Introduction to Hospitality Semester Plans

Intro to Hospitality
Semester Plans
Introduction to Hospitality Semester Plans
Unit 1 & Topic Objective
8.24.12 – 9.14.12
 Suggested time for Unit 1
is 7 class periods
 1.1 Define terminology
 1.2 Describe marketing
 1.3 Explain hotel
marketing as a competitive
 1.4 Describe the
importance of hospitality
Learning Activities and Assessments
Unit Terms
(created 8-12-11)
Essential Questions
 amenities
 What is marketing? What
are the elements of the
 demographics
marketing mix?
 domestic
 What are the seven major
marketing functions? Give
 marketing
an example of each one as it
 marketing mix
occurs in the hospitality
 service
 target market  How do lodging
establishments benefit from
 yield
a duo group with someone across the room from them. They will
gathering information about
describe the type of promotion used in each of their ads & label
customer preferences?
examples of the product, price & distribution.
 How do high-tech amenities
1.3.1 Make a list and describe your favorite amenities
help hotels compare? What
found at a hotel, airlines or restaurant, (or in any hospitality
is the trade-off for luxury
amenities in hotel
*Identify 5 types of travelers for each type listed name 2
amenities or services that would appeal to that traveler
1.4.1 Research a Hotel or Restaurant you have had a good
experience with or would like to have an experience with.
In a group of 2-3 make a list of Questions to ask a human
resource manager or general manager. Individually
Interview one of these managers of the hotel or restaurant
about the impact of the hospitality industry on the
economy, on the growth of the industry, and on career
opportunities available in the industry
Chapter 1, pages 2-18 and PowerPoint from resource CD
1.1.1 List terms with definitions related to hospitality
1.2.1 Discuss basic concepts of marketing and the seven
key marketing functions, page 6
*Word Project: Creating a Marketing Functions Diagram
1.2.2 Research any type of hotel or restaurant advertising;
identify and label the components of the marketing mix,
page 5 and 6
*Project Small Group Students will log off of their computer form
ASSESSMENT - Chapter 1 Review. Pages 18-20. Questions
#1-11 and 14.
ASSESSMENT – Chapter 1 Test
***Key Needs Internet AND/OR Computer Guest speaker, interview or field trip Special supplies needed Group Work***
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Intro to Hospitality
Semester Plans
Unit 2 & Topic Objective for
9.17.12 – 9.28.12
Suggested time for Unit
2 is 15 class periods
2.1 Define terminology
2.2 Describe hospitality
2.3 Identify hotels and
2.4 Identify Bed and
2.5 Discuss the difference
between conference
centers and resorts
2.6 Discuss restaurants
2.7 Discuss tourism
Learning Activities and Assessments
Chapter 2, pages 22-46 and PowerPoint from resource CD
2.1.1 List terms with definitions related to types of hospitality
2.2.1 Discuss wide array of hospitality facilities; include hotels,
motels, bed and breakfasts, conference centers, resorts, and
restaurants. Pages 24-40
2.3.1 Describe different types of hotels and motels. Page 24-27
2.3.2 Emphasize the advantages for each type of lodging
2.3.3 Tell about your hotel or motel experiences
2.3.4 Take a field trip or have a guest speaker from a full-service
hotel explain all the extras offered by this type of hotel
2.4.1 Describe bed and breakfast and how it differs from other
lodging establishments. Pages 30-31
2.4.2 Research, in terms, a Bed and Breakfast on the Internet
and prepare a PowerPoint presentation for class on Bed and
2.4.3 Present the PowerPoint to the class
2.5.1 Explain the main principles of resort lodging and
conference centers. Pages 33-35
2.5.2 Brainstorm what you expect from a lodging institution and
the city when you attend a convention
2.6.1 Differentiate between types of restaurants and discuss the
growth of the industry. Pages 37-40
2.6.2 Use the Internet, in teams, to locate information on
nationally recognized restaurants
2.7.1 Explain the financial importance of tourism and identify
reasons for increases in tourism, especially international
tourism. Pages 42-44
2.7.2 Using the Internet, research and calculate economic
benefits of tourism for a state and present the information in a
graph form
ASSESSMENT - Chapter 2 Review. Pages 46-48. Questions
#1-10, 11,12, and 14.
ASSESSMENT – Chapter 2 Test
Unit Terms
 back of the
 Bed and
(B & B)
 Condominium
 conference
 extended-stay
 front of the
 full-service
 hotel
 limitedservice
 motel
 motor inn
 resort
 timeshare
 travel package
***Key Needs Internet AND/OR Computer Guest speaker, interview or field trip Special supplies needed Group Work***
Essential Questions
What special or unique
amenities do full-service
hotels offer?
Explain the difference
between motels and motor
What are limited-service
hotels? Cite examples of
creative marketing used
by a limited-service hotel.
How do B & Bs differ
from hotels or motor inns?
Why are more business
travelers opting to stay at
B & Bs?
Why do city governments
often work to create
conference centers?
How does a resort differ
from a typical hotel?
What types of restaurants
make up the table-service
What are the main reasons
for the huge size of the
fast-food market?
How does tourism benefit
state economies?
What explains the recent
growth in worldwide
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Intro to Hospitality
Semester Plans
Unit 3 & Topic Objective for
10.1.12 – 10.10.12
Suggested time for Unit
3 is 8 class periods
3.1 Define terminology
3.2 Describe vital
departments in a hotel
3.3 Describe human
resources department
3.4 Describe Front of the
House operations
3.5 Describe Back of the
House operations
Learning Activities and Assessment
Chapter 3, pages 50-70 and PowerPoint from resource CD
3.1.1 List terms with definitions of key players in
hospitality operations
3.2.1 Discuss the different departments in a hotel
3.3.1 List the functions of the human resources department.
Page 52
3.3.2 Discuss compensation. Page 54
3.3.3 Use the Internet or travel magazine to research a
hotel or restaurant and list advantages of being an
employee of that particular establishment
3.4.1 Define the role of the front desk and food and
beverage outlets. Pages 56-58
3.4.2 Define types of servers, menus, and service in
restaurants. Page 58
3.4.3 Use the internet to find menus in different languages
3.4.4 Create, in groups, scripts to advertise a local
restaurant, including the type of food, service, menu and so
forth, include an advertisement
3.5.1 List the duties and responsibilities of back of the
house, housekeeping, engineering, and the kitchen. Pages
ASSESSMENT – Chapter 3 Review on pages 70-72.
Questions #1-12 and 16.
ASSESSMENT – Chapter 3 Test
Unit Terms
 Compensation
 facilities
 guest folio
 human
 licensing
 perpetual
 physical
 reservation
 room status
 up-selling
 walk-in
***Key Needs Internet AND/OR Computer Guest speaker, interview or field trip Special supplies needed Group Work***
Essential Questions
Name three
responsibilities of a
human resources
department and explain
the importance of each.
Name examples of
employee benefits.
What does a front desk
agent do?
What is the difference
between American service
and English service?
What does the executive
housekeeper do?
What is HVAC, and why
is it important to the
smooth operation of a
What is a sous chef, and
what are his or her
responsibilities? For what
type of food is a grade
manger responsible?
Page 3 of 13
Intro to Hospitality
Semester Plans
Unit 4 & Topic Objective for
10.11.12 – 10.22.12
Suggested time for Unit
4 is 7 class periods
4.1 Define terminology
4.2 Identify selling
4.3 Describe marketing
the hotel or restaurant
4.4 Identify hotel
4.5 Describe sales and
event planning
Learning Activities and Assessment
Chapter 4, pages 74-92 and PowerPoint from resource CD
4.1.1 List the terms with definitions relating to selling
4.2.1 Discuss marketing the hotel and restaurant with
attention on reservations and sales along with special
4.3.1 List key players that contribute to the hospitality
effort. Pages 76-77
4.3.2 Discuss the impact that the Internet has on the
hospitality industry. Pages 77-78
4.3.3 Discuss traditional and new strategies for increasing
hospitality sales. Pages 78-80
4.4.1 List different ways to make hotel reservations and the
different types of reservations. Pages 82-84
4.4.2 Discuss the impact of technology on reservation
business. Pages 84-85
4.5.1 Discuss sales strategies for event marketing. Page 90
4.5.2 Using the computer, design a customer survey with
questions about menu choices, customer service, and other
items to keep customers coming back to the restaurant
ASSESSMENT – Chapter 4 Review on pages 92-94.
Questions #1-12 and 16.
ASSESSMENT – Chapter 4 Test
Unit Terms
 conference
and visitors
bureau (CVB)
 due-out
 forecast
 group sales
 guaranteed
 incentive
 infomediaries
 psychographic
 regular
Essential Questions
***Key Needs Internet AND/OR Computer Guest speaker, interview or field trip Special supplies needed Group Work***
Explain the relationship of
hotel image and cost.
Why might some beautiful
hospitality facilities not be
What are infomediaries?
How can the Internet help
consumers get what they
want from the hospitality
Name three traditional
hospitality sales tools.
Why is targeting repeat
business a key part of a
marketing effort?
Explain the difference
between regular and
guaranteed reservations.
What are two types of
third-party distribution
channels for hotels? Why
is technology increasingly
important in the
reservation process?
Name three sales
strategies used by
hospitality providers to
attract group sales.
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Intro to Hospitality
Semester Plans
Unit 5 & Topic Objective for
10.23.12 – 11.1.12
Suggested time for Unit
5 is 5 -7 class periods
5.1 Define terminology
5.2 Identify promotional
strategies, types of
advertising, and special
5.3 Identify developing
promotional strategies
5.4 Identify examples of
advertising and public
5.5 Identify special
promotional strategies for
Learning Activities and Assessment
Chapter 5, pages 96-114 and PowerPoint from resource
5.1.1 List the terms related with definitions to hospitality
5.2.1 Discuss promotional strategies, types of advertising,
and special promotions. Pages 98-99
5.3.1 List different ways hotels promote their properties,
including the aspects of personal selling. Pages 100-101
5.4.1 Using newspapers and magazines, research ads for
hotels/restaurants, create a poster with these
5.5.1 Discuss types and examples of sales promotions used
in the lodging industry. Pages 109-112
5.5.2 Present examples of promotional items such as tshirts, key chains, coffee mugs, and coupons. (Show
National Pen catalog)
ASSESSMENT – Chapter 5 Review on pages 114-116.
Questions #1-11 and 16.
ASSESSMENT – Chapter 5 Test
Unit Terms
 Advertising
 Benefit
 global
system (GDS)
 personal
 promotional
 public
 publicity
 sales
 single-image
 specialty
***Key Needs Internet AND/OR Computer Guest speaker, interview or field trip Special supplies needed Group Work***
Essential Questions
List three strategies that
travel and tourism
businesses use to increase
sales. What is the
promotional mix?
Describe the personal
selling process.
How does sales promotion
differ from advertising?
What are the keys to
effective sales promotion?
Page 5 of 13
Intro to Hospitality
Semester Plans
Unit 6 & Topic Objective for
11.2.12 – 11.13.12
Suggested time for Unit
6 is 11 class periods
6.1 Define terminology
6.2 Identify the three
categories of travelers
6.3 Identify customer
6.4 Describe the business
6.5 Examine the leisure
6.6 Examine the
international traveler
Learning Activities and Assessment
Chapter 6, pages 118-140 and PowerPoint from resource
6.1.1 List the terms with definitions related to promoting to
target markets
6.2.1 Discuss business, leisure and international travelers
6.3.1 Define target markets and the importance of
demographics for making hospitality marketing decisions.
Pages 120-121
6.3.2 List the five elements of market segmentation. Pages
6.3.3 Research baby boomers and their spending habits and
present a short report on how marketing decisions are
made using their demographics
6.4.1 List how a traveler is affected by the latest trends and
technological advancements. Pages 125-128
6.4.2 Role play check-in at a hotel
6.5.1 Differentiate between the leisure traveler and the
business traveler. Pages 125-128, 130-131
6.5.2 Describe the latest trends for leisure travel. Pages
6.5.3 Prepare and present a “Dream Vacation” PowerPoint
including costs, using information from the Internet,
magazines, or newspaper
6.6.1 Describe the impact of international travel. Pages
6.6.2 Describe the adjustments that must be made for
international guests. Pages 137-138
ASSESSMENT – Chapter 6 Review on pages 140-142.
Questions #1-11 and 15.
ASSESSMENT – Chapter 6 Test
Unit Terms
 business
 incremental
 interactive
 jet lag
 leisure travel
 market
 niche
***Key Needs Internet AND/OR Computer Guest speaker, interview or field trip Special supplies needed Group Work***
Essential Questions
What is a target market?
What are the five elements
of market segmentation?
Why are hotel rooms more
than just a place to sleep
for business travelers?
To what hotel services and
amenities do women pay
particular attention?
Why is leisure travel not
always to distant
destinations? What is the
difference between hard
adventure travel and soft
adventure travel?
Why does the hospitality
industry pay attention to
seniors? What are
incremental sales?
Give three examples of
special needs for
international travelers.
Why are there more
international travelers
How does a travel agency
typically earn money?
Page 6 of 13
Intro to Hospitality
Semester Plans
Unit 7 & Topic Objective for
11.14.12 – 11.23.12
Suggested time for Unit
7 is 4 class periods
7.1 Define terminology
7.2 Discuss hotel
restaurant, and airline
pricing, purchasing, and
7.3 Discuss types of room
7.4 Describe basic
restaurant and airline
ticket pricing concepts
7.5 Identify purchasing
7.6 Discuss financing
various forms of
Learning Activities and Assessment
Chapter 7, pages 144-168 and PowerPoint from resource
7.1.1 List the terms with definitions related to price and
7.2.1 List examples of each part of the industry
7.3.1 Explain the difference in room rates, specialty rates,
and government rates. Pages 146-147
7.4.1 List factors in restaurant pricing. Pages 152 and 154
7.4.2 List factors in airline pricing and the high costs of
flying. Pages 154-156
7.5.1 Discuss purchasing, receiving, and sorting procedures
for different segments of the industry. Pages 158-161
7.6.1 Identify different types of financing sources for hotel
and restaurant ownership. Pages 163-166
ASSESSMENT – Chapter 7 Review on pages 168-170.
Questions #1-11 and 15.
ASSESSMENT – Chapter 7 Test
Unit Terms
Essential Questions
 breakeven
 capital
 corporation
 direct
 franchise
 indirect
 occupancy
 partnership
 peak season
 purchasing
 sole
 shoulder
 List five factors that affect
the price of a hotel room.
Define five different types
of room rates.
 What information do you
need to determine the
breakeven point of a hotel?
 What is the difference
between direct operating
expenses and indirect
operating expenses?
 Why do airline ticket prices
vary so greatly? What are
the three greatest expenses
for airlines?
 What must a purchasing
agent or buyer keep in mind
when ordering supplies for a
hotel or restaurant?
 Explain what the acronym
FIFO means and why
concept is important to
product storage.
 List four types of lodging
property ownership. Give
one advantage for each type
of ownership.
 In addition to money, what
else is considered capital?
What is a venture capital?
***Key Needs Internet AND/OR Computer Guest speaker, interview or field trip Special supplies needed Group Work***
Page 7 of 13
Intro to Hospitality
Semester Plans
Unit 8 & Topic Objective for
11.26.12 – 12.5.12
Suggested time for Unit
8 is 5 - 7 class periods
8.1 Define terminology
8.2 Explain maintaining a
customer database
8.3 Explain maintaining a
favorable occupancy rate
8.4 Explain customer
satisfaction and repeat
8.5 Explain maintaining
industry standards
Learning Activities and Assessment
Chapter 8, pages 172-196 and PowerPoint from resource
8.1.1 List the terms with definitions related to hospitality
marketing information management
8.2.1 Explain how technology and hospitality employees
are important for maintaining customer databases. Pages
8.3.1 Define occupancy rate and yield management, with
emphasis on increasing occupancy rates. Pages 179-182
8.4.1 Identify successful strategies used by hotels and
restaurants to increase customer satisfaction and generate
repeat business. Pages 184-188
8.5.1 List basic hospitality standards. Pages 190-192
8.5.2 Explain how sales effects are tied to personal service.
Pages 192-194
ASSESSMENT – Chapter 8 Review on pages 172-196.
Questions #1-11, 14.
ASSESSMENT – Chapter 8 Test
Unit Terms
 guerilla
 guest-history
 mentor
 non-revenue
 repeat
 standards
***Key Needs Internet AND/OR Computer Guest speaker, interview or field trip Special supplies needed Group Work***
Essential Questions
 What is a guest-history
database? List five types of
information about guests that
would be useful for marketing
 Name two ways that the
growth of databases has helped
the hospitality industry.
 How are forecasts important to
the hospitality industry?
 What is guerilla marketing?
Why might generating leads
through employees yield new
sources of customers that other
forms of marketing might
 What is the best way to
develop courteous and efficient
service for customers?
 Why must restaurant managers
be progressive in their
approach to providing products
and services? Identify two
trends in restaurant marketing.
 What is the most important
standard in the hospitality
industry? Why is diversity an
important issue in hospitality
 How are sales goals related to
customer satisfaction? How
do specific programs tying
sales activities to customer
needs help the sales effort?
Page 8 of 13
Intro to Hospitality
Semester Plans
Unit 9 & Topic Objective for
12.6.12 – 12.12.12
Suggested time for Unit
9 is 5 – 8 class periods
9.1 Define terminology
9.2 Discuss product and
service planning in hotels
and restaurants, special
services in hotels, the
importance of image
marketing, and risk
9.3 Describe hotel
product and service
9.4 Explain special hotel
9.5 Describe hotel image
9.6 Describe risk
9.7 Describe restaurant
product and service
Learning Activities and Assessment
Chapter 9, pages 200-228 and PowerPoint from resource
9.1.1 List terms with definitions, related to product and
service management
9.2.1 Illustrate product and service planning by creating a
poster listing special services in hotels. Pages 202-205
9.3.1 Discuss the product and service mix and the lodging
industry rating system. Page 206
9.4.1 Explain special hotel services and technology. Pages
9.5.1 Identify the importance of hotel furnishings,
atmosphere, and employee uniforms. Pages 214-216
9.6.1 Discuss the insurance coverage and hotel security.
Pages 218-221
9.6.2 Interview an insurance representative about risk
management and restaurant, hotel insurance
9.7.1 Discuss restaurant product and service planning.
Pages 223-225
ASSESSMENT – Chapter 9 Review on pages 228-230.
Questions #1-11, 14 and 15.
ASSESSMENT – Chapter 9 Test
Unit Terms
 Concierge
 empowerment
 insurance
 liability
 packages
 product and
service mix
 product
 programming
 property
 risk
Essential Questions
***Key Needs Internet AND/OR Computer Guest speaker, interview or field trip Special supplies needed Group Work***
What is the product and
service mix? How do
packages benefit both
hospitality businesses and
How do rating systems
help hotels as well as
List the main
responsibilities of a
Name two examples of
leading-edge technology
available to hotel guests.
Identify three critical
factors in consumers’
perception of a hospitality
What are the essential
qualities of hospitality
uniforms and dress codes?
What is the difference
between property and
liability insurance?
List three examples of
security and safety
guidelines that hotel
employees should
What is a restaurant’s
product mix?
Page 9 of 13
Intro to Hospitality
Semester Plans
Unit 10 & Topic Objective for
12.13.12 – 12.17.12
Suggested time for Unit
10 is 7 - 13 class periods
10.1 Define terminology
10.2 Identify the variety
of intermediaries
available to schedule
travel and other
hospitality needs using
technology for
10.3 Describe traditional
travel intermediaries
10.4 Describe Internet
travel intermediaries
Learning Activities and Assessment
Chapter 10, pages 232-254 and PowerPoint from resource
10.1.1 List terms with definitions related to distribution
10.2.1 Using the Internet, schedule a trip to a vacation
place; make travel arrangements and lodging arrangements
10.3.1 Discuss challenges and competition facing travel
agencies. Pages 234-235
10.3.2 List sales strategies used by travel agencies. Pages
10.4.1 Define Internet travel intermediaries. Pages 240241
10.4.2 Discuss basic operations of intermediaries such as and Pages 242-245
10.4.3 List different intermediaries found on the Internet
other than and
ASSESSMENT – Chapter 10 Review on pages 254-256.
Questions #1-11 and 16.
ASSESSMENT – Chapter 10 Test
Unit Terms
Essential Questions
 Commission
 cookie
 hits
 intermediaries
 keyword
 price elasticity 
 search engine
 secure server
 tour
 travel
***Key Needs Internet AND/OR Computer Guest speaker, interview or field trip Special supplies needed Group Work***
Why are corporate
accounts so important to
travel agencies? Why are
travel agents challenged to
find new target markets?
What is the flexibility
factor? Why is customer
service the key to survival
for travel agencies?
What is an Internet
intermediary? What
factors led to the rise of
the Internet
Describe the basic
operation of
How might these
intermediaries change the
traditional travel agency?
Page 10 of 13
Intro to Hospitality
Semester Plans
Unit 11 & Topic Objective for
12.13.12 – 12.17.12
Suggested time for Unit
11 is 7 - 13 class periods
11.1 Define terminology
11.2 Discuss the roles of
competition, technology,
and building renovation
in the lodging industry
11.3 Explain keeping
ahead of the competition
11.4 Explain the role of
Learning Activities and Assessment
Chapter 11, pages 258-276 and PowerPoint from resource
11.1.1 List the terms with definitions related to planning
for the future unit
11.2.1 Develop a table illustrating the roles of competition,
technology and building renovation
11.3.1 Discuss the importance of research and management
systems in the hospitality industry. Pages 260-262
11.4.1 Explain property management systems and hotel
technology. Pages 265-269, 271-274
ASSESSMENT – Chapter 11 Review on pages 276-278.
Questions #1-9 and 13.
ASSESSMENT – Chapter 11 Test
Unit Terms
 central
 customer
 energy
 market
 market share
 point-of-sale
 property
 revenue
***Key Needs Internet AND/OR Computer Guest speaker, interview or field trip Special supplies needed Group Work***
Essential Questions
What type of research do
hoteliers buy from outside
What is the purpose of a
customer relationship
management system?
Name four types of
technology systems used
by hospitality facilities
and give a benefit of each.
Explain why it is
important to have
computer interface
standards in hotel
Why is planning for
technology an integral
part of hotel renovation?
What are some reasons
hotels undergo
renovations? What must
designers consider when
developing a plan?
Page 11 of 13
Intro to Hospitality
Semester Plans
Unit 12 & Topic Objective for
12.13.12 – 12.17.12
Suggested time for Unit
12 is 5 – 10 class periods
12.1 Define terminology
12.2 Discuss career
opportunities and
educational options for
the hospitality industry
12.3 Explain preparing
for a hospitality career
12.4 Explain the
educational requirements
12.5 Explain mobility
required for advancement
Learning Activities and Assessment
Chapter 12, pages 280-302 and PowerPoint from resource
12.1.1 List the terms with definitions related to hospitality
12.2.1 Write a report of possible career choices and the
educational options for that chosen career in the hospitality
12.3.1 Discuss career opportunities in hospitality. Pages
12.3.2 Identify the four parts of a career-planning strategy.
Pages 284-286
12.3.3 Describe the characteristics of successful hospitality
employees. Page 286
12.4.1 Identify the educational requirements for a
hospitality career. Pages 289-293
12.4.2 Identify the benefits of education for both the
employee and employer. Pages 293-295
12.5.1 Discuss the need for mobility for advancement in
the industry. Pages 297-299
12.5.2 Describe how the Internet has affected hospitality
career searches. Pages 299-300
ASSESSMENT – Chapter 12 Review on pages 302-304.
Questions #1-10 and 15.
ASSESSMENT – Chapter 12 Test
Unit Terms
 career
 designated
 Hospitality
 hot job market
 marketing
***Key Needs Internet AND/OR Computer Guest speaker, interview or field trip Special supplies needed Group Work***
Essential Questions
Why are so many
hospitality jobs part-time?
What are four parts of a
strategy to pursue a career
in the hospitality industry?
What qualities that might
not show on a resume are
important to hospitality
Identify two differences
between community and
four-year colleges.
What is a designated
trainer? Why is training
within the hospitality
industry a good
investment for
Why does an individual
need to be flexible when
considering promotion
within the hospitality
How has the Internet
changed the search for
hospitality careers? List
three features of
employment web sites.
Page 12 of 13
Intro to Hospitality
Semester Plans
Unit & Topic Objective for
December 18-21
Learning Activities and Assessment
Unit Terms
Essential Questions
Semester Review and Testing
***Key Needs Internet AND/OR Computer Guest speaker, interview or field trip Special supplies needed Group Work***
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