2016/03/18 INVENTORY OF DAIRY INDUSTRY INFORMATION As on 2014.09.21 DAIRY DIGITS Function / purpose Show market indicators that influence business decisions in the short term. Primary target market Milk producers and milk processors of South Africa and other interested parties. Media The Dairy Mail. Milk SA Website. Direct mail to Milk SA role-players. Table 1: Key market indicators Title of the variable 1 Milk purchased Mil.L. 2 Imports 000 Ton Specification Source of the information Annual for 2 previous years* Milk SA Most recent month* Cumulative for current year to most recent month* Previous year* Cumulative for current year to most recent month* Milk SA SARS as supplied by SAMPRO Formula or method applied (if applicable) Milk SA levy returns. Previous year finalised in March of current year. See Annexure A for policy. Based on estimate of milk buyers data according to Milk SA protocol. See Annexure A for policy. Total of estimated milk production for current year. See Annexure A for policy. Total imports of tariff codes 0401 -0406 2016/03/18 3 4 5 6 Exports 000 Ton Previous year* SARS as supplied by SAMPRO PPI Raw milk price index PPI Dairy product price index Farm requisite price index Latest month* Latest month* Stats SA, supplied via SAMPRO Stats SA Latest month* DAFF publication Total exports of tariff codes 0401 - 0406 Current year* * Also indicating values of the same period in the previous year Figure 1 to Figure 4 Line graphs Figure 1 International dairy product prices (free on board) Rand/ton Figure 2 Monthly unprocessed milk purchase trend Jan -07 to latest month SMP Butter Cheddar FMP Previous four years + current year Figure 3 Monthly cumulative net imports, milk equivalent, Previous four years + current year SARS supplied by SAMPRO Jan 2012 – latest PPI raw milk Stats SA as supplied to SAMPRO PPI Dairy products Stats SA CPI Stats SA Figure 4 PPI of unprocessed milk and dairy products and CPI of retail milk, eggs and cheese USDA; SA Reserve Bank Average of USDA High and low values per month. Rand/$ based on Reserve Bank middle rate if available, if not average of daily values as quoted by Grain SA. Milk SA Milk SA levy returns. Previous year finalised in March of current year. Based on estimate of milk buyers data according to Milk SA protocol Converted to standard milk equivalent values (see Table A below) Table A: Milk equivalent factors 0401 0402.10 Milk & Cream Skimmed Milk Powder Kg to Kg 1,0 10,0 Litres to Kg 1,031 n/a Base 2012 = 100. CPI converted from base Jan 2012 = 100 to base 2012 = 100. 2016/03/18 0402.21 0402.29 0406 0403.10 Full cream Milk Powder Condensed Milk Cheese Yoghurt, Maas and other Fermented products 8,5 2,2 10,0 1,0 n/a n/a n/a n/a 2016/03/18 LACTO DATA Function / purpose Show long term international and South African trends in respect of structure and performance of the dairy industry. Target market Milk producers and milk processors of South Africa; Government institutions, academic and other research institutions. Media The Dairy Mail. Milk SA Website. Direct mail to Milk SA role-players. Headings will be on top of figures and tables. Title of the variable Specification Figure 1 International economic growth and expected growth Figure 2 FAO food price indices of internationally traded product groups Line graph 4 past & 1 future year World Advanced economies Developing economies South Africa Line graph Monthly prices for four years up to latest month Indices for: All Food product groups Meat Dairy Cereals Source of the information Formula or method applied (if applicable) IMF Stats SA FAO Index 2002 – 2004 = 100 2016/03/18 Oilseeds Figure 3 Global milk production per species Bar chart Most recent four years Cow, buffalo, goat and other milk IDF World Dairy Situation Table 1 Milk production growth: 2013 compared to 2012,selected countries CNIEL Figure 4 Cow’s milk production per region Figure 5 Word population and per capita consumption of dairy products % Growth most recent year compared to previous year. Australia European Union New Zealand United States Bar chart Cow’s milk production for following regions Asia EU-27 North and Central America South America Europe (Non-EU) Africa Oceania Line + bar chart 2005, 2008 – most recent year Population (million) Per capita consumption (kg) Figure 6 Annual increase in dairy demand Bar chart Million tonnes per year 1997 –latest year IDF World Dairy Situation IDF World Dairy Situation IFCN Please establish whether "Per capita consumption (kg)" milk equivalent is. In the text, the heading "Milk processing" should read "Production of dairy products"; and "Dairy consumption" should read "Dairy products consumption". 2016/03/18 Figure 7 Regional distribution of total demand for dairy products Pie chart % distribution of dairy demand per region: Asia Europe North America Central America South America Oceania Africa IDF World Dairy Situation Figure 8 Share of key exporting countries in total trade in dairy products IDF World Dairy Situation Table 2 Major dairy companies Horisontal bar chart % share per country1: New Zealand EU USA Australia Belarus Argentina 20 largest international dairy companies indicating: Market share (%) Milk intake Mil. ton Dairy turnover US$ billion Most recent year, top 10 per category. Dairy farm numbers (Mil. cows) Average farm size (Cows per farm) Annual change in average farm size (Cows per farm). IFCN Separate the three categories clearly. Map developed by IFCN showing milk production cost per region US$/ 100 kg energy corrected milk Latest year IFCN Attend to colours. Delete "World milk price". Table 3 Figure 9 1 selected countries: No of dairy farm units Average herd size Annual change in average herd size Estiomated milk production cost (US$/100 kg) per average farm in participating countries As countries’ share changes the specified countries may change. Is this representing milk equivalent? IFCN 2016/03/18 Figure 10 Estimated cost of milk production per farm for average farms in IFCN analysis Figure 11 Estimated producer milk prices in various regions Bar chart Cost (US$/ 100 kg energy corrected milk) Cost according to P+L account less non-milk returns Opportunity cost Quota cost Map developed by IFCN Milk price (US$/ 100 kg energy corrected milk) IFCN Attend to colours. "Cost P&L" should be spelled out. "South Afriocan dairy industry The primary sector" must read "The South African Primary Dairy Sector". January 2006 – most recent month December 1997 and most recent month % Distribution of milk production Number of cows in milk per province (most recent survey) Map showing milk density in Litres/km2 Table 4 Table 5 Number of milk producers per province Milk production per province and cows in milk per producer, specific years Figure 12 Milk production density Figure 13 Size distribution of dairy herds Frequency chart Figure 14 Cow density per district Cows/km2 Figure 15 Distribution of herds based on daily production per cow in herd Bar chart % of herds per production class Figure 16 Monthly raw milk purchase trend Previous four years + current year MPO MPO Statutory survey + estimate MPO Statutory survey + estimate MPO Statutory survey + estimate MPO Statutory survey + estimate MPO Statutory survey + estimate Milk SA Attend to light grey colour that show white when printed. Milk SA levy returns. Previous year finalised in 2016/03/18 Figure 17 Annual milk purchases Bar chart Annual for split years from 2004/05 to 2005/06 Calendar years from 2007 to most recent year MPO; MilkSA; SAMO, SAMPRO March of current year. Based on estimate of milk buyers data according to Milk SA protocol Historic data to 2005 from industry, 2006 + Milk SA The quote that preceed "The secondary sector" should be amended in accordance with a previous decision. The heading "The Secondary sector" should read "The South African Secondary Dairy Sector" Table 6 Number of PD’s and milk buyers per province as registered with Milk SA Figure 18 Composition of the South African liquid products market Figure 19 Composition of the South African concentrated products market Most recent month Number of PD’s Number of milk buyers Pie chart % distribution into: Pasteurised milk UHT + steri milk Flavoured milk Maas + buttermilk Yoghurt Most recent information Pie chart % distribution into: Hard + semi-hard cheese Milk powder Butter Whey powder Milk SA Industry estimate based on BMI, as supplied by SAMPRO Table 6 should be amended to be in the same fashion as table 4. Milk equivalent basis. If figure 18 cannot be updated in 2015, it will be left out. Industry estimate If figure 18 cannot be updated based on BMI, in 2015, it will be left out. as supplied by SAMPRO 2016/03/18 Figure 20 Dairy product imports and exports, Figure 21 Dairy product imports and exports, milkequivalent basis Figure 22 Figure 23 Buttermilk powder Condensed milk Other cheese Bar chart Mass base (1 000 tonnes) latest 10 years Import, export, net import per year Bar chart Milk equivalent basis (Mil. L.) Latest 10 years SARS supplied by SAMPRO SARS supplied by SAMPRO Percentage composition of imports Pie chart Mass base % distribution of imports between: Cheese Milk powder Butter Whey powder Buttermilk & yoghurt Milk & cream SARS supplied by SAMPRO Percentage composition of exports Pie chart Mass base % distribution of exports between: Cheese Milk powder Butter Whey powder Buttermilk & yoghurt Milk & cream SARS supplied by SAMPRO Milk equivalent values as standardised (See table) Imports of each of the six customs categories to be shown as percentage of the exports, since 2000. Figure 24 should move somewhere before table 2. 2016/03/18 Figure 24 International FOB dairy product prices Jan -07 to latest month SMP Butter Cheddar FMP USDA; SA Reserve Bank Table 7 International calculated standardised raw milk producer prices Latest available month plus same month for three previous years LTO, Nederland, GDF, Uruguay Dairy Industry Jan 2012 – latest PPI raw milk Stats SA as supplied to SAMPRO PPI Dairy products Stats SA CPI Stats SA Figure 25 PPI indices of raw milk and dairy products and CPI index of retail milk, eggs and cheese Table 7 should move somewhere before figure 11. Figure 25 should move to "The South African Primary Dairy Sector". Average of USDA High and low values per month. Rand/$ based on Reserve Bank middle rate if available, if not average of daily values as quoted by Grain SA. Converted to Rand/litre with Reserve Bank monthly middle rates South Africa: MPO Base 2012 = 100. CPI converted from base Jan 2012 = 100 to base 2012 = 100. Add figure to show unprocessed milk and other primary agricultural products (PPI). Add figure to show milk and other dairy products (PPI). Add figure to show dairy products with other selected food products. Table 8 Farm requisite price indices Base 2005 = 100 DAFF data CAGR = (Sn/S0)^(n-1) - 1 2016/03/18 Machinery and implements Material for fixed improvements Intermediate goods and services All farming requisites Annual for latest four years Quarterly for 18 quarters to latest available data Calculated annual growth rate (CAGR) for annual and quarterly data Table 9 Year-on-year change in demand and prices of dairy products Table xx Ander Nielsen-tabel. Ek weet nie waarna Alwyn verwys het nie. Latest available 12 months compared to same period previous year. Change in demand quantity (%) Change in retail prices (%) AC Nielsen as supplied by SAMPRO AC Nielsen as supplied by SAMPRO DAIRY INDUSTRY REVIEW Only in English. Logical ordening of sections under South Africa & International Headings will be on top of figures and tables. Function / purpose Show long term trends of market indicators as published in Dairy Digits as well as long term trends of international market indicators and the South African consumer market, which serve a market signals for medium to long term business decisions. Primary target market Milk producers and milk processors of South Africa; institutions in the public sector. 2016/03/18 Media Milk SA Website. Direct mail to Milk SA role-players. Title of the variable Specification Source of the information Table 1 Commercial milk purchases Annual values latest five years. Monthly values current year ‘Tonnes Milk SA Figure 1 Annual milk purchases Figure 2 Monthly raw milk purchase trend MPO, SAMPRO Milk Board, Abstact of Agricultural statistics Milk SA Figure 3 Long-term trend in milk production Bar chart 2004/05, 2005/06 2006 – latest year Line graph Previous four years + current year Tonnes Line graph Monthly production 12 month moving average Figure 4 Application of locally produced milk in concentrated and other products Table 2 Annual imports Area chart (%) Jan – 06 to latest month % Concentrated % Other Latest 6 years Imports per four digit tariff code: 0401 0402 0403 Milk SA Milk SA SARS data supplied by SAMPRO Formula or method applied (if applicable) Milk SA levy returns. Previous year finalised in March of current year. Previous months Milk SA levy information. Latest two months Milk SA estimate. Based on estimate of milk buyers data according to Milk SA protocol Data before 2006 fixed in workgroup 2006 + Milk SA levy information Milk SA levy returns. Previous year finalised in March of current year. Based on estimate of milk buyers data according to Milk SA protocol Milk SA levy returns. Previous year finalised in March of current year. Based on estimate of milk buyers data according to Milk SA protocol Milk SA levy returns 2016/03/18 0404 0405 0406 Total imports Figure 5 Annual imports of dairy products Mass base (tonnes) Milk equivalent base (Mil.L.) 1995 – latest year SARS data supplied by SAMPRO Converted to standard milk equivalent values (see Table A below) Figure 6 Monthly imports, milk equivalent base SARS data supplied by SAMPRO Converted to standard milk equivalent values (see Table A below) Figure 7 Composition of imports Mil.L. Milk equivalent October 1994 to latest month Monthly value 3-month moving average value Stacked bar chart SARS data supplied by SAMPRO Annual mass of imports per four digit tariff code 0401 0402 0403 0404 0405 0406 A table should be added to show the net import and export position. Table 3 Annual exports Latest 6 years Exports per four digit tariff code: 0401 0402 0403 0404 0405 0406 Total exports Figure 8 Composition of exports Stacked bar chart SARS data supplied by SAMPRO SARS data supplied by Composition of imports 2016/03/18 SAMPRO Figure 9 Table 4 Figure 10 Table 5 Monthly cumulative net imports, milk equivalent, PPI of unprocessed milk and dairy products and the CPI of milk, cheese and eggs. PPI indices of raw milk and dairy products and CPI index of retail milk, eggs and cheese Monthly international FOB prices for New Zealand dairy products Annual mass of exports per four digit tariff code 0401 0402 0403 0404 0405 0406 Previous four years + current year Dec 2012 – latest month Dairy products PPI Unprocessed milk PPI Milk, cheese and eggs, CPI Line chart Jan 2012 – latest month Dairy products PPI Raw milk PPI Milk, cheese and eggs, CPI Monthly data for two years up to latest month Price US$/ton for; Butter SMP SARS supplied by SAMPRO Converted to standard milk equivalent values (see Table A below) PPI unprocessed milk Stats SA as supplied to SAMPRO PPI Dairy products Stats SA CPI Stats SA PPI raw milk Stats SA as supplied to SAMPRO PPI Dairy products Stats SA CPI Stats SA Base 2012 = 100. CPI converted from base Jan 2012 = 100 to base 2012 = 100. USDA SA Reserve Bank Grain SA Base 2012 = 100. CPI converted from base Jan 2012 = 100 to base 2012 = 100. Add figure to show unprocessed milk and other primary agricultural products (PPI). Add figure to show milk and other dairy products (PPI). Add figure to show dairy products with other selected food products Average of USDA High and low values per month. Rand/$ based on Reserve Bank middle rate if available, if not average of daily values as quoted by 2016/03/18 Cheddar Exchange rate SA cent per US$ Price Rand per ton for: Butter SMP Cheddar Line chart Jan -07 to latest month SMP Butter Cheddar FMP Grain SA. Move Table 5 to the back. Figure 11 International dairy product prices (free on board) Rand/ton USDA; SA Reserve Bank Table 6 Price indices of farm requisites Base 2005 = 100 Machinery and implements Material for fixed improvements Intermediate goods and services All farming requisites Annual for latest four years Quarterly for 18 quarters to latest available data Calculated annual growth rate (CAGR) for annual and quarterly data DAFF data Table 7 FOB import and export prices per tariff heading Annual average import and export prices ( R/kg) per tariff codes: 0401 0402.10 SARS data supplied by SAMPRO Average of USDA High and low values per month. Rand/$ based on Reserve Bank middle rate if available, if not average of daily values as quoted by Grain SA. Move figure 11 to the back. CAGR = (Sn/S0)^(n-1) - 1 2016/03/18 Table xx Year-on-year change in demand and prices of dairy products 0402.21 0402.29 0403.10 0403.90 0404 0405 0406.30 0406.40 0406.90 Latest three years Latest available 12 months compared to same period previous year. Change in demand quantity (%) Change in retail prices (%) Table A: Milk equivalent factors 0401 0402.10 0402.21 0402.29 0406 0403.10 Milk & Cream Skimmed Milk Powder Full cream Milk Powder Condensed Milk Cheese Yoghurt, Maas and other Fermented products 1,0 10,0 8,5 2,2 10,0 1,0 AC Nielsen as supplied by SAMPRO 2016/03/18 POWERPOINT PRESENTATION TO THE MEMBERS OF MILK SOUTH AFRICA Function / purpose To inform Milk SA's members about current market signals. Primary target market Members of Milk SA. Media PowerPoint. Slide Title of the variable 1 Industry information 2 Contents 3 International economic growth and expected growth 4 FAO food price indexes 5 Global milk production Specification Source of the information Formula or method applied (if applicable) Title slide International economy International dairy situation SA economic situation SA dairy situation Bar chart 4 past & 1 future year World Advanced economies Developing economies South Africa Line graph Monthly prices for four years up to latest month Indices for: Food Meat Dairy Mixed chart IMF Stats SA Index 2002 – 2004 = 100 FAO IDF WDS 2016/03/18 6 Milk production growth: 2013 compared to 2012,selected countries 7 Milk production growth: 2014 compared to 2013,selected countries 8 Word population and per capita dairy consumption 9 Global dairy trade Auction sale price index 10 Monthly international FOB prices for New Zealand dairy products 11 Monthly international FOB prices for New Zealand dairy products Latest six years Cows’ milk production Mil. Tonnes (bar) Annual growth, % line % Growth most recent year compared to previous year. Australia European Union New Zealand United States % Growth most recent period compared to previous year. Australia European Union New Zealand United States Line + bar chart 2005, 2008 – most recent year Population (million) Per capita consumption (kg) Line Chart Jan 09 - latest month Line chart Monthly data for two years up to latest month Price US$/ton for; Butter SMP Cheddar Jan 07 – latest month Monthly data for two years up to latest month Price US$/ton for; Butter CNIEL CNIEL IDF World Dairy Situation gDT index USDA USDA SA Reserve Bank Grain SA Monthly average of biweekly figures Average of USDA High and low values per month. . Average of USDA High and low values per month. Rand/$ based on Reserve Bank middle rate if 2016/03/18 12 European producer prices 13 European price trends 14 International producer price indices 15 SA Economic activity 16 Economic growth 17 Consumer price inflation SMP Cheddar Exchange rate SA cent per US$ Price Rand per ton for: Butter SMP Cheddar Table Jan -07 – Latest month Monthly price 12 month moving average price Prices in Euro/ 100kg Line chart Producer price trends, current year plus previous two years Prices in Euro/ 100kg Line chart Price indices for following countries: Argentina New Zealand Uruguay Brazil USA ZA Index (2012 = 100) based on own currencies Line chart Jan 10 – latest month Leading indicator Co0incident indicator Bar chart Quarterly economic growth (%) 2010 Q1 – latest quarter Line chart Jan 07 to latest month available, if not average of daily values as quoted by Grain SA. LTO, Nederland Price based on 4,2% fat, 3,9% protein LTO, Nederland Price based on 4,2% fat, 3,9% protein Source: USA Hoards dairyman New Zealand LTO Uruguay Inale, Argentina CLAL Brazil CLAL ZA Stats SA SA Reserve Bank Stats SA Quarterly annualised growth % Stats SA Index rebased to 2000 = 100 2016/03/18 CPI index Monthly CPI inflation (%) 18 Interest rates 19 Household income and debt 20 Nominal retail sales growth 21 Monthly raw milk purchase trend 22 Line chart Prime rate Inflation rate Real interest rate Line chart Household debt % of disposable income Per capita disposable income (R 000) 2010 based Line chart Jan 08 to recent month Year on year % growth Previous four years + current year Monthly raw milk purchase trend per day per Previous four years + current year month Daily milk purchase per month 23 Retail sales and prices, selected products 24 Monthly cumulative net imports, milk Table Retail sales % change current 12 months compared to previous 12 months Rental price % change latest month compared to same month year ago Previous four years + current year Stats SA Real rate = (1+nominal rate)/(1+inflation rate) -1 SA Reserve Bank Stats SA Milk SA Milk SA Milk SA levy returns. Previous year finalised in March of current year. Based on estimate of milk buyers data according to Milk SA protocol Milk SA levy returns. Previous year finalised in March of current year. Based on estimate of milk buyers data according to Milk SA protocol Nielsen figures supplied to SAMPRO and Milk SA SARS supplied by SAMPRO Converted to standard milk 2016/03/18 equivalent, 25 Annual purchases plus net imports 26 Calculated milk: maize + soybean price ratio 27 PPI indices of raw milk and dairy products and CPI index of retail milk, eggs and cheese equivalent values (see Table A below) Mixed chart Annual purchases (Mil.L.) Annual net imports (Mil.L. Milk equivalent) Annual purchases plus net imports (Mil.L.) MPO; MilkSA; SAMO, SAMPRO Line chart Jan 10 to latest Jan 2012 – latest Historic data to 2005 from industry, 2006 + Milk SA SARS as supplied by SAMPRO MPO; MilkSA; SAMO, SAMPRO MPO Grain SA Maize + soybean = 70% YM1, 30% Soy, Safex nearest month prices. Producer price: MPO survey PPI raw milk Stats SA as supplied to SAMPRO PPI Dairy products Stats SA CPI Stats SA Base 2012 = 100. CPI converted from base Jan 2012 = 100 to base 2012 = 100. 2016/03/18 28 PPI indices of raw milk and dairy products and CPI index of retail milk, eggs and cheese 29 Thank you Jan 2001 - latest PPI raw milk Stats SA as supplied to SAMPRO PPI Dairy products Stats SA CPI Stats SA End slide MPO Table A: Milk equivalent factors 0401 0402.10 0402.21 0402.29 0406 0403.10 Milk & Cream Skimmed Milk Powder Full cream Milk Powder Condensed Milk Cheese Yoghurt, Maas and other Fermented products 1,0 10,0 8,5 2,2 10,0 1,0 Base 2000 = 100. CPI converted from base Jan 2012 = 100 to base 2012 = 100. PPI converted to base 2000 = 100. 2016/03/18 Annexure A: Policy for estimating and determining monthly milk purchases