Tomi T Ahonen presentation

"The mobile phone is the only device that 30% of the world's population carry"
says Tomi Ahonen The Financial Times 1 Sept 2005
Next Generation Services
Tomi T Ahonen, MBA
Author & Consultant
Mobile Monday Tokyo
Tokyo Japan 22 Oct 007
Copyright © Tomi T Ahonen 2007
3G Strategy Consulting
Virtual F1 Champ
• During the 2007 season, a parallel Formula One
world championship has been run
• The races were on a modified Formula One
simulator, and was a contest of who managed the
best time around the circuit
• The global contest winner was from Hong Kong who
won a full day at the F1 testing circuit in Valencia
Spain, with the Williams team, with drivers Wurz and
Rosberg, and getting to try out the current F1 car
Source: South China Morning Post 21 Oct 2007
Pearls: Real Mobile Services
collected by Tomi T Ahonen
Copyright © Tomi T Ahonen 2007
3G Strategy Consulting
8 C's of Cellphones..
Copyright © Tomi T Ahonen 2007
3G Strategy Consulting
Need 1 - 1979 - Communication
• Voice and SMS
• Voicemail, e-mail (Blackberry)
• The number keypad is relic from rotary dial
Copyright © Tomi T Ahonen 2007
3G Strategy Consulting
Need 2 - 1998 - Consumption
• Emerged with ringing tones in Finland in 1998 and
i-Mode in Japan in 1999
• Now we consume pictures, MP3 music, web content,
TV clips, cartoons, horoscopes, jokes, information
and on and on and on and on
• Consumption added high-resolution
color screens, multimedia players,
web access
• Need higher speed (2.5G, 3G, 3.5G)
• For "playback" relatively few
controls are needed
Copyright © Tomi T Ahonen 2007
3G Strategy Consulting
The 7 Mass Media
• 1st mass media Print 1500: Buy-to-Own, Advertising, Subscr.
– books, pamphlets, newspapers, music scores, magazines
• 2nd mass media recordings 1900: Sound
– vinyl, tape, CD, DVD: music, software, videogames, movies
• 3rd mass media cinema 1910: Multimedia, Pay per View
– silent, b/w sound, color, cinemascope: newsreels, movies
• 4th mass media radio 1920: Streaming, License
– AM, FM, stereo, digital: news, music, sports, drama
• 5th mass media TV 1950: (no innovation!)
– b/w, color, cable/satellite, digital: news, drama, soaps, reality
• 6th mass media internet 1995: interactive & search
– narrowband, broadband: email, search, browsing, downloading
• 7th m.m. mobile 2000: pers/always-on/carried/pay/inspir/data
– 2G SMS, WAP, 2.5G, 3G: messaging, browsing
Source: Tomi Ahonen upcoming book Mobile is 7th Mass Media Channel, 2008
Copyright © Tomi T Ahonen 2007
3G Strategy Consulting
7th Mass Media: Mobile
• mobile phone 2000
• Can do everything the previous SIX media can do,
including interactivity & search of the internet
• Personal mass media, always-on media, always
carried media, with built-in payment channel; as
creative tool - is always present at point of
creative impulse; most accurate audience info
2G, 2.5G, 3G
text messaging, ringtones, logos, news, music, gaming, voting..
subscription, pay-per-view, advertising
major revenue shift for music, gaming, e-mail
introduce text messaging, ringtones, logos, voting, picture
Source: Tomi Ahonen upcoming book Mobile is 7th Mass Media Channel, 2008
Copyright © Tomi T Ahonen 2007
3G Strategy Consulting
Pop Idol meets Tamagotchi
• Netherlands innovative new media producer
company Ex Machina has developed an innovative
multi-platform concept around TV-broadband-mobile
convergence called Pop Kids
• Two real humans become parents to a virtual kid
which needs to be trained for "18 years" (18 days)
• "DNA" of parents is merged in kid. Parents' music
tastes, selections of the virtual kid's education etc will
reflect how kid evolves in music, singing, dancing etc
• Along the way, youth contests against other kids
• At 18 years, Pop Kid enters reality TV contest similar
to Pop Idol against other virtuals Pearls: Real Mobile Services
Source Ex Machina at MoMo San Francisco 15 Oct 007
Copyright © Tomi T Ahonen 2007
collected by Tomi T Ahonen
3G Strategy Consulting
Need 3 - 2000 - Charging
• Next came digital money..
• Smart Money / Philippines etc
• NTT DoCoMo (Osaifu Keitai - mobile wallet) with
FeliCa - eg Tokyo commuters paying for subway train
• 2D Barcodes in Japan
• Credit cards into mobile like Visa in South Korea
• And SMS based payments like Smart Money in the
Pearls: Real Mobile Services
collected by Tomi T Ahonen
Copyright © Tomi T Ahonen 2007
3G Strategy Consulting
Mobile Money
• Numerous Philippine companies such as Infonxx
(118118) offer the ability to pay the salary directly to a
mobile phone/banking account.
• In South Africa on-the-spot travel insurance via the
mobile phone. The insurance by Metropolitan Life
costs 1 USD; has a maximum payout of 6,300 USD.
• In Kenya the limit of how much one transfer may be
from one mobile phone to another is 1 M USD
• In India Reliance Power allows households to pay
their power utility bill via mobile phone using SMS.
Receive 0.5% discount this way
Source: Tomi Ahonen upcoming book Mobile is
7th Mass Media Channel, 2008
Copyright © Tomi T Ahonen 2007
Pearls: Real Mobile Services
collected by Tomi T Ahonen
3G Strategy Consulting
Need 4 - 2000 - Commercials (ads)
• Then came advertising..
• We get into commercials (advertisements, mobile
• Interactive advertising - opinions, feedback
• Engagement marketing - participation, co-creation,
viral marketing!
Copyright © Tomi T Ahonen 2007
3G Strategy Consulting
mAd? - Value of Recommendation
"64% of consumers will try something recommended by a friend.
69% of will forward something they like to from 2 to 6 friends."
- Jupiter Research Sept 2006
Copyright © Tomi T Ahonen 2007
3G Strategy Consulting
Blyk the basics..
• Blyk launched 24 Sept in UK. Only for 16-24 year
olds and by invitation only
• Service offers 43 minutes of free calls and 217 free
texts per month (1.4 min/day, 7 SMS per day)
• Blyk has no phones, only offers SIM card
• User needs to watch up to 6 ads per day which are
super-personalized (customers feel they are more
content than ads)
• 44 major advertisers signed up: Coca Cola, Adidas,
L'Oreal and MasterCard
• Already aiming France, Germany & Spain next year
Source: Financial Times 25 Sept 007
Copyright © Tomi T Ahonen 2007
Pearls: Real Mobile Services
collected by Tomi T Ahonen
3G Strategy Consulting
Need 5 - 2001 - Creation
• Then emerged need for content creation, starting with
J-Phone (Vodafone KK, Softbank) and its
cameraphones and Sha-Mail in 2001
• Since then we've added video recording, sound
recording (podcasts) and (mobile) blogging abilities to
the phone
• Now we need to
control the the device
to gain good creations
Copyright © Tomi T Ahonen 2007
3G Strategy Consulting
Sugababes Mobisodes
• Endemol (producer of Big Brother) is launching a
mobile TV only reality TV series featuring the UK girl
pop trio Sugababes, on their tour with Robbie
• Each episode costs 50 pence (75 Euro cents, 85 US
• The TV show will include lots of interactive elements
including viewers designing dance moves for the
band, sending them in via videoclips
• Service set up between Endemol, O2 and Universal
Source: Moco News 9 May 2006
Copyright © Tomi T Ahonen 2007
Pearls: Real Mobile Services
collected by Tomi T Ahonen
3G Strategy Consulting
Need 6 - 2003 - Community
• Now for our industry is Community
• MySpace, Flickr, Second Life, YouTube, Mixi,
Cyworld, Bebo, World of Warcraft, Friendster...
• Not only create and consume but also
• Share
• Rate
• Recommend
Copyright © Tomi T Ahonen 2007
3G Strategy Consulting
See Me TV paid 100,000 UKP
• SeeMeTV launched by Three Italy and Three UK. UK
version was launched Oct 2005. Each video clip cost
50p to view and paid 1p to the creator of the clip
• By March received 30,000 clips, these downloaded
4 M times, and Three paid out 100,000 UKP
• Most popular clips were:
– Hot dog boy – the quickest frankfurter eater in town!
– Pretzel girl – a real-life office contortionist
– The World's first wedding proposal over video mobile
on Valentine’s day (Dating Game)
– Tornado chaos – footage of the aftermath of
the tornado that hit Birmingham (24 Hours)
• One woman flashed her breasts and had 130,000 downloads,
earned 1,300 UKP
Sources:, 9 March 2006, Mobile
Marketing Magazine 1 Feb 2006
Copyright © Tomi T Ahonen 2007
Pearls: Real Mobile Services
collected by Tomi T Ahonen
3G Strategy Consulting
SeeMeTV Update '007
• SeeMeTV launched by Three Italy and Three UK. UK
version was launched Oct 2005. Each video clip cost
50p to view and paid 1p to the creator of the clip
• In Sept 007, Three gave latest 12 month data at
Mobile Web 2.0 in London:
• 14.2 million videos downloaded past 12 months
• 6 million games downloaded in past 12 months
• Three has about 4 M subscribers (5% market share)
Source: Three at Mobile Web 2.0 in London 20 Sep 007
Pearls: Real Mobile Services
collected by Tomi T Ahonen
Copyright © Tomi T Ahonen 2007
3G Strategy Consulting
Need 7 - 2005 - Cool (fashion)
• First with Benetton & NTT DoCoMo, now the phone
is crossing over seriously to the fashion side, with
ever more fashion awareness with the iPhone
LG joins with Prada
Motorola joins with Dolce &
And separately Nokia's topend Vertu jewelry-phone line
is on the catwalks around
the world
Pearls: Real Mobile Services
collected by Tomi T Ahonen
Copyright © Tomi T Ahonen 2007
3G Strategy Consulting
• French Blue Jeans manufacturer Uranium Jeans has
released the first SMS jeans.
• They have a flexible screen on the rear pocket of the
jeans. You can now send a
message to display on the
back of your jeans
• First jeans went on sale in
Uranium's flagship store in
St Tropez France at about
300 dollars per pair
• Next to get smart jeans is
Los Angeles
Source: Textually 5 June 2006
Copyright © Tomi T Ahonen 2007
Pearls: Real Mobile Services
collected by Tomi T Ahonen
3G Strategy Consulting
Need 8 - 2006 - (Remote) Control
• Now the phone is starting to emerge as the remote
• We already have isolated applications
such as SMS controlled tea kettle (I kid
you not) and mobile phone controlled
air conditioning, saunabath heating, etc
• Also remote control of locks, security
• And the South Koreans expect a robot
in every home within ten years
(note: picture is Japanese household robot
"Wakamaru" by Mitsubishi)
Pearls: Real Mobile Services
collected by Tomi T Ahonen
Copyright © Tomi T Ahonen 2007
3G Strategy Consulting
Our Eight Needs served by phone
Need 1 - Communicate
Need 2 - Consume
Need 3 - Charging (money)
Need 4 - Commercials (advertising)
Need 5 - Create
Need 6 - Community (social networking)
Need 7 - Cool (fashion)
Need 8 - (Remote) Control
Source: TomiAhonen Consulting January 2007
Copyright © Tomi T Ahonen 2007
Pearls: Real Mobile Services
collected by Tomi T Ahonen
3G Strategy Consulting
Copying Across Borders
Copyright © Tomi T Ahonen 2007
3G Strategy Consulting
Habbo Hotel 7 M Users
• Sulake has Habbo Hotel in 30 countries
with 76 M avatars, 40 M rooms and 7 M
active users. Average session is 30 min
• Habbo Hotel is a childrens virtual
online playground - kids don't have
credit cards - payments are by premium SMS. Kids
spend over 40 min per session. Sulake earns 29 M
Euro (35 M USD) per year
• Calculated across its total subscriber base Habbo
Hotel earns 5 USD per year per subscriber or 42
cents per month
Sources: Kauppalehti 11 July 2006,
Sulake January 2007
Copyright © Tomi T Ahonen 2007
Pearls: Real Mobile Services
collected by Tomi T Ahonen
3G Strategy Consulting
CyWorld - 43% of South Koreans
• Korean CyWorld used by 95% of the 20 year olds
• The web and mobile based virtual room, blogsite,
mobile blogging, music and community site has 19 M
koreans - 43% of the Korean population as users
• At 100,000 daily video uploads, Cyworld
generates more video traffic than YouTube.
• Music 200,000 songs/day, World Nr 2 after iTunes
30,000 businesses active in
CyWorld, offer 500,000
items of content for sale.
40% revenue-share
Source: book "Digital Korea" by Ahonen & O'Reilly 2007
Copyright © Tomi T Ahonen 2007
Pearls: Real Mobile Services
collected by Tomi T Ahonen
3G Strategy Consulting
Self Central - Vodafone "Cyworld"
• Vodafone in New Zealand has launched a mobile
social networking service similar to Cyworld branded
Self Central
• Users have rooms and avatars
• Part of Self Central's attraction is a user-generated
content revenue-sharing model similar to SeeMeTV,
but Self Central gives back 20% of UCG content
revenues to original creator
Source: Mobile Monday Amsterdam 24 Sept 007
Pearls: Real Mobile Services
collected by Tomi T Ahonen
Copyright © Tomi T Ahonen 2007
3G Strategy Consulting
Flirtomatic Update '007
UK flirting service Flirtomatic from
May 2006. CEO Mark Curtis says:
Today 60,000 web users, 20,000 WAP users, WAP
users active twice as much as web users
3.5 million virtual "Red Roses" in 2007 at 23 pence
per rose (805,000 UKP / 1.2 M Euro / 1.6 M USD)
Offer branded sponsorship ie Loreal Lip Gloss
sponsoring the Flirtomatic "Big Wet Kiss"
Half of income from ads, half from personalization
and gifts; Flirtomatic stopped subscription totally in
April 2007 as unnecessary
Source: Flirtomatic at Mobile Web 2.0
in London 20 Sept 007
Copyright © Tomi T Ahonen 2007
Pearls: Real Mobile Services
collected by Tomi T Ahonen
3G Strategy Consulting
Flirtomatic version of Adwords
• UK Based converged flirting/dating service Flirtomatic
launched May 2006. Flirtomatic CEO and author
Mark Curtis updated at Mobile Web 2.0 in London:
• A new concept among the 80,000 users (60K on Web
and 20K on WAP) is the personal ad
• Active flirters can get more traffic by being more
visible on the front page
• Principle is location auction ie select which slot you
want and bid for it - like Adwords auctions on Google
• Current top slot bid costs about 8 UKP for 6 hours as
first face of Flirtomatic
Source: Flirtomatic at Mobile Web 2.0
in London 20 Sept 007
Copyright © Tomi T Ahonen 2007
Pearls: Real Mobile Services
collected by Tomi T Ahonen
3G Strategy Consulting
Best Examples
Copyright © Tomi T Ahonen 2007
3G Strategy Consulting
Elven Legends
• Singapore game developers Nexgen Studio has
launched Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game for
3G and broadband, converged. The game is about
elves (dwarfs) called Elven Legends
• Has typical multiplayer role playing elements such as
customizing the character, challenges
and quests, and of course fighting
• The game has lots of spells and
mystical elements (make your
opponent go blind, etc)
Source: Nexgen Studio June 007
Pearls: Real Mobile Services
collected by Tomi T Ahonen
Copyright © Tomi T Ahonen 2007
3G Strategy Consulting
Kart Rider
• Kart Rider in South Korea, a
multiplayer cartoon-crazy car
racing game by Nexon, has
become the world's most
successful multiplayer game by
national adoption rate - 25% of
all South Koreans have driven Kart Rider
• Game combines car racing with crazy and violent
cartoon behaviour from Tom & Jerry etc
• You can have your rival's car spin on a banana peel,
or shoot a rocket at it, or fly above with a balloon etc
• Makes its money on accessories Pearls: Real Mobile Services
Source: book Digital Korea,
Ahonen & O'Reilly 2007
Copyright © Tomi T Ahonen 2007
collected by Tomi T Ahonen
3G Strategy Consulting
Kart Rider uses "Cartoon Logic"..
• Kart Rider, a multiplayer cartoon-crazy car racing
game developed by Nexon, has become world's most
successful multiplayer game by national adoption:
25% of all South Koreans have driven Kart Rider
• Game combines car racing with crazy and violent
cartoon behaviour from Tom & Jerry etc
• Real world rules, such as gravity etc are modified by
"cartoon logic" to make it more fun. You can have
your rival's car spin on a banana peel, or shoot a
rocket at your rival, or fly above with a balloon etc
• Is free, makes all of its money on accessories. 2 TV
channels are devoted to the gamePearls: Real Mobile Services
Source: book Digital Korea,
Ahonen & O'Reilly 2007
Copyright © Tomi T Ahonen 2007
collected by Tomi T Ahonen
3G Strategy Consulting
User-Generated Content
Copyright © Tomi T Ahonen 2007
3G Strategy Consulting
Most Popular UCC in Korea
• User-Created Content in South Korea was measured
by NIDA National Internet Development Agency June
2007 and found the most popular UCC to be:
• Humor, bizarre, fun: 80.4% of users have viewed
• Hobby, leisure: 58.1%
• Celebrity: 50.7%
• Healthcare, living: 34.1%
• Jobs, learning: 26.2%
• Personals, trivia etc: 25.0%
• News, issues: 21.7%
Pearls: Real Mobile Services
collected by Tomi T Ahonen
Source NIDA June 007
Copyright © Tomi T Ahonen 2007
3G Strategy Consulting
Ratio of Creation to Consumption
• Mobile Blogging/User-Generated Video on Orange
France, 65,000 blogs viewed 140 million times. For
every blog posting created, they are viewed 114
times Source: 6 June 2006
• SeeMeTV on Three/Hutchison UK had received
30,000 clips, these downloaded 4 M times (ratio
1:133). Source: Mobile Marketing Magazine 1 Feb 2006
• It seems that for mobile networks and paid social
networking access, the ratio of user-generated
content to users viewing the content is about 1:100
• By contrast on free internet the ratio is about 1:1000
Source: TomiAhonen Consulting March 2006
Copyright © Tomi T Ahonen 2007
3G Strategy Consulting
First time registration, you need
enrollment key. Use the word:
Copyright © Tomi T Ahonen 2007
3G Strategy Consulting
But wait - There is still More Info
”In a connected age sharing information is power.”
Tomi T Ahonen in Services for UMTS 2002
Copyright © Tomi T Ahonen 2007
3G Strategy Consulting
Mobile Industry Metrics '007
Mobile subscribers end June 007 were 3.0 B (2007 Informa)
28.8% with 2+ subscriptions ie 2.1 B unique users (2007 Informa)
Mobile telecoms 2006 total revenues $646B (2007 Informa)
Global ARPU by users $25.51 but by SIMs $19.91 (2007 Informa)
2006 SMS Revenues $80 B (2006 ITU), is 12% of global revenues
2007 Non-SMS mobile data content $45 B (2007 Informa)
MVNO revenues in 2005 $18.4B (2005 Total Telecom)
SMS used by 74% ie (2007 Logica CMG) ie 2 B people EOY 2006.
Average price person-to-person SMS globally 3.7 cents (Informa 2007)
• 28% of users access internet via mobile phone, is 588 million
people (2005 Ipsos) Note: Most of these also access via PC
• Handsets replaced in 18 mo (2006 Semiconductor Industry Assoc.)
• 2006 Handset sales 1.02 B units (2007 IDC) and $115 B in
annual revenues (2005 iSupply)
Copyright © Tomi T Ahonen 2007
3G Strategy Consulting
Top 20 Digital Maturity Dec 2006
20 Countries with highest penetrations of TV, internet & mobile phone
Familiarity Index
Familiarity Index:
The penetration
rates of TV, internet
& cellphone
(Sweden = 100%)
• Sweden
• Finland
• Denmark
• Hong Kong
• UK
• Norway
• Germany • USA
• Austria
• Taiwan • Netherlands
• New Zealand
• Canada
• Singapore
• Australia • Israel
• Ireland
• Japan
Innovation Index:
The penetration
rates of Digi TV,
Broadband & 3G
• Korea
Indexes by TomiAhonen Consulting December 2006
Copyright © Tomi T Ahonen 2007
(Korea 100%)
3G Strategy Consulting
Top 20 Blogsites on Mobile
So, here are the popular mobile blog sites, according Technorati.
1. Smart Mobs - rank: 1,033 (4,755 links from 1,081 blogs)
2. - rank: 1,181 (3,213 links from 1,009 blogs)
3. MobileBurn - rank: 1,868 (5,609 links from 766 blogs)
4. All About Symbian - rank: 2,833 (1,864 links from 589 blogs)
5. MobileCrunch - rank: 3,465 (1,538 links from 508 blogs)
6. MobHappy - rank: 4,920 (1,344 links from 390 blogs)
7. pasta and vinegar - rank: 6,187 (1,145 links from 332 blogs)
8. The Mobile Technology Weblog - rank: 7,928 (2,565 links from 262 blogs)
9. Mopocket rank: N/A (569 links to this URL sorted)
10. Open Gardens - rank: 9,230 (510 links from 232 blogs)
11. Mobile Mentalism - rank: 11,626 (465 links from 189 blogs)
12. Techdirt Wireless - rank: 12,632 (434 links from 175 blogs)
13. Darla Mack - rank: 13,125 (859 links from 169 blogs)
14. Communities Dominate Brands - rank: 13,203 (446 links from 166 blogs)
15. - rank: 17,238 (435 links from 132 blogs)
16. mobile jones - rank: 18,012 (343 links from 127 blogs)
17. The 3G Portal - rank: 18,195 (352 links from 126 blogs)
18. The Pondering Primate - rank: 19,256 (255 links from 120 blogs)
19. - rank: 22,255 (226 links from 106 blogs)
Pearls: Real Mobile Services
20. Mobile Opportunity - rank: 23,427 (229 links from 101 blogs)
collected by Tomi T Ahonen
Source: 18 Aug 2006
Copyright © Tomi T Ahonen 2007
3G Strategy Consulting
Good sources of information
• Biggest free 3G info site -
sign up for their free daily 3G newsletter !
Free panel on mobile - passcode forumoxford
Community future blogs -
Free site of mobile news and blogs -
Podcasts on communities and mobile -
Disruptive and engagement marketing -
User interfaces and mobile blogging -
Most advanced Segmentation, Alphas etc -
3G and 2.5G training, Oxford -
Mobile Data Association -
UMTS Forum Reports -
More free service idea “Pearls” -
More information send e-mail to
Copyright © Tomi T Ahonen 2007
3G Strategy Consulting
Recommended Books
• Digital Korea, Tomi T Ahonen & Jim O'Reilly, 284 pages,
Futuretext, 2007
• Communities Dominate Brands, Tomi T Ahonen & Alan
Moore, 274 pages, Futuretext, 2005
• Mobile Web 2.0, A Jaokar & T Fish, 176 p, Futuretext, 2006
• M-Profits, Tomi T Ahonen, 360 pages, Wiley 2002
• Distraction, Mark Curtis, 240 pages, Futuretext, 2005
• Next Generation Wireless Applications, Paul Golding, 588p,
Wiley 2004
• 3G Marketing, Ahonen, Kasper & Melkko 333 p, Wiley 2004
• Mobile Strategy, Tom Weiss, 320 pages, Futuretext 2006
• Smart Mobs, Howard Rheingold, 288 p, Basic Books, 2003
• The City in Your Pocket, T Kopomaa, 143 p Gaudeamus 2000
• ...And of course The Dilbert Future by Scott Adams..
Copyright © Tomi T Ahonen 2007
3G Strategy Consulting
Tomi T Ahonen, Author & Consultant
Competitiveness, Business Case, Marketing, and Profitability
"Service creation and marketing will be key to 3G," Ahonen said. Total Telecom 12 October 2000
Provides 3G business case audits and 3G service
marketing plan workshops for mobile operators, and
value chain analysis for content providers, bankers etc.
The world's most prolific new mobile service evangelist,
has introduced over 1,000 new service concepts at
public conferences; his books include 500 service ideas.
Quoted in over 200 press stories in a dozen languages;
keynotes/ chaired at over 200 major conferences on six
continents; host of Communities Dominate Podcast.
Lectures at Oxford University on 3G and Convergence
Available as a motivational speaker in telecoms
marketing, sales, product development and innovation.
Read his books "Digital Korea", "Communities Dominate
Brands", “m-Profits", "3G Marketing","Services for UMTS” Earlier Tomi Ahonen has set up &
run Nokia’s 3G Business
Consultancy. Previously he
Copyright © Tomi T Ahonen 2007
worked for 3 operators where he
created the world’s first fixedmobile service bundle and set a
world record for taking market
share from the incumbent
3G Strategy Consulting
Recent Ahonen Articles/Columns
Mobile the Ubiquitous Technology Forum Oxford Journal Vol 1
Mobile as 7th Mass Media - Mobile Handset Analyst, Feb 2007
Mobile Social Networking - Asia Pacific Telecoms, Jan 2007
Celebrating the 1000th Pearl - The 3G Portal, Oct 2006
Hidden Power in Mobile - Mobile Communications June 6, 2006
Second Subscriptions - Wireless Watch June 5, 2006
Operator Customer Service - The 3G Portal, Apr 2006
3G TV Convergence - European Communications Spring, 2006
Seventh Mass Media - The 3G Portal Nov, 2005
Next 20 Years in Mobile - Ohmy News Korea Jun 17, 2005
Story of Mobile vs TV - New Media Knowledge Apr 25, 2005
NOTE - Ahonen blogs at and is the
host of Communities Dominate Podcast on
Copyright © Tomi T Ahonen 2007
3G Strategy Consulting
Digital Korea
Broadband internet, 3G telecoms, Digital TV,
Telematics, Multiplayer Gaming, Home Robotics
by Tomi T Ahonen & Jim O'Reilly
foreword Dr Hyun-Oh Yoo, CEO SK Communications
(284 pages, Hardcover, Futuretext, July 2007)
“This book really helps the reader understand
what makes a winning Digital ecosystem
within a Global context”
- JaeHong Yoon, Sr VP Korea Telecom
“I recommend this book as an insightful
resource base for the near future concept
- Karri Mikkonen Director of Strategy,
TeliaSonera Sweden
Copyright © Tomi T Ahonen 2007
South Korea is the world's highest penetration
country for broadband, 3G, digital TV,
videogaming etc. This book looks at how that
environment spawns innovations and changes
society, from mobile commerce to virtual reality
to home robotics with resulting cultural changes
from education to government to healtcare to
crime. Packed with IT statistics and 12 cases.
- book website is
Available now at, at Amazon and
all major booksellers worldwide
3G Strategy Consulting
Communities Dominate Brands:
Business & Marketing Challenges for the 21st Century
by Tomi T Ahonen & Alan Moore with
foreword by Stephen C Jones of Coca Cola
(274 pages, Hardcover, Futuretext, March 2005)
"Authors vividly illustrate the rapidly growing
power of digital communities."
- Harry Dronec, Red Bull UK
"Clearly identifies the issues impacting the
audio-visual industry. "
- John Ranelagh, TV2 Norway
"Authors show how living in a converging
mobile world introduces threats to your
business model.
- Kazutomo Robert Hori, Cybird Japan
Copyright © Tomi T Ahonen 2007
Business book that discusses the emerging
power of digitally empowered communities.
Discusses virtual worlds, mobile swarms,
blogging. Introduces the 4 Cs, Generation-C
(Community), and explains how Alpha Users
and Reachability impact marketing
communications and customer loyalty. With 13
case studies and 100 real business examples,
shows how business must move from interruptive advertising to engagement marketing.
- book blogsite is
Available now at and all major
booksellers including Amazon
3G Strategy Consulting
3G Marketing: Communities and
Strategic Relationships
by Tomi T Ahonen, Timo Kasper and Sara
Melkko, with foreword by Mike Short of O2
(333 pages, softcover, John Wiley & Sons, 2004)
Only book on winning in 3G
"Insightful look into capitalising on customer
data and developing targetted marketing
- Jan-Anders Dalenstam, Ericsson
"Packed with useful and practical techniques
to achieve success in competitive
- Steven S K Chan, MobileOne Singapore
Copyright © Tomi T Ahonen 2007
World’s first book on the marketing and sales of
3G and other advanced wireless services.
Covers Market Intelligence, Segmentation,
Service Creation, Distribution Channels,
Promotion, Bundling, Tariffing, Billing, and
Churn. With up-to-the-minute theories of
cellular telecoms including Reachability, the 5
M’s, Murfing, Alpha Users, Omega Customers
and the Early Eight, this book covers the “how”
of new wirless services.
Available now at all major bookstores and at
3G Strategy Consulting
M-Profits: Making Money from 3G
by Tomi T Ahonen, with foreword by Teppo
Turkki of Elisa Corporation Finland
(360 pages, hardcover, John Wiley & Sons, 2002)
“Good read for industry professionals,
operators, bankers and analysts.” - Voytek
Siewierski NTT DoCoMo
“Only book to give comprehensive view of
marketing and revenue.” - Sophie Ghnassia
France Telecom
“Great guide to making money in mobile
services.” - Joao Baptista Mercer
Management Consulting
“Makes complex theories easy to
understand.” - Mark Weisleder Bell Canada
Copyright © Tomi T Ahonen 2007
World’s first business book on mobile telecoms
became world's bestselling 3G book Oct & Dec
2003. Covers revenues, revenue-sharing,
pricing, profits of mobile services. m-Profits
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