Introduction Georgia Perimeter College is proud to submit a

Georgia Perimeter College is proud to submit a nomination for the Chancellor’s 2015 Service Excellence Awards in
the category of Outstanding Team. The team has gone above and beyond service to students, colleagues and other
customers of the USG over the past year as their actions during the consolidation announcement with Georgia
State University created the need for an extra layer of support from a team already stretched to its limits. The
team’s knowledge, skills and attitude reflect the five attributes of service excellence at its finest: respectful,
accessible, informed, supportive and responsive.
FY 2015 – Meeting and Managing GPC’s Communications Needs
Fiscal Year 2015 was progressing successfully for GPC’s Office of Marketing and Communications (MarCom).
Though understaffed due to a reduction in force, budget and resource restrictions, the office was celebrating
student success and providing excellent service by implementing the following improvements.
Enhancing the functionality of the GPC Newsroom website, designed to keep internal and external
customers informed of late-breaking news, information and human interest stories. Enhancements have
lengthened the time readers spend on stories to almost 2 minutes per session.
Redesigning and distributing of new marketing materials to support the Office of Admissions and
Recruitment. Results of this effort contributed to a Fall 2014 enrollment increase of .9 percent from Fall
2013 to 21,386 students and a Spring 2015 increase of .6 percent from Spring 2014, to 21,643 students.
The graphics department logged in 190 jobs from July-December 2014 and our photographer participated
in 97 shoots during the same time period. The team continued to log in new projects with graphics at 198
new jobs and 103 photo shoots between January and June 2015, even with the additional requirements
needed to support consolidation communications.
Growing GPC’s Social Marketing presence to engage and connect GPC’s 21,000+ students at the five
campus locations and online via Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram and Pinterest.
Participating in planning GPC’s Fall Convocation and kickoff of the College’s 50th Anniversary celebration
year by providing pins, window clings, calendars, photo frames and bags--all branded to the 50th
Anniversary. The event and products produced by the MarCom staff inspired GPC’s faculty, staff, alumni,
retirees and Foundation board members to keep the upcoming 50th Anniversary events and activities
front-and-center in their minds.
Those activities, responsibilities, and achievements didn’t end with the January 6, 2015, announcement of Georgia
Perimeter College’s consolidation with Georgia State University. GPC’s MarCom team continued to work tirelessly
to protect and build awareness of the college’s brand and to perform daily requirements to keep college
constituents and the public informed of GPC activities and accomplishments in addition to the new opportunities
created by the consolidation announcement.
The Consolidation Announcement
The team was respectful of the need of GPC employees to hear information regarding consolidation. Even though
many questions remained unanswered, the team produced informational stories explaining the process. The team
also demonstrated that it was supportive of employees by seeking answers to submitted questions.
Team members rose to the task of creating a new strategic plan for consolidation communications, organizing
events, designing presentations and promoting communications platforms to keep constituents informed of
consolidation activities.
Team members were selected to join the Consolidation Implementation Committee and Operational Working
Groups charged with designing and implementing communications for the new Georgia State University and
keeping college constituents informed about consolidation activities. The list of additional duties and
accomplishments is lengthy and growing. Below are the Top 10 examples of how GPC’s Marketing and
Communication Team demonstrated “above and beyond” excellent service for students, colleagues, and other
customers of the USG.
Established a coordinated system following the initial consolidation announcement on January 6, 2015,
to closely monitor responsiveness to media, staff, faculty and student requests for information. This
process kept people informed, eliminated confusion, provided accurate contact information and
prevented erroneous information from being communicated. In five short months, MarCom received
more than 100 media requests with questions directed to executive team members, faculty, staff and
students. The queries led to the team’s producing more than 75 printed articles containing quotes and/or
information from appropriate college representatives.
Team members ensured they were accessible to employees and the media. The team was respectful of
deadlines as they worked to return media calls quickly and provide information in a timely fashion.
Members also supported employees by meeting with groups who wanted more information about the
consolidation than was available. The team members explained the processes of consolidation and
communicated the groups’ hunger for information to principals in the consolidation process.
Initiated conversations with the Vice Chancellor for Communications at the University System of Georgia
(USG) and MarCom’s counterparts at Georgia State University during the first week following the
consolidation announcement to establish a communications protocol. This protocol is now operational
and included in the Marketing Operational Working Group (OWG) Consolidation recommendations:
a. Implement a monthly PR plan to ensure that messaging is consistent and channeled through the
Georgia State Consolidation website.
b. Contribute GPC-related information regularly to the official consolidation site. Information is
simultaneously posted on the GPC Newsroom and GPC social media channels.
c. Respond to the GPC student newspaper’s (Collegian) multiple requests for consolidation
Constructed a consolidation tab on the online GPC Newsroom
Built as a way to capture and showcase
Information and news related to consolidation. A visit to the Newsroom on any given day provides
readers an opportunity to review the most current news and updated answers to their questions and to
other frequently asked questions. A link to the GPC Newsroom is accessible on the official Georgia
Perimeter College/Georgia State University consolidation page hosted by Georgia State. A review of Newsroom analytics from January through June 2015 showed
Newsroom sessions grew 66 percent with page views going from 50,338 – 94,884. Readers of
consolidation stories stayed on the Newsroom site twice as long as readers of other stories, and
consolidation stories were recorded as the most popular content during this time period.
Planned logistics for and produced the GPC Town Hall meeting on January 13, 2015, just two weeks after
the initial consolidation announcement. A similar presentation occurred on the Georgia State campus.
Podium guests, including Georgia State University President Mark Becker, GPC Interim President Rob
Watts and University System of Georgia Vice Chancellor for Planning and Implementation Shelley Nickel,
shared initial information with faculty, staff and students concerning joint consolidation initiatives. Their
presentation was followed by a question and answer session at each location. GPC’s attendance topped
1,000, as 300 filled the Dunwoody auditorium to participate live while other employees and students
attended simulcast sessions at a designated campus location. Some even logged in at their desk. An
archived video of the meeting can be viewed at
Fielded many requests from media concerning academic offerings at both institutions and how these
offerings will be affected by consolidation. In conjunction with Georgia State, the MarCom team provided
the Atlanta Journal Constitution (AJC) education reporter Janel Davis access to a classroom at GPC,
allowing her to compare and contrast freshman English class content and participation at Georgia
Perimeter and Georgia State. The AJC story appeared in print and online February 16, 2015.
(Average AJC print readership on any given day is almost one-half million with close to 900,000 readers
Coordinated a campus-by-campus tour of Georgia Perimeter College by Georgia State President Becker
and Vice Chancellor Nickel the week of February 23, 2015. Created and designed five presentations—
customized according to campus-- for Dr. Becker’s visit and coached GPC’s academic and student deans in
developing content and skills for the presentations. The event was designed to provide information about
GPC and to learn more about President Becker’s vision for the consolidated institution. Combined
attendance at all presentations topped 300, giving students, faculty and staff an opportunity to ask more
in-depth questions regarding consolidation. (See sample campus presentation and photo attached.)
Oversaw the creation and editing of a series of direct mail correspondence with GPC donors, scholarship
contributors, alumni and Foundation board members (to name a few) sharing high-level information
regarding consolidation and encouraging them to learn more by visiting the official consolidation website.
(See attached sample letter to alumni.) Mailings totaled more than 1,000 during the initial period and
updates are planned once the consolidation is finalized.
Joined the Marketing Operational Working Group (OWG), along with representatives from Georgia
State. The group continues to refine communications recommendations related to consolidation. These
recommendations include development of a joint marketing plan and protocols for media relations, social
media and website transition. They also include the call for a communications audit to assess the
effectiveness and value of print and digital content and products. In addition, GPC team members serve
on the Undergraduate Admissions OWG, whose task is to ensure dissemination of new information
regarding pathways to success for both the access college and four-year bachelor’s programs. GPC’s
director of marketing serves on the Consolidation Implementation Committee, attending and
participating in monthly meetings.
Provided suggestions and edits to the consolidated university mission statement. This statement will
serve as an anchor to define the value and purpose of the new university to future students, alumni,
family and other constituents.
10. Continue to engage readers in consolidation stories posted through social media. GPC’s official
Facebook page has more than 76,000 followers with
a message response exceeding 85 percent. (Sample statistics are from the week of June 2-14, 2015.)
The Georgia Perimeter College Marketing and Communications Team may be limited in number, but their impact is
expansive. Every day they share their expertise, time, creativity, and knowledge with their customers. In spite of
the additional (and at times overwhelming) number of duties and demands placed on them by the consolidation
preparations, the MarCom Team remains enthusiastic, accessible, responsive, and professional. They truly are the
Outstanding Service Excellence Team of 2015.
GPC’s Marketing and Communications Team
GPC’s MarCom coordinated visits, marketing and communications for Georgia State’s
President, Dr. Mark Becker, to meet members of the Georgia Perimeter College community.
The University System of Georgia’s governing Board of Regents recently approved the consolidation of
Georgia State University and Georgia Perimeter College. The new consolidated university will be known
as Georgia State University and will be the largest university in Georgia.
One example of the many communications GPC’s Marketing and Communications
Department customized for special customer groups.
Communication to GPC’s Alumni of which GPC has more than 348,000.
Over the coming months, committees comprised of students, faculty and staff from both institutions will
work through the many consolidation details. The Board of Regents is expected to approve the new
institution in January 2016, following approval by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools
Commission on Colleges.
We are excited about the opportunities this consolidation will create for students. Three key principles
will guide the development of the new institution. First will be to improve student success. Second will be
to expand access to programs for students. Third will be to reinvest savings into academics to benefit
A priority will be to continue GPC’s critical college access mission under the new Georgia State banner
for the more than 21,000 students who see us as “a better way forward.” A separate associate degree track
along with lower tuition and fees from the undergraduate bachelor’s degree program will be offered.
How does this affect your status as an alumnus? While changes are certain, they cannot alter the your
experience at GPC – the memories, friendships and education you gained during your time on campus.
Secondly, the alumni staff and volunteer board of directors will continue to facilitate direct alumni-tostudent interaction, provide inspirational programming and encourage financial support through the
annual fund.
I am a GPC alumnus, a former DeKalb College baseball player and a 27-year employee of the College
and can assure you my heart is tied to this transition and I will make sure our voice is heard. As president
of the GPC Alumni Association Board of Directors, I have the honor of representing you and the
hundreds of thousands of GPC alumni on the Consolidation Implementation Committee.
Please do not hesitate to contact the Alumni office with any questions. I encourage you to check the
following link: (add url).
Scott E. Hardy
President, GPC Alumni Association