1 Contents List of figures ............................................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined. 1. Introduction ....................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. 1.1 Objectives ................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. 1.2 Background ................................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined. 2. Equipment .......................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. 3. Literature review ................................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined. 4. Methodology ...................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. 4.1 Visual Inspection ......................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. 4.2 Eddy Current Testing ................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. 5. Results and Analysis ............................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined. 5.1 Visual inspection ............................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. 5.2 Covermeter....................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. 5.2.1 concrete cover ........................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. 5.2.2 bar diameters............................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined. 6. Discussion ........................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. 7. Conclusion .......................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. 8. References .......................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. 9. Appendix ............................................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined. You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com)2 List of figures Figure Page No. Fig.4.1 mirrors 7 Fig.4.2 flashlight 7 Fig.4.3.1 covermeter 8 Fig.4.3.2 probe 8 Fig.4.5 calibration block 9 Fig.4.6 profometer components 9 Fig.4.7 Scancar 10 Fig.5.1 tension crack 15 Fig.5.2 tension and bending cracks 15 Fig.5.3 longitudinal cracks 16 Fig.5.4 shear, tension and bending cracks 16 Fig.5.5 torsion cracks 17 Fig.5.6 shrinkage cracks 17 Fig.5.7 parallel cracks at random 18 Fig.5.8 skewed at random 18 Fig.5.9 hexagonal mesh 18 Fig.5.10 cracks due to plastic settlement 19 Fig. 5.11 accuracy ranges 22 You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com)3 1. Introduction Non destructive testing (NDT) is important in ensuring the structural integrity of both reinforced concrete and steel structures. In the coming years Kenya will have an unprecedented growth in infrastructure and thus the need to ensure adherence to standards in both the building and transport sector. NDT is the evaluation of the properties of a material, component or system without causing damage. The long list of NDT methods and techniques includes: radiographic testing (RT), ultrasonic testing (UT), liquid penetrant testing (PT), magnetic particle testing (MT), eddy current testing (ET), visual testing (VT) as well as leak testing (LT), acoustic emission (AE), thermal and infrared testing, microwave testing, strain gauging, holography, acoustic microscopy, computed tomography, non-destructive analytical methods, non-destructive material characterization methods and many more. The basic NDT methods which are largely used in routine services in industry are; 1. Visual inspection 2. Liquid penetrant testing 3. Magnetic particle testing 4. Electromagnetic or eddy current testing 5. Radiography 6. Ultrasonic testing However most of these NDT methods complement and support each other and, in many cases, must be used in a combination in order to get more accurate results. This project entailed the use of a covermeter to determine the properties of the reinforcement steel in structural elements as well as demonstrate how the equipment is used in reinforced concrete structures. The covermeter was selected over other NDT methods for this function because it enables the detection of metallic components and is completely safe for the operator compared to radiographic testing which uses X-rays. The project included the calibration and testing of the equipment and the principles behind its use. You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com)4 1.1 Objectives 1. To fully understand how to use the equipment; covermeter 2. To standardize the equipment 3. To determine the position and depth of rebars in an existing concrete element 4. To determine if cover is sufficient Specific objective; to determine the position, depth and health of rebars in selected structural elements of the civil engineering block You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com)5 1.2 Background Although there are deterioration mechanisms that affect concrete, it is usually corrosion of the reinforcing steel that leads to visible deterioration. Reinforcement has been used in concrete for over a century and codes have been made to specify a minimum concrete cover depending on the elements exposure but only recently has attention been given to chemical exposure. Contaminants such as chlorides and carbonation break this protection causing corrosion. Corrosion by-products expand the size of steel and create large internal bursting stresses causing cracks in concrete. The high ph of the interior of a reinforced concrete element protects the steel from corrosion by forming a protective layer over the steel. Sources of contaminants can be classified as; 1. Internal contaminants 2. External contaminants Internal Contaminants These include the mixture of beach sand or chloride containing admixtures which shorten the time concrete takes to set. External contaminants These generally come in the form of chlorides either from seawater exposure or man-made deicing salts, atmospheric carbon dioxide or chemical processes. Non-destructive testing is an important activity that can be used to dispel doubts about the quality of materials used in construction as well as the methods of construction. This is because there is no formal method of tracking the behaviour of structures in service and the need to map the standards of buildings has increased over the years. Destructive testing on its own cannot provide an in depth look into structural integrity as it may only allow a small number of tests to be carried out on a large structure. This can easily lead to an inaccurate representation of the health of the building. As most buildings are occupied shortly after construction, destructive testing is undesirable as it may disrupt the activities of the occupants of the building. It would thus be difficult to carry out a comprehensive audit while preserving the use of the building. You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com)6 Non destructive testing can also aid in proving or disproving the acceptability of material supplied that does not appear to comply with the specification and can provide information for proposed change of use of a structure for insurance or change of ownership. It shields people from damage of property and loss of life by ensuring that defects are located early and the necessary precautions are taken. The most important things to test for in a reinforced concrete building are; 1. Delamination 2. Bar location and size 3. Bar corrosion You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com)7 2. Equipment 1. Mirrors Fig.4.1 mirrors 2. Camera 3. Flashlight Fig.4.2 flashlight You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com)8 4. Covermeter(Profometer, proceq) Components a. Indicating device This is the component of the profometer where the screen is located and output is shown. Fig.4.3.1 covermeter It contains the menu that allows selection of functions for and the preselection of certain parameters such as bar diameter that enable measurement a. universal probe This is the device that houses the coils required to generate a magnetic field to produce eddy currents upon interaction with the induced magnetic field from the rebars. You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com)9 Fig.4.3.2 probe b. Test block This is the calibration device. It allows the user to determine if the profometer is functioning properly and enables detection of errors before using the profometer to locate rebars. Fig.4.5 calibration block c. Probe cable 1.5 m, transfer cable 1.5 m, adapter RS232/USB, carrying strap, headset, protective sleeve for indicating device, operating instructions, carrying case. You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com)10 Fig.4.6 profometer components d. Scan car Used to perform specific functions and make the probe more easily mobile. It has a correction cable to account for the air gap between the scancar and the surface to be tested Fig.4.7 Scancar The profometer uses the pulse induction technique. There are coils in the probe that are periodically charged by current pulses and thus generate an electromagnetic field. This produces eddy currents on the surface of any electrically conductive material within the magnetic field. The eddy currents in turn generate a magnetic field in the opposite direction to that in the probe. This change in voltage is used for measurement. The advantage of this method is that readings are unaffected by the non-metallic material i.e. concrete surrounding the rebars. You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com)11 The profometer can be used to determine; - location and orientation of reinforcing bars - concrete cover depth - bar diameter - bars with insufficient concrete cover - cover depth in congested bar arrangements 3. Literature review NDT is a test or evaluation performed to test material integrity without changing the material characteristics or destroying it in anyway. Any kind of defects and discontinuities within the material can affect its efficiency, maintainability and serviceability. (Hellier, 2001) Kenya has a long standing history with NDT as its use began during the colonial era. When the government was handed over to Kenyans, the equipment was abandoned and it was only 1982 that it was decided that personnel should be trained to use the equipment to check for defects. Mr Abdullah Kulla (Ministry of Transport) was sent to Japan to study NDT so as to be able to apply it in Kenya. Unfortunately, it was established that the training he received in Japan was too advanced and mostly computer based while most of the equipment in Kenya was manual. It was then decided that training in India might be more suitable and measures were undertaken for training to be provided. At this time the testing was based on metallurgy and was only used to test metals for flaws. It wasn’t until 1988 that NDT was applied to civil engineering works. It has grown from then to be used not just in assessment of buildings but also roads using advanced methods such as Nucleonic testing, to determine moisture and density of the road, and sand testing. NDT has been used to assess the structural damage the 1998 bomb blast caused to the You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com)12 Co-operative building (Eng. J.K Chege, 2000) and is to be an integral part of the construction of the nuclear power plant that is scheduled to be built in Kenya in line with vision 2030. There is a very high demand for NDT and the NDT society of Kenya is trying to promote it as a career. A syllabus has been developed for the training of NDT Professionals in accordance with ISO 9712 standards. The Kenya Bureau of Standards was to do certification with the materials department of the Ministry of Transport carrying out training but this did not come to fruition. The University of Nairobi in conjunction with the International Atomic Energy Agency is striving to introduce NDT to students as a viable career option and is holding seminars and workshops to train personnel in NDT proficiency. Non destructive testing plays a key role in minimizing the effects of the unexpected load condition or material property. According to Stanley, due to the high cost of repairing a structure and the safety risks involved in its failure, there is no room for uncertainty in the construction business, but engineering is a field that is ripe with uncertainty therefore the application of probability is important in non-destructive evaluation (Stanley,1989). Generally NDT systems are more likely to detect large defects but according to Mordfin, detectability of a flaw generally increases with its size but a flaw in a material or structure does not necessarily render it unfit for use (Mordfin, 1985). It is thus important to determine the significance of the defects. The factors to consider include the number and character of flaws, loading environment, environmental history, residual stress levels and probable mechanism of failure of the structure in question. a. Number and character of flaws b. Loading environment c. Residual stress levels d. Mechanism of failure/damage There are many modes of failure in steel reinforced concrete. Failure may be due to reduction in durability or inadequate strength. The following are the typical mechanisms that lead to the You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com)13 shortening of the design life of reinforced concrete structures, according to Morsch(1909), Collins(1981), Nilson et al(2003); i. Mechanical failure Creation of cracks in concrete is almost inevitable but using the appropriate reinforcement, proper placing of joints, proper curing and the correct mix design. Cracking allows moisture to penetrate and corrode the reinforcement and is usually caused by inadequate reinforcement or spacing that does not meet the minimum requirements as stated in the design codes (BS 8110 part 1). This is a serviceability failure in limit state design which can lead to overloading. Ultimate failure can be caused by concrete crushing, yielding of the rebar or bond failure between the concrete and the rebar ii. Carbonation This is a chemical reaction between carbon dioxide in air with calcium hydroxide and hydrated calcium silicate in the concrete. This reaction is usually facilitated by inadequate concrete cover during construction coupled with sufficient moisture and oxygen to cause electropotential corrosion of the rebars and causes a decrease in alkalinity of the concrete. Ca(OH)2 + H2CO3 → CaCO3 + 2H2O 3CaO•2SiO2•3H2O + 3CO2 → 3CaCO3•2SiO2•3H2O Although dry carbon monoxide cannot react with dry calcium hydroxide, carbonation depends on a drying atmosphere. The presence of water prevents the reactions from taking place. The optimum moisture content for carbonation is 40-70% relative humidity. A 10o C increase in temperature will double the rate of reaction. iii. Chlorides If chlorides are present in large enough concentrations, they can cause corrosion of rebars. Chloride anions produce both localized, also known as pitting corrosion, and generalized corrosion of rebars. This can be prevented by using only fresh or potable water for mixing concrete and ensuring that the aggregates and admixtures used do not contain chlorides. In the You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com)14 past calcium chloride was used as an admixture but its use has decreased after the effect of chlorides on reinforcement was discovered. In cold countries, use of de-icing salts on roads is probably one of the causes of premature failure of reinforced or prestressed concrete bridge decks, roadways and parking garages. Chloride ions are also found in sea water and so extra precautions must be taken to safeguard structures that are in the sea or next to the sea. iv. Alkali silica reaction For this to occur there must be; - Aggregates containing an alkali reactive constituent - Sufficient hydroxyl ions - Moisture above 75% humidity within the concrete This is a reaction of amorphous silica sometimes present in aggregates with hydroxyl ions from the cement pore solution. Poorly crystallized silica dissolves and dissociates at high Ph in alkaline water. The soluble silicic acid reacts in the pore water with the calcium hydroxide in the cement to form as expansive calcium silicate hydrate. This reaction causes localized swelling and thus cracking. v. Conversion of high alumina cement This type of cement cures quickly and attains very high durability and strength, but can lose strength with heat or time especially when not cured properly. The cement was banned in the UK after the collapse of three roofs. vi. Sulphates Sulphates in sufficient concentration in the groundwater and soilcan react with Portland cement in concrete causing the formation of expansive products like ettringite and thaumasite which can lead to failure of the structure. This is typical in concrete slabs and foundation walls at grade where the suphate ions can increase in concentration via wetting and drying. The chemical analysis of soil borings should be done during the design of any concrete structures in contact You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com)15 with the soil of an area to check for the presence of sulphates and if large concentrations are found, coatings can be used to offset movement of sulphate ions into the concrete. Estimation of mode and sequence of failure may be a simple problem or a complex one in cases where the initiating trigger is not readily apparent. In most cases where NDT is requested the structure has not yet failed but has incurred some damage. In reinforced concrete structures the most common types of damage include cracks, spalling, rebar corrosion, wear and abrasion, material deterioration, impact damage, fracture, weathering and honeycombing. Damage mechanisms include; Structural Deficiencies Structural deficiencies are a danger to the structural safety and thus identifying them is of great importance. Structural deficiencies can be divided into the following four types, which can be distinguished by their appearance: 1. Structural cracks These are load induced and are cracks with well-defined orientation. The different types of internal forces (bending, shear) have specific crack patterns and may be a sign of a structural deficiency. For reinforced concrete structures, cracks in most cases are not serious. The crack width and spacing will indicate whether or not there is something wrong, taking the specific type of load and type of reinforcement into consideration. Coarse cracks are an indication of over-load and/or under-design. Types of Structural Cracks a. Pure tension In a beam subjected to pure tension, cracks will form the whole cross section of the beam. You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com)16 Fig.5.1 tension crack; Non Destructive Testing and Inspection Manual At the cracks a rise in the steel stress will occur affecting the bond between the concrete and the bar at a distance lo (slip distance) around the cracked section, preventing the transfer of shear stresses. The surrounding uncracked concrete reduces the steel stresses between cracks. This is known as tension stiffening. b. Flexural cracks These entail two types of cracks and occur in beams subjected to bending. The first to form are known as bending cracks. They occur on the beam face that is in tension and extend to the neutral axis. With the increase of bending moment, other cracks form on the face in tension and go on to just beyond the main bars. In heavily reinforced beams where d>0.4 metre, tension cracks tend to join to form a fork-like pattern. Fig.5.2 tension and bending cracks; Non Destructive Testing and Inspection Manual c. Longitudinal cracks You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com)17 These may be formed by stresses in the main bars giving rise to local compression stress in the surrounding concrete. The tension strain in a deformed main bar produces inclined compressive stresses between the concrete and ribs of the bar, these stresses tend to split the cross-section transversely. These cracks may occur when there are high stresses in deformed main bars or due to anchorage failure at the end of a reinforcement bar. Fig.5.3 longitudinal cracks; Non Destructive Testing and Inspection Manual d. Shear cracks These are inclined cracks that occur at the supports in beams and slabs subjected to shear and bending. Close to the supports the angle between the cracks and the beam axis is almost 45 degrees Fig.5.4 shear, tension and bending cracks; Non Destructive Testing and Inspection Manual e. Torsion cracks You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com)18 These cracks are similar to shear cracks but are spiral and cross the entire depth of the beam Fig.5.5 torsion cracks; Non Destructive Testing and Inspection Manual f. Non-structural cracks; They are normally harmless structurally but may interfere with the durability of a structure. The orientation of these cracks varies based on the geometric conditions but is well defined. Drying shrinkage cracks pass through the whole cross section Fig.5.6 shrinkage cracks; Non Destructive Testing and Inspection Manual They look like shrinkage cracks and are caused by thermal stresses due to temperature differences in the hardening concrete. They are developed in young concrete and follow the surface of the coarse aggregates and stones but do not go through them. racks due to plastic shrinkage You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com)19 These are caused by rapid drying of the concrete surface -due to low humidity, wind, high temperature etc. – in its plastic state probably caused by improper curing. The cracks follow the surface of the stones like the thermal cracks. They are wide and shallow and may form a definite pattern. In the cases of wide surfaces, a state of hydrostatic tension will arise. Without crack guidance the cracks form at random. The cracks are harmless from a structural point of view but may affect durability. Fig.5.7 parallel cracks at random; Non Destructive Testing and Inspection Manual Fig.5.8 skewed at random; Non Destructive Testing and Inspection Manual Fig.5.9 hexagonal mesh; Non Destructive Testing and Inspection Manual You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com)20 These are due to high concrete slump when the concrete was cast although they are also seen in slabs with voids. They normally appear above the reinforcement at the surface or at changes in cross section. They are harmless structurally but affect the durability of the building as the rebars are not sufficiently protected from environmental effects. Fig.5.10 cracks due to plastic settlement; Non Destructive Testing and Inspection Manual 2. Excessive/unintended deflections and movements Examples: • Settling of foundation possibly because of poor soil condition, scour, et cetera. • Deflection of girders, mostly caused by low stiffness, creep, poor design or improper formwork. • Horizontal movements of retaining walls and wing walls possibly caused by low stiffness, creep, compaction of back fill, soil condition, under-design. • Bearings out of position caused by wrong positioning, unforeseen movements, shrinkage, creep, deterioration and temperature. 3. Fracture/crushing Examples: • Local crushing at supports/bearings caused by honeycombs, wrong positioning of bearings and/or reinforcement, overload, inadequate initial load bearing capacity. •Crushing of columns caused by impact during flooding. You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com)21 • Superstructure as a result of impact from vehicle. • Local crushing at expansion joints because of inadequate joint system, wear, movements restrained). Another factor to consider in NDT is the sample size to be tested, that is the character information that may emerge from a small data set as opposed to a large one and the difference within the data sets between the probability of existence of a defect and distribution of defects within the sample set. According to Mordfin(1985), if a small data set is used, it must be considered how well the data represents the overall population. Larger data sets provide better insight into the actual condition as well as providing a well defined mean and standard deviation in analysis. It is also important to consider the accessibility of the members as proper testing of an element may be hindered if elements do not have exposed surfaces. It must however be noted that increasing the size of a data set will also increase the amount of time to be taken in non destructive testing as well as the cost. The cost of implementing an NDT program is high. The equipment is expensive and storage costs must be considered as well as the cost of training the staff to operate the equipment. The cost varies depending on sensitivity and frequency of testing. The cost of inspection dominates programs that depend on low sensitivity and frequency while in programs utilizing high sensitivity equipment and performing frequent checks the cost is dominated by costs associated with failure. Therefore, when choosing a sample size, the person carrying out testing must be conscious on the urgency of the data required and the cost of carrying out the tests. In cases such as nuclear power plants and testing facilities, the sample size should be larger because of the repercussions of any flaws created in the construction or during the design life of the facility. In other cases, cost may be the main factor to consider as the risk may not be as high. Factors affecting the optimization of inspection include; 1. minimum detectable flaw size by equipment This depends on the sensitivity of the equipment. Some models are superior to others 2. operator reliability You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com)22 Training of operators should be done according to ISO9712 and caution should be exercised during inspection so as to limit human error in the collection of data 3. frequency of inspection This depends on the nature of the structure and the general practice of the country. In Kenya there are no regulations concerning NDT and thus testing is done upon request. 4. risk of defects missed This risk is reduced with an adequate sample size, proper equipment and a well trained operator. In Kenya there are two scenarios to consider when carrying out Non Destructive testing on a structure; Scenario 1; when there are no drawings In this case, 10 to 20% of the members are selected for testing. The sample group should include the most heavily loaded members of the structure and members at corners as they are subjected to torsion. Scenario 2; when drawings are available Less than 10% of the members can be selected for testing and the sample group should have the same criteria as in scenario 1. One must also consider the maximum depth to which the equipment such as the eddy current probe can scan. The profometer has a range of up to 180mm but if the range exceeds 60mm for a small range and 120mm for a large range, the accuracy is less than 5% which is below the You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com)23 accuracy required in BS1881 part 204 Fig. 5.11 accuracy ranges 4. Methodology 4.1 Visual Inspection A detailed visual inspection was carried out using the following steps; 1. rating the condition of the building 2. describing observed damage 3. stating if there is a need for special inspection 4. taking photos 4.2 Eddy Current Testing 1. Calibration You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com)24 The device was calibrated using the test block by verifying that the measured distances were equal to the known distances of the cover and diameter of the bar within the test block 2. Measure with statistics Determining the Bar Diameter A. Determining diameters without correction For precise determination of the bar diameter, a place on the structure where there is sufficient spacing between the rebars was selected. This is because, if the spacing is too small, the resulting value will be too high. To measure the bar diameter in the first and second layer, the minimum spacings a and b as shown in Tab. 6.1 are required. • The «Measure w. Statistics» function was selected. • The RESET procedure was carried out • The probe was placed parallel over the bar and the ↑ key was pressed. • The result of the bar diameter determination were displayed in mm or inch. You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com)25 Table 6.1 minimum spacing for bar diameter determination without correction B. Determining diameters with correction • The parallel rebars were located carefully and marked on the surface of the concrete. • The rebar spacings were measured and the data was entered in the «Corrections» → «Neighb. Bar Corr.» • The «Measure w. Statistics» function was selected. • The probe was held in the air and the «RESET process» was carried out • The probe was placed parallel over a bar and the ↑ key was pressed. As bar diameter (d=...), the display shows the value corrected by the influence of the neighboring bars. • In addition to the bar spacing, the measured bar diameter was entered in the menu. RESET process The probe was held in the air and the START/RESET key was pressed. A bar appeared in the display that informed on the progress of the procedure. The probe was not moved before the bar had disappeared and «0» was displayed. This check procedure was repeated from time to time. Cover s1 (mm) Rebar of 1st layer Cover s2 (mm) Rebar of 2nd layer a (mm) b(mm) a(mm) b(mm) 15 90 200 15 90 180 30 110 200 30 110 220 45 130 210 45 130 240 60 150 250 60 150 260 You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com)26 Locating rebars and measuring concrete covers This function can be used to locate rebars, measure concrete covers and determine bar diameters. The cover values can be stored under object numbers. • The bar diameter was entered. The bar diameter was not known so the default of 16 mm was entered. • The object number was entered. Limit value: To avoid confusions, the limit value was set to «0» during the measuring process. The value required for the building was entered after completion of the series of measurement. The percentage of the covers that are too small were be displayed in the statistical evaluation. • The desired audible locating aid was selected («MENU» → «Basic setups» → «Audible locating aid»): (Short) beep tone or variotone. • The requested values were entered under the menu option «Corrections» → «Neighbouring Bar Correction» or «2- Layer-Correction» if the correction is required.• Select the «Measure w. Statistics» function. • The START/RESET key was pressed. • The probe was moved from a starting position in one direction with the locating aids being observed: current concrete cover, flow bar, (short) beep, variotone, signal value. As long as the flow bar moves to the right, the probe is approaching a rebar. If the flow bar stops moving, the probe is directly over the rebar axis. If the centerline of the probe has overshot the rebar axis somewhat, acoustic and visual indication is given in the «beep» setting by a short beep and by «—» in the «Current cover» display field. At the same time, the flow bar moves to the left and the cover is temporarily stored in the field Memo». You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com)27 • When having activated the audible locating aid «Vario- tone» («MENU» → «Basic Setups» → «Audible locating aid»), the audio frequency increases as the probe approaches a rebar. In this operation mode the cover of the scanned rebar is also temporarily stored in the field «Memo». • In the case of loud noises from the surroundings, use the headset to hear the acoustic signals. • The bar direction was detected by moving the probe in the direction of its longitudinal axis along the rebar. It was made sure that the signal value and the current cover remain as constant as possible. Storing the measured values To store the measured values, an object number in the menu is selected. • The PRINT/STORE key is pressed to store the measured value shown in the field «Memo». • The ↓ key is pressed to delete the measured value, or in the case of several values, the last of the remaining measured values. Note that the deletion of a value cannot be undone Detecting insufficient concrete cover Settings • The bar diameter was entered. • The limit value of the cover was measured. • The bar spacing under the menu option «Neighb. Bar Corr.» was entered. The set limit value is not displayed in this case The setting of the audible locating aid is not of importance. Measuring the concrete cover With a preselected limit value, the probe can be moved at a maximum search speed of 0.25 m/s without having to watch the display. If the current cover displayed is less than the limit value, an You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com)28 acoustic alarm sounds. When the probe is over the bar, «—» is indicated in the «Current concrete cover» display field. 5. Results and Analysis 5.1 Visual inspection The floor plan is included in the appendix to aid in identifying the locations of the columns. The following defects were noticed during the visual inspection of the columns; 1. Chipping Fig. 7.1 chipped column (B1) This was noted to be at the corners of the columns which are within the classrooms. It is most likely caused by abrasion due to movement of desks by students as they were at desk level. Such damage is crucial to note as it reduces the cover to the bars at the corners of the columns. If the damage continues it may lead to the exposure of rebars to the atmosphere. No rebar was exposed but other methods of NDT should be used to determine the extent to which the cover has been damaged You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com)29 2. Cracks The cracks run diagonally from the joint between the wall and the columns, terminating before the edge of the column face. Their diagonal appearance may indicate that they are shear or torsion cracks but for this to be verified other methods of NDT should be employed. Fig.7.2 cracks Fig.7.3 cracks You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com)30 5.2 Covermeter 5.2.1 concrete cover Column 1 (A2) face1 Object no: 100000 Bar diameter:16 Neighbouring bar correction: a=70mm n=4 Mean=33mm Minimum cover= 23mm Maximum cover=44mm Sa(standard deviation)=+/-9.4mm 23mm 44mm 36mm 27mm You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com)31 Face 2 Object no: 100001 Bar diameter:16 Neighbouring bar correction: a=70mm n=4 Mean=44mm Minimum cover= 38mm Maximum cover=56mm Sa=+/-7.4mm 38mm 38mm 56mm 45mm You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com)32 Face 3 Object no: 100002 Bar diameter:16 Neighbouring bar correction: a=70mm n=5 Mean=28mm Minimum cover= 19mm Maximum cover=38mm Sa=+/-8.1mm 31mm 38mm 39mm 19mm You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com)33 Face 4 Object no: 100003 Bar diameter:16 Neighbouring bar correction: a=70mm n=5 Mean=48mm Minimum cover= 38mm Maximum cover=56mm Sa=+/-6.7mm 48mm 47mm 56mm 52mm 38mm You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com)34 Column 2(A3) Face1 Object no: 100004 Bar diameter:16 Neighbouring bar correction: a=70mm n=4 Mean=33mm Minimum cover= 23mm Maximum cover=44mm Sa=+/-9.4mm 23mm 44mm 36mm 27mm You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com)35 Face 2 Object no: 100005 Bar diameter:16 Neighbouring bar correction: a=70mm n=10 Mean=45mm Minimum cover= 29mm Maximum cover=59mm Sa=+/-9.1mm 43mm 48mm 47mm 30mm 29mm 49mm 47mm 59mm 49mm 48mm You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com)36 Face3 Object no: 100006 Bar diameter:16 Neighbouring bar correction: a=70mm n=4 Mean=45mm Minimum cover= 42mm Maximum cover=52mm Sa=+/-4.7mm 43mm 42mm 52mm 43mm You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com)37 Face 4 Object no: 100007 Bar diameter:16 Neighbouring bar correction: a=70mm n=4 Mean=53mm Minimum cover= 46mm Maximum cover=61mm Sa=+/-6.4mm 50mm 46mm 36mm 61mm 53mm You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com)38 Column3(A5) Face 1 Object no: 100008 Bar diameter:16 Neighbouring bar correction: a=70mm n=5 Mean=47mm Minimum cover= 39mm Maximum cover=53mm Sa=+/-5.1mm 49mm 48mm 48mm 53mm You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com)39 Face 2 Object no: 100009 Bar diameter:16 Neighbouring bar correction: a=70mm n=6 Mean=27mm Minimum cover= 20mm Maximum cover=31mm Sa=+/-5.3mm 31mm 31mm 28mm 30mm 20mm 20mm You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com)40 Face 3 Object no: 100010 Bar diameter:16 Neighbouring bar correction: a=70mm n=4 Mean=52mm Minimum cover= 46mm Maximum cover=59mm Sa=+/-6.8mm 46mm 46mm 59mm 56mm You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com)41 Face 4 Object no: 100011 Bar diameter:16 Neighbouring bar correction: a=70mm n=5 Mean=42mm Minimum cover= 24mm Maximum cover=52mm Sa=+/-10.6mm 44mm 44mm 52mm 46mm 24mm You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com)42 Column 4(A6) Face 1 Object no: 100012 Bar diameter:16 Neighbouring bar correction: a=70mm n=4 Mean=38mm Minimum cover= 35mm Maximum cover=41mm Sa=+/-2.5mm 41mm 38mm 39mm 35mm You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com)43 Face2 Object no: 100013 Bar diameter:16 Neighbouring bar correction: a=70mm n=4 Mean=47mm Minimum cover= 37mm Maximum cover=58mm Sa=+/-10.6mm 37mm 58mm 53mm 38mm You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com)44 Face3 Object no: 100014 Bar diameter:16 Neighbouring bar correction: a=70mm n=4 Mean=57mm Minimum cover= 49mm Maximum cover=68mm Sa=+/-8.0mm 56mm 49mm 68mm 55mm You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com)45 Face4 Object no: 100015 Bar diameter:16 Neighbouring bar correction: a=70mm n=4 Mean=52mm Minimum cover= 47mm Maximum cover=61mm Sa=+/-6.5mm 50mm 48mm 61mm 47mm You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com)46 Column5(D4) Object no: 100016 Bar diameter:16 Neighbouring bar correction: a=70mm n=8 Mean=58mm Minimum cover= 51mm Maximum cover=65mm Sa=+/-5.5mm 62mm 60mm 56mm 65mm 52mm 51mm 64mm 54mm You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com)47 Column 6(D6) Object no: 100017 Bar diameter:16 Neighbouring bar correction: a=70mm n=11 Mean=47mm Minimum cover= 39mm Maximum cover=59mm Sa=+/-7.3mm 44mm 59mm 57mm 39mm 47mm 56mm 50mm 39mm 43mm 45mm 41mm You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com)48 column Column face Average cover(mm) Less screed and plaster(5mm) 1 1 33 2 44 3 28 4 48 Column average 38.25 33.25 2 1 33 2 45 3 45 4 53 Column average 41 36 3 1 47 2 27 3 52 4 42 Column average 42 37 4 1 38 2 47 3 57 4 52 Column average 48.5 43.5 5 58 53 6 47 42 You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com)49 5.2.2 bar diameters column 1 face1 face2 bar1 bar2 bar3 bar4 bar1 bar2 bar3 bar4 bar5 reading1 12.4 16.7 25.6 16 15.8 16.3 16.1 19.8 11.9 reading2 12.2 17 23.9 16.1 16.1 15.9 16.2 20.3 12.3 reading3 11.9 15.8 24.9 16.4 15.9 16 15.5 21 12.2 reading4 12.5 15.9 24.5 15.9 15.9 16.1 15.8 20.1 12 average 12.25 16.35 24.725 16.1 15.925 16.075 15.9 20.3 12.1 bar size Y12 Y16 Y25 Y16 Y16 Y16 Y16 Y20 Y12 face3 face4 bar1 bar2 bar3 bar4 cover too thick reading1 15.8 20.4 20.9 12.1 reading2 15.8 19.8 20.5 12 reading3 15.9 19 20.1 12.5 reading4 15.7 19.7 20.1 11.7 average 15.8 19.725 20.4 12.075 bar size Y16 Y20 Y20 Y12 column 2 face1 face2 bar1 bar2 bar3 bar4 bar1 bar2 bar3 bar4 bar5 reading1 11.9 12.3 12.2 11.9 12 19.8 20 15.8 9.8 reading2 12.1 12.1 12.3 12.1 12.5 20.1 20.4 16.2 10.3 reading3 12.9 12.1 11.7 12.5 12.3 21 20.4 16.3 10.8 reading4 12.5 12.3 12 12.1 12.1 20.3 20.2 16.2 9.7 average 12.35 12.2 12.05 12.15 12.225 20.3 20.25 16.125 10.15 Y12 Y12 Y12 Y12 Y12 Y20 Y20 Y16 Y10 face3 face4 bar1 bar2 bar3 bar4 cover too thick reading1 12.5 15.9 16.4 12.2 reading2 12.3 16.1 16.5 12.3 reading3 12.1 16.2 15.9 11.8 reading4 12 16.1 15.8 12.3 average 12.225 16.075 16.15 12.15 Bar size Y12 Y16 Y16 Y12 You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com)50 column 3 face1 face2 bar1 bar2 bar3 bar4 bar1 bar2 bar3 bar4 bar5 reading1 11.8 16.5 19.8 15.9 15.7 16.1 16 20.5 12.1 reading2 12.1 16.3 20.1 16.1 16.1 16 16.2 20.9 12.1 reading3 12.4 16 20.9 16.1 16 16.3 16.1 19.9 12 reading4 12.2 16.1 20.5 15.9 15.9 16.3 16.2 20.1 12.5 average 12.125 16.225 20.325 16 15.925 16.175 16.125 20.35 12.175 bar size Y12 Y16 Y20 Y16 Y16 Y16 Y16 Y20 Y12 face3 face4 bar1 bar2 bar3 bar4 cover too thick reading1 16.3 21 19.9 13.5 reading2 16.1 20.5 20.4 12.9 reading3 15.8 20.3 21 13.2 reading4 16.1 20 20.2 12.6 average 16.075 20.45 20.375 13.05 bar size Y16 Y20 Y20 Y12 column 4 face1 face2 bar1 bar2 bar3 bar4 bar1 bar2 bar3 bar4 bar5 reading1 12 11.8 12.2 12.1 12.5 21 19.9 16.1 11.5 reading2 12.5 12.3 12.3 12.5 12.1 21.1 20.1 16.2 12 reading3 12.3 11.8 12.2 13 12.4 22 20.1 15.9 10.8 reading4 12.3 12.1 12.1 12.3 12 19.8 20.2 16.2 12.8 average 12.275 12 12.2 12.475 12.25 20.975 20.075 16.1 11.775 Y12 Y12 Y12 Y12 Y12 Y20 Y20 Y16 Y12 face3 face4 bar1 bar2 bar3 bar4 cover too thick reading1 12.2 16.1 16.3 11.9 reading2 12.3 16.1 16.5 12.3 reading3 12.1 15.7 16.1 12.1 reading4 12 16.1 16.3 12.1 average 12.15 16 16.3 12.1 Bar size Y12 Y16 Y16 Y12 You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com)51 6. Discussion The objectives of the project were to fully understand how to use the equipment, to standardize the equipment, to determine the position and depth of rebars in an existing concrete element and to determine if cover is sufficient. The equipment was calibrated prior to testing. According to BS1881 part 204 and the operator’s manual, calibration of equipment should be carried out every 6 months to ensure that it is still up to standard. The visual inspection was carried out to check for obvious defects such as Structural Cracks: Caused by excess weight placed upon columns or shortfalls in the original design d by over exposure to sun, rain, snow, and other extreme weather conditions The inspection yielded results to the effect that there are a few observable defects in the building such as chipping of the columns and cracks along the walls at the points where they meet the column. Even though the chipping may not seem structural, it is important that other methods of non destructive testing, such as ultrasonic testing and x-ray imaging, are used to verify this. The cracks must also be assessed to determine exactly what type of cracks they are and if they pose a structural problem to the building. The sample size of the columns on the first floor of the civil engineering block was selected to be 10% which is 6 columns. The columns chosen were A2, A3, A5, A6, D4 and D6 located in the 4 th and 5th year classrooms. They were selected because of; 1. Accessibility. Four of the columns have all 4 faces exposed, and the other 2 have 3 faces exposed 2. Capability of the device. During a test run of the equipment it was discovered that some of the columns could not be tested as the cover provided for the reinforcement was probably too thick for the equipment to obtain readings, as anything greater than 55mm gave result ‘Cover Too Thick’. The columns joined to the walls had a very thick cover providing sufficient protection to the rebars even though they are the ones with the chipped corners and cracks. To determine the cover to the bars and the size of the rebars other methods such as x-ray imaging can be used. It is however safe to say that the cover to these columns is greater than 55mm. You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com)52 3. Labour intensive nature of measurement. The process is repetitive and requires precision and thus using a sample size of more than 10-20% is uneconomical 4. Use of the rooms. One of the advantages of NDT is that it does not disrupt the goings on of the building’s occupants. Thus the columns were selected keeping in mind the building’s functionality. The rooms containing the columns were chosen because they have fixed timelines for use and are always open 5. Loading pattern. The chosen columns carry the load over a significant span. According to BS 8110 part 1 nominal cover is the design depth of concrete cover to all steel reinforcement, including links. It is the dimension used in design and indicated on the drawings. The actual cover to all reinforcement should never be less than the nominal cover minus 5 mm. The nominal cover should: a) Be in accordance with the recommendations for bar size and aggregate size for concrete cast against uneven surfaces (see, and; Bar size The nominal cover to all steel should be such that the resulting cover to a main bar should not be less than the size of the main bar or, where bars are in pairs or bundles, the size of a single bar of cross-sectional area equal to the sum of their cross-sectional areas. At the same time the nominal cover to any links should be preserved. Nominal maximum size of aggregate Nominal covers should be not less than the nominal maximum size of the aggregate. The nominal maximum size of coarse aggregate should not normally be greater than one-quarter of the minimum thickness of the concrete section or element. For most work, 20 mm aggregate is suitable. Larger sizes should be permitted where there are no restrictions to the flow of concrete into sections. In thin sections or elements with closely spaced reinforcement, consideration should be given to the use of 14 mm or 10 mm nominal maximum size. Concrete cast against uneven surfaces In such cases the specified nominal cover should generally be increased beyond the values given in Table 3.3 to ensure that an adequate minimum cover will be obtained. For this reason, the nominal cover specified where concrete is cast directly against the earth should generally be not less than 75 mm. Where concrete is cast against an adequate blinding, a nominal cover of less than 40 mm (excluding blinding) should not generally be specified. b) Protect the steel against corrosion (see 3.3.3); You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com)53 The cover required to protect the reinforcement against corrosion depends on the exposure conditions and the quality of the concrete as placed and cured immediately surrounding the reinforcement. Table 3.4 gives limiting values for the nominal cover of concrete made with normal-weight aggregates as a function of these factors. There may be cases where extra precautions are needed beyond those given in 3.3.4 in order to ensure protection of the reinforcement. Further information is given in 3.1.5. c) Protect the steel against fire (see 3.3.6); Cover for protection against corrosion may not suffice as fire protection. The values given in Table 3.4 and Figure 3.2 of BS 8110 part 1 will ensure that fire resistance requirements are satisfied. d) Allow for surface treatments such as bush hammering. According to table 3.2 the exposure condition is mild as the columns protected against weather or aggressive conditions. Thus from table 3.3 the minimum cover is 25mm. Using figure 3.2 and table 3.4, columns 1-4 have a b of 35mm and are fully exposed thus the value of h is 2.5 and thus the minimum required cover is 25mm and for columns 5 and 6 h=2 thus minimum cover is 25mm. 4.3.4 Spalling of nominal cover If the nominal cover, i.e. the cover to the outermost steel exceeds 40 mm for dense or 50 mm for lightweight aggregate concrete, there is a danger of concrete spalling. After measuring the selected columns it was determined that the average cover for all columns is more than 25mm.According to BS 1881 it is thus sufficient to protect reinforcement from corrosion and fire. The bar diameters were determined for the four columns within the classrooms for 3 faces out of the four that were exposed. All columns had one side that had a cover too thick to allow the reading of measurements. Although the covermeter is supposed to have a range of up to 180 mm, whenever the cover exceeded 55mm the device would display that the cover was too thick regardless of the range settings. On the columns where the ‘Cover Too Thick’ result was obtained, over 10 readings were taken over all the exposed surfaces of the columns. It was not able to be determined whether this is a general problem or if the specific covermeter used was faulty as there was only one device available. Locating the bars was easy but the actual measurement of the bars posed a problem as variations between results were at times very large and thus many readings had to be taken. In the last two columns (D4, D6) the interference from the metal plates within the column made reading the bar diameters impossible and may have interfered with the measurement of the cover. You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com)54 Possible sources of error of the experiment include; 1. Inexperienced personnel; there are training standards set by ISO9712 and other than a couple of workshops on NDT attended, the personnel handling the equipment had limited training and no experience 2. Use of metallic aggregates or additives in concrete; they may interfere with the electrical field and influence readings 3. Lack of drawings; this required the diameter to be set to a default value of 16mm. if the actual bar diameter is known, the readings will be more accurate. Advantages of eddy current testing Disadvantages on can go undetected. You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com)55 7. Conclusion The covermeter was calibrated according to the standards set in BS1881 part 204 and the tests were carried out to check if the concrete cover was within the limit of nominal cover set by BS 8110 part 1. It was determined that the cover was sufficient in all columns. The bar diameters were problematic to obtain and for one side of the columns were unreadable because the cover was too thick. They were however determined and the accuracy of the device was +/- 2mm. It must be noted that there are many sources of error for the experiment including the inexperienced personnel carrying it out, possible presence of metallic aggregates and lack of the building drawings. It is recommended that any personnel undertaking this task should be trained in line with the standards of ISO9712 so as to improve the accuracy of results. It is also important that other methods of NDT are incorporated in determining the structural health of the building such as ultrasonic testing and x-ray imaging to provide a detailed account of how the structure is and if there are any problems that need to be addressed, especially in the case of the cracks. In the case of the chipped columns, it is recommended that students be brought up to speed on the effect the abrasion they’re causing may have on the building elements. This may help prevent further damage. It is also important to consider the use of other models of covermeters to compare sensitivity and determine the accuracy of the Profometer 5+ in relation to other models You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com)56 8. References Hellier. C. (2003). Handbook of Non-destructive Evaluation . McGraw Hill Series, p.1.1, New York. Mordfin,L. (1985). Non-Destructive Evaluation, Materials and Processes, McGraw Hill Series,New York. Stanley, B. (1989) Non-destructive Evaluation; A tool for design, manufacturing and services. McGraw Hill Series in Mechanical Engineering,NewYork Crouzen, P., Verstijnen, W., Hulsey, R. C. & Munns, I. J. (2006). Application of Pulsed Eddy Current Corrosion Monitoring in Refineries and Oil Production Facilities. CORROSION 2006. San Diego Ca: NACE International. IAEA (2002).Guidebook on non-destructive testing of concrete structures, (Training Course Series No. 17). Davis, A. G. (1998). Non-destructive Test Methods for Evaluation of Concrete in Structures Reported by ACI Committee 228. George J Riley(2003). Rebar locators how do they measure up http://www.structuremag.org/OldArchives/2003/july_august/RebarLocators.pdf StructureMag Magazine, July/August 2003 Reuben Barnes, Tony Zheng (2008). Research on Factors Affecting Concrete Cover Measurement http://www.ndt.net/article/v13n12/zheng.pdf NDT.net, December 2008 Alldred, John C. (1995). Quantifying the losses in cover-meter accuracy due to congestion of reinforcement, Extending the Life of Bridges, Civil & Building Structures, London. V.M. Malhotra, Carino J Nicholas (2003). Handbook on Non Destructive Testing of Concrete. CRC Press, Florida, U.S.A. Sivaprakasam.Palani, Karthikeyen.S, and Hariharen.P (2012). A Study on Non Destructive Evaluation of Materials Defects by Eddy Current Methods, International Conference on Mechanical, Automotive and Materials Engineering (ICMAME'2012) Dubai, UAE. Ghambir, M.L. (2004). Concrete Technology: Theory and Practice 5th Edition, McGraw Hill Series, New York. Shetty M.S. (2005). Concrete Technology, S. Chand and Co., New Delhi, India. Verma Sanjeev K., Bhadauria Sudhir S., Akhtar Saleem (2013). Review of Nondestructive Testing Methods for Condition, Journal of Construction Engineering, March. You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com)57 Central Railway(2006). Non Destructive Testing and Inspection Manual, Denmark Einav Isaac, AWARENESS of NDT TECHNIQUES for CIVIL ENGINEERING, STAR.IK Ltd, Canada ISO9712, Non-destructive testing- Qualification and certification of NDT personnel BS8110 part 1, Code of Practice for Design and Construction BS1881 part 204, Recommendations on the use of electromagnetic covermeters You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com)58 9. Appendix Other NDT methods Penetrant Testing Penetrant solution is applied to the surface of a precleaned component. The liquid is pulled into surface-breaking defects by capillary action. Excess penetrant material is carefully cleaned from the surface. A developer is applied to pull the trapped penetrant back to the surface where it is spread out and forms an indication. The indication is much easier to see than the actual defect. Used to locate cracks, porosity, and other defects that break the surface of a material and have enough volume to trap and hold the penetrant material. Liquid penetrant testing is used to inspect large areas very efficiently and will work on most nonporous materials Magnetic Particle testing A magnetic field is established in a component made from ferromagnetic material. The magnetic lines of force travel through the material and exit and reenter the material at the poles. Defects such as crack or voids cannot support as much flux, and force some of the flux outside of the part. Magnetic particles distributed over the component will be attracted to areas of flux leakage and produce a visible indication. It is used to inspect ferromagnetic materials (those that can be magnetized) for defects that result in a transition in the magnetic permeability of a material. Magnetic particle inspection can detect surface and near surface defects. Ultrasonic testing High frequency sound waves are sent into a material by use of a transducer. The sound waves travel through the material and are received by the same transducer or a second transducer. The amount of energy transmitted or received and the time the energy is received are analyzed to determine the presence of flaws. Changes in material thickness and changes in material properties can also be measured. It is used to locate surface and subsurface defects in many materials including metals, plastics, and wood. Ultrasonic inspection is also used to measure the thickness of materials and otherwise characterize properties of material based on sound velocity and attenuation measurements. Radiographic testing X-rays are used to produce images of objects using film or other detector that is sensitive to radiation. The test object is placed between the radiation source and detector. The thickness and the density of the material that X-rays must penetrate affects the amount of radiation reaching the detector. This variation in radiation produces an image on the detector that often shows internal features of the test object. It is used to inspect almost any material for surface and subsurface defects. X-rays can also be used to locates and measures internal features, confirm the location of hidden parts in an assembly, and to measure thickness of materials You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com)59 Nucleonic Gauge Testing A nuclear density gauge is a tool used in civil construction and the petroleum industry, as well as for mining and archaeology purposes. It consists of a radiation source that emits a directed beam of particles and a sensor that counts the received particles that are either reflected by the test material or pass through it. By calculating the percentage of particles that return to the sensor, the gauge can be calibrated to measure the density and inner structure of the test material. Schmidt hammer This method can be used for concrete and masonry structures. It is most commonly used for concrete structures. The Schmidt hammer is used for testing the strength of hardened concrete. The device consists of a spring loaded steel mass that is automatically released against a plunger when the hammer is pressed against a concrete surface. Part of the energy is absorbed by the concrete through plastic deformation and part of the energy causes a rebound of the hammer. The rebound of the hammer depends on the hardness and thereby the strength of the concrete. Ground penetration radar This method can be used for concrete and masonry structures. Ground penetration radar makes use of high frequency electromagnetic pulses which are directed by a transceiver towards the surface. Waves are reflected back to a receiver. The waves received indicate the composition of the considered component. As the wave propagates through a component and encounters an interface between two materials with different dielectric constants, a portion of the energy is reflected back. The remaining energy continues through the component. Spraying indicators (pH) This method can be used for concrete structures. This test is performed by applying an indicator solution to concrete surfaces just fractured. The colour of the solution will change with corresponding changes in pH of the concrete. The carbonation depth is then measured by means of a scale. You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com)