Fire Officer II Student Syllabus Durant Fire Officer II Overview This is a 5-day course: 40 hours of instruction and 8 hours of certification evaluation. The course prepares the student to develop an understanding of modern building construction methods. The class is scheduled for April 21-23 and April 28-30, 2015. The Exam is scheduled for April 30, 2015 at 0800. The fee for the course is $275. Course Prerequisites Fire Officer I Outcome Objectives After completing the course the student will have met the sections required for Fire Officer II in the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA®) 1021, 2009 edition, professional qualifications standard. Students who successfully complete the certification process will be certified as a Fire Officer II. Text The required text for the course is IFSTA’s Fire and Emergency Services Company Officer, 4th edition. Every student must have a copy of the text in order to prepare for class, study for the certification process, and complete the assignments and learning activities. While not required, the Fire and Emergency Services Company Officer Study Guide is a valuable tool to help prepare for each lesson in the course and for any final exams. The manual and study guide are available from FPP. Course Schedule A course schedule will be provided by the instructor at the first class session. A general course schedule, including reading assignments, is provided on pp. 3. Course Evaluation Strategy See p.4 OSU FST Page 1 of 5 Fire Officer II Student Syllabus Durant Fire Officer II Homework Assignment Read Chapters 22-32 and complete the Quizzes. Pre-Course Reading Assignment Read Chapters 22-32 and complete the Quizzes. Required Materials Instructor Information Contact information for the instructor will be provided at the first class session. The goal of the instructor is to help you be successful during the course. You should immediately contact the instructor if you have any questions about the course or course work. Rodney Foster 405-623-0992 Attendance Policy You are expected to attend each class session. Because each class session is 40 hours, a large amount of information will be missed by an absence. If an emergency arises, immediately inform the instructor and every effort will be made to accommodate the situation. Academic Dishonesty Policy Academic misconduct includes cheating, plagiarism, falsification of records, unauthorized possession of examinations, intimidation, and any and all other actions that may improperly affect the evaluation of a student’s academic performance or achievement; assisting others in any such act; or attempts to engage in such acts. Any incident of academic misconduct will result in the student being dropped from the course and the student’s sponsoring agency being notified of the incident. Course Participation The course utilizes lecture, open discussions, and skills practice to achieve the learning objectives. Every student is expected to: come to course prepared to actively participate in discussions, read the text prior to the next class session, complete all homework assignments, respect the beliefs, opinions, and values of other students, and have an open mind about the issues being discussed. OSU FST Page 2 of 5 Fire Officer II Student Syllabus Durant Fire Officer II Course Schedule Class Date Day 1 Day 1 Day 1 Day 2 Chapter 2 22 Management Activities 23 Types and Forms of Governments Interagency and Intergovernmental Cooperation Analysis, Evaluations, and Statistics Human Resources Management II Chapter Supplement. Supplement located at under the tab titled Resource Center. Administrative Responsibilities Fire and Life Safety Inspections Fire Investigations pp. 537-562 pp. 703-725 AS 29-1 Multiunit Emergency Scene Operations Postincident Analysis and Critique Safety Investigations and Analyses pp. 729-749 AS 30-1, 30-2 pp. 508-511, 753-758 pp. 763-799 As 31-1 25 26 26 Day 3 Day 3 Day 4 Day 4 Day 4 Day 5 Day 5 OSU FST Homework Assignment Written Communication Day 2 Day 3 Text PreReading pp. 47-49 8 24 Day 2 Topic Leadership 27 28 29 30 31 32 pp. 179, 180184 pp. 521-532 pp. 567-577 pp. 581-598 AS 25-1, 25-2 pp. 603-621 AS 26-1, 26-2 pp. 1-9 pp. 625-650 AS 27-1, 27-2 pp. 655-664 Page 3 of 5 Fire Officer II Student Syllabus Durant Fire Officer II Fire Officer I Certification Process - General Information Written Exam Information Questions: Type of Questions: Minimum Score: Time Allowed for Exam: 50 Multiple Choice 70% 90 Minutes Skills Exam Information # of Skills Tested 3 skills during each process. The skills are randomly selected from 10skills. Each skill is pass/fail. Fire Officer II Certification Skill Sheets Table 10-14 Skill Sheet # Text Chapters e-Course Activity 5.2.1 5.2.2 5.2.3 26 SA 3.1 SA 3.2 SA 3.3 Identify all hazards, including hazardous materials, complete approved inspection forms and initiate approved action. Cannot find JP R th at fits Might be 5. 5. 2 28 Develop a fire department budget for a project including specs and bidding process. Describe the process of purchasing, including soliciting and awarding bids. 5.4.2 5.4.3 Chapter 25, 27 Title JPRs 1 Mandatory Initiate actions to maximize member performance and/or to correct unacceptable performance. Evaluate job performance of assigned member. Create a professional development plan for a member of the organization. 2 Take home 3 Take home OSU FST Course Activity AS 26-1 AS 26-2 Chapter 26 suppl ement No activity SA 2.2 SA 2.3 Page 4 of 5 Fire Officer II Skill Sheet # Student Syllabus Durant Fire Officer II Title JPRs Text Chapters e-Course Activity Course Activity 4 Take home Prepare a written report, given incident reporting data from the jurisdiction, so that the major causes for service demands are identified for various planning areas within the service area of the organization. 5.6.3 Chapter 8,25 SA 2.6 5 Take home Develop a multi-unit post-incident analysis in a written report 5.6.2 31 SA 5.3 AS 31-1 As 31-2 6 Analyze a member’s accident, injury, or health exposure history so that a report is prepared for a supervisor and includes action taken and recommendations are given. 5.2.1 5.2.2 5.7.1 25 32 SA 4.1 AS 25-1 AS 32-1 7 Prepare recommendations for changes to an existing policy or procedure. Explain the benefits to the organization of cooperating with allied organizations 5.3.1 5.4.1 5.4.5 5.4.6 5.6.3 27 8 SA 2.1 AS 27-1 AS 25-2 8 Produce operational plans so that required resources, their assignments, and safety considerations for successful control of the incidents are identified. 5.6.1 30 SA 5.2 No activity 9 Prepare a news release 5.4.4 8 SA 2.4 No activity in FOII 10 Determine the point of origin and preliminary cause of a fire to determine if arson is suspected 5.5.1 5.5.2 29 SA 5.1 AS 29-1 Skill #1 is mandatory Draw one skill from 2-5 Draw one skill from 6-10 OSU FST Page 5 of 5