We encourage and support high levels of student attendance, engagement, learning and positive behaviours through SWPBSEL. This involves a three tiered level of support for students. SWPBSEL also involves 4 main elements: Outcomes That are important to the school community That are achievable and measurable Data Monitored continuously to measure progress towards outcomes Practices Evidence based Adapted to our context Aligned with our outcomes Implemented with fidelity Systems Common purpose and approach to discipline Clear set of positive expectations and behaviours (3-4) Procedures for teaching expected behaviour Continuum of procedures for encouraging expected behaviour Continuum of procedures for discouraging inappropriate behaviour Procedures for ongoing monitoring and evaluation 40 Primary Prevention As detailed in Section 2: Whole School Prevention Statement, at Staughton College we aim to increase the proportion of students regularly meeting expectations by: Teaching social skills to help students meet expectations that emerge from our whole school rights and responsibilities (Learn, Respect, Safe) Acknowledging students meeting expectations in a whole school way Speaking to students in a calm ‘adult’ manner Building positive and professional staff-student relationships Using a least intrusive to most intrusive staged response to student misbehaviour Supporting learning Being inclusive of student and parent voice and partnerships The following page details a flow chart of actions for students not following expectations in classrooms 41 42 Secondary and Tertiary Support Some students require more support than given in primary prevention. They can be identified in the following way: May look like: Tertiary (High risk) Reduce Intensity or complexit y (focus on individual ) Curriculum – not engage Danger from self/others Family violence Attendance issues (major) Neglect/lack of external support Risk taking behaviours Learning or developmental difficulty Secondary (At risk) Reduce number of existing cases (focus on identifying groups) Curriculum – not engaged in some Risky behaviours Recent assault or trauma Other wellbeing issues (mental health) Prevention (focus on school wide systems) 43 What can we do for Secondary and Tertiary Students? We can create student profile for an individual or groups of students and use the profile in conjunction with appropriate strategies from the following make a support plan Secondary External referrals Target programs Behaviour cards Timeout cards Family communication Buddy Teachers/Students Contracts External mentors Individual student management plans Assessments => curriculum modification Class changes Using and building on student strengths School support jobs Link with the student leadership team => inclusion Reminder cards Make changes to the class environment Work cards – to assist with organisation Functional behaviour assessment Tertiary Wellbeing referrals => SSSOs Support meetings External referrals Alternate timetables Link with external agencies Focus on keeping students at school Curriculum modification Use and build on strengths Regular reinforcement Link with student leadership team =>inclusion Make changes to the class environment Functional behaviour assessment Discipline procedures – suspension and expulsion We will only exclude a student from school in situations where all other measures have been implemented without success or where an immediate suspension is the only appropriate course of action in response to the student’s behaviour. In applying consequences for unacceptable behaviour, both the individual circumstances and actions of the student and the needs and rights of school community members will be considered at all times. Consequences are applied to provide the opportunity for all students to learn, to ensure the safety of staff and students, and to assist students with accepting responsibility for their actions. Consequences which may be used prior to suspension include: Withdrawal of privileges Withdrawal from class if a student’s behaviour significantly interferes with the rights of other students to learn or the capacity of a teacher to teach a class. Where appropriate, parents or carers will be informed of such withdrawals. Detention: a student may be required to finish school work that has not been completed in the regular classroom or undertake other duties at a reasonable time and place, as instructed by their teacher. No more than half the time allocated for any recess will be used for this work, and in the case of an after-school detention, students will be detained for no more than 45 minutes. Students will be fully supervised during detentions. Parents or carers will be informed at least the day before the after-school detention and where family circumstances are such that the completion of after-school work would create undue hardship, we will endeavour to negotiate alternative disciplinary measures with parents or carers. Suspensions – guiding principles When the principal determines that a suspension is justified, a Student Support Group meeting will be convened to provide a Notice of Suspension, explain the reasons for suspension, detail the school days on which the suspension will occur and where the suspensions will occur, provide contact details for additional support services, and develop a Student Absence Learning Plan that outlines school work to be undertaken during the period of suspension. In the case of a student putting the health, safety and wellbeing of themselves, staff or other students at significant risk, the principal may suspend a student immediately, scheduling a Student Support Group meeting within 48 hours of the student being suspended. When a student is suspended it will be for the shortest time necessary. If the suspension is for five days, a post-suspension Student Support Group meeting will also be scheduled. In determining whether to implement an in-school suspension or an out-of-school suspension, we will consider the educational, social and emotional impacts on the student and the school community. Expulsions – guiding principles The principal may expel a student if, while attending school or travelling to or from school or engaged in any school activity away from the school (including travel to and from that activity), the student does anything for which they could be suspended and their misbehaviour is of such magnitude that, having regard to the need of the student to receive an education compared to the need to maintain the health, safety and wellbeing of other staff and students at the school and the need to maintain the effectiveness of the school’s educational programs, an expulsion is the only available mechanism. A Student Support Group meeting will be convened to explain the expulsion and provide the student and parents or carers with a Notice of Expulsion. Transition arrangements will then be implemented for the continuing education, training or employment of the expelled student. Outline of Suspension, Expulsion and Placement Procedures Suspension procedures • Suspensions must be for the shortest period necessary. • Provide parents with a ‘Notice of Suspension’ form and ‘Procedures for Suspension’ brochure prior to the day on which the suspension commences. • The maximum suspension period is 5 consecutive school days that must not span a term break. • If suspension is for 5 days, a post-suspension SSG must meet to develop a ‘Return to School Plan’. • Contact SSSO coordinator – Marg Keatley (Mob: 0419 394 406) – once 5 days suspension have been reached for any student. • Notify the WMR Student Wellbeing Team, managed by Judy Maguire (WMR: 9291 6500) if a student has been suspended for 8 days or has been suspended on 4 individual occasions in a school year. • A student must not be suspended for more than 15 school days in a year without Regional Director approval. • 15 days suspension is not automatic expulsion. Immediate suspension procedures • Immediate suspensions can be used if the student behaves in such a way that they are putting the health, safety and wellbeing of selves or others at significant risk. • Principal must give immediate verbal notification of immediate suspension to students and parents. • Provide parents with a ‘Notice of Suspension’ form and ‘Procedures for Suspension’ brochure on the day which the suspension commences. Schedule an SSG meeting within 48 hours of the suspension. Student At Risk of Expulsion • Identify students at risk of expulsion early on and ensure that SSG meetings are held with the student, parents, relevant SSSOs (including Marg Keatley and/or Greg Wilson), relevant regional personnel (including Nayuka Hood for Koorie students) and other relevant agencies. • Provide RNL and Melton Student Placement Team (through Jenny Malberg) with information about students at risk of expulsion as early on as possible. Expulsion procedures • Inform the Regional Director (RD) that an SSG meeting for an expulsion is to be convened. • RD’s nominee to attend SSG to provide support, direction and advice. • Provide parents with a completed ‘Notice of Expulsion’ and ‘Expulsion Appeal’ proforma and ‘Procedures for Expulsion’ brochure before an expulsion commences. • Provide the School Council president with the ‘Notice of Expulsion’. • Expelling principal must within 24 hours of expulsion forward the ‘Notice of Expulsion’ and ‘Expulsion Report’ to the RD. • • Appeal processes exist and are generally based on improper processes, unfair expulsion reasons, and other extenuating circumstances. Parents wishing to appeal a principal’s decision have 10 days after receiving the Notice of Expulsion. Principals have 24 hours to inform RD of an appeal. Student placement procedures • Expelling principal must formally contact the Melton Student Placement Team (through Jenny Malberg) as soon as possible to determine a course of action and a potential new school or training organisation. No informal agreements permitted between schools about voluntary student transfers. • The Melton Student Placement Team will meet with the expelling principal to discuss and recommend the appropriate school or training organisation. • Expelling principal must then notify the parents regarding the recommended placement of the student. • Expelling principal must schedule a meeting with the receiving school and provide the receiving school with all appropriate information to assist in enrolment and transition. • Receiving school must inform RNL of the date the student began attending their school. • The Melton Student Placement Team will maintain a database of expelled student transfers and intermittently provide a copy of this information to all principals. Policy Endorsement by School Council: Policy is due for review December 2010 Term 4 2013 Procedure No: DEE EHU-01-1-1 Authorised By: Title: Occupational Health & Safety Policy Issue Date: February 2009 Review Date: February 2011 Secretary Page Number: 1 of 1 Scope: This policy applies to all employees, students, visitors, volunteers and contractors in Department of Education and Early Childhood Development (DEECD) schools and offices and is readily accessible to all interested parties. DEECD OHS Commitment and Principles: DEECD is committed to providing employees, students, contractors and visitors with a healthy and safe environment. DEECD will so far as is reasonably practicable take action to improve and promote health, safety and wellbeing and prevent workplace injuries and illnesses at all DEECD workplaces. DEECD is committed to: preventing injury and illness occurring in DEECD workplaces; consulting and co-operating with employees on health, safety and wellbeing issues directly as well as through their Health and Safety Representatives (HSRs) and employee representative organisations on OHS issues affecting them; achieving continuous improvement through the monitoring and review of measurable targets and objectives and improvement of health and safety management systems and initiatives; complying with all relevant health and safety legislation; and allocating adequate resources to maintain healthy, safe and supportive workplaces. DEECD will meet its commitment to Health & Safety by: providing appropriate information and training for principals/managers (including senior management and regional personnel) and employees to enable them to perform their OHS roles and responsibilities; holding all levels of management accountable for the health & safety of employees under their management; consistently applying DEECD OHS procedures, practices and other relevant policies in accordance with statutory requirements and accepted health and safety standards; reporting, recording and investigating accidents and incidents and acting to prevent re-occurrence; reducing health, safety and wellbeing risks through a documented process of hazard identification, selection, implementation and review of risk controls; and monitoring, reviewing and improving health, safety and wellbeing management systems. DEECD employees, visitors, volunteers and contractors are required to: report hazards and incidents; participate in training; consult and cooperate with DEECD on safety related matters; and follow safety instructions and observe the wearing of personal protective equipment as required Prof Peter Dawkins Secretary 12 February 2009 Policy is due for review Term 4 2013 Staughton College Policy EQUAL OPPORTUNITY Introduction Staughton College aims to provide a welcoming, supportive, and emotionally and physically secure learning and working environment for every member of the school community. Staughton College recognises and promotes human rights, and values the diversity of culture, beliefs, practices, customs, physical and intellectual abilities and life experience of the whole school community. Our commitment Staughton College aims to create an inclusive school culture that fosters acceptance and respect for diversity. In doing so, we seek to deepen understanding and knowledge, promote student and staff wellbeing and help everyone achieve their full potential. This school is enriched by and celebrates the diversity of our whole school community. That is why discrimination, harassment, vilification, bullying and victimisation will not be tolerated at Staughton College under any circumstances. Staughton College is committed to ensuring that the working environment is free from discrimination, harassment, bullying, vilification and victimisation. This school acknowledges that in society some people are treated unfairly or unfavourably because of irrelevant personal characteristics such as their sex or race. This school supports the Charter of Human Rights and the Equal Opportunity Act 2010 (Vic), which says that it is against the law to discriminate against anyone, including students and school staff, because of their actual or assumed: age breastfeeding carer status disability/impairment gender identity industrial activity lawful sexual activity marital status parental status physical features political belief or activity pregnancy race religious belief or activity sex sexual orientation personal association with someone who has, or is assumed to have, one of these personal characteristics. No member of the school community will be treated less favourably because they possess any of these personal characteristics nor will such characteristics affect access to benefits and services Staughton College provides. On behalf of the whole school community, the principal, the school council president, the parent association and the student representative council support this policy, and the human rights principles and practice of equal opportunity, inclusion and respect for diversity that it articulates. Discrimination is unacceptable at Staughton College Discrimination may be direct or indirect – both are against the law. Direct discrimination means treating someone unfairly or less favourably because of one of the personal characteristics listed above or because of their association with someone identified with one of those characteristics. Indirect discrimination happens when a rule, policy or requirement unnecessarily or unreasonably disadvantages a person or group of people because of a protected personal characteristic they share. Harassment is unacceptable at Staughton College Harassment is behaviour (through words or actions) based on the personal characteristics listed above that are unwanted, unasked for, unreturned and likely to make school an unfriendly or uncomfortable place by: humiliating (putting someone down) seriously embarrassing offending (hurting someone’s feelings) or intimidating (threatening someone so they behave in a certain way). Harassment is not to be made or accepted in jest or on the form of online or social media. Sexual harassment is an unwelcome sexual advance; request for sex or any other sexual behaviour that a reasonable person would know or expect would offend, humiliate, seriously embarrass or humiliate another. Racial and religious vilification is unacceptable at Staughton College Vilification is behaviour (through words or actions) that incites hatred, serious contempt or ridicule of another person or group of people because of their race or religious belief. Bullying is unacceptable at Staughton College Bullying is unreasonable behaviour that is intimidating, threatening or humiliating and repeated over time or occurring as part of a pattern of behaviour. Bullying can be physical, verbal or indirect, and creates an unfriendly, threatening or offensive environment. Victimising someone who makes an EO complaint is unacceptable at Staughton College Victimisation means treating someone unfairly or otherwise disadvantaging them because they have made an EO complaint or might do so in the future. Staughton Collegewill take action to prevent discrimination, harassment, vilification, bullying and victimisation and to promote a safe and inclusive school. Staughton Collegewill take immediate and appropriate action to address and resolve EO issues and complaints. Staughton Collegewill take action to promote human rights both in terms of school policy and practice and within its educational activities and culture. A human rights based approach means taking steps to assess the school’s decisions and actions within the framework of the Charter and also taking proactive steps to encourage and promote wider school discussion and student learning on the key Charter themes of Freedom, Respect, Equality and Dignity. Who and what this policy covers This policy covers the whole school community, including staff, students, parents, school council members, contractors and volunteers. This policy applies to: education (teaching and learning, enrolment, student management, student services, curriculum development and delivery) the provision of goods and services (extracurricular activities, camps, parent–teacher interviews, access to facilities) school sport employment at the school (recruitment, allocation of duties, employment conditions, access to benefits such as training, promotion and leave). Policy framework and relevant information Staughton CollegeEO policy is one component of the Department’s broader policy framework for the promotion of safe and inclusive schools and protection of human rights. Other relevant policy may include: Managing Diversity and Inclusive Workplaces Equal opportunity, Discrimination and Harassment Complaint Resolution Procedures Health, Safety and WorkSafe Building Respectful and Safe Schools Student Engagement Guidelines School anti-bullying policy Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006 including any relevant Department policies Rights and Responsibilities Under this policy, every member of the Staughton Collegehas the right to learn and work in a safe, respectful and inclusive environment free of discrimination, harassment, bullying, vilification and victimisation. Along with this right comes the responsibility to respect and promote human rights and responsibilities by behaving according to this policy. The principal of Staughton Collegeis accountable for implementation of this policy. The principal of Staughton Collegemay appoint an EO and Anti-Harassment Co-ordinator to support implementation of this policy. This policy will be reviewed regularly by the education subcommittee of school council and ratified by the school council. Complaints Procedures Staughton Collegeencourages all members of the school community to attempt to resolve complaints and concerns through the school. All complaints will be treated confidentially, fairly and consistently, and resolved as speedily as possible. Any member of the school community who raises an issue of discrimination, harassment, bullying or vilification in good faith will not be victimised or otherwise unfairly treated or disadvantaged. All complaints of victimisation will be taken seriously, investigated and acted upon as quickly as possible. Every student and staff member at Staughton Collegeshould feel welcome, supported and emotionally and physically secure at school. The wellbeing of all students and staff is a priority for [name of school.] We understand that you cannot achieve your potential if someone is treating you unfairly, discriminating against you, vilifying, harassing or victimising you. Complaints procedures exist to provide an avenue to address unacceptable behaviour. Complaints procedures are designed to explain what to do if you believe you have been discriminated against, harassed, sexually harassed, bullied, vilified or victimised as explained earlier in this policy and your complaint is about your education or employment at Staughton Collegeor goods, services or sport provided by Staughton College If you are a member of staff: Please refer to the Department’s Guidelines for Managing Complaints, Unsatisfactory Performance and Misconduct guidelines. If you are a parent or guardian: Please refer to DEECD’s Parent Complaints guidelines. If you are a student: You have the right to be part of a safe and inclusive school that is free of discrimination, harassment, sexual harassment, bullying, vilification and victimisation. This includes treating you unfairly, excluding you or making you feel bad because of your: sex race sexual orientation physical features religious belief or activity carer status disability/impairment gender identity lawful sexual activity political belief or activity pregnancy personal association with someone who has, or is assumed to have, one of these personal characteristics. If you believe someone is discriminating, harassing, bullying, vilifying or victimising you and it is safe for you to do so, tell the other person to stop their behaviour. Let them know that their behaviour offends you. They may not realise this. If the behaviour doesn’t stop or you are not sure what to do, report it to a trusted adult, such as a teacher, the year level co-ordinator, the principal or the Student Welfare Coordinator. Remember, you are not alone. If you have a problem or complaint, talking to someone, especially your parents can help. If you do not want to talk to anyone about it, you can find more information at (insert appropriate electronic links and other relevant contacts, for example, the Kids Help Line, telephone 1800 55 1800). If the unfair treatment or harassment persists, you can call the Commission for free and confidential advice. Advice can be given over the phone or in person. If your issue is covered by Equal Opportunity law, the Complaints Officer will discuss it with you. They will then explain how the Commission can help you and the information you would need to include in a complaint should you decide to make one. Staughton Collegewill treat all reports of misconduct fairly, confidentially and quickly. Only people directly involved in the issue or complaint will be told about it. Each complaint will be investigated to work out whether it is more likely the behaviour happened than not and, if so, how serious it is. Appropriate action to resolve the problem will be taken. The principal (or someone else they appoint) has responsibility for investigating complaints of discrimination, harassment, bullying, vilification and victimisation. Consequences: If proven, the consequences of such behaviour may include education, counselling, mediation, the removal of privileges; a parental interview, suspension or expulsion, contacting DEECD and/or the police. Staughton College will arrange counselling and support, where appropriate or where requested, for any student who has experienced bullying or harassment. Counselling may also be provided for a person who has bullied or harassed another. The school may also need to discuss the incident with parents. Staughton College will monitor how the complaint was resolved and the wellbeing of those involved. Further action will be taken if the problem behaviour continues. Staughton College encourages all members of the school community to attempt to resolve complaints and concerns through the school if possible. It is also your right to seek help from outside the school. For example, you can contact the Department’s regional office, the Ombudsman or the Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission (VEOHRC) for information or advice, or to make a complaint. Right to Appeal/Review If you are unhappy with the decision about your complaint, you may seek a review of the decision in accordance with departmental procedures. Further Help and Advice School complaints contact(s) DEECD contacts including the regional office and Student Wellbeing Branch VEOHRC contact details School Council contacts Parent support contacts Student contacts [helplines Policy is due for review Term 2 2015 Staughton College Policy INVESTMENT Rationale: School Council has a responsibility to manage school funds and in doing so, has a responsibility to invest funds in a manner that generates the maximum interest revenue with institutions that represent low risk. Aims: To ensure maximum interest returns on low-risk investments. To ensure the cash flow needs of the school are not compromised by the investment of funds into inaccessible accounts. All invested funds must be targeted for specific purposes. Implementation: All grants and other payments from the Department of Education and Training are paid into each school’s individual ‘at call’ High Yield Investment Account. These funds, plus locally raised funds, are then transferred into the school’s Official Account on a needs basis. School council must consider whether or not it should leave excess funds in the High Yield Investment Account, or seek other investment opportunities. The Finance sub-committee of school council will monitor and make recommendations regarding investment of targeted funds to school council. School Council must maintain a manual Investment Register for all investments other than the High Yield Investment Account. The register will detail date of lodgement, investment institution, account number, amount invested, and terms of investment including interest rate, maturity date and interest earned. When considering investment opportunities, school council will ensure that funds are only invested with institutions that are prudentially sound and secure, professionally managed, and have strong financial status in reserves, liquidity and profitability. All investment and changes to investments, including the ‘roll over’ of existing investments, must be approved and minuted by school council, and authorised by the principal and a school council delegate. All investments will be made in the name of school council and be reported through CASES. The cash-flow requirements of the school must be monitored to ensure that there are sufficient funds available to meet commitments. School Council must not deposit money directly into, or make payments directly from an investment account. All receipts and payments must be made via the Official Account with the exception of interest earned and paid directly into an investment account, funds deposited by DE&T directly into the High Yield Investment Account, and schools with ATO endorsement to operate a gift deductible trust fund (eg school library or building fund). Evaluation: This policy, plus investment levels, investment terms and types of investments are required to be formally minuted and reviewed by school council regularly. Policy is due for review Term 3 2013 53 Staughton College Policy PRIVACY 1. Scope This policy applies to members of school staff and the school council at Staughton College. This policy will be made available on request. 2. Authorisation This policy was adopted at Staughton College Council meeting in August 2003 3. Review date This policy shall be reviewed in Term 3, 2005 and updated if required. 4. Background All staff of Staughton College are required by law to protect the personal and health information the school collects and holds. The Victorian privacy laws, the Information Privacy Act 2000 and the Health Records Act 2001, provide for the protection of personal and health information. The privacy laws do not replace any existing obligations Staughton College has under other laws. Essentially this policy will apply when other laws do not regulate the use of personal information. 5. Definitions Personal information means information or opinion that is recorded in any form and whether true or not, about an individual whose identity is apparent, or can be reasonably determined from the information or opinion. For example, this includes all paper and electronic records, photographs and video recordings. Health information is defined as including information or opinion about a person’s physical, mental or psychological health, or disability, which is also classified as personal information. This includes information or opinion about a person’s health status and medical history, whether recorded or not. Sensitive information is defined as information relating to a person’s racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religion, trade union, or other professional, or trade association membership, sexual preferences, or criminal record that is also classified as personal information about an individual. In this policy personal information refers to personal information, health information and sensitive information unless otherwise specified. Parent in this policy in relation to a child, includes step parent, an adoptive parent, a foster parent, guardian, or a person who has custody or daily care and control of the child. Staff in this policy is defined as someone who carries out a duty on behalf of the school, paid or unpaid, or who is contracted to, or directly employed by the school or the Department of Education and Training (DE&T). Information provided to a school through job applications is also considered staff information. 6. Policy context Personal information is collected and used by Staughton College to: provide services or to carry out the school’s statutory functions assist the school services and its staff to fulfil its duty of care to students plan, resource, monitor and evaluate school services and functions comply with Department of Education and Training reporting requirements comply with statutory and or other legal obligations in respect of staff 54 investigate incidents or defend any legal claims against the school, its services, or its staff, and comply with laws that impose specific obligations regarding the handling of personal information. 7. Collection of personal information The school collects and holds personal information about students, parents and staff. 8. Use and disclosure of the personal information provided Students and parents 8.1 The purposes for which the school uses personal information of students and parents include: keeping parents informed about matters related to their child’s schooling looking after students’ educational, social and health needs celebrating the efforts and achievements of students day-to-day administration satisfying the school’s legal obligations, and allowing the school to discharge its duty of care. Staff 8.3 8.4 8.2 The purposes for which the school uses personal information of job applicants, staff members and contractors include: assessing suitability for employment administering the individual’s employment or contract for insurance purposes, such as public liability or WorkCover satisfying the school’s legal requirements, and investigating incidents or defending legal claims about the school, its services, or staff. The school will use and disclose personal information about a student, parent and staff when: it is required for general administration duties and statutory functions it relates to the purposes for which it was collected, and for a purpose that is directly related to the reason the information was collected and the use would be reasonably expected by the individual and there is no reason to believe they would object to the disclosure. The school can disclose personal information for another purpose when: the person consents, or it is necessary to lessen or prevent a serious or imminent threat to life, health or safety, or is required by law or for law enforcement purposes. 9. Where consent for the use and disclosure of personal information is required, the school will seek consent from the appropriate person. In the case of a student’s personal information, the school will seek the consent from the student and/or parent depending on the circumstances and the student’s mental ability and maturity to understand the consequences of the proposed use and disclosure. 10. Accessing personal information A parent, student or staff member may seek access to their personal information, provided by them, that is held by the school. Access to other information maybe restricted according to the requirements of laws that cover the management of school records. These include the Public Records Act and the Freedom of Information Act. 11. Updating personal information The school aims to keep personal information it holds accurate, complete and up-to-date. A person may update their personal information by contacting the Business Manager. 55 12. Security 12.1 School staff and students have use of information and communications technologies (ICT) provided by the school. This use is directed by: Department of Education and Training’s acceptable use policy for Internet, email and other electronic communications Department of Education and Training IT security policy. Web sites 12.2 Information collected The Staughton College web server makes a record of all websites visited according to the logon username. Information collected is logged for statistical purposes and in the advent of a security and/or protocol breach, the record is scrutinised for evidence. Individuals found to have abused their internet priviledges will be dealt with accordingly. 13. Complaints under privacy Should the school receive a complaint about personal information privacy this will be investigated in accordance with the Department of Education and Training’s privacy complaints handling policy. Policy is due for review Term 4 2013 56 Staughton College Policy FUND RAISING Rationale: Fund-raising is important to the College’s ability to provide a diverse range of programs as well as fund projects and school improvement activities. College Council believes it is important to keep an overall perspective on fund-raising. In this way, fund-raising should: be purposeful help build a sense of community spirit be promoted generically Guidelines: 1 DE&T provides guidelines for fund-raising in Section 7.2 of the Government Schools Reference Guide. 2 College Council will seek voluntary contributions from parents in accordance with departmental requirements and expectations. 3 College Council has the potential to hire school facilities to outside bodies when the facilities are not required for school purposes and also have the responsibility to establish the terms and conditions of use. Such agreements may have insurance implications. 4 Any fund-raising directly related to the leasing of promotional space on fences, buildings or land is subject to approval from the Manager, Property Unit prior to entering into any agreements. 5 Appropriate sponsorships will be sought from industry and commerce so long as they benefit the school, have educational value, and do not involve associations with undesirable products, services or companies such as alcohol or tobacco products. 6 College Council will convene a Sub-Committee with responsibility for conducting each fund raising activities, and a Finance sub-committee will have responsibilities including providing advice and recommendations to school council in relation to voluntary contributions, sponsorships and donations. 7 Any member of the College community who wishes to undertake a fund-raising activity shall follow set guidelines 8 All fund raising events must have appropriate internal control mechanisms 9 Each fundraising events GST status will be minted by school council. GST status will be determined with the GST fundraising wheel on the DEECD Finance website. 10 Any fund raising involving raffles or bingo must be undertaken with the permission and under the instructions of the Victorian Commission for Gambling Regulations. 11 All fundraising activities will be identified as such, and will only involve voluntary participation. 12 All profits (and losses) associated with fundraising activities will be reported to the wider community. 13 All transactions related to fundraising activities will be reported to School Council. 14 All groups within the College (eg: Parents and Friends, SRC, etc) are actively encouraged to plan and organise fund-raising events. 15 Any profit made from an excursion/camp or fund-raising activity should remain in the relevant Level 5 account for the calendar year and any balance carried forward into the next year 16 Any payment for services given, prizes, etc should be receipted into the relevant Level 5 account Implementation: 1. The Assistant Principal will have delegated responsibility for overseeing all approved fund-raising activities 2. All fund raising events must have a specific purpose so that contributors understand the purpose of the activity. 3. By its December meeting, the Fundraising Sub-Committee shall approve a priority list for the allocation of locally-raised funds in the following school year. These priorities will form the basis of the “specific purpose” mentioned in item 2 above. Policy Endorsement by School Council: Policy is due for review October 2006 Term 3 2012 57 Staughton College Policy PREVENTION OF BULLYING IN THE WORKPLACE AIM To maintain a safe workplace for all staff by preventing workplace bullying. To deal promptly and effectively with any alleged incidents of workplace bullying. DEFINITIONS Workplace bullying is repeated, unreasonable behaviour directed towards an employee, or group of employees, that creates a risk to health and safety. The following types of behaviour, where repeated or occurring as part of a pattern of behaviour, can be considered bullying behaviour: psychological harassment, intimidation, assigning meaningless tasks, underwork, assigning employees impossible timelines/tasks, deliberately changing work rosters to inconvenience specific employees, isolating one from normal work interactions or training and development or career opportunities, deliberately withholding resources or information that is essential for effective work performance. GUIDELINES Staughton College shall be a bullying free workplace committed to providing staff with a safe and healthy workplace. The Principal shall ensure that all staff are aware of their responsibility to prevent workplace bullying and of their requirement to report any instance of alleged bullying. If a bullying incident occurs, the person(s) subject to the bullying should, without delay, report the incident to the Principal. If the report involves the Principal, it should be made to the Regional Director at the Regional Office. If a staff member observes a bullying incident they should immediately report the incident to the Principal (or Regional Director, as appropriate). All reports of workplace bullying will be treated seriously and there will be prompt intervention to investigate and resolve the issue. All reports will be investigated according to the established Department of Education and Training complaints resolution procedures. Once a report is lodged, those directly involved will be informed of the complaint, and are permitted to have a support person present throughout the issue resolution process, including at any interviews or meetings. The principles of natural justice shall be followed in any investigation. The person who reported the incident shall not be victimised as a result of having made the report. The person in charge of the investigation/resolution process must not have been involved in the alleged incident. All parties are to maintain strict confidentiality throughout the process. A record shall be made of all proceedings and outcomes. If a case has been found against an individual, the records will be securely filed (in a sealed envelope marked ‘Authorised access only’) in the person’s official file. 58 Recommendations arising from an investigation/resolution process shall be implemented by the principal, as appropriate. This may include disciplinary or dismissal action in line with the Department of Education and Training’s unsatisfactory performance procedures. It is incumbent upon the Principal to implement and monitor the process, Appropriate action will be taken against any staff member who is found to make malicious, frivolous or vexatious complaints. Normal Department of Education complaints resolution procedures will be used. This may include disciplinary or dismissal action in line with the Department of Education and Training’s unsatisfactory performance procedures. Staff will be involved in discussion and problem solving around the issues of risk assessment, process review and refinement, and harm minimisation. All staff at this school have a responsibility to comply with this policy and to treat other staff with dignity and respect. RATIFICATION AND REVIEW This policy was endorsed by the School Council on 16/10/07 Policy is due for review Term 4 2013 59 Staughton College Policy ISDES - ILLICIT DRUG USE Rationale: Illegal drug use in schools is a social, health and legal problem that needs to be addressed in accordance with protocols established between the Department of Education, Employment and Training, and the Victorian Police Force. Aims: To provide a school environment that is free of illicit drugs, and safe for all staff and students. Implementation: As educators we have a legal responsibility to take reasonable measures to protect students in our care from risks of injury that we should have reasonably foreseen, including risks associated with illicit drugs. Our school does not accept that any student or staff member use, possess, supply or be under the influence of illicit drugs at school, at a school function or in the vicinity of the school or its students. Legal issues related to illicit drug use and a school’s duty of care to its students are complex. The primary reference for issues relating to illicit drug use in schools is ‘Drugs, Legal Issues and Schools – A Guide for Principals of Government Schools – June 2000 edition’. It is incumbent upon a school to act whenever cases of drug use, or illegal or criminal activity brought to the schools attention, or are suspected to have occurred at school. Such action must involve members of the college community informing the principal who will contact the police as per the ‘Protocol between the Victorian Police and Department of Education Concerning Criminal Offences’ – 4.6.7 SOTF Reference Guide, contact parents, arrange counselling or support as necessary, and thereafter following the school’s Student Code of Conduct. Whether or not the principal informs all parents or students of incidents involving drugs at school is a matter of circumstances and degree, but the principal’s legal duty is to ensure that the school environment is, as far as practicable, safe and free from risks. The principal will consult with school council in matters involving significant drug use. The school will inform students and parents via newsletters and the Student Code of Conduct that school lockers and desks are school property and may be searched without notice. Students suspected of illicit drugs in school bags or personal clothing are to be separated from other students and supervised while the police are contacted. A teacher or principal can conduct an immediate search of a school bag or clothing if there is imminent danger that the student is likely to use it without warning while the police are contacted – refer SOTF Reference Guide 6.14.5 School Council endorses the principles of RSA Lessons relating to drug education will form part of the schools Individual Drug Education Strategy (ISDES). Parents will be informed of drug education lesson content. Evaluation: This policy was reviewed on 16/10/07. 60 Managing the Misuse of Illicit Drugs Incident Discipline/Welfare Focus Taking drugs at school Possession of drugs at school Providing drugs Illegal drugs Action by school 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Ensure safety Confiscation of drugs and equipment Immediate withdrawal from camp, excursion or school activity Referral to the Student Manager/Principal Referral to Student Support Services within and/or outside the school Parent to collect student from school Suspension and case conference Referral to the Police In some cases this will lead to Expulsion Mismanagement prescription/over counter drugs substances of the and Prescription drugs, over the counter drugs/ substances be managed responsibly Alcohol drinking, possession or provision at school Alcohol Possession and or making drug related equipment Responsible class practice Prohibited items Policy is due for review 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 7. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Contact parent to collect student Confiscation of drugs and equipment Relevant first aid procedures Seek immediate medical help if required Case conference with parent Student Manager and/or Principal and Student Support Services Ongoing – suspension and possible expulsion. Ensure safety Confiscate alcohol Immediate withdrawal from camp, excursion or school activity Referral to STUDENT MANAGER/Principal Contact with parent Case conference with parent Student Manager and/or Principal and Student Support Services Suspension – if ongoing then Expulsion Ensure safety Confiscate equipment Immediate withdrawal from camp, excursion or school activity Referral to STUDENT MANAGER/Principal Contact with parent 6. 7. 8. Suspension with case conference Referral to Student Support Services within / outside the school Ongoing - expulsion 6. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. room Term 4 2013 61 Staughton College Policy Individual Schools Drug Education Strategy - SMOKING Rationale: Our school recognises the danger smoking and passive smoking causes to health, as well as the need for the school and its employees to provide positive role models to students. Consequently, for the protection of staff and students, smoking is not permitted within any area of the school property, nor at any school related activity or function by students, staff or visitors. Aims: To ensure that all students are made aware of the dangers of smoking. To ensure that a fair and reasonable process for responding to incidents of smoking is developed, understood and consistently followed. Implementation: Smoking and passive smoking is dangerous to the health of employees and students. The Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004, requires employers to provide a safe work place, and as far as practical, without risks to health. Consequently, smoking is not permitted in any area of the school property, Failure by employees to comply with the Act is an offence. In addition, staff members are not permitted to smoke outside of the school property within the view of students. Students are not permitted to smoke on the way to, or from, school or at anytime whilst wearing college uniform Informed choices about smoking will feature amongst the harm minimisation strategies employed in the school’s Individual Schools Drug Education Strategy (ISDES), and our “Saying No To Drugs” program will include sections relating to peer pressure and smoking. No Smoking signs are erected at prominent places within the school. Our No Smoking policy will be communicated to the community via the school newsletter. A combination of counselling and disciplinary measures will accompany any incidents of smoking. They include: First Offence: Second Offence: Third Offence: Suspension Suspension and counselling. Suspension and QUIT counselling. Evaluation: Policy is due for review Term 4 2014 62 Staughton College Policy SCHOOL CAMPS Rationale: The school’s camping program enables students to further their learning and social skills development in a non-school setting. Camps may have a cultural, environmental or outdoor emphasis and are an important aspect of the educational programs offered at our school. Aims: To provide all children with the opportunity to participate in a sequential camping program. To provide shared class experiences and a sense of group cohesiveness. To reinforce and extend classroom learning. To provide a program that delivers skills and knowledge that may lead to a lifelong involvement in worthwhile leisure pursuits. To provide a program that promotes self-esteem, resourcefulness, independence, leadership, judgement, co-operation and tolerance. Implementation: A camp is defined as any activity involving at least one night’s accommodation. The program will be developed sequentially throughout the school. The School Council will ensure that all school camps are maintained at a reasonable and affordable cost. All camps require School Council approval and must comply with DEECD (Department of Education and Early Childhood Development) requirements. This approval is sought at a scheduled meeting in the year before the camp will be held. The Education Committee has the right to approve a camp not approved in the previous year in the advent of exceptional or special circumstances Information presented to the School Council is detailed below in the ‘Teachers Planning Package for Camps’ All camps will be budgeted for at the beginning of the year with details and accurate costing presented to the Principal. Parents will be notified of the exact costs and other relevant details of individual camps as soon as practicable. Parents experiencing financial difficulty, who wish for their children to attend camp, will be required to discuss their individual situation with the Principal. Decisions relating to payment arrangements will be made by the Principal on a case-by-case basis. All families will be notified of due dates for payment. Students may be excluded from camp if full payment is not made before final due date. Office staff will be responsible for managing and monitoring the payments made by parents and will provide classroom teachers with detailed records on a regular basis. School Council will set aside a budget each year that will cover the cost of replacing teachers (CRT) who are involved in camps. School Council may ask that CRT costs be included in the costing of the camp to cover any staffing shortfall that may be incurred as a result of the camp. The designated “Teacher in Charge” of each camp will ensure that all camps, bus arrangements and camp activities comply with Department of Employment, Education and Training guidelines Classroom teachers will be given the first option to attend camps, but the organisational needs of the school must be given first priority. The school will continue to provide the opportunity for teachers to update their first aid skills and will provide a Level 2 First Aid Teacher on each camp. The school will provide a mobile phone for all camps. A senior staff member will be in attendance at school whilst the children are returning from camp. The Teacher in Charge will communicate with this person in regards the anticipated return time. 63 Parents will be invited to assist in the delivery of school camps. When deciding on which parents will attend, the camps committee will take into account – - Any valuable skills the parents have to offer, e.g. bus licence, first aid, etc. The need to include both male and female parents. Relevant Police check The special needs of particular students. Parents selected to assist with the camps program will be required to undertake a police records check. The school will pay for the associated costs. Parent volunteers may be required to pay the accommodation and meals cost of the camp. These costs may be included in the costing of the camp, as decided by the School Council on a case-by-case basis. Only children who have displayed sensible, reliable behaviour at school will be invited to participate in the camping program. Parents will be notified if a child is in danger of losing their invitation to participate in a camping experience due to poor behaviour at school. If the unsatisfactory behaviour continues, the child will then be excluded from camp. The decision to exclude a student will be made by the Principal, in consultation with the classroom teacher. Parents will be requested to collect their child from camp if their child exhibits behaviour that is considered unacceptable. The “Teacher in Charge”, in consultation with the Principal, will make this decision. Costs incurred will be the responsibility of the parent. Overseas Travel In addition to the notification required for school camps, schools should register their overseas travel plans with the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT). This ensures that should dangerous or exceptional circumstances arise while travelling overseas DFAT will assist in ensuring the safety and security of staff and students. When considering overseas excursions for approval, School Councils must take into account the circumstances that exist in the areas to be visited with regard to student and staff safety and welfare Staff employed by the DEECD who are part of the supervising staff on an overseas student excursion must gain approval from the appropriate regional director to travel overseas. The appropriate form can be found in EduLibrary under Schools/Guidelines/Travel Guidelines The Commonwealth Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade provides current consular travel advice for intending travellers. See and Smartraveller at The cost of medical and hospital treatment is high in some countries, therefore all students and staff should take out travel and medical insurance for the entire trip Emergency planning should be sufficiently detailed to provide for a range of situations that might occur during the excursion. All excursion staff and students, as well as relevant school staff, should be familiar with the procedures contained within the emergency plan 64 Teachers Planning Package for Camps 1. All Camps must be initially approved by the daily organisation group as in the excursion process 2. All interested parties need to follow the guidelines at the Safety Guidelines for Education Outdoors website, particularly looking at the planning, support and risk management sections 3. The following documentation must then be submitted to the education subcommittee of the school council The camp approval form available at roval.htm The risk register form available at ertemplate.doc 4. DEECD must be notified at least 3 weeks before the excursion at 5. If Interstate or international travel is involved seek more details at the Safety Guidelines for Outdoor Activities website the Victorian Government School Reference Guide 6. School Council will use the following checklist to ensure that the camp is available to receive approval. Please visit the following site to find example approval documentation oval.pdf School Council checklist This checklist does NOT take the place of the detailed Approval Proforma for all Excursions and Activities Requiring School Council Approval. Rather, it is a one-page checklist that assures Council that all requirements have been met. The educational purpose of the program has been established and is relevant to the school’s curriculum. The principal has informed school council that staff have been briefed on their roles and responsibilities during the excursion. Arrangements are documented if the excursion needs to be cancelled or recalled (for example, due to forecast severe weather conditions) External providers, if used, are appropriate for the activity and they have demonstrated that they hold a current public liability insurance policy (minimum $10 million) which covers the program activity. Transport arrangements comply with the Schools Reference Guide 4.10 (Transport) and VicRoads regulations. 65 Activities conducted on public lands, such as state forest or national park, comply with current permit and access requirements. A member of staff with appropriate qualifications has been designated as being responsible for first aid. A 24 hour school contact person has been designated and provided with a briefing about her/his role and the necessary information to enact her/his responsibilities. Staff who are not registered teachers have received a satisfactory Police Check or after July 2007 a Working with Children Check. Copies of the following completed documents will be lodged with the principal or nominee and the designated school contact, before the program commences. Signed, informed consent from parents/guardians Completed medical form for all students and staff Detailed itinerary, with specific locations and contact numbers If appropriate, a copy of map(s): including map name, access routes and grid references for specific locations used Staff and student equipment & clothing lists Group equipment list(s) if necessary A supervision strategy (maintaining as a minimum the prescribed staffing allocation for adventure activities) which outlines the staffing allocations for activities and for nonprogrammed periods (this may form part of the detailed itinerary that is also required) Completed staffing details proforma Risk management plans for all adventure activities Emergency response plan including contacts for police, ambulance, doctor, hospital, fire brigade, 24 hour school contact number to be held by staff on the excursion and by the nominated school contact person All participating staff, including the school contact person, understand their specific roles and are familiar with the program itinerary, risk management plans and emergency response plan. The completed Proforma for excursions and activities requiring school council approval has been approved and minuted at a school council meeting. The Notification of School Activity form has been submitted three weeks prior to the excursion. Policy is due for review Term 1 2014 66 Staughton College Policy MUSIC RATIONALE: Staughton College believes strongly in the value of both music education in the classroom and extra curricular music. We believe that music is a significant part of western and other cultures and therefore is a significant part of the student’s lives. Music education enables students to learn important and desirable skills namely: team work, self-discipline; social and fine motor skills. The study of music can also enhance other areas of learning such as language acquisition, creativity, problem solving and self expression. Staughton College believes music should be a valued and integral part of the school program and provide an opportunity for all students to experience music firsthand, through composing, listening and performing, explore learning pathways for students interested in music, and provide an environment where students may express and develop their musical talent and interests. IMPLEMENTATION: Students are provided with the opportunity to learn a musical instrument if they wish All students in Years 7 and 8 have core music classes for the whole year Music electives are offered at year 9 and 10 level Music is offered as a VCE and VET option in the senior years Students may rehearse and perform in many choices of ensemble setting, including rock bands, concert band and/or other ensembles Students without instruments may be able to hire an instrument from the College Staughton College provides opportunity for students to demonstrate their musical skills through performance Students have the opportunity to participate in recognised testing such as the AMEB Students may work with recognised music resources such as software and musical equipment Cross-curriculum links are developed to encourage musical learning in various contexts Having a support committee of parents to help with fundraising and other duties EVALUATION: This policy will be reviewed during Term 3 of 2007. Policy is due for review Term 3 2013 67 Staughton College Policy REFUND Excursions Staughton College runs excursions at all year levels and all costs are usually recoverable in full through student payment. The only exception to this is when a program coordinator has made a commitment to cover full or partial costs through a program budget. Process for excursions 3. An excursion is defined as any activity beyond the school grounds. 4. The teacher in charge develops a budget for the excursion using the Excursion Budget Proforma and calculates the required cost per student on the assumption it will be self-supporting. 5. Principal/Assistant Principal permission is sought to proceed with the excursion. 6. An excursion form is distributed to students which outlines excursion details including; costs, transport, activities and permission slips. 7. A cut off date is determined after which students will no longer be accepted to be part of the excursion. 8. Student numbers are then calculated for advance purchase of tickets, number of buses required and other associated costs. 9. Orders for these payments of these items are then processed. Fees Staughton College requires that students pay fees in some elective courses including VET courses. Fees are payable before the commencement of classes, in order for students to be allowed to attend. The amount charged is decided by the school based on the costs associated with running the course. Details of the fees are to be available in handbooks prior to enrolment. Process for fee payments 1. Students who have selected courses that have fees will be notified as soon as their subject selection is confirmed. 2. For VET subjects a $50 deposit is required for students to be enrolled. 3. All fees are to be paid at the front office. 4. Fees must be paid in full before a student can commence the course. 5. No discounts are available on VET fees. Discounts are available on HCE and General Levy if paid by specified date in the Parent Levies & Charges Booklet Refund Excursions Refunds may be required due to: Cancellation of the excursion by the school Student non-attendance The schools discretion for behavioural or uniform reasons. Refunds are given by cheque or as credits on the student’s account. 2. A full refund will be given when the following occurs; School cancellation of the excursion Exclusion of a student due to behavioural or uniform issues. 3. A refund of costs not prepaid by the college will be given when; A student does not attend due to illness (supported by documentation) Notification of non-attendance is provided by the parents prior to date specified on the excursion form. 68 4. No refund will be given when the following occurs; The college does not receive any notification of the students non attendance A student is sent home from the excursion due to poor behaviour Fees Refunds may be given due to: Student withdrawal before the commencement of the course The cancellation of the course The schools discretion for behavioural or uniform reasons Refunds are given by cheque or credits on the student’s account. Endorsed by Council Term 2 2010 Policy is due for review Term 2 2013 69 Staughton College Policy PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT AIMS: The Professional Development Policy is designed to – 1. Improve teaching practice and leadership for the purpose of improving student learning outcomes. 2. Provide assist in the development and provide support to professional learning teams in relation to their specific goals and targets for the key improvement strategies. 3. Develop knowledge, understandings and skills of staff within the College in order to achieve goals as set out in their performance and development plans. Thus, support the implementation of the Annual Implementation Plan and College Strategic Plan. 4. Inform staff of policy, reform and initiatives of the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development (DEECD) 5. Contribute to the career development of individual teachers within the College. COLLEGE PHILOSOPHY The Professional Development Policy is based upon the following principles: 1. Professional Development should be planned and timelined with the process documented. Thus, the goals and key improvement strategies of the Annual Implementation Plan and Strategic Plan are reflected within the Professional Development Policy. 2. Professional Development should also reflect the needs of Teams and Individual Staff members. 3. Staff should take on the role of passing on knowledge and understanding obtained from any professional development onto other staff. Thus, staff should commit to training other relevant members and role modeling new learning to the College community. 4. College Teams should also participate in Professional Development activities and should take on the role as school based trainers / facilitators. 5. The benefits of professional development should be translatable to teachers’ individual work practices. 6. Professional Development should contain a balance of practice, analysis and reflection. IMPLEMENTATION: Professional Development can come in various forms in both formal and informal settings. Professional Development can come from external sources as well as from internal. The latter calls on staff skilled on one area to act as the trainers or facilitators to other staff who require such skills. Ideally, there is a balance of the various professional development models. Below is a list of Professional Development models: Whole staff Professional Development sessions (during designated meeting times). College Team sessions (such as sessions run by the Student Operations Team) 70 Year Level / KLA sessions (Middle Years or Senior Years) Small Group in a formal and informal setting Whole School Pupil Free Days. Targetted programs for teams, working parties, committees. Peer coaching, mentoring and buddy system. DEECD sponsored Professional Development programs. Short courses with internal / external presenters. Role modelling and “train the trainer” model. Health and Well Being initiatives DEECD Initiatives Discussion and Feedback as part of the Annual Review Process Individual goal setting and self-evaluation as parts of the Annual Review Process Teacher Development Plans EVALUATION: This policy will be reviewed annually and will be reviewed in conjunction with the preparation of the Strategic Plan and the Annual Implementation Plan. All aspects of the policy will be evaluated in terms of effectiveness. Information to assist the evaluation will be drawn from the Professional Development records and Staff Opinion Survey, from separate staff surveys and from feedback provided throughout various meetings. POLICY DEVELOPMENT: Performance & Development Team Leader Performance & Development Coordinator Information & Communication Technology (ICT) Coordinator Teaching & Learning Team Leader Student Operations Team Leader Student Leadership Team Leader Date ratified by Council: term 3 2011 Policy is due for review Term 3 2014 71 Staughton College Policy HOMEWORK IMPLEMENTATION RATIONALE Teachers must The Staughton College Homework Policy should reflect the Set homework tasks that values, expectations and needs of the whole school community. all students understand. Homework is a broad concept and incorporates the study and Plan homework with a practising of skills and knowledge acquired as well as thinking and knowledge and reflecting over these skills and knowledge. Homework involves consideration of the the development of habits as well as requiring forward planning students overall workload. and preparation, skills that are essential for lifelong learning and Plan class/year level success. The nature of homework will vary according the homework schedules requirements of individual subjects as well as varying across year together. levels and to suit the various programmes the school offers. Write clear instructions Homework requirements and expectations will therefore and give adequate naturally differ from year Seven through to VCE and VCAL instruction and time for however all students are expected to Try, Persevere and Achieve, students to record to reach their true potential. homework in School The whole school community is committed to planning for and Diaries. assisting students in meeting their potential. At all year levels, in all subjects and across programmes it is essential that students Students must develop good habits and complete homework tasks that have Record homework been assigned. This will be facilitated through classroom teachers instructions clearly in their setting homework that is achievable by all students. In order to School Diaries do this consideration must be taken to the students overall Check the school workload as well as individual students. Staff will liaise and plan newsletter for relevant together across programmes so that teachers, students and homework due dates. parents have a clear overview of all students’ weekly workloads. Make sure that they This goal is achievable through term and semester curriculum understand the homework planning and the regular publishing and monitoring of homework requirement when they tasks through the weekly school newsletter. Students will use the write their School Diaries school diaries to regularly record homework tasks. Teachers will Complete assigned tasks. assist students in developing the habit of recording tasks in the diaries by instructing students to use diaries, giving clear Parents must instructions and regularly monitoring their use. Parents/guardians Check their will support this by regularly checking the diary and newsletter child/children’s School with students, by signing and providing feedback to classroom Diaries for homework teachers and YLC’s in the diaries. tasks. GUIDELINES Provide feedback to At Seven and Eight year levels, students are transitioning from the teachers. primary years of schooling and adapting to the demands of Ensure students complete secondary schooling. At these levels homework tasks should be homework focussed primarily on the development of good habits and the reinforcement of skills and knowledge introduced or practised At 7 and 8 homework will be over the school day. This means that students should be Completion of unfinished completing tasks from the school day or practising and class work. reinforcing skills and knowledge that are specific to instruction Based on content the earlier in the day. For effective memory retention students must students have done in be encouraged to actively reflect, think about and review their class. school day. Project and research based assignments are Regular weekly novel supported through classroom activities and as homework involve reading. students putting the information together. Regular weekly reading 72 targets are monitored through Lexile reading and class novels. Projects and Research homework is mainly putting the information from classes together. At Nine and Ten year levels, students are increasingly meeting new and unfamiliar topics and subject and homework demands must reflect this. The focus on habit development and At 9 and 10 homework will be reinforcement of skills and knowledge continues. Students will Completion of unfinished complete unfinished work and tasks to reinforce skills and class work. knowledge that are specific to instruction earlier in the day. Based on content the Added to this, students must also be prepared to engage in student has done in class. reading and note taking activities as a reflective homework Reading and note taking preparation particularly for core and academic electives. For with new information. practical electives students’ homework will reflect the need to Regular weekly novel and reinforce new terminologies and to practise to gain, maintain and further wide reading. develop hands on skills. Project and research based assignments are supported through classroom activities however students are Projects and Research homework expected to engage in further independent and group research. In is classroom supported homework tasks they must progressively challenge themselves to elaborate on and select appropriate models and formats for For VET and VCAL homework project presentation. To maintain and develop literacy students will be: are expected to engage in weekly reading through class texts and by engaging in set wider reading. Revision of subject terminologies. For students undertaking Vocational Education and Training Completion of tasks (VET) subjects and the MYCAL and VCAL programmes the Preparation and practise practical and hands on nature of the courses require that for performance and homework will involve the need to reinforce new terminologies practical task application and practise to gain, maintain and develop hands on skills. VET Preparation and subjects include learning theoretical knowledge of the subject as organisation for work well as an understanding of this knowledge in the application of placement skills. Homework involves completion of tasks and creation of Completion of classroom models, preparation and development of performances and so on. tasks Homework focus is the management and organisation of self to Maintenance of work folios prepare and present for work experience and structured workplace learning. Literacy, Numeracy and PD in MYCAL and VCAL require the practising of skills with an emphasis on For VCE homework will be: developing strategies to develop and maintain these skills. Assessment is evidence based so students’ homework requires Revision of subject the completion of classroom tasks as well as the development terminologies. and maintenance of evidence based portfolios. Completion of unfinished class work. At VCE level homework demands must fulfil the requirements of Rewriting and organisation the subjects where students are expected to learn and become of class notes fluent in new terminologies. They are expected to learn and apply Based on and extending knowledge and skills with increasing independence and autonomy from content the student and develop organizational and management skills in order to has done in class. prepare for the workforce or for entry into tertiary education. Preparation for SAC’s and Students must be prepared to engage in reading and note taking SAT’s activities as a reflective homework preparation as well as working Completing independent to further elaborate and refine notes in conjunction with ongoing research for assignments, class activities and as preparation for SAC’s SAT’s and SAC’s and SAT’s examinations. The VCE is highly competitive and as such Reading and pre reading of homework must be strategically planned throughout the year course material. with pre reading of prescribed texts. Students are expected to Note taking with new engage in detailed independent and group research when information. preparing for SAC’s and completing SAT’s. While project and research based assignments are supported through classroom activities, in homework tasks students must not only select appropriate models and formats for project presentation 73 independently but also be able to justify their choices. They are expected to challenge themselves to select resources and react continuously to teacher and peer feedback. Policy Endorsement by School Council: Policy is due for review June 2006 Term 3 2012 74 Staughton College Policy VET ENROLMENT FORM YEAR_________________ Date of application;__________/05 Application to be enrolled as a VET student Full name of student;________________________________________________ Date of birth;__________ Current School; _________________________________________________________ Current home address of student; __________________________________________ __ __________________________________________ __ Will this address be the same when attending our College? If no please give details below. Yes/ No __________________________________________________________________ (If outside Victoria please give contact phone number_______________________) Current Year level; Year 10/Year 11/Year 12 please circle. or other ______ Year Level /Coordinator’s name __________________________________________ Name of Parent/Guardian________________________________________________ Contact phone numbers; home___________________ mob_____________________ Reason/s for enrolment 75 Has the applicant already completed any VCE/VET subjects/certificates? If Yes please give details. eg; Unit 1&2 Legal Studies – Passed or Unit 1 & 2 Biology - Failed Yes/No Details _______________________________________________________________ Is the student in receipt of any integration funding at present? Has the student ever received any D&I assistance ? If yes please list D&I number. _________________ Yes/ No Yes/ No Has the student ever repeated any Year levels or had more than 4 weeks out of regular schooling? Yes/ No If yes please give details ________________________________________________ Is the applicant on any special program at the current school?. Yes/No Eg; extra literacy/numeracy support. If yes please give details_________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Thank you All information will be treated in strictest confidence. Staughton College (formerly Wilson Park Secondary College) Wilson Road Melton South 3338 P.O Box 2344 Melton South 3338 Phone; 9743 4622 Fax; 9747 8408 Email; 76 Staughton College Policy ANAPHYLAXIS Rationale: Anaphylaxis is a severe, life-threatening allergic reaction, and up to 2% of the general population are at risk. The most common causes in young children are eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, cow milk, bee or other insects’ stings, and some drugs. It is important, therefore, for all staff members to be aware of anaphylaxis, its symptoms and triggers, and the management of anaphylaxis in a school environment. It is important to provide education to the community about the condition and its management. Aims: To have clear procedures for the identification, prevention. management and treatment of children who have a known risk of anaphylaxis. To provide, as far as is practical, a safe and healthy environment in which students at risk of anaphylaxis can participate equally in all aspects of the schools programs and experiences. To raise awareness about allergies and anaphylaxis amongst the Staughton College Community and students in attendance. To reduce the risk of anaphylactic reaction occurring while a student is in care of the College. To ensure that staff members respond appropriately to an anaphylactic reaction by initiating appropriate treatment, including the competent administration of an Epipen. Checklist for Children at Risk of Anaphylaxis: Parents of a child at risk of Anaphylaxis have been provided a copy of the Staughton College Anaphylaxis Policy All Staughton College parents and community members are made aware of the Anaphylaxis Policy An Anaphylaxis Action Plan for the child is signed by the child’s doctor and is visible and available to all staff An EpiPen within the expiry date is available for use at any time the student is in the care of Staughton College staff. If the student will not be carrying the EpiPen on them at all times, parents are to sign a declaration to indicate their approval of this. All staff, including relief staff, are aware of each EpiPen location. Staughton College College staff are trained in Anaphylaxis management and updated at yearly intervals. Parent/guardian’s current contact details are available. Information regarding any other medications or medical conditions is available to staff. 77 Implementation: It is the parents’ and/or primary care givers’ responsibility to notify staff at school and of their child’s anaphylactic condition. Inturn it is the schools responsibility to keep all medical records up to date. Staff will receive annual training in the treatment and management of anaphylactic students including the correct administration of the Epipen. Respond to complaints with regards to the management of students at risk of Anaphylaxis. Review the adequacy of the response of staff if a student has an anaphylactic reaction and consider the need for additional training and other corrective action. The Sick Bay Co-Coordinator will be responsible for checking Epipen expiry dates as well as storage temperatures for Epipens held at the school. Parents and primary carers will be notified when a replacement Epipen is needed. Awareness of students with anaphylaxis throughout the school is vital. Information regarding students’ individual responses and treatment along with their photo, will be prominently placed in all , staffrooms, specialist areas, the first aid room, canteen, in CRT folders and the Yard Duty bags. Yard Duty bags will include an Epipen and administration directions, aswell as a copy of the Action Plan for the child. The cooking teacher will be fully aware and provision will be made for the child to have own utensils and equipment. The purchaser of products, eg - sunscreen and other products will be mindful of checking for nut or nut related ingredients eg almond oil- and will speak with the parent and or primary carer if there is any doubt. All replacement teachers in the school will be directed to the CRT Information folder, identifying anaphylactic students and their management plans. The school canteen will not knowingly sell nut products. Disposal of any used Epipen will be in accordance with Occupational Health and Safety. Parents and/or primary carers are responsible for ensuring their children have an adequate supply of appropriate medication held at the school. Sharing of foods between children is actively discouraged. The school will actively discourage students, teachers and visitors from bringing nut products to the school. Where the EpiPen is carried on the child – Administer the EpiPen immediately. If possible, the child should be asked to sit upright and remain calm. Call 000 for an ambulance. Contact the student’s parents when practicable Where an EpiPen is not immediately available – Keep child calm and sitting upright. The child should not be asked to walk. Have someone get an EpiPen from Sick Bay. Call 000 for an ambulance. Contact the student’s parents when practicable This policy was adopted by the Staughton College Council on 14th day of July 2008. Policy is due for review Term 2 2015 78 Staughton College Policy FIRST AID POLICY Rationale: All children have the right to feel safe and well, and know that they will be attended to with due care when in need of first aid. Aims: To administer first aid to children when in need in a competent and timely manner. To communicate children’s health problems to parents when considered necessary. To provide supplies and facilities to cater for the administering of first aid. To maintain a sufficient number of staff members trained with a level 2 first aid certificate. Implementation: A sufficient number of staff (including at least 1 administration staff member) to be trained to a level 2 first aid certificate, and with up-to-date CPR qualifications. A first aid room will be available for use at all times. A comprehensive supply of basic first aid materials will be stored in a locked cupboard in the first aid room. First aid kits will also be available in each wing of the school, as well as the staff room and administration offices. Supervision of the first aid room will form part of the daily roster. Any children in the first aid room will be supervised by a staff member at all times. All injuries or illnesses that occur during class time will be referred to the first aid staff who will manage the incident, all injuries or illnesses that occur during recess or lunch breaks, will be referred to the officer on duty in the first aid room. A confidential up-to-date register will be kept by the first aid coordinator outlining all injuries or illnesses experienced by children that require first aid. All staff will be provided with basic first aid management skills, including blood spills, and a supply of protective disposable gloves will be available for use by staff. Staff on yard duty will carry a bum bag containing basic medical supplies including Ventolin and an Epipen. Minor injuries only will be treated by staff members on duty, while more serious injuries-including those requiring parents to be notified or suspected treatment by a doctor - require a level 2 first aid trained staff member to provide first aid. Any children with injuries involving blood must have the wound covered at all times. The school will not supply headache tablets to children. If child supplies own pain relief from home, written parental consent must be given if staff are to administer it. For more serious injuries/illnesses, the parents/guardians must be contacted by the administration staff so that professional treatment may be organised. Any injuries to a child’s head, face, neck or back must be reported to parents/guardian. Any student who is collected from school by parents/guardians as a result of an injury, or who is administered treatment by a doctor/hospital or ambulance officer as a result of an injury, or has an injury to the head, face, neck or back, or where a teacher 79 considers the injury to be greater than “minor” will be reported on DE&T Accident/Injury form, and entered onto CASES. Parents of ill children will be contacted to take the children home. Parents who collect children from school for any reason (other than emergency) must sign the child out of the school in a register maintained in the school office. All teachers have the authority to call an ambulance immediately in an emergency. If the situation and time permit, a teacher may confer with others before deciding on an appropriate course of action. All school camps will have at least 1 Level 2 first aid trained staff member at all times. A comprehensive first aid kit will accompany all camps, along with a mobile phone. All children attending camps or excursions will have provided a signed medical form providing medical detail and giving teachers permission to contact a doctor or ambulance should instances arise where their child requires treatment. Copies of the signed medical forms to be taken on camps and excursions, as well as kept at school. All children, especially those with a documented asthma management plan, will have access to Ventolin and a spacer at all times. The first aid coordinator is to be responsible for the purchase and maintenance of first aid supplies, first aid kits, ice packs and the general upkeep of the first aid room. At the commencement of each year, requests for updated first aid information will be sent home including requests for any asthma management plans, high priority medical forms, and reminders to parents of the policies and practices used by the school to manage first aid, illnesses and medications throughout the year. General organisational matters relating to first aid will be communicated to staff at the beginning of each year. Revisions of recommended procedures for administering asthma medication will also be given at that time. It is recommended that all students have personal accident insurance and ambulance cover. Staughton College will maintain the anaphylaxis policy. Staff and relief staff will be made aware of all children with severe medical conditions this includes photos posted on the first aid board in the general staff room, outlining conditions. Authorisation: This policy was adopted by the Staughton College Council on the 14th day of July 2008. Policy is due for review Term 3 2011 80 Staughton College Policy MANUAL HANDLING POLICY This policy applies to all school staff, students, visitors, contractors, and volunteers - especially on working bees. It also applies to all activities both on and off school property, including school camps, excursions, and any other programmed activity outside the school grounds. The Principal will co-ordinate the plan for managing manual handling in the school, and will ensure that resources are provided to meet OHS commitments. Our aim is to promote and maintain the health and wellbeing of staff, students and visitors, and to minimise the risks of manual handling injuries by implementing a systematic approach based on a Risk Management Model (see information sheet IS50) as follows: The Principal to nominate a management team member to manage the manual handling risk assessment process and set up a small risk assessment team. The staff health and safety representative (HSR) will be consulted during this and the following process. Identify the hazardous manual handling tasks. Assess the risks (only required if the risks are NOT well known and the solutions are NOT obvious) Control the risks Monitor or Review the controls Timelines will be developed for completion of the risk assessment process and reports provided to staff and school council on progress. A system will be developed to ensure that any new manual handling hazards are identified and controlled as they occur. Person responsible for managing the risk assessment process - management nominee. Members of risk assessment team – HSR and Curriculum Team Staughton College is committed to ensuring this policy is publicised and implemented and will regularly monitor and review its effectiveness. (Principal) Date: ________________________ (President of School Council) Review Date/Cycle: ______________________ 81 Manual Handling Policy – Implementation (Procedures) Definitions Manual Handling is defined under the Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 2007 thus. Manual Handling means any activity requiring the use of force exerted by a person to lift, lower, push, pull, carry or otherwise move, hold or restrain any object. Hazardous Manual Handling means when actions described above cause or have the potential to cause a Musculoskeletal Disorder (MSD) as a result of the following characteristics: Repetitive or sustained application of force; Repetitive or sustained awkward posture; Repetitive or sustained movement; Application of high force; Exposure to sustained vibration. Handling live persons or animals. Handling unstable or unbalanced loads, or loads which are difficult to grasp or hold. Procedures Following is a procedure to enable the school to fulfil its obligations as stated in the Manual Handling Policy and also comply with the requirements of the OHS Regulations 2007. The HSR should be consulted about the identification and control of risks. For this process consult the Compliance Guidelines for Schools – Manual Handling . See also the DEECD publication Manual Handling Solutions (sent to schools Sept 2003). 1) Where possible, manual handling risks should be considered and designed out prior to any building upgrade, new activities and/or the purchase of all goods to be used at the school. 2) Undertake a process to identify all manual handling hazards in the school. The process should involve all school staff. a) Look at injury records to see in which areas, and on which tasks injuries are occurring b) Consult with employees at a special staff meeting/brain storming session about tasks which they carry out c) Formal observation of work practices d) In schools, manual handling risks include: Moving furniture, Carrying computers/televisions Pushing a trolley Lifting a ladder Restraining a frightened child Typing school reports using a notebook computer in an awkward posture Stretching to reach a high shelf Separating fighting students Lifting high jump mats and other PE equipment Standing on a table and/or chair to pin up students’ work Bending to a bottom shelf to reach a carton Carrying large slabs of soft drink Lifting 25 litre containers of cleaning chemicals with one hand Moving rocks, digging etc at a gardening bee 82 Bending over for extended periods to be at the same height as students In special settings, lifting, changing, supporting and catching (dropping) children Poor workstation layout or design 3) If the risk from an identified hazard is well known and the solution obvious then move to number 4 to develop and implement controls. The risk assessment team should determine whether a risk assessment is required on any identified tasks and carry it out. The risk assessment must take into account the following factors: The force to be applied by the employee. The actions and movements involved (eg reaching up, forward reaching, unbalanced or uneven lifting or carrying, awkward grip). The range of weights handled. The duration and frequency of the manual handling. The time, and distance, over which an object is handled. The availability of mechanical aids. The layout and condition of the workplace environment (eg height of workbenches, restricted access, confined space, hot/cold, poorly lit, floor surfaces slippery or uneven). The work organisation (eg availability of people, flow of materials, lack of time). The postural requirements imposed by manual handling (eg bending, twisting, stretching). The analysis of injury statistics relevant to manual handling. The age of the person carrying out the manual handling. The skill and experience of the person. The nature of the object being handled (e.g. size, shape structure and material, animate or inanimate.). Any other factors considered relevant by the employer, the employees or the HSR. Need to consider the risks to staff returning from leave, teaching a new subject/in a new environment etc. 4) Controls should be developed and implemented for each identified task. When developing controls the risk control hierarchy is as follows: redesign to eliminate or reduce the risk as a first step; change the workplace, systems of work and/or the object; provide mechanical aids to reduce the risk and provide training in their use; training and education appropriate to the task. For some manual handling tasks a combination of the risk control methods for reducing risk may be appropriate, however information, training or instruction should never be the sole or primary means of controlling the risk. 5) Once the control measures are in place, they must be monitored to make sure they are being used correctly are not increasing the risk of injury by creating another hazard do help to reduce the manual handling risk and do not need further improvement. 83 Authorisation This policy was adopted by the Staughton College Council on the 14th day of July 2008. References: The OHS Regulations 2007 Part3.1 The Compliance Guidelines for Schools – Manual Handling. (DEECD 2002) Reduce Manual Handling Injuries (VWA 1996). Preventing Manual Handling Injuries (Ministry of Education 1991 reprinted by the DoE 1999). OHS Guidelines - Support Material for School (DSE 1994 updated 1999). Victorian Government Schools Reference Guide 2003 section 6.9. ( Policy is due for review Term 3 2014 84 Staughton College Policy RETURN TO WORK APPENDIX 1 Risk Management and Occupational Rehabilitation Program Statement DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING RISK MANAGEMENT AND OCCUPATIONAL REHABILITATION PROGRAM The Department of Education and Training is committed to providing a safe and healthy workplace for all workers. In the event of a work related injury we will take all necessary steps to ensure the injury does not happen again. Should one of our workers incur a work related injury where they are unable to continue their normal work we will provide the necessary assistance for them to remain at work, or return to work as soon as it is safe to do so. In all circumstances the welfare of the injured employee, other employees and students must be considered of paramount importance. All employees are expected to assist and cooperate in ensuring that this program is followed. We will do this through risk management and occupational rehabilitation and our commitments are as follows: RISK MANAGEMENT PROGRAM DOE will: Take all practicable steps to identify, assess and control any known or potential risks to workers and visitors. Encourage the early reporting and recording of any symptoms of an injury or disease related to the work we undertake. Ensure that an injured worker receives appropriate first aid and/or medical treatment as soon as possible. Investigate all incidents, accidents, injuries or near misses to identify their cause(s) and prevent them happening again. Comply with all our legal obligations, including notification of incidents to Worksafe Victoria when required. OCCUPATIONAL REHABILITATION PROGRAM DOE will: Assist our injured workers to remain at work or return to work at the earliest opportunity. The RETURN TO WORK PROCESS of Staughton College is that: Return to work planning will commence as soon as possible after an injury, consistent with medical advice. Remaining at or early return to work following injury is a normal expectation of this workplace. Treatment, return to work activities and any reasonably necessary occupational rehabilitation services will begin as soon as they are necessary. Appropriate suitable duties, including modified or alternative duties which do not jeopardise the well being of the employee, other employees or students, will be provided, as part of the return to work program. Where suitable duties cannot be provided within the employee's workplace, reasonable attempts will be made to find other locations where these duties can be provided. 85 An individual return to work plan will be established with any worker who is unable to work for 20 calendar days or more. This plan will be developed at the earliest opportunity, in consultation with our injured worker and their treating practitioner. Consultation and communication with all workers and / or representative worker(s) in the development and review of our occupational rehabilitation program and individual return to work plans will occur. Where disagreements about the return to work program or suitable duties arise, we will work together with the injured worker and, where applicable, union representing them, in an endeavour to seek resolution. Confidentiality of worker's information obtained during their return to work or while undertaking occupational rehabilitation services will be maintained. Participation in a return to work plan will not, of itself, prejudice any injured worker. STAUGHTON COLLEGE RETURN TO WORK CO-ORDINATOR: Our return to work coordinator is: Jenny Phraphone – Business Finance Manager. Telephone: 03 97434622 Our return to work coordinator will attend the following training: (contact CGU on 8630 1348 to arrange) ___________________________________________________________________ Following any workplace injury our return to work coordinator will: Contact our injured worker and their treating practitioner to implement the commitments outlined in the risk management program and our return to work policy. Determine the need for any occupation rehabilitation assistance in consultation with our injured worker and their treating practitioner, and offer the injured worker a choice of one of three approved occupational rehabilitation providers. APPROVED OCCUPATIONAL REHABILITATION PROVIDERS The injured DOE employee has a choice of one of the following nominated approved occupational rehabilitation providers: (Refer to attached list) Higher Solutions NORTH MELBOURNE PH (03) 9329 9414, FAX (03) 9329 0656 Contact: Claire Nichol Recovre MELBOURNE PH (03) 8689 4503, FAX (03) 8689 4545 Contact: Sascha Schubiger GEELONG PH (03) 5226 1016, FAX (03) 8615 8618 Contact: Jamie Bryce 86 CONSULTATION Return to work plans Our injured workers and their treating practitioners will be involved in all aspects of their return to work and return to work plans will be developed and reviewed in consultation with them. Occupational rehabilitation program This program was developed in consultation with our workforce and key external stakeholders. Following discussion and consultation with our workplace, the program was endorsed by the key external stakeholders and senior management in December 2005. COMMITMENT This program represents our commitment to workplace occupational rehabilitation and return to work following work related injury. As representative of its development and our mutual commitment, this program is endorsed by: Representative Worker(s): James Cameron-HSR Management Representative: Mary-Grace Lanza – Management Nominee Authorisation This policy was adopted by the Staughton College Council on the 14th day of July 2008. This policy will be maintained by the Sick Bay Coordinator and endorsed by the College Principal. Policy is due for review Term 3 2014 87 Staughton College Policy INTERNET BANKING Internet banking offers an online facility which provides users with the ability to undertake various banking functions. Staughton College wishes to utilise “Commbiz”, the Commonwealth Bank’s Internet Banking for Business product to facilitate timely and accurate salary payments (to locally employed staff) and creditor payments. This product enables the college to process the following methods of payment: Pay Anyone BPay Direct Debit This method allows the payment of locally employed staff and creditors by nominating their BSB and Account Number. This secure electronic banking method can be used to transfer funds from the school’s official account to the supplier. This facility allows an external source eg. a supplier, to remove funds pertaining to a prearranged amount and date from the school’s official bank account on a regular or ad hoc basis. Payment Authorisation process The following personnel are approved by School Council to perform the functions relevant to their status: Administrator Business Manager Authorisers Current signatories Principal Assistant Principal Council President Parent member of Council ES staff with responsibility for financial data-entry and recordkeeping Operators Set up accounts Monitor account balances Administer the program, eg. establish authoriser and operators. (Note: to comply with the requirements of the Education Training and Reform Regulations 2007 section 37, this Administrator would NOT have Authoriser status) Approve payments Authorisers would be allocated a Security Device which is required to authorise transactions Operators are unable to authorise transactions Guidelines The Administrator, Authorisers and Operators will be required to comply with existing bankimposed restrictions or security measures, such as daily withdrawal limits, personal identification number (PIN) information and use of Security Devices. Changes to personnel approved by School Council to act as Administrator or Authoriser will be communicated to the bank promptly. All records relating to payments will be retained and stored in accordance with DEECD & audit requirements. An authorisation period limit of 14 days will apply. This ensures that any transactions loaded not authorised within fourteen days will drop out of the system. Internal control measures are critical in maximising the security of college accounts and funds when preparing, approving and sending transactions. 88 In respect to “Pay Anyone” transactions 1) The college will maintain a record of all personnel/suppliers/creditors (with accompanying BSB and account number) to be paid via the “Pay Anyone” facility. 2) All transactions will be verified by Authorisers, prior to authorisation proceeding. Operators will satisfy Authorisers that it is prudent to proceed with authorisation via provision of a school payment voucher verified by the Operator and stapled to supporting and appropriately authorised paperwork eg. timesheets for payroll; invoice authorised by program leader attached to official order form for creditor payment In respect to “Direct Debit” transactions The college will carefully read and understand the terms and conditions accompanying any “Direct Debit Request” authority from any supplier/creditor before using the direct debit facility. Only routine payments which are regular in amount and/or due date (eg. operating lease payments) will be processed by the direct debit facility. The school will maintain a Direct Debit schedule of all suppliers using a Direct Debit facility, which will include the actual amount, the due date on which the payment will be processed, the regularity of the payment, the commencement and expiry dates. On receipt of the bank statement, the Business Manager will check all direct debit transactions for authenticity. Any unauthorised transactions will be investigated immediately. Staughton College does not anticipate using the BPay facility at this stage. If this method of transacting is sought, this policy will be updated to include guidelines applicable to that facility. Policy is due for review Term 1 2015 89