FSD GRANT APPLICATION Name of Applicant Project Title Date of Application Contents SECTION A: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ............................................................................................................... 3 SECTION B: COMPANY INFORMATION .......................................................................................................... 3 SECTION C: PROJECT INFORMATION ............................................................................................................ 3 SECTION D: DETAILS OF THE APPLICANT...................................................................................................... 3 SECTION E: MANAGEMENT AND PERSONNEL .............................................................................................. 4 SECTION F: FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE FOR THE PAST 3 YEARS ................................................................. 4 SECTION G: PROPOSED PROJECT IDEA ......................................................................................................... 5 SECTION H: INNOVATION .............................................................................................................................. 5 SECTION I: MARKET AND COMPETITION ....................................................................................................... 6 SECTION J: ADDITIONALITY ........................................................................................................................... 6 SECTION K: DESCRIPTION OF THE GRANT FUNDING .................................................................................... 6 SECTION L: DIRECT AND INDIRECT DEVELOPMENT IMPACT ........................................................................ 6 SECTION M: SOCIAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL PERFORMANCE AND IMPACT ................................................ 6 SECTION N: RESULTS CHAIN .......................................................................................................................... 7 SECTION O: OTHER INFORMATION ............................................................................................................... 7 SECTION P: ANNEXES ..................................................................................................................................... 9 SECTION A: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY EXECUTIVE SUMMARY (Summarise your project in no more than 1,000 words) SECTION B: COMPANY INFORMATION Company details B1 Company Name B2 Company Name B3 P.O. Box B4 Street B5 City/Town B6 Telephone numbers B7 Fax number B8 Website Details of the contact person/s B9 Name B10 Job title B11 Email address B12 Mobile numbers SECTION C: PROJECT INFORMATION Project details C1 Project title C2 Region /Districts of focus C3 Start date C4 End date Funding details (in Uganda Shillings) C5 Grant funds requested from aBi Trust C6 Matching funds by your company C7 Total project cost (C5+C6) Break-down of Matching funds ( C6 in Uganda Shillings) C8 Matching funds 1:Applicant’s cash investment C9 Matching funds 2: Applicant’s “in-kind” investment C10 Total value of matching funds (C8+C9) C11 Matching funds ratio (C10 / C7) SECTION D: DETAILS OF THE APPLICANT Details of the company D1 Year of establishment D2 Company mission & vision D3 Company objectives D4 Products & services D5 Describe main customer segments Company Registration D6 Operating license issuer D7 Operating license number D8 Regulator name (if regulated) Major Shareholders D9 Shareholder D10 Shareholder 1 Number of shares % Shareholder 2 Shareholder 3 Shareholder 4 Other shareholders Company Strategy Briefly describe your current company’s strategy and whether this is expected to change in the short or medium term. Describe your current and planned rural finance initiatives. Do you have a deliberate focus on rural areas? D11 SECTION E: MANAGEMENT AND PERSONNEL Management and Personnel Set out the structure and key skills of senior management team E1 SECTION F: FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE FOR THE PAST 3 YEARS Financial Year (From most recent) Net Income Growth rate (%) Total Assets Growth rate (%) Gross loan portfolio Growth rate (%) Portfolio at Risk (>30days) Total Liabilities Growth rate (%) Customer deposits Growth rate (%) Total Equity Selected Ratios Cost ratio (operating expenses/(net financial margin + other operating income FY ________ FY ______ FY ________ Financial Year (From most recent) FY ________ FY ______ FY ________ Operating expense ratio (operating expenses/average gross portfolio Loan loss reserve ratio (loan loss reserves/Gross loan portfolio) Write off ratio (loans written off/average gross portfolio) Gross loan portfolio/total assets Gross loan portfolio/client deposits Capital adequacy (Total equity/total liabilities) Leverage (Total liabilities/total equity) Portfolio yield (interest and fee income from portfolio/ average gross portfolio Return On Assets (Net income/average assets) Return On Equity (Net income/average equity) Other operational Information Number of branches %age of rural branches Number of staff Number of active deposit accounts Number of active loan accounts Other alternative delivery channels (please give number and description) Please make any appropriate brief explanations on the financial performance in the space below F1 SECTION G: PROPOSED PROJECT IDEA Project Background (development challenge to be addressed, focus, target population, gender and other demographic considerations) G1 Project purpose and objectives (the objectives must be “SMART”) G2 Sustainability of the project (This is the degree to which the project is likely to lead to longer term impact beyond the duration of the aBi Trust’s support. This longer term impact could take the form of the sustainable scaling up or continuation of project activities, replication of the project by other institutions, the adoption of innovation by other players, or the continuation of the project through securing funding from other sources.) G3 Previous experience: Describe your FI’s prior experience and success in implementing a similar project G4 SECTION H: INNOVATION Describe what is innovative about the project. Does the idea further satisfy the needs and expectations of the rural population? In the frame of the aBi Trust, innovation is not perceived to be always something new; it could also mean enhancements of existing products/services to better meet the needs of the rural clients. H1 SECTION I: MARKET AND COMPETITION Analyse the market and state competitive advantage and disadvantages I1 SECTION J: ADDITIONALITY Explain what is 'additional' about your project. Additionality of the projects’ net, rather than its gross impact after making allowances for what would have happened in the absence of the intervention of the aBi Trust. It is the extent to which an activity takes place, or is undertaken on a larger scale, or earlier, or to a higher standard, or within a new region, as a result of the intervention of the aBi Trust. J1 SECTION K: DESCRIPTION OF THE GRANT FUNDING Description of what the grant funding will be used for (Attach detailed budget) K1 List the project activities already undertaken and expenditure already made, if any K2 Description of source of matching funds. Will the project take-off without the grant funds from aBi Trust? K3 SECTION L: DIRECT AND INDIRECT DEVELOPMENT IMPACT Job Creation resulting from the project L1 Number of new jobs created in your company L2 Annual wage bill at start of project (UGX) L3 Annual wage bill at end of project (UGX) Justification and description of new jobs created in your company L4 Direct Impact. Measurable indicators of success must be seen within the duration of the project. L5 Number of new clients gaining access to financial services. L6 Number of existing clients getting better access to financial services. Indirect Benefits of the project L7 Replication (What is the potential to replicate the innovation in order to reach more clients?) L8 SECTION M: SOCIAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL PERFORMANCE AND IMPACT Please provide information on how your company is performing on each of the following dimension of social performance. No. 1 Dimension Social Mission Management Does the mission have a social intent? Are social objectives imbedded your strategy? Comments No. Dimension Comments Does the FI have report on social indicators? Level of market penetration 2 3 4 Outreach & Access to finance Does the FI target the clients defined in the mission? Quality of Customer service & client protection principles Does the FI asses its client satisfaction? Human Resources How close are the service points to the target group? Are the products & services varied and flexible? Does the FI follow client protection principles?* Formal HR structure, code of ethics, fair hiring and firing, incentives etc. Internal promotion, training, competitive salary Staff retention, staff satisfaction survey 5 Environment & social practices Exclusion list for environmental & social reasons, internal environment policy Provision of non-financial services Impact surveys, financial exclusion The six core principles of client protection are: (i) Avoidance of over-indebtedness (ii) Transparent and responsible pricing (iii) Appropriate collection practices (iv)Ethical staff behaviour (v) Mechanisms for redress of grievances and (vi) Privacy of client data. SECTION N: RESULTS CHAIN Activities that will be undertaken to achieve project goals N1 Expected outputs from the activities to be undertaken (e.g. no. of new clients, no of staff trained etc.) N2 Expected project outcomes (e.g. increased savings, better staff productivity). N3 Expected project Impact (Specific changes the project is expected to bring about in the beneficiaries e.g. increase client incomes) N4 Key assumptions associated with the project N5 Potential risks the project is likely to face and mitigation strategies No. Potential risk Impact (L, M, H) Probability of risk occurring (L, M, H) 1 2 3 Mitigation Strategies 4 5 SECTION O: OTHER INFORMATION Other relevant information not included in other sections. P1 SECTION P: ANNEXES Annexes Annex A Project work plan (Gantt chart) Annex B Project budget showing expenditure already undertaken Annex C Proposed disbursement plan linked to the work plan Prior to final submission, please fill in the checklist below to ensure that all documentation is complete. ITEM SUBMITTED COMMENTS / EXPLANATION Grant Application form Completed Grant application form (this document) Annexes Completed Project work plan (Gantt chart) Completed budget showing expenditure already undertaken Completed proposed disbursement plan linked to the work plan Additional Documentation Required Company registration documents & copy of valid operating license Certified / Audited Accounts for the last 2 years Management report for the current year Completed fact sheet Details of Board members (name, profession, contact information) Organisational chart highlighting the structure of the proposed project within the entire organisation Summary biographies of key management Resume of the individual directly responsible for the project You may include additional documents as further annexes to support your application as you see fit and / or if these have been requested by aBi Trust Additional information provided as Annexes Financial Services Development (FSD) – Application Submission Please send a soft copy of the completed application to the email: application@abi.co.ug Deadline for the concept/proposal papers 22th June 2015 Documents should not be more than 4MB. Annex #