MALACANNN PALACE A4ANILA B Y T H E P R ESIDENT OF THEPHILIPPINES NO. 148 P ROCLAMATION CREATINGAND DESIGNATINGA BUILDING LOCATED AT NO. 95 A. INFORMATIO N BON IF A C IO S T R E ET, BAGUIO CITY, AS T E C H N OL OGY C E N T ERPURSUANTTO REPUBLICACT NO. 7916, A S A ME N D E DB Y R E PUBLICACT NO.8748 Pursuantto the powers vested iri me under RepublicAct No. 7916, othenrvise knownas the SpecialEconomicZone Act of 1995,as amendedby RepublicAct No. 8748,and upon recommendation of the Boardof Directorsof the PhilippineEconomicZone Authority,l, BENIGNOS. AQUINOlll, President of the Philippines, of do herebycreateand designate,subjectto the provisions R e p u b l i cA ct N o . 7 9 1 6 ,a s a mended,its lm plementing Rulesand Regulations , ResolutionNo. 00-411 (s. 2000) and ResolutionNo. 08-564 (s. 2008) of the Boardof Directorsof the Philippine EconomicZoneAuthority,the PCH lT Genter as an InformationTechnologyCenter,with a grossfloor area of 4,363square meters,more or less,which standson a Six Hundred(600) squaremeter lot, moreor less,locatedat No. 95 A. BonifacioStreet,BaguioCity, as definedby the following technicaldescription: Lot 8, Pcs-478 T C TN o . 3 9 6 0 4 A parcelof land (Lot No. 8 of the consolidation and subdivisionplan Pcs-478, beinga poftionof the consolidated LotsNos.2-A-1,Residential Section"8" and 2 2 - 4 ,R e si d e n ti aSle cti o n" H " ,Bsd- 4405- A, G.L.R.O.Recor dCivilRes.No,211) , situatedin the ResidentialSection "8" and "H", City of Baguio, Mountain Province. plan;on Boundedon the NE.,by Lot No. 26 oftheconsolidation and subdivision t h e SE .,b y S tre e t(1 5 .0 0m. w i de) ;on the SW .,by Lot No.7 of the consolidation and subdivisionplan and on the NW., by Lot No. 27 of the consolidation and s u b d i v i si opnl a n . B e g i n n i nagt a p o i n tm a r k e d" l " o n p l a n ,b e i n gN . 1 3 d e g . 2 2 ' W . , 7 2 8 . 8 4m . moreor lessfromTriangulation StationSunday; th e n ce thence th e n ce th e n ce th e n ce S. S. N. N. S. 30 30 59 14 46 d eg. deg, d eg. d eg. d eg. 28' 29' 31' 31' 30' Vr /., W., W ., E., E., 15.50 2.46 24.70 26.37 32.80 ffi m. m. m. m. m. to poipt2; to point3; to point4.; to point5; to pointof t iilfi riiiinffi fiifi rrffi [$ffii$[fliliffi beginning;containingan area of Six Hundred (600) square meters more or less.All pointsreferredto are indicatedon the planand on the groundpoints1, 3 , 4 a nd 5 a re ma rke db y P .L .s.concr eteMonuments 15 X 60 cm .,and point2 by an old BL ConcreteMonuments15 X 60 cm. Bearingstrue;declination 0 deg. 40' E,, dateof the originalsurveyduring1911-1912; andthat of the consolidation a n ds u b d i vi si osu n rve y,A p ri lS - M ay6, 193S. lN WITNESSTHEREOF,I have hereuntoset my hand and causedthe sealof the Republicof the Philippines to be affixedhereto. D ON E i n th e C i ty o f Manila,thisl8r h day of Apr il the yearof our Lord,Two Thousandand Eleven. , in /\A v +\ t#--?, 'l By the President: ffi . .-@lFeorgJ Srerts$ ttiltt Fblipn'|let Iltlllill lilil ilIil lllllllt ililllilt lilll iltii ltili iillilil PNOYo02279 COPY: CERTIFIED MAfiIANITII ril FilffiAiIOAt 0mEcT0n tv llEt0A0S 0FFltE V 4- tA-ut1q 4,.1q,axfftMACAfrANS u\