IMPROVING STUDENTS’ SPEAKING LOGO ABILITY THROUGH YAHOO MESSENGER AT UNIVERSITY OF IQRA BURU Saidna Zulfiqar Bin Tahir 10B01033 STATE UNIVERSITY OF MAKASSAR 2011 CONTENT CHAPTER I 1. Background 2. Problem Statement 3. Objective 4.Significance 5. Scope CHAPTER II 1. Previous Related Findings 2. Concepts of Speaking 3. Yahoo Messenger 4. Interest 5. Resume 6. Conceptual Framework 7. Hypotheses CHAPTER III 1. Research Design 2. Research Variable 3. Population and Sample 4. Research Instrument 5. Procedure of Collecting Data 6. Technique of Data Analysis BACKGROUND Tool of Communication English has became a compulsory subject (SD-4th, SMP, SMU) Many students can not communicate in English well Decreasing of interest in joining speaking class Lack of Opportunity to practice ICT CALL & CMC YM PROBLEM STATEMENT 1 • Does the application of Yahoo Messenger improve the students’ speaking ability at English and Literature Department of University of Iqra Buru (UNIQBU)? 2 • Are the students of English and Literature Department at University of Iqra Buru (UNIQBU) interested in joining the speaking class through Yahoo Messenger? OBJECTIVE OF THE RESEARCH To find out: Whether or not the use of Yahoo Messenger improve the students’ speaking ability. Whether or not the use of Yahoo Messenger increase the students’ interest in joining the speaking class. SCOPE OF THE RESEARCH By Discipline • is under the study of applied linguistics. It is specified on the use of Yahoo Messenger chat as a medium in improving students’ speaking ability to the second semester students of English and Literature Department at University of Iqra Buru Ambon in academic year 2011/2012. By Content • this research will emphasize on speaking skills, they are, accuracy, fluency, and comprehensibility, also the students’ interest. By Activity • the students are taught to use Yahoo Messenger and make a dialogue in pair before they conduct voice chat with native or non native speakers. SIGNIFICANCES OF THE RESEARCH Theoretically • This study will hopefully stimulate the teachers to be creative to develop and explore interesting media in teaching speaking. • The result of this study is expected to be used by further researcher as information. • The result of this research hopefully will gives useful and helpful information for curriculum development. Practically • it can be used as a model to improve students’ speaking ability, and it may guide, help and encourage them to express their ideas, opinion, and thought oral presentation, and also to interest them to communicate in English. PREVIOUS RELATED FINDINGS 1 • Syaukani (2010) did a research with a title “Sistim penerjemah inggrisindonesia pada aplikasi chatting berbasis web menggunakan pendekatan aturan” 2 • Israini (2010) conducted a research on “3D chat rooms: creating an online virtual classroom for EFL teaching and learning activity” reported that online virtual classroom using Club Cooee could bring students in a different atmosphere with 3D environment and they will be able to communicate easily with other people from all over the world 3 4 • Xiao (2007) conducted a research on title “An Empirical Study of Using Internetbased Desktop Videoconferencing in an EFL setting” and the research result indicated that the use of Internet-based Desktop Videoconferencing revealed the participants perceived great improvement in their language proficiency after 10 weeks of talking online with native speakers. • Crolotte (2005) conducted a research on a title “Improving L2 oral proficiency through on-line chatting” by using one-group pre test and post test design through MSN messenger. SOME PERTINENT IDEAS Speaking is the ability to use of language in ordinary way of speech. Accuracy is the quality of being accurate, exactness, or correctness in pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar Fluency is the ability to speak with others in an easy smooth manner Comprehensibility is the process of understanding of the utterances sent by the speaker done by the listener. Teaching speaking refers to the active or productive spoken activities in the classroom. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is defined as a range of technological tools and resources used to communicate. Yahoo Messenger is a free chat program provided by Yahoo Inc which is widely used and capable for synchronous communication between two or more Internet users. Interest is readiness or desire to give attention to, be concern with, or learn about some thing. CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK TEACHING SPEAKING YAHOO MESSENGER VOICE CHAT INTEREST SPEAKING ABILITY ACCURACY FLUENCY COMPREHENSIB ILITY HYPOTHESES H0: The use of Yahoo Messenger can not improve the students’ speaking ability; H1: The use of Yahoo Messenger can improve the students’ speaking ability. RESEARCH DESIGN This research applied Time-Series Design. It is part of a Quasi-experimental design. O1 O2 O3 O4 X O5 O6 O7 (Gay, 2006: 259) The figure shows that before conducting the treatment, a group will be given pretests repeatedly until pretests score are stable; than the group is exposed to a treatment and after treatment implementation, repeatedly post-tested. O8 VARIABLES Variable Dependent The students’ speaking ability Independent Students’ interest The use of Yahoo Messenger voice chat in teaching speaking POPULATION AND SAMPEL Population Sample • All of the Second semester students of English and Literature Department at University of Iqra Buru Ambon in academic years 2011-2012. • Overall, the number of the students in second semester of English and Literature Program as many as 20 students with one class. • Since the population was absolutely small in number or the total number of sample is 20 students with one class, then all of them will be involved as the samples of this research. This sampling technique by Sugiyono (2010) was called by Census Sampling Technique RESEARCH INSTRUMENT Pretest Speaking Test PostTest Instrument Questionnaire Interest PROCEDURE OF COLLECTING DATA • The group will be given pretest repeatedly (4x) to see their scores consistence or stable. • The pretest runs for 3 hours and 20 minutes twice in a week. • The data will be rated by the speaking lecturer and the dean of Language and Literature Faculty of UNIQBU PRETEST TREATMENT • The treatment will be conducted in 4 meetings • each meeting run in 90 minutes divided into 40 minutes of theory and work in pairs, and 50 minutes of practicing on-line voice chat • The posttest will be given to the students after each treatments series 1, 2, 3, and 4. • The post test run in 3 hours 20 minutes. • The data will be rated by The Speaking lecturer and the dean of Language and Literature Faculty of UNIQBU POSTTEST TECHNIQUE OF DATA ANALYSIS Speaking Test Pretest & Posttest -Accuracy -Fluency -Comprehensibility Score Classification Criteria 86 – 100 A Very Good to Excellent 71 – 85 B Good 56 – 70 C Average 41 – 55 D Poor ≤ 40 E Very Poor Adapted from Panduan Penilaian di Universitas Iqra Buru, 2008 Score Criteria of Speaking (Heaton, 1988) SC = Gain Score x 100 Max Score In calculating the mean score, standard deviation and t-test value of the students speaking skills (accuracy, fluency, and comprehensibility) the researcher will use SPSS program version 17.0. TECHNIQUE OF DATA ANALYSIS Questionnaire Range Interest Category 81-100 Very high 61-80 High 41-60 Moderate 21-40 Low 0-20 Very low Riduwan & Akdon (2009) Likert Scale Scoring & Calculating In calculating the t-test and descriptive value and consulting ttable value to see the students’ interest toward teaching speaking through Yahoo Messenger, the researcher also used SPSS program version 17.0. IMPROVING STUDENTS’ SPEAKING ABILITY THROUGH YAHOO MESSENGER AT UNIVERSITY OF IQRA BURU By: Saidna Zulfikar bin Tahir State University Of Makassar 2011 LOGO