Algonquin Indian Fact Sheet Algonquin Tribe How do you pronounce "Algonquin?" How do you spell it? Algonquin is pronounced Al-GON-kin. "Algonquin" is the most common spelling, but you'll often see "Algonkin" too. Either way is fine--but avoid spelling the word "Algonquian" or "Algonkian," because that refers to a whole group of Native American languages (including Cree, Blackfoot, and Delaware)! The Algonquins are only one of the many Algonquian-speaking tribes, and they have a unique identity and independent political status from the others. What does the word "Algonquin" mean? "Algonquin" was the French name for the tribe. The French were probably trying to pronounce elehgumoqik, the Maliseet word for "our allies," or Algoomaking, a Mi'kmaq place name. The Algonquins call themselves Anishnabe, which means "original person." (The plural is Anishnabek.) However, Algonquins use Anishnabek to refer to other Indians also. So when they are specifically referring to their tribe, they usually use "Algonquins" or "Algonkins" to distinguish themselves. Where do the Algonquins live? The Algonquins are original natives of southern Quebec and eastern Ontario, in Canada. Today they live in nine communities in Quebec and one in Ontario. But weren't there Algonquin Indians in New York state? No. Other Algonquian tribes lived in New York, but never the Algonquin tribe. This is a mistake that happened because of the similar spellings of these words. Algonquian tribes that lived in New York included the Mahican and Wappinger tribes, the Montauk and Shinnecock tribes, and the Munsee Delaware tribe. You can visit this map of New York Indian tribes to see where in New York each of those tribes lived. How is the Algonquin Indian nation organized? How are chiefs chosen? Each Algonquin community lives on its own reserve, or reservation. Reserves are land that belongs to the tribe and is legally under their control. Each Algonquin tribe--known as a band or First Nation in Canada--is politically independent and has its own leadership. Algonquin First Nations have their own government, laws, police, and services, just like small countries. However, the Algonquins are also Canadian citizens and must obey Canadian law. The leader of each Algonquin band is called ogima or ogema, which is translated as "chief" in English. The ogima used to be chosen by tribal councilmembers, often from the last chief's sons, nephews, or sons-in-law. Today ogimas are elected by the Algonquins, just like governors or mayors. Algonquin band flags What language do the Algonquin people speak? Some bands are English-speaking, and others are French-speaking. About half the Algonquin population also speak their native Algonquin language. Algonquin is a musical language that has complicated verbs with many parts. If you'd like to learn a few easy Algonquin words, "kwey" (rhymes with "day") is a friendly greeting and "meegwetch" means "thank you." You can listen to an Algonquin woman talk in her language here and see an Algonquin picture glossary here. What was Algonquin culture like in the past? What is it like now? Here's a link to the Algonquin Nation Tribal Council homepage. There you can find information about three Algonquin communities in the past and today. How do Algonquin Indian children live, and what did they do in the past? They do the same things all children do--play with each other, go to school and help around the house. Many Algonquin children like to go hunting and fishing with their fathers. In the past, Indian kids had more chores and less time to play, like early colonial children. But they did have toys, games and dolls, like this 18th-century doll in its miniature cradleboard. Algonquin mothers, like many Native Americans, carried their babies in cradleboards on their backs--a custom which many American parents have adopted now. Algonquin doll What were Algonquin men and women's roles? Algonquin women gathered plants to eat and did most of the child care and cooking. Men were hunters and sometimes went to war to protect their families. Both genders took part in storytelling, artwork and music, and traditional medicine. In the past, the Algonquin Indian chief was always a man, but today a woman can be chief too. What were Algonquin homes like in the past? The Algonquins didn't live in tepees. For most of the year they lived in settled villages of birchbark houses, called waginogans or wigwams. During the winter, the village split up to go to hunting camps, and each Algonquin family built a smaller cone-shaped wigwam like this for their camp, also made from birch bark. Here are some more pictures of American Indian houses like the ones the Algonquins used. Wigwam in Ontario Today, Native Americans only build a birchbark home for fun or to connect with their heritage. Most Algonquin people live in modern houses and apartment buildings, just like you. What was Algonquin clothing like? Did they wear feather headdresses and face paint? Algonquin women wore long dresses with removable sleeves and the men wore breechcloths and leggings. Both genders wore moccasins on their feet and cloaks in bad weather. Later, the Algonquins adapted European costume such as cloth blouses and jackets, decorating them with fancy beadwork. The Ojibway chief to the left is wearing the same style of clothing Algonquin men did. Here are more pictures of Ojibway and Algonquin clothing styles, and some photographs and links about Native American clothing in general. Chief Rocky Boy Some Algonquin warriors shaved their heads in the Mohawk style, using grease to stiffen their hair so that it spiked up. Otherwise, Algonquin men and women both wore their hair in long braids. Some men wore a porcupine roach with a feather in it. (These roaches are made of porcupine hair, not the sharp quills!) In the 1800's, some Algonquin chiefs began wearing a feathered headdress like their neighbors the Sioux. The Algonquins painted their faces and arms with bright colors. They used different patterns for war paint and festive decoration. Some Algonquin men also wore elaborate tribal tattoos. Today, some Algonquin people still wear moccasins or a beaded shirt, but they wear modern clothes like jeans instead of breechcloths... and they only wear feathers in their hair on special occasions like a dance. Moccasin What was Algonquin transportation like in the days before cars? Did they paddle canoes? Yes--the Algonquin Indian tribe was famous for their birchbark canoes. Here is a website with pictures of Native American canoes. Canoeing is still popular in the Algonquin nation today. Over land, the Algonquins used dogs as pack animals. (There were no horses in North America until colonists brought them over from Europe.) The Algonquins used sleds and snowshoes to help them travel in the winter. Algonquin canoe Today, of course, Algonquin people also use cars... and non-native people also use canoes. What was Algonquin food like in the days before supermarkets? The Algonquins were semi-nomadic hunter-gatherers. That means they didn't do much farming, and moved around a lot as they collected food for their families. Besides fish and meat, the Algonquins gathered berries and wild plants to eat. They also traded with neighboring tribes to get corn, and made maple syrup from tree sap. Here is a website with more information about Native American food. Algonquin deer hunt What were Algonquin weapons and tools like in the past? Algonquin hunters and warriors used bows and arrows, spears, and knives. Hunters also built traps like the ones in this picture to catch deer and other game animals. Algonquin fishermen used pronged spears to stab fish from their canoes or through holes in the ice, instead of fishing with hooks. Here is a website with pictures and more information about Native American weapons. What are Algonquin arts and crafts like? Algonquin artists are known for their beadwork and basketry arts. Like other eastern American Indians, Algonquins also crafted wampum out of white and purple shell beads. Wampum beads were traded as a kind of currency, but they were more culturally important as an art material. The designs and pictures on wampum belts often told a story or represented a person's family. Today, Algonquin people also create contemporary art like oil paintings. You can visit this site to see photographs of Algonquin paintings. Algonquin basket What other Native Americans did the Algonquin tribe interact with? The Algonquins are related to the Ojibway and Ottawa tribes, who have usually been their allies. They were also friends with the Hurons. The Algonquins often fought with the Iroquois tribes, but when they weren't at war with them, they were trading partners. The Algonquins traded beaver pelts and other furs for Iroquois corn and tobacco from the south. What kinds of stories do the Algonquins tell? There are lots of traditional Algonquin legends and fairy tales. Storytelling is very important to the Algonquin Indian culture. Here is one Algonquin legend about the sunset. Here's a website where you can read more about Algonquin mythology. Who are some famous Algonquin Indians? Hockey star Gino Odjick is Algonquin from Kitigan Zibi. Here's a biography of him. Odjick is also active in trying to combat alcohol abuse among First Nations youth. Here is an article about that. What about Algonquin religion? Religions are too complicated and culturally sensitive to describe appropriately in only a few simple sentences, and we strongly want to avoid misleading anybody. You can visit this site to learn more about Algonquin religious traditions or this site about Native American religions in general. The most famous Algonquin chief was the Kitcisìpirini Chief Tessouat at Tadoussac,