The Wonderful World of SONA 1) 2) 3) 4) Go to or google TAMU SONA Log in. For now, use: Username: Ch3737 Password: worthylab Click My Studies Click whatever study you are looking for. Most likely it will be an Active Study, so look there. a. Sometimes we are told we can’t go over a certain number of participants. For summer 2011, we can’t go over 50 participants which is equivalent to 100 credit hours . Monitor this by clicking Timeslot Usage Summary. b. To grant credit to subjects who have participated , click View/Administer Time Slots. You will see recent timeslots and future timeslots. Find the group you are wishing to grant credit and then click Modify. You’ll see something like what is below. Fill in the appropriate bubble for participated, unexcused no-show or excused no-show. Then click update signups. There is no functional difference credit-wise between Unexcused Noshow and Excused No-Show. I just give excused no-shows to people who email me an excuse and unexcused to everyone else that doesn’t show. 74825 1185 NO Comments Name Participated Unexcused No-Show Excused NoShow No Action Taken 74825 1185 0 56601 G 2 2 Ima Student ( Phone: 555.555.5555 credit(s) Update Sign-Ups c. To add timeslots, scroll to the bottom of the page and select either Add a Timeslot or Add Multiple Timeslots (handy for if you are trying to schedule several in a row). Fill in all the information. Make sure you check that the right times are entered. SONA sucks in this regard. Click Add. Then verify that they are the times you want. d. Adding specific participants. Sometimes students show up late and ask to be signed up for a different study time. You can do this manually by adding them to the desired time slots. Click Modify. Then scroll down to Manual sign up and enter their TAMU email ID. Then hit sign-up. 5) Creating a new study: a. Email FIRST. Tell the coordinator you want to get a new study approved for SONA. He (Tom) will require a copy of the consent form, cover page, debriefing form, and approval link. b. He will email you back a study title. It will look something like this: 11sum08. c. From the SONA home page, you’ll see an option at says Add New Study. Click it and select the type of study you want/ enter all the deets. Where it says study name, enter in the title Tom sent you. You will get to enter qualifiers etc. When done, click Add Study. But you’re not done yet! YOU MUST E-MAIL again. Tell him the study is in SONA and needs to be approved.