BUS 306: Marketing Principles Learning Portfolio Assignment

BUS 306: Marketing Principles Learning Portfolio Assignment
to review what you’ve learned in this course
to reflect on and document your learning
to consider future related choices
Application for delivery
Develop your Learning Portfolio as a blog in WordPress. Resources to get you started are at
http://skroeze.com/. Select the tab entitled “Developing Your Learning Portfolio with WordPress.”
Submit your assignment by submitting the URL to your portfolio.
Mental Model
Use smart art or other tools to draw a graphical representation of your understanding of the process of
Market Analysis and Developing Marketing Strategies from concept through design to implementation.
Save your image as a .jpg file and include it as an illustration in your Learning Portfolio.
Reflection Essays
Write short essays of two to three paragraphs in response to the following prompts. Title each short
essay with a topic header. Support your claims by providing specific references to evidence. Evidence
may be any work you completed in this course that you have in documentable form: your Marketing
Plan project, your Practicum Project, your essays, or your contributions to class discussions.
Marketing Concept Mastery: Develop five of the following topics in relation to your
understanding of the principles involved and how you applied them in your coursework. Choose
one from each category. You may find yourself referring to some of the other topics in that
category. That’s fine. Develop each of your short essays as a stand-alone piece of two to three
paragraphs, with a topic heading.
Category 1:
a Customer Relationship Management
b Creating and Capturing Customer Value
c Building and Delivering Customer Value
d Value Proposition
Category 2:
e Promotion Mix and Strategies
f Advertising
g Sales Promotion
h Public Relations
i The Personal Selling Process
j Direct Marketing
k Online Marketing and Developing an Online Marketing Presence
Category 3:
l Customer Analysis
m Marketing Research
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n Marketing Strategy
o Market Segmentation and Targeting
p Positioning and Differentiation
q Marketing Mix--The 4 Ps
Category 4:
r New Product Design
s Product Life Cycle
t Buyer Decision Process
u Business-to-Business Marketing, Selling and Buying
Category 5:
v Competitor Analysis
w Competitive Advantage
x Financial Analysis
y Entering foreign markets
z Implementation and Contingency Planning
Challenges: Where do you believe your greatest challenges lie in relation to marketing
concepts? Again, use examples from work you completed in your discussion. What strategies
can you use to address your current challenges? Develop one short essay with an appropriate,
personalized topic heading.
Plans: Discuss a specific application you could make of some of the learning from this course to
something relevant to you outside this course. Use your imagination and think freely but use
specifics in your discussion. You may apply this to a personal or professional situation. Do you
plan to act on this idea? Develop one short (a few paragraphs) essay with an appropriate,
personalized topic heading.
Growth: How has the work in this course changed you by adding to what you understand about
some aspect of yourself, human nature, marketing, or business? Choose from the following
possibilities or add others you recognize. Provide references to specific content you learned in
specific contexts that relates to the change you’re identifying. Develop one short (several
paragraphs) essay with an appropriate, personalized topic heading.
Yourself in relation to personal values
Yourself in relation to career goals
Human nature
Delivery of Evidence
Include your evidence in your learning portfolio by uploading copies of referenced work to your
WordPress site and citing that referenced work appropriately in your reflection essays.
Additional Personal Tailoring of Portfolio
Introduce yourself in the body of your portfolio. Include additional images tastefully as you wish,
appropriate to your content.
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Criteria for Evaluating Learning Portfolio Assignment
Marketing Concept Mastery (55)
Pts earned
Details and connections to evidence show strong
understanding of principles.
Evidence is well chosen and well referenced.
Challenges (9)
Thoughtful, honest, accurate.
Appropriate connections to evidence.
Plans (9)
Thoughtful effort developing realistic possibilities.
Well developed details.
Growth (9)
Thoughtful. Developed with some depth.
Connections made to specific work.
Graphical model of Market Analysis Process (9)
Comprehensive with significant detail and
consistent with material covered in this course.
Attractive and easy to follow.
Polished Product (9)
Content is logically organized and the resulting final
product is attractive
Sentences and paragraphs are well developed and
connected, with excellent grammar and spelling.
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