BUSINESS PARTNER Part IA: Business Process Diagram AS-IS PHASE Completes Task Responds PROJECT EXECUTIVE BIG APPLE RESOURCE MANAGER Contacts NO Identify Resources Check availability of Resources Contact Business Partner Receive Response Yes Task Done Available Available YES Resources Available NO Review & Log request Resolve Issue PROJECT MANAGER No Review & Log request Create Work Assignment Assign Staff Contact Customer CUSTOMER WAIT Yes Asks Send Request Receive Reply Replies Escalate Request Schedule for future Part IB: Process Problems 1. Process Flow and Day-to Day Management Problems 1.1.2 Sequencing and Duplication Problems This type of problem can occur when some tasks are not performed in the correct order. It can lead to redundancy of data and also data management problems. For example, in the case of Big Apple, the Project Manager and the Project Executive both log the service request from the customer for tracking purpose. There is a possibility of data duplication. 1.2.1 Planning and Resource Allocation Problems Planning a resource availability is very crucial for customer satisfaction. Big Apple should focus on improving its own resource availability and need not depend on its business partner instead. 2. Output Problems 2.1 Quality of Output The value of a successful task depends upon the quality of output that is made available. When Big Apple contacts its business partner for the task, the Quality Assurance may take place at the partner’s firm. Hence, Big Apple cannot be very sure about the quality output. 2.3 Timeliness of Output A product should be delivered on time and there should be no compromise on that. For example, Big Apple cannot compromise its resource availability, since it is important in fulfilling the customer’s demand on time, if the resources are available. 3. Input Problems 3.2 Quality of Input The quality of input is a major factor affecting the kind of output that may result from it. For example, when Big Apple contact its business partner, the kind of input it gives to the partner plays a major role in deciding the output. 3.3 Timeliness of Input When Big Apple consults its partner, it is crucial to provide the correct kind of input on time whenever required by the partner. Since, the business partner may need inputs from Big Apple. 4. Problems with controls 4.2 Problems with Policies or Business Rules In order or work according to all the policies and rules, it may sometimes become cumbersome to carry out a task smoothly. When Big Apple approaches its business partner, it may not be possible to obtain the output on time if much of time is spent on following all the policies and business rules amongst the two. 4.4 Problems with Documentation Such problems may arise when the project documentation is not done effectively, with wrong data, dates, language. A discrepancy in documentation could take place when the Big Apple’s business partner has to fill the request. 5. Problem with Enablers 5.1 Employee Problems Some problems such as employees lacking skills, co-ordination issues. For Big Apple, when resources are available, the project manager assigns the task to the staff. It may happen that in spite of having all the necessary resources, staff may be not be highly skilled to complete that task. 5.3 Facilities, Equipment and Location Problems The above mentioned tools may be in inadequate number in order to meet the desired result on time. It may happen that Big Apple’s facilities server rooms are inadequately equipped. Or some its departments are located away from each other. This may lead to a lot of time delay in the output delivery. Part IC: Process Characteristics Degree of structure: This is a semi-structured task in the Big Apple scenario. When a customer service request is received, the project manager and project executive look over the request, log it and further process it. Hence, it’s a human judgment taking place in this process. Range of Involvement: The range of involvement in case of Big Apple is too wide. Big Apple consults it business partner for availability of resources, hence, there is a third-party involvement taking place in the business process. Level of Integration: The level of integration is too much. Big Apple firm is dependent on its partner firm in order to carry out it Business task. (Checking with someone else before something is done) Rhythm: In this scenario, the rhythm is event-driven. Big Apple depends on the requests and reviews from the customer, hence, the events are taking place in a flow based on actual requirements, completion of task, delivery. Complexity: Big Apple’s scenario is more complex. This is because, there are many decision points- Customer, Big Apple, Business Partner. At each of the business point, sequence of many rules has to be followed. Degree of Reliance on Machines: In this scenario the degree of reliance is on People. Big Apple relies on it business partner for the availability of resources and implementation of tasks. Prominence of Planning and Control: In this scenario, prominence of planning and control is too high. Big Apple should effectively plan out a project after receiving the service request from a customer. There should also be control and planning in the implementation work to be done by the project executive. Assignment 4(Big Apple Case Part II) (TO-BE PHASE) GROUP: 10 Part IIA: Business Process Diagram BUSINESS PARTNER Responds Contacts Check availability of Resources Available SAP Identify Resources Receive Response NO Available YES Contact business partner YES Resources Available NO Schedule for future WAIT? NO BIG APPLE YES Recieves reply from customer Escalate request Automated mail PROJECT MANAGER Recieves request Review & Log request Create Work Assignment Resolve Issue Assign Staff Automated mail sent Replies CUSTOMER Send Request Assumption: a) SAP identifies resources needed for a request in this case, consultants or technicians. Changes from the original process a) Project Executive is removed from the process. b) Resource Manager is replaced by SAP. c) Now SAP has the role of checking for resources and communicating about it between all the three parties i.e. Business Partner, Customer and Project Manager d) SAP has the responsibility to send automated messages to Customer with reference to their request asking them whether they want to wait or not. Project manager when the request is escalated with the request and issue number e) Project Manager has been assigned the role of resolving issues. Part IIB: Process Performance Measure Key Performance Indicators for service request handling process for Big Apple. 1) Customers: Customers have a major role in this process. Ranging from raising a request to having the decision to whether or not to wait if the resources are unavailable. When they are given a transparency about the process, this tends to increase the level of trust in the business. ‘TO-BE’-- Since SAP is reducing the time of communication as it is directly sending an automated messages to the customer, hence there is a higher level of Customer Satisfaction. 2) Processes: Processes play a hug role in the whole business cycle. It is essential that the resources are gathered on time with less errors to deliver quality to the customer. If the task is delegated to the business partner, it is important to make sure that the requirements are provided properly. ‘TO-BE’ -- The cycle time is reduced as the project executive is removed and resource manager is replaced. Average time to execute the process is reduced. Error Rate is minimized since SAP is a software sending requirements to the business partner with predefined policies and rules, hence there is less scope of discrepancy. Activity rate is reduced due to the elimination of project executive and direct communications via SAP to customer and business partners. 3) Communication: It is highly crucial for the communication between the parties to be lucid. SAP ensures Clarity of message and completeness of understanding by sending automated mails to the customer and project manager with the request number. This avoids a communication gap or any misunderstanding which may occur in the case of a person to person communication. ‘TO-BE’—The automated mails sent by SAP to the parties with the appropriate request number are clear and avoid delay. 4) Decision Making: Decisions are crucial point at all levels. Starting from the project manager who assigns the employees tasks, the resource manager who is responsible for the resources, the project executive who makes sure the highest level issues are resolved and the customer who decides in a situation when the resources are not available. The decision making step at all the above stages should have the accuracy so that all the processes flow smoothly. ‘TO-BE’ -- The Project manager has two major roles. First is to decide whom to assign what task to. This is a major responsibility as the people with the right skills should be assigned to complete the task since this will lead to the main goal of a business i.e. customer satisfaction. Hence the quality of decision should be given much importance. Secondly, while resolving an issue it is up to the project manager as to how he allocates the available resources to resolve the matter.