
Univerzitetna služba
za evropske projekte
Več informacij:
Rok prijave:
Mobilnost posameznikov na področju mladine
4. februar 2015
Mobilnost posameznikov na področju izobraževanja in usposabljanja
4. marec 2015
Mobilnost posameznikov na področju mladine
30. april 2015
Mobilnost posameznikov na področju mladine
1. oktober 2015
Skupni magistrski študij Erasmus Mundus
4. marec 2015
Dogodki velikega obsega Evropske prostovoljne službe
3. april 2015
Ključni ukrep 2
Strateška partnerstva na področju mladine
4. februar 2015
Strateška partnerstva na področju izobraževanja, usposabljanja in
30. april 2015
Strateška partnerstva samo na področju mladine
1. oktober 2015
Koalicije znanja, koalicije sektorskih spretnosti
26. februar 2015
Krepitev zmogljivosti na področju visokošolskega izobraževanja
10. februar 2015
Krepitev zmogljivosti na področju mladine
3. april 2015
2. september
Ključni ukrep 3
Srečanje mladih in oblikovalcev politik na področju mladine
4. februar 2015
30. april 2015
1. oktober 2015
Ukrepi Jean Monnet
Katedre, moduli, centri odličnosti, podpora institucijam in združenjem,
mreže, projekti
26. februar
Ukrepi na področju športa
Partnerska sodelovanja na področju športa, ki se nanašajo izključno na
evropski teden športa 2015
22. januar
Partnerska sodelovanja na področju športa, ki se ne nanašajo na evropski
teden športa 2015
14. maj 2015
Neprofitne evropske športne prireditve, ki se nanašajo izključno na evropski
teden športa 2015
22. januar
Neprofitne evropske športne prireditve, ki se ne nanašajo na evropski teden
športa 2015
14. maj 2015
Ta razpis za zbiranje predlogov se nanaša na naslednje ukrepe programa Erasmus+:
Ključni ukrep 1 (KU1) – učna mobilnost posameznikov
— Mobilnost posameznikov na področju izobraževanja, usposabljanja in mladine
Skupni magistrski študij Erasmus Mundus
— Dogodki velikega obsega Evropske prostovoljne službe
Ključni ukrep 2 (KU2) – sodelovanje za inovacije in izmenjavo dobrih praks
— Strateška partnerstva na področju izobraževanja, usposabljanja in mladine
Koalicije znanja
Koalicije sektorskih spretnosti
— Krepitev zmogljivosti na področju visokošolskega izobraževanja
Krepitev zmogljivosti na področju mladine
Ključni ukrep 3 (KU3) – podpora za reformo politik
— Strukturiran dialog: srečanje mladih in oblikovalcev politik na področju mladine
Dejavnosti Jean Monnet
Katedre Jean Monnet
Moduli Jean Monnet
Centri odličnosti Jean Monnet
— Podpora Jean Monnet ustanovam in združenjem
Mreže Jean Monnet
Projekti Jean Monnet
— Partnerska sodelovanja na področju športa
Neprofitne evropske športne prireditve
Za financiranje v okviru programa Erasmus+ se lahko prijavi kateri koli javni ali zasebni
subjekt, ki je dejaven na področju izobraževanja, usposabljanja, mladine in športa. Poleg
tega lahko skupine mladih, ki so dejavni v mladinskem delu, ne pa nujno v okviru mladinske
organizacije, zaprosijo za financiranje za učno mobilnost mladih in mladinskih delavcev ter
za strateška partnerstva na področju mladine.
V programu Erasmus+ lahko sodelujejo naslednje države (1):
Naslednje države programa lahko v celoti sodelujejo v vseh ukrepih programa Erasmus+:
—28 držav članic Evropske unije,
—drdržave Efte/EGP: Islandija, Lihtenštajn in Norveška,
— države kandidatke EU: Turčija in Nekdanja jugoslovanska republika Makedonija.
Poleg tega so nekateri ukrepi programa Erasmus+ na voljo tudi organizacijam iz partnerskih
Za nadaljnje podrobnosti o načinih sodelovanja glej vodnik za prijavitelje Erasmus+
Vrednost razpisa:
Skupni proračun za ta razpis za zbiranje predlogov je ocenjen na 1 736,4 milijona EUR, in
izobraževanje in usposabljanje
: 1 536,5 milijona EUR (2)
: 171,7 milijona EUR
Jean Monnet
: 11,4 milijona EUR
: 16,8 milijona EUR
Več informacij:
Rok prijave:
Ta Sector Skills Alliances are transnational projects drawing on evidence of trends in a
specific economic sector and skills needed in order to perform in one or more professional
fields. Sector Skills Alliances will work to design and deliver joint vocational training
programmes and teaching and training methodologies. A particular focus is to be put on
work-based learning, providing learners with the skills required by the labour market. For
more information please see (p.54) here.
Indicative total amount allocated (EUR) and Indicative number of selected projects:
EUR 7,650,939 for 10 projects
Maximum rate of co-financing of eligible costs: 80%
Eligibility of sectors:
The sectors eligible to apply for funding for a Sector Skills Alliance are the following:
Manufacturing & Engineering (including for example Advanced manufacturing,
Automotive manufacturing, Aviation manufacturing or Textile, clothing & leather
Information and communication technology
Environmental technologies (Eco-innovation)
Cultural and creative sectors
Health care
In case two or more proposals receive the same score and the available budget is not
sufficient to finance all of them, proposals from sub-/sectors that have constituted a
European Sector Skills Council will be given priority.
Vrednost razpisa:
EUR 7,650,939 for 10 projects
Evropska komisija, DG Justice
Razpis: National or transnational projects
Več informacij:
Domača stran razpisa
Rok prijave:
This call for proposals for action grants is based on the 2014 annual work programme1 of
the Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme (REC Programme)2. It aims to co-fund
transnational and/or national projects that contribute to promoting and enhancing the
exercise of rights deriving from citizenship of the Union.
Proposals should aim to produce results with EU added value.
This call will fund activities on:
- improving the knowledge and expertise on the EU rules on free movement, in particular
Directive 2004/38/EC, of local/regional/national authorities involved in implementing
these rules;
- raising the awareness of EU citizens of their right to free movement and their ability to
effectively enforce their rights;
- developing, identifying and promoting the exchange and dissemination of best practices
implemented across the EU at local/regional/national level to foster the successful
inclusion and participation of mobile EU citizens in the host EU country's civic and political
life (e.g. through one-stop-shop information services addressed to newcomers, by
promoting the participation of EU citizens coming from another Member States in local
elections etc).
Vrednost razpisa:
The EU grant applied for cannot be lower than EUR 75 000. There is no upper limit.
Evropska komisija, DG Justice
Razpis: Projects to prevent and combat racism, xenophobia, homophobia and other forms of intolerance –
Več informacij:
Domača stran razpisa
Rok prijave:
The proposals under this call shall focus on the priorities described below:
2.1 Best practices to prevent and combat racism, xenophobia, homophobia and
other forms of intolerance (BEST)
2.2 Monitoring and reporting on hate crime and on-line hate speech (HATE)
Proposals shall complement the efforts of the EU to prevent and combat racism,
xenophobia, homophobia and other forms of intolerance.3 Duplications of already existing
initiatives will not be funded. Applicants shall explain and demonstrate how their
proposals are aligned with the respective EU policies, the relevant legislation in the field4
and documents published by the European Commission5. The degree of relevance to the
priorities of the call for proposals will be assessed under the relevance award criterion.
Vrednost razpisa:
The EU grant requested cannot be lower than EUR 300 000. There is no upper limit.
Evropska komisija
Razpis: Razpis za prijavo interesa Shift2Rail
Več informacij:
Domača stran razpisa
Rok prijave:
Evropska komisija je objavila razpis za prijavo interesa postati pridružena članica
skupnega podjetja Shift2Rail (joint undertaking - JU), novega javno-zasebnega
partnerstva, ki bo vložil skoraj 1 milijardo € v raziskave in inovacije za pridobitev
večjega števila potnikov in več tovora na evropske železnice.
Cilj razpisa je opredeliti ključne partnerje, ki bodo delali z roko v roki s Komisijo in
osmimi ustanovnimi člani Shift2Rail skupnega podjetja pri zagotavljanje novih
tehnologij, ki bodo pomagale povečali kakovost, zanesljivost in točnost železniških
storitev, hkrati pa tudi na zmanjševanju njihovih stroškov in olajšanju čezmejnega
Zainteresirani kandidati morajo prijave predložiti do 12. novembra Po
predvidevanjih Komisije naj bi bil končni izbor pridruženih članov znan v začetku
leta 2015.
Več informacij
"ERC Coordination and Support Action" - 'Call for proposals to identify and implement novel
ways to highlight the work funded by the ERC and reach out to a wider public' (rok: 16.
december 2014)
ERC Starting Grants call (rok: 3. februar 2015)
List of indicative priorities for calls for proposals for the Work Programme 2016-2017
The activities of the next work programme are all meant to support the new Commission’s
investment package towards a new boost for jobs, growth and investment in Europe. This, and the
alignment against the other policy areas of the agenda of the new Commission where there is a clear
relevance, is shown in the table below through a numbering system following the 10 policy areas:
1. A new boost for jobs, growth and investment
2. A connected digital single market
3. A resilient energy union with a forward-looking climate change policy
4. A deeper and fairer internal market with a strengthened industrial base
5. A deeper and fairer economic and monetary union
6. A reasonable and balanced free trade agreement with the U.S.
7. An area of justice and fundamental rights based on mutual trust
8. Towards a new policy on migration
9. A stronger global actor
10. A union of democratic change
Horizon 2020 Work Programme
Excellent science
Indicative priorities for calls for
Agenda of new Commission Link to 10 policy areas
1. Future and Emerging
FET-Open call
FET-Proactive call
FET-Proactive call on HPC
1, 2 & 4
2. Marie Skłodowska-Curie
Innovative Training Networks (ITN)
Individual Fellowships (IF)
Research and Innovation Staff Exchange
Co-funding of regional, national and
international programmes (COFUND)
European Researchers' Night (NIGHT)
1, 4 & 8
3. European research
infrastructures (including
Long term sustainability of new panEuropean research infrastructures
Integrating and opening research
infrastructures of European interest
Support to ICT based e-infrastructures
Support to innovation
Support to policy and international
1, 2 & 4
Horizon 2020 Work Programme
Indicative priorities for calls for
Agenda of new Commission Link to 10 policy areas
Industrial leadership
Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies
Internet of things
Big data (incl. cPPP on Big Data)
Factory of the future (cPPP FoF)
General ICT call (incl. the cPPPs 5G
communications, Robotics & Photonics)
Coordinated calls with third countries
Industry 2020 and circular economy (incl.
cPPPs on SPIRE & FoF) (same as SC5)
General NMBP call
Energy efficient buildings (cPPP EeB)
Applications in satellite navigation –
Earth Observation
Protection of European assets in and
from space
Competitiveness of the European space
1, 2 & 4
1, 2, 3, 4 & 9
1, 3 & 4
4. Access to risk finance
Financial instruments
Capacity building for business angels
Philanthropic funding
5. Innovation in SMEs
Enhancing SME innovation capacity by
providing better innovation support
SME instrument call info
Societal challenges
6. Health, demographic
change and wellbeing
Promoting healthy ageing and
personalised healthcare
General SC1 call
1, 2 & 4
7. Food security, sustainable
agriculture and forestry,
marine and maritime and
inland water research and
the bioeconomy
Sustainable food security – resilient and
resource-efficient value chains
Blue growth
Rural renaissance – fostering innovation
and business opportunities
Bioeconomy – bio-based innovation for
sustainable goods and services
1, 3 & 4
8. Secure, clean and efficient
Energy efficiency (incl. cPPP EeB)
Competitive low-carbon energy
Smart cities and communities with
nature-based solutions (same as SC5)
1, 2, 3 & 4
9. Smart, green and integrated
Automated road transport – the new
1, 2, 3 & 4
Horizon 2020 Work Programme
Indicative priorities for calls for
Mobility for growth
European green vehicles (cPPP)
Agenda of new Commission Link to 10 policy areas
10. Climate action,
environment, resource
efficiency and raw materials
Industry 2020 and Circular economy
(same ad NMBP)
Smart cities and communities with
nature-based solutions (same as SC3)
General SC5 call
1, 2, 3, 4 & 9
11. Europe in a changing world
– inclusive, innovative and
reflective Societies
Co-creation for growth
Reversing inequalities
Engaging together globally
1, 5, 7, 8, 9 & 10
12. Secure societies –
Protecting freedom and
security of Europe and its
Digital security
Fight against crime and terrorism
Border and external security
1, 2, 4, 7, 8 & 9
Spreading excellence and widening participation
13. Spreading excellence and
widening participation
Teaming call
Twinning call
ERA Chairs call
Support to JPI Urban Europe
Institutional change to support RRI in
research performing and funding
Embedding RRI in Horizon 2020 R&I
Strengthening the SWAFS knowledgebase
Developing inclusive, anticipatory
governance for research and innovation
1 & 10
FTI call
Science with and for society
14. Science with and for society
Fast track to innovation
15. Fast track to innovation
16. Euratom
Research and training for nuclear safety
and radiation protection
Development of nuclear research
Development of materials
Strengthening industrial base
1, 3 & 4
Dear EURAXESS Colleagues,
This is a message on behalf of one of our EURAXESS Links India community members:
Please note that, we at BITS-Pilani (India) are planning for a research project aiming at providing
cost-effective technical solutions to social problems. We believe that in almost all parts of the globe
people at the grassroots suffer from the issue of affordability. In this regards, affording clean water is
a tough call, almost everywhere. And water becomes the source of health hazards on one hand and a
source of conflict across communities on the other.
This project therefore aims to provide cost effective technical solutions (so that all can afford) to
manage waste water and thus target to solve many social problems related to it.
In this regards we sincerely seek interested partners in the EU (both researchers and funding
agencies) to join hands and contribute for the development of the society at large.
Feel free to contact me: debdulal@goa.bits-pilani.ac.in
Awaiting a positive response
Personal web page: http://universe.bits-pilani.ac.in/goa/debdulal/profile
Slovaška ponudba za sodelovanje na projektnem predlogu Obzorja 2020 na razpisu za
tovarne prihodnosti. Ponudba je objavljena na portalu Idealist, preko katerega v primeru
interesa tudi odgovorite.
Call Identifier: H2020-FoF-2015
Proposal Name: Integrated system for knowledge discovery from heterogeneous systems
Funding Scheme: Research & Innovation Actions
Evaluation Scheme: One stage
Closure Date: 09/12/2014
Retrieve the Partner Search at: http://www.ideal-ist.eu/ps-sk-93286
Ponudba malteške organizacije za sodelovanje na projektnem predlogu tipa koordinativne in
podporne aktivnosti (CSA) za razpis za 5. generacijo interneta prihodnosti (Advanced 5G
Network Infrastructure for the Future Internet.)
Dear ICT Contacts,
Malta Communications Authority is looking to join a consortium and contribute to the preparation of a
proposal for a Coordination and Support Action under the Horizon2020 ICT 14 – 2014 Call: Advanced 5G
Network Infrastructure for the Future Internet (deadline 25th November). For ease of reference I am attaching
a brief on the topic.
MCA is not just the regulator of the Maltese telecom market, but also has a strong role in stimulating and
advancing innovation and investments in the sector. Moreover, it is the main driver of Information Society
related activities in Malta, with already significant experience in EU collaborative projects.
It would be very much appreciated if you could please share this information with any relevant potential
project proposers and/or other partner search support organisations in your country.
Thanking you in advance for your assistance, I remain available for any further information might be needed
from our end.
Looking forward to hear from you,
Best regards,
Anamaria Magri Pantea
Chief Officer External Relations
Malta Communications Authority
t:(+356) 2133 6840 | m:(+356) 9997 5380 |
e:anamaria.magri-pantea@mca.org.mt |
w:http://www.mca.org.mt |
a: Valletta Waterfront, Pinto Wharf, Floriana FRN1913, Malta
Asuman Ozgur:
H2020-INSO-4-2015 - Expression of Interest
Middle East Technical University (Turkey) is looking for a consortium in order to take part in the
Horizon 2020 call New Forms Of Innovation: Innovative schemes for open innovation and science 2.0.
METU is a research intensive university whose research revenues accounting for over 35 % of all
expenditures, hosting 25 Interdisciplinary Research Centers and 256 R&D companies and 3,000 R&D
workers on its technology development zone.
V primeru interesa se za dodatne informacije obrnite na našo službo (e-mail: EUprojekti@uni-lj.si)
Univerza Chosun, Koreja razpisuje štipendije na področju informatike in komunikacij
Razpisane štipendije so na voljo za pomladni semester 2015. Štipendije so namenjene tujim
študentom, ki so ali bodo zaključili dodiplomski študij s področja elektrotehnike, računalništva in
informatike ter drugih IT področij.
Več informacij
Univerza v Gironi, Španija razpisuje štipendije za doktorski študij
Univerza v Gironi išče 2 doktorska študenta za sodelovanje pri projektu razvoja umetne trebušne
slinavke za nadzor bolezni pri bolnikih s sladkorno boleznijo tipa 1. Kandidati bodo vključeni v projekt
SAFE-AP: Nove metode za učinkovito in varno domicilno umetno trebušno slinavko pri diabetesu tipa
1, raziskovalni projekt financiran s strani španske vlade in drugih javnih in zasebnih agencij v
sodelovanju z vodilnimi raziskovalnimi bolnišnicami in podjetji.Glavni cilj tega projekta je razvoj novih
metod in orodij za učinkovito in dolgoročno varnost umetne trebušne slinavke na domu.
Več informacij
Zvezna visoka šola za tehnologijo, ETH Zurich, Švica objavlja prosto mesto za doktorski študij
ETH Zurich išče doktorskega študenta za študij morfogentskih problemov s pomočjo računalniških
Kandidat mora imeti dobro poznavanje numeričnih metod in algoritmov, odlično znanje
programiranja (C ++, HPC, in podobno) in občutek za multidisciplinarno dojemanje obravnavane
snovi. Položaj je namenjem študentom, ki so ali bodo zaključili magisterski študij s področja
znanstvenega računalništva, računalništva ali sorodnih discipline, npr. matematika, fizika in podobno.
Več informacij
Univerza Lingnan, Hong Kong razpisuje magistrske in doktorske programe na različnih raziskovalnih
Univerza Lingnan ponuja odlične magistrske in doktorske programe, ki temeljijo na raziskavah. Vsi
programi zahtevajo poglobljen študij na posameznih raziskovalnih področjih: ekonomija, psihologija,
družbene vede, finance in mnogi drugi.
Več informacij
Kohezijski e-kotiček
Povezava do septembrske številke Kohezijskega e-kotička, kjer boste našli informacije o projektih,
aktualnih razpisih in druge zanimivosti - http://www.eu-skladi.si/za-medije/novice-in-sporocila-zajavnost/e-novice/kohezijski-e-koticek/files/e-novice-september-2014.pdf
Investicije za rast
Investicije so nov recept za spodbujanje rasti za izhod EU iz gospodarske krize. Ministri za finance
članic EU v zaključkih, ki so jih sprejeli, ugotavljajo, da se je treba osredotočiti predvsem na investicije
na področjih raziskav in inovacij, digitalnega gospodarstva, energetske in transportne infrastrukture,
socialne infrastrukture, okolja in podpor majhnim in srednjim podjetjem.
Zaključki Sveta EU
EUROfusion – da bi fuzijska energija postala realnost
Evropska komisija in Evropski fuzijski raziskovalni laboratoriji so začeli evropski skupni program za
fuzijo v programu Obzorje 2020 - "EUROfusion" -, ki bo zagotovil pomemben napredek na poti k večji
uporabi fuzijske energije.
EUROfusion program ima skupni proračun v višini vsaj € 850m za obdobje 2014-18. Približno polovica
proračunskih sredstev bo prišela iz raziskovalnega programa za fuzijsko energijo Euratom Obzorje
Več informacij
Registration now open for Erasmus+: Knowledge Alliances and Sector Skills Alliances infoday,
12. november 2014
Več informacij tukaj Link
Governing a multi-level Europe
Bruselj, december 02 2014,
Več informacij tukaj
Hazard vs Risk Based Approaches in Food Safety Assessment
Bruselj, december 02 2014,
Več informacij tukaj
Berlin, december 03 – 05 2014,
Več informacij tukaj
Conference on Transport Safety: Societal Challenges, Research Solutions
Genova, december 04 – 05 2014,
Več informacij tukaj
Autumn Conference on European State Aid Law 2014
Dunaj, december 04 – 05 2014,
Več informacij tukaj
 Destination Europe (17 October, Atlanta, US)
 Genoa Science Festival (24 October – 2 November, Genoa, Italy)
 Euraxess Links conference 2014 (11 November, Singapore; 13 November, Bangkok, Thailand)
Dear Madam, dear Sir,
Please save the date for the Stakeholder Conference of the EU Strategy for the Alpine Region that
will take place in Milan, Italy on 1/2 of December 2014. The event will mark the conclusion of the
extensive stakeholder consultation on the EU Strategy for the Alpine Region, ending 15 October
An effective and forward-looking EU Strategy for the Alpine Region will bring new impetus for
cooperation to the benefit of all involved, unlocking the potential of the Alpine Region and
contributing to a harmonious and sustainable development in the area.
The event, co-organized by the Italian Presidency of the Council of the European Union, the
European Commission and Lombardy Region, will take place in Palazzo Lombardia in Milan. The
Foreign Ministers of the Countries involved and the Presidents of the Regions of the Alpine area will
be invited. The programme will include plenary sessions and workshops devoted to the three pillars
of the Strategy.
Registration for the Conference will open shortly.
Italian Presidency of the Council of the European Union, European Commission and Lombardy
European Commission
Directorate General for Regional and Urban Policy
Unit D1 Competence Centre Macro-regions and European Territorial Cooperation
BU 1 02/170
Avenue de Beaulieu 1, 1049 Brussels, Belgium
REGIO website: http://ec.europa.eu/inforegio
Follow us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/EU_Regional
Public consultation: http://ec.europa.eu/regional_policy/consultation/eusalp/index_en.cfm