Proposal Title: Business Tax, CIS and Document Production Software and Services Solution ATTACHMENT A SCOPE OF WORK City of San José Page 1 of 98 Proposal Number: 11-12-04 Proposal Title: Business Tax, CIS and Document Production Software and Services Solution Proposal Number: 11-12-04 CONTENTS 1 GENERAL INFORMATION ............................................................................................................................................. 6 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 2 BUSINESS TAX SERVICES............................................................................................................................................... 9 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 3 IMPLEMENTATION SUPPORT .................................................................................................................................. 14 IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE ................................................................................................................................ 16 IMPLEMENTATION TEAM ...................................................................................................................................... 17 CHANGE MANAGEMENT....................................................................................................................................... 17 VENDOR SUPPLIED TRAINING SERVICES ................................................................................................................... 17 DOCUMENT PRODUCTION AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES (OPTIONAL) ..................................................................... 19 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 5 IMPLEMENTATION SUPPORT .................................................................................................................................... 9 IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE ................................................................................................................................ 11 IMPLEMENTATION TEAM ...................................................................................................................................... 12 CHANGE MANAGEMENT....................................................................................................................................... 12 VENDOR SUPPLIED TRAINING SERVICES ................................................................................................................... 12 CIS SERVICES (OPTIONAL)........................................................................................................................................... 14 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 4 COMPANY PROFILE................................................................................................................................................ 6 ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY........................................................................................................................................ 6 CLIENT LIST & IMPLEMENTATIONS ............................................................................................................................ 6 ORGANIZATIONAL INFORMATION ............................................................................................................................. 6 BUSINESS TAX USER GROUP INFORMATION ............................................................................................................... 7 CIS USER GROUP INFORMATION (OPTIONAL) ............................................................................................................ 7 POLICIES REGARDING REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS .................................................................................................... 8 RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES/STRATEGIC PRODUCT DIRECTION ................................................................... 8 DOCUMENT PRODUCTION AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES AND SLAS ............................................................................. 19 IMPLEMENTATION SUPPORT .................................................................................................................................. 24 IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE ................................................................................................................................ 25 IMPLEMENTATION TEAM ...................................................................................................................................... 26 VENDOR SUPPLIED TRAINING SERVICES ................................................................................................................... 26 CITY’S INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY POLICIES AND PREFERENCES.................................................................................. 27 POST IMPLEMENTATION SERVICES .......................................................................................................................... 27 HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS AND CHARACTERISTICS ............................................................................. 27 PRODUCT-RELATED DOCUMENTATION .................................................................................................................... 28 BUSINESS TAX TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................................................... 30 5.1 City of San José CITY’S INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY POLICIES AND PREFERENCES.................................................................................. 30 Page 2 of 98 Proposal Title: Business Tax, CIS and Document Production Software and Services Solution 5.2 5.3 5.4 6 CITY’S INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY POLICIES AND PREFERENCES.................................................................................. 35 ENVIRONMENT REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................................................................. 35 HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS AND CHARACTERISTICS ............................................................................. 36 PRODUCT-RELATED DOCUMENTATION .................................................................................................................... 37 DELIVERY MODEL ....................................................................................................................................................... 40 7.1 7.2 8 ENVIRONMENT REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................................................................. 30 HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS AND CHARACTERISTICS ............................................................................. 31 PRODUCT-RELATED DOCUMENTATION .................................................................................................................... 32 CIS TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS (OPTIONAL) ............................................................................................................. 35 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 7 Proposal Number: 11-12-04 ON-PREMISES MODEL ......................................................................................................................................... 40 HOSTED MODEL ................................................................................................................................................. 45 FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS .................................................................................................................................... 59 8.1 8.2 City of San José BUSINESS TAX FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENT CHECKLIST ............................................................................................... 60 CIS FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENT CHECKLIST ............................................................................................................. 60 Page 3 of 98 Proposal Title: Business Tax, CIS and Document Production Software and Services Solution Proposal Number: 11-12-04 EXHIBITS EXHIBIT 1. GLOSSARY OF TERMS & ACRONYMS ........................................................................................................... 61 EXHIBIT 2. CLIENT LIST AND IMPLEMENTAION FORMS ................................................................................................ 66 EXHIBIT 2.1 EXHIBIT 2.2 EXHIBIT 2.3 EXHIBIT 2.4 BUSINESS TAX CLIENT LIST .................................................................................................................................... 66 CIS CLIENT LIST (OPTIONAL) ................................................................................................................................. 66 NUMBER OF BUSINESS TAX SYSTEMS IMPLEMENTED .................................................................................................. 67 NUMBER OF CIS IMPLEMENTED (OPTIONAL) ............................................................................................................ 67 EXHIBIT 3. DEMONSTRATION SCHEDULE ..................................................................................................................... 69 EXHIBIT 4. PRELIMINARY SITE VISIT AGENDA ............................................................................................................... 71 EXHIBIT 5. RATES AND FEES ......................................................................................................................................... 72 EXHIBIT 5.1 EXHIBIT 5.2 EXHIBIT 6. EXHIBIT 6.1 EXHIBIT 6.2 EXHIBIT 7. EXHIBIT 7.1 EXHIBIT 7.2 EXHIBIT 8. EXHIBIT 8.1 EXHIBIT 8.2 EXHIBIT 8.3 EXHIBIT 8.4 EXHIBIT 9. EXHIBIT 9.1 EXHIBIT 9.2 EXHIBIT 9.3 EXHIBIT 9.4 BUSINESS TAX .................................................................................................................................................... 72 CIS .................................................................................................................................................................. 72 EXAMPLE BILL FORMATS ............................................................................................................................. 73 BUSINESS TAX .................................................................................................................................................... 73 CIS .................................................................................................................................................................. 73 EXAMPLE LETTER FORMATS ........................................................................................................................ 74 BUSINESS TAX .................................................................................................................................................... 74 CIS .................................................................................................................................................................. 74 BUSINESS TAX SYSTEMS INTEGRATION ....................................................................................................... 75 INTERFACE: FRANCHISE TAX BOARD........................................................................................................................ 75 INTERFACE: WELLS FARGO BANK INTERNET PAYMENT FILE ......................................................................................... 77 INTERFACE: METAVANTE CASH FILE ........................................................................................................................ 78 INTERFACE: FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING (CAYENTA FMS)............................................................................................... 79 CIS SYSTEMS INTEGRATION ........................................................................................................................ 83 INTERFACE: TAX ROLL BILLING ............................................................................................................................... 83 INTERFACE: INTERACTIVE VOICE RESPONSE (IVR) ...................................................................................................... 86 INTERFACE: BADGER CONNECT METER READING SOFTWARE ....................................................................................... 86 INTERFACE: DATA WAREHOUSE ............................................................................................................................. 89 EXHIBIT 10. TECHNICAL ENVIRONMENT ......................................................................................................................... 92 EXHIBIT 11. ADA REQUIREMENTS .................................................................................................................................. 93 City of San José Page 4 of 98 Proposal Title: Business Tax, CIS and Document Production Software and Services Solution Proposal Number: 11-12-04 EXHIBIT 12. WEB SITE DESIGN GUIDELINES .................................................................................................................... 95 EXHIBIT 13. ADDITIONAL SECURITY AND DATA PRIVACY REQUIREMENTS ..................................................................... 97 City of San José Page 5 of 98 Proposal Title: Business Tax, CIS and Document Production Software and Services Solution Proposal Number: 11-12-04 1 GENERAL INFORMATION 1.1 C OMPANY P ROFILE Provide: 1.1.1 A brief history of company(s) including a summary of all products and services offered. Include a history of any mergers or acquisitions that your company has been the subject of or the instigator of. 1.1.2 The number of years the organization(s) has been in business as a Business Tax software Vendor and/or Implementer. 1.1.3 The address and phone number of the U.S. based corporate office. 1.1.4 Disclosure of any Implementations that have failed (where this did not result in a terminated contract or litigation) within the last seven years. 1.2 E NVIRONMENTAL P OLICY The City has adopted an Environmentally Preferable Procurement (EPP) Policy. The goal is to encourage the procurement of products and services that help to minimize the environmental impact resulting from the use and disposal of these products. These products include, but are not limited to, those that contain recycled content, conserve energy or water, minimize waste or reduce the amount of toxic material used and disposed. Computers and other electronics are a growing focus of environmentally preferable purchasing activities due to their high prominence in the waste stream, their numerous hazardous chemical constituents, and their significant energy use. Moreover, when these products are improperly disposed of they can release hazardous substances that pollute the environment. The entire EPP Policy may be found in the City’s internet site at the following link: 1.2.1 Describe how you adhere to this policy and include any policies that describe your position on the use of such products, materials, and practices. 1.3 C LIENT L IST & I MPLEMENTATIONS Complete the forms in Exhibit 2 according to the instructions described therein. 1.4 O RGANIZATIONAL I NFORMATION Provide: 1.4.1 An organizational chart for the division of the company(s) directly responsible for the product or services proposed in this RFP. Indicate total employees in the development, sales, support and service (implementation support) departments. Indicate the total number of employees and their distribution by function. Indicate (by function) City of San José Page 6 of 98 Proposal Title: Business Tax, CIS and Document Production Software and Services Solution Proposal Number: 11-12-04 total employee head count by year for the last five years. Identify, with an asterisk, those categories comprised of people serving multiple roles. Total Employees. Sales. Technical Support. Research and Development. Maintenance. Implementation. Management. 1.5 B USINESS T AX U SER G ROUP I NFORMATION For the Business Tax product proposed, provide information relating to organized User Group(s): 1.5.1 When was the user group organized? 1.5.2 How many members belong to the group? 1.5.3 How often does the user group meet? 1.5.4 What were the attendee registration costs and where were the locations of the last three meetings? 1.5.5 Name, phone number and email address of the group president. 1.5.6 Are there membership fees? 1.5.7 Is there a user group bulletin board/newsgroup on the Internet? 1.5.8 How often is this bulletin board/newsgroup updated? 1.5.9 Does the user group provide input concerning product enhancements? 1.5.10 What percentage of your product enhancements comes from user group suggestions? 1.5.11 Two examples of enhancements as a result of user group input within the last major product release? 1.5.12 Is the user group a national organization or are there regional chapters? 1.6 CIS U SER G ROUP I NFORMATION (O PTIONAL ) For the CIS product proposed, provide information relating to organized User Group(s): 1.6.1 When was the user group organized? 1.6.2 How many members belong to the group? 1.6.3 How often does the user group meet? 1.6.4 What were the attendee registration costs and where were the locations of the last three meetings? 1.6.5 Name, phone number and email address of the group president. 1.6.6 Are there membership fees? 1.6.7 Is there a user group bulletin board/newsgroup on the Internet? 1.6.8 How often is this bulletin board/newsgroup updated? 1.6.9 Does the user group provide input concerning product enhancements? City of San José Page 7 of 98 Proposal Title: Business Tax, CIS and Document Production Software and Services Solution Proposal Number: 11-12-04 1.6.10 What percentage of your product enhancements comes from user group suggestions? 1.6.11 Two examples of enhancements as a result of user group input within the last major product release? 1.6.12 Is the user group a national organization or are there regional chapters? 1.7 P OLICIES R EGARDING R EGULATORY R EQUIREMENTS Describe: 1.7.1 How you monitor federal regulatory proposals and mandates in order to identify required changes to Business Tax and CIS (if applicable) application code. 1.7.2 How these changes, if made, are made available to clients. 1.7.3 How you monitor California regulatory proposals and mandates in order to identify required changes to Business Tax and CIS (if applicable) application code. 1.7.4 How these changes, if made, are made available to clients. 1.8 R ESEARCH AND D EVELOPMENT A CTIVITIES /S TRATEGIC P RODUCT D IRECTION Provide: 1.8.1 A description of your current research and development (“R&D”) activities. Including the percentage of total revenue reinvested in product development annually and the actual dollar figure invested/reinvested annually for each of the past five years. 1.8.2 A statement of your strategic direction for each of the product lines being proposed, including a development timeline through the life of the current version. 1.8.3 A statement of your strategic direction with respect to development of technologies, products, product features and services in support of eCommerce related products and technologies. 1.8.4 A statement of your strategic direction with respect to development of non-traditional service delivery models such as outsourcing, hosting and Software as a Service (“SaaS”). Include in your response any references or case studies of other organizations that have adopted service delivery models of this type and refer to any partnerships (formal or informal) you have with other vendors that provide these services. City of San José Page 8 of 98 Proposal Title: Business Tax, CIS and Document Production Software and Services Solution Proposal Number: 11-12-04 2 BUSINESS TAX SERVICES 2.1 I MPLEMENTATION S UPPORT City requires that the implementation of the proposed solution will include the following minimum deliverables (if not proposed, justification will need to be provided for any items omitted). Describe the implementation support you provide as part of your proposed implementation services. At a minimum, address the following activities in your proposed implementation services. Include in your narrative whether or not specific activities occur and are managed wholly or partially on-site by Vendor staff: 2.1.1 2.1.2 Describe your Initiation Activities. City’s expectation is that these activities will include the following tasks and deliverables: Vendor will conduct a kick-off meeting in order to present a preliminary implementation plan and schedule, identify implementation risks and introduce their implementation team. Vendor will present a high level overview of the product(s) proposed. The current systems environment will be presented by City and the project objectives reiterated, discussed and agreed. Vendor will identify all the appropriate functional areas and interfaces to be analyzed during the Analysis Activities, and determine to what extent the analysis should be carried out, providing a detailed schedule of analysis workshops that will occur. Vendor will review City’s integration requirements of Business Tax with other City systems (such as GL, Cashiering and 3rd party payment vendors); Vendor will review the Business Tax System’s operating requirements, hardware configuration and requirements, processing speed and capacity. Vendor will prepare detailed project plans, schedules, and, approach documents for conversion, integration, testing and deployment. Describe your Analysis Activities. City’s expectation is that these activities will include the following tasks and deliverables: Vendor will provide product overview training/orientation in preparation for Analysis Activities. Vendor will provide all standard reports from within the product. Vendor will lead functional workshops in which City resources are taken through the business processes to be supported by the standard configured software: City of San José Review of business processes (including supporting reporting requirements) as supported by the base product. Vendor should build in sufficient time for City to note any changes to their existing business processes as these are currently built around a customized COTS application. Functional requirements that are not satisfied by base product functionality will be documented by a change request (regardless of whether included in the fixed price contract). Review with the functional SME’s the standard configuration of codes and control tables. Vendor will lead integration strategy workshop: Page 9 of 98 Proposal Title: Business Tax, CIS and Document Production Software and Services Solution Review of all related Interfaces/integration requirements; Recommend and document an integration strategy, determining systems of record, use of API’s, Web Services, etc. in order to best satisfy Integration requirements. Vendor will lead conversion workshops: Review the conversion approach; Review of all related data for conversion mapping. Review of and definition of data cleansing activities, including your use of analytical tools to trap and identify potential data quality issues in the existing system. Review of related conversion balancing reports. Vendor will lead technical workshops: 2.1.3 2.1.4 Proposal Number: 11-12-04 Review of operating requirements, hardware configuration, processing speed and capacity based on any revised requirements. Vendor will recommend a course of action for each change request which should typically be addressed by one of the following strategies: business process re-engineering; configuration of the base product; submitting a product change request for a product modification; building additional functionality into a future release of the product; discarding the requirement. Vendor will identify, suggest and incorporate preferred business practices consistent with other implementations of the product and industry best practice (regardless of whether a change request was associated with a particular requirement). Vendor will update plans, schedules and approaches based on the outcome of the Analysis Activities. Describe your Execution Activities. City’s expectation is that these activities will include the following tasks and deliverables: Configuration. Vendor will configure (and test) the system based on the outcome of Analysis Activities in order to support City’s business requirements. City will assist Vendor and Vendor will perform knowledge transfer to City to the extent that by the end of the implementation project City will be selfsufficient in system configuration skills and knowledge. Conversion. Based on conversion mapping, agreed during the analysis activities, Vendor will construct Vendor-side conversion configuration and/or programs in order to import data into the new Business Tax System. Modifications. According to modifications identified and agreed to during analysis activities, Vendor will program modifications to the Business Tax System. Modifications may be in the form of plug-ins, base code modifications, user exits, etc. Interfaces and Integration. According to the interfaces and integration strategy identified and agreed to during Analysis Activities, Vendor will program and/or configure custom Interfaces or standard APIs/Web Services in order to integrate Business Tax with other applications. Testing. Vendor will be responsible for the unit test, integration, and test system test (where appropriate) of all deliverables. Describe your Business Readiness activities. City’s expectation is that these activities will include the following tasks and deliverables: Vendor will provide product training for all City users (identified in 2.5 below) in preparation for GoLive. Vendor will utilize a training environment that meets the entry criteria for Acceptance Testing (i.e. modifications shall be tested and fully functional, data shall be “production-like” and fully tested). City of San José Page 10 of 98 Proposal Title: Business Tax, CIS and Document Production Software and Services Solution 2.1.5 Proposal Number: 11-12-04 Vendor will provide training materials to City that are customized to reflect City’s business processes including any product modifications and reports agreed to during the Analysis Activities. Describe your User Acceptance Testing (“UAT”) activities. City’s expectation is that these activities will include the following tasks and deliverables: Note: The system will be deemed to have passed UAT when all acceptance criteria defined in the UAT Plan have been satisfied. 2.1.6 2.1.7 Final Hardware platform requirements for live operations are installed prior to UAT. Conversion procedures are run to provide current data for testing as required. UAT is conducted according to the UAT Plan, developed by City. Vendor assists City in construction of test scripts to confirm Business Tax Solution. Business Tax Solution is described in the contract and any subsequent approved Change Requests for Modifications and Interfaces. Describe your Go-Live activities. City’s expectation is that these activities will include the following tasks and deliverables: Vendor will lead the development of Go-Live and Contingency Plans with assistance from City. Go-live plans will include technical and business related tasks that need to be accomplished. Vendor reviews the Go-Live and Contingency Plans with City. Mock Go-Lives are performed as appropriate (at least two); Contingency and Go-Live Plans are finalized. Vendor prepares system for live operation, including migration of system to production environment. Vendor will lead the Mock and Go-Live. Describe your Post Go-Live activities. City’s expectation is that these activities will include the following tasks and deliverables: City is supported by key staff from the Vendor Implementation Team on-site for 40 business days after Go-Live. Client signs off on the Final Acceptance at the end of this period. A closure and lessons learned report is completed by Vendor at the end of this period. The transition takes place between the Vendor Implementation Team and the City’s support staff during this period. 2.2 I MPLEMENTATION S CHEDULE Provide: 2.2.1 2.2.2 The typical delivery lead-time from contract execution to: The delivery of the application documentation and the on-site installation of the base application software or, if hosted solution, availability of application software; The start of project activities that demand dedicated City Implementation Team resources. The anticipated conversion/implementation time in weeks. Conversion of existing data to the new system is mandatory. It is anticipated that data must be converted from at least (but possibly not limited to) the following systems: Legacy Business Tax System (PeopleSoft ERM); various MS Excel spreadsheets. Conversion activities will City of San José Page 11 of 98 Proposal Title: Business Tax, CIS and Document Production Software and Services Solution Proposal Number: 11-12-04 include (but not be limited to): data mapping, development of conversion specifications, conversion programming, conversion testing, data clean-up, intermediate conversions, as needed, and production conversion for 48 months of City history from all of the aforementioned data sources. 2.2.3 A suggested implementation schedule for the proposed system (e.g., a time-phased Gantt chart). Include installation, planning, fit analysis, conversion, training, testing, interfaces, and system modifications noted in the functional requirements, critical milestones, and data conversion tasks (all of the activities identified above). 2.3 I MPLEMENTATION T EAM City will provide management and user resources (“Business Core Team”) to support City’s obligation under the contract in accordance with the Vendor’s installation approach and associated activities. City will also provide technical resources (“Technical Core Team”) to support data extraction from legacy systems for data conversion, server and database technical support, desktop and network infrastructure support staff (for non-hosted solutions). Provide your views and description (# of staff, project roles and time commitment) of the recommended Business Core Team and Technical Core Team (“City Implementation Team”). Please be candid in your response; City wants to ensure proper staffing for this project. For the proposed implementation: 2.3.1 2.3.2 Provide the positions and names of your proposed Vendor Implementation Team: Include a resume for each team member showing qualifications and experience, including the name and contact phone number for the last two sites worked by each proposed team member. Describe by individual (name and title) the roles and responsibilities of the position and the general tasks your personnel will perform during implementation, referring to the activities you described in responses to 2.1 above. Describe City’s responsibilities and manpower requirements for each implementation task described in 2.1 above. 2.4 C HANGE M ANAGEMENT In support of business process re-engineering: 2.4.1 Provide a Software Specification outline that will be used in any proposed custom modification process. 2.4.2 Provide a Software Specification outline that will be used in the custom interface process. 2.4.3 Provide a description of your standard requirements definition/approval procedures used for custom work. 2.4.4 Describe how Vendor staff assesses and defines business processes to ensure that technological solutions meet best business practices for City. 2.5 V ENDOR S UPPLIED T RAINING S ERVICES City requires the Vendor to supply direct training to all users (rather than a train-the-trainer approach). In support of Vendor supplied training: 2.5.1 Provide a list of available training courses. The training must be comprehensive enough to ensure that City’s staff can effectively use and maintain the system. Areas that should be included (but not limited to) in the training are: City of San José Page 12 of 98 Proposal Title: Business Tax, CIS and Document Production Software and Services Solution 2.5.2 2.5.3 Proposal Number: 11-12-04 Overview of the system. System administration and operations. Record inquiry, data entry, and similar routine operations. Billing and payments, adjustments, rates, new accounts, maintenance and inquiry, letter generation, and credit and collections. Routine and ad hoc report generation. Year-end and other periodic processing. Interfacing with other systems and programs. Provide the following details for each available course (on-site or off-site; functional or technical): Target audience. Maximum number of attendees per session. Course contents. Pre-requisites. Instructional medium (class room, self-study, computer tutorial, on-the-job instruction). Duration. Materials required other than manuals (e.g., audiovisual equipment). List training facility requirements by course type: City facility (computer lab, conference room, etc.). Vendor’s facility (specify location). Describe the amount of on-site training that is included in your proposed implementation, given the following information: The audience to be trained includes at a minimum: 25 general administrative users (full system training), three payment processing staff (specific functional area training), 15 casual users (overview training), four Information Technology staff, four special function staff (full system users maintaining control tables and troubleshooting system problems or enhancements). 2.5.4 Provide a suggested schedule of courses for user training with a sample agenda based on the audience described in the previous question. 2.5.5 Does your proposal include the preparation and customization (based on City’s business processes agreed upon during the implementation) of training materials such as “cheat-sheets”, “teaching aids” or “work aides”? 2.5.6 Do you permit City to videotape Vendor-training classes for their own use at no additional cost? 2.5.7 Does your product provide an on-line tutorial? City of San José Page 13 of 98 Proposal Title: Business Tax, CIS and Document Production Software and Services Solution Proposal Number: 11-12-04 3 CIS SERVICES (OPTIONAL) 3.1 I MPLEMENTATION S UPPORT City requires that the implementation of the proposed solution will include the following deliverables (at a minimum and if not proposed, justification will need to be provided for any items omitted). Describe the implementation support you provide as part of your proposed implementation services. At a minimum, address the following in your proposed implementation services. Include in your narrative whether or not specific activities occur and are managed wholly or partially on-site by Vendor staff: 3.1.1 3.1.2 Describe your Initiation Activities. City’s expectation is that these activities will include the following tasks and deliverables: Vendor will conduct a kick-off meeting in order to present a preliminary implementation plan and schedule, identify implementation risks and introduce their implementation team. Vendor will present a high level overview of the product(s) proposed. The current systems environment will be presented by City and the project objectives reiterated, discussed and agreed. Vendor will identify all the appropriate functional areas and interfaces to be analyzed during the Analysis Activities, and determine to what extent the analysis should be carried out, providing a detailed schedule of analysis workshops that will occur. Vendor will review City’s integration requirements of CIS with other City systems (such as GL, Cashiering and 3rd party payment vendors); Vendor will review the CIS operating requirements, hardware configuration and requirements, processing speed and capacity. Vendor will prepare detailed project plans, schedules, and, approach documents for conversion, integration, testing and deployment. Describe your Analysis Activities. City’s expectation is that these activities will include the following tasks and deliverables: Vendor will provide product overview training/orientation in preparation for Analysis Activities. Vendor will provide all standard reports from within the product. Vendor will lead functional workshops in which City resources are taken through the business processes to be supported by the standard configured software: City of San José Review of business processes (including supporting reporting requirements) as supported by the base product. Vendor should build in sufficient time for City to note any changes to their existing business processes as these are currently built around a customized COTS application. Functional requirements that are not satisfied by base product functionality will be documented by a change request (regardless of whether included in the fixed price contract). Review with the functional SME’s the standard configuration of codes and control tables. Vendor will lead integration strategy workshop: Page 14 of 98 Proposal Title: Business Tax, CIS and Document Production Software and Services Solution Review of all related Interfaces / integration requirements; Recommend and document an Integration strategy, determining systems of record, use of API’s, Web Services, etc. in order to best satisfy Integration requirements. Vendor will lead conversion workshops: Review the conversion approach; Review of all related data for conversion mapping. Review of and definition of data cleansing activities, including your use of analytical tools to trap and identify potential data quality issues in the existing system. Review of related conversion balancing reports. Vendor will lead technical workshops: 3.1.3 3.1.4 Proposal Number: 11-12-04 Review of operating requirements, hardware configuration, processing speed and capacity based on any revised requirements. Vendor will recommend a course of action for each change request which should typically be addressed by one of the following strategies: business process re-engineering; configuration of the base product; submitting a product change request for a product modification; building additional functionality into a future release of the product; discarding the requirement. Identify, suggest and incorporate preferred business practices consistent with other implementations of the product and industry best practice (regardless of whether a change request was associated with a particular requirement). Vendor will update plans, schedules and approaches based on the outcome of the Analysis Activities. Describe your Execution Activities. City’s expectation is that these activities will include the following tasks and deliverables: Configuration. Vendor will configure (and test) the system based on the outcome of Analysis Activities in order to support City’s business requirements. City will assist Vendor and Vendor will perform knowledge transfer to City to the extent that by the end of the implementation project City will be selfsufficient in system configuration skills and knowledge. Conversion. Based on conversion mapping, agreed during the analysis activities, Vendor will construct Vendor-side conversion configuration and/or programs in order to import data into the new CIS. Modifications. According to modifications identified and agreed to during analysis activities, Vendor will program modifications to the CIS. Modifications may be in the form of plug-ins, base code modifications, user exits, etc. Interfaces and Integration. According to the interfaces and integration strategy identified and agreed to during Analysis Activities, Vendor will program and/or configure custom Interfaces or standard APIs/Web Services in order to integrate CIS with other applications. Testing. Vendor will be responsible for the unit test, integration, and test system test (where appropriate) of all deliverables. Describe your Business Readiness activities. City’s expectation is that these activities will include the following tasks and deliverables: Vendor will provide product training for all City users (identified in 3.5 below) in preparation for GoLive. Vendor will utilize a training environment that meets the entry criteria for UAT (i.e. modifications shall be tested and fully functional, data shall be “production-like” and fully tested). City of San José Page 15 of 98 Proposal Title: Business Tax, CIS and Document Production Software and Services Solution 3.1.5 Proposal Number: 11-12-04 Vendor will provide training materials to City that are customized to reflect City’s business processes including any product modifications and reports agreed to during the Analysis Activities. Describe your User Acceptance Testing (“UAT”) activities. City’s expectation is that these activities will include the following tasks and deliverables: Note: The system will be deemed to have passed the UAT when all acceptance criteria defined in the UAT Plan have been satisfied. 3.1.6 3.1.7 Final Hardware platform requirements for live operations are installed prior to UAT. Conversion procedures are run to provide current data for testing as required. UAT is conducted according to the UAT Plan, developed by City. Vendor assists City in construction of Test Scripts to confirm CIS Solution. CIS Solution is described in the contract and any subsequent approved Change Requests for Modifications and Interfaces. Describe your Go-Live activities. City’s expectation is that these activities will include the following tasks and deliverables: Vendor will lead the development of Go-Live and Contingency Plans with assistance from City. Go-live plans will include technical and business related tasks that need to be accomplished. Vendor reviews the Go-Live and Contingency Plans with City. Mock Go-Lives are performed as appropriate (at least two); Contingency and Go-Live plans are finalized. Vendor prepares system for live operation, including migration of system to production environment. Vendor will lead the Mock and Go-Live. Describe your Post Go-Live activities. City’s expectation is that these activities will include the following tasks and deliverables: City is supported by key staff from the Vendor Implementation Team on-site for 40 business days after Go-Live. Client signs off on the Final Acceptance at the end of this period. A closure and lessons learned report is completed by Vendor at the end of this period. The transition takes place between the Vendor Implementation Team and the City’s support staff during this period. 3.2 I MPLEMENTATION S CHEDULE Provide: 3.2.1 3.2.2 The typical delivery lead-time from contract execution to: The delivery of the Application Documentation and the on-site installation of the base Application Software; The start of project activities that demand dedicated City Implementation Team resources. The anticipated conversion/implementation time in weeks. Conversion of existing data to the new system is mandatory. It is anticipated that data must be converted from at least (but possibly not limited to) the following systems: Legacy CIS System (PeopleSoft ERM); various MS Excel spreadsheets. Conversion activities will include (but not be limited to): data mapping, development of conversion specifications, conversion programming, City of San José Page 16 of 98 Proposal Title: Business Tax, CIS and Document Production Software and Services Solution Proposal Number: 11-12-04 conversion testing, data clean-up, intermediate conversions, as needed, and production conversion for all City history from all of the aforementioned data sources (approximately eight years). 3.2.3 A suggested implementation schedule for the proposed system (e.g., a time-phased Gantt chart). Include installation, planning, fit analysis, conversion, training, testing, interfaces, and system modifications noted in the functional requirements, critical milestones, and data conversion tasks (all of the activities identified above). 3.3 I MPLEMENTATION T EAM City will provide management and user resources (“Business Core Team”) to support City’s obligation under the contract in accordance with the Vendor’s installation approach and associated activities. City will also provide technical resources (“Technical Core Team”) to support data extraction from legacy systems for data conversion, server and database technical support, desktop and network infrastructure support staff. Provide your views and description (# of staff, project roles and time commitment) of the recommended Business Core Team and Technical Core Team (“City Implementation Team”). Please be candid in your response; City wants to ensure proper staffing for this project. For the proposed implementation: 3.3.1 3.3.2 Provide the positions and names of your proposed Vendor Implementation Team: Include a resume for each team member showing qualifications and experience, including the name and contact phone number for the last two sites worked by each proposed team member. Describe by individual (name and title) the roles and responsibilities of the position and the general tasks your personnel will perform during implementation, referring to the activities you described in responses to 3.1 above. Describe City’s responsibilities and manpower requirements for each implementation task described in 3.1 above. 3.4 C HANGE M ANAGEMENT In support of business process re-engineering: 3.4.1 Provide a Software Specification outline that will be used in any proposed custom modification process. 3.4.2 Provide a Software Specification outline that will be used in the custom interface process. 3.4.3 Provide a description of your standard requirements definition/approval procedures used for custom work. 3.4.4 Describe how Vendor staff assesses and defines business processes to ensure that technological solutions meet best business practices for City. 3.5 V ENDOR S UPPLIED T RAINING S ERVICES City requires the Vendor to supply direct training to all users (rather than a train-the-trainer approach). In support of Vendor supplied training: 3.5.1 Provide a list of available training courses. The training must be comprehensive enough to ensure that City’s staff can effectively use and maintain the system. Areas that should be included (but not limited to) in the training are: City of San José Page 17 of 98 Proposal Title: Business Tax, CIS and Document Production Software and Services Solution 3.5.2 3.5.3 Proposal Number: 11-12-04 Overview of the system. System administration and operations. Record inquiry, data entry, and similar routine operations. Billing and payments, adjustments, rates, new accounts, maintenance and inquiry, letter generation, and credit and collections. Routine and ad hoc report generation. Year-end and other periodic processing. Interfacing with other systems and programs. Provide the following details for each available course (on-site or off-site; functional or technical): Target audience. Maximum number of attendees per session. Course contents. Pre-requisites. Instructional medium (class room, self-study, computer tutorial, on-the-job instruction). Duration. Materials required other than manuals (e.g., audiovisual equipment). List training facility requirements by course type: City facility (computer lab, conference room, etc.). Vendor’s facility (specify location). Describe the amount of on-site training that is included in your proposed implementation, given the following information: The audience to be trained includes at a minimum: 10 general administrative users (full system training), three payment processing staff (specific functional area training), 10 casual users (overview training), four Information Technology staff, four special function staff (full system users maintaining control tables and troubleshooting system problems or enhancements). 3.5.4 Provide a suggested schedule of courses for user training with a sample agenda based on the audience described in the previous question. 3.5.5 Does your proposal include the preparation and customization (based on City’s business processes agreed upon during the implementation) of training materials such as “cheat-sheets”, “teaching aids” or “work aides”? 3.5.6 Do you permit City to videotape Vendor-training classes for their own use at no additional cost? 3.5.7 Does your product provide an on-line tutorial? City of San José Page 18 of 98 Proposal Title: Business Tax, CIS and Document Production Software and Services Solution Proposal Number: 11-12-04 4 DOCUMENT PRODUCTION AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES (OPTIONAL) 4.1 D OCUMENT P RODUCTION AND M ANAGEMENT S ERVICES AND SLA S City’s expectations are that the following services and service levels will be delivered and upheld by the Vendor: 4.1.1 Document Design 4.1.2 Vendor must have graphic capabilities to redesign the bill format, including a remittance stub at bottom of bill and an unlimited free form message area. Vendor must have graphic capabilities to redesign other document formats such as letters (including a remittance stub at bottom of letter), messaged envelopes, post cards, and inserts. Vendor must be able to accommodate the document formats displayed in Exhibit 6. Bills and notices may be redesigned as part of this Agreement. Stock, Materials, and Print 4.1.3 Describe the services you provide that satisfy the following requirements: Describe the services you provide that satisfy the following requirements: Envelopes will either be printed with the City logo or have City logo displayed through a window in the envelope. Vendor will be responsible for storage/warehousing of up to three months supply of forms, envelopes, and inserts until needed or used. Paper stock levels must remain at the level required to provide printing service for the next 30 days. Regular (continual) insert stock (e.g. business reply envelope) level must remain at the level required to provide printing and inserting for the next 30 days. Scheduled insert stock level must remain at a level to fulfill the entire term of the insert activity. Scheduled insert stock must be in place for inserting three days prior to the initial insert event. The bill stock pre-print format will be reviewed quarterly for changes. If changes occur, all previously pre-printed bill stock will be discarded at no cost to City. Changes to bill stock pre-print format must be implemented within 30 days of final plate approval by City. Support City’s request to either re-stock, scrap (and recycle) or return to City any stock item. File management, sorting and certification City of San José Page 19 of 98 Proposal Title: Business Tax, CIS and Document Production Software and Services Solution 4.1.4 Proposal Number: 11-12-04 Describe the services you provide that satisfy the following requirements: Receive a file transmitted to Vendor from City for formatting and creation of paper documents and electronic replicas of paper documents. The print facility must be capable of accepting multiple files (even for the same document type) within a business day. Vendor must CASS certify and barcode all addresses on every run. Updates to mailing address based on CASS certification must be returned to City in an electronic file format for posting to the CIS / Business Tax System within 24 hours. Vendor must have capabilities to merge multiple daily bill print files to achieve the best presort postal rate. Vendor must have the capability to presort data, add Zip + 4, carrier route, and delivery point barcode to addresses and presort mail in accordance with the most recent United States Postal Service regulations for 1st class mail. Vendor’s ability to utilize NCOALINK® USPS capabilities and services. Print facility operations must prevent a duplicate file from being printed and mailed. Document production, insertion, mailing services City of San José Describe the services you provide that satisfy the following requirements: Vendor must fold and insert documents into #10 window envelopes, along with a return envelope and 8 ½ x 3 ¼ information inserts. Certain formats (i.e. business tax certificate) require insertion into 6 x 9 window envelopes; Format and print hard copy documents which may include custom instructions, messages and remittance stub. Send email notification to customer of new document (if applicable) with appropriate links to on-line documents that a customer can access. The proposed solution must be able to optionally suppress the production of paper documents. Vendor must be able to accept pre-printed bill inserts or print the bill inserts based on a pre-proofed graphic, provided by City. Vendor must have capability to print and sort pages by OMR mark, with the capability to handle multiple pages, intelligent inserting, and messaging capability. Vendor must have the capability to prevent the mailing of appropriately marked or flagged documents for return to City in order to accommodate testing (where new formats have been introduced), sampling (for audit or quality control purposes) or trapping of specific conditions (such as high bill values or letters to sensitive customers). Enclose documents and up to four inserts (based on City’s marketing and customer segmentation rules) into envelopes. At least two selectable insert bins or stations must be available for all scheduled inserts. At least one insert bin or station must be available at all times for regular or unscheduled insert processing; this station will not be used for return envelope inserts. Insert equipment must be capable of handling inserts of various sizes. Include the customer provided insert in all mailings within 3 business days of receipt of the insert in accordance with a City provided calendar. Page 20 of 98 Proposal Title: Business Tax, CIS and Document Production Software and Services Solution 4.1.5 Proposal Number: 11-12-04 Vendor must have capacity to back out of or suspend a printing run (or any phase of the process) and correct problems. Vendor must have capacity to identify and replace any documents, which are damaged or destroyed during a printing run. Vendor must have capacity to reprint individual customer documents, both immediately after the printing run and at a later date (e.g., if customer advised that a bill was not received or later requests a reprint). Indicate your agreement to comply with the following SLAs, noting any exceptions with corresponding explanations. 100% of all document print requests received by 12:00 AM on any Business Day shall result in the requested printed document being delivered to the USPS by 2:00 PM on the same Business Day. 100% of all documents mailed shall be delivered to customers with a California mailing address within 3 days of the postmarked date. 100% of all notifications (via email containing a link to the on-line document) shall be delivered to customer within one business day of the document being available through the customer self-service website. The print file transfer process must be available to City for the delivery of the print file to the printing facility 24 hours a day. 100% of all documents must have printing quality maintained at a level to meet the MICR code requirements for the scan-line processing. 100% of all documents must have a printing quality and accuracy maintained at a level to meet the best postal discount available. 100% of all documents must take full advantage of any pre-sorting best postal discount available. 100% of all documents must be available for on-line review by the City by 8:00 AM on the day of delivery to the USPS. Additionally, delivery to the USPS shall not occur prior to 12:00 PM that day. A full postal report including number of regular (zoned) mail pieces, number of oversized/weight mail pieces, number of foreign mail, and unsorted mail will be available for review by 12:00 PM each Business Day. Printing Quality City of San José Describe the services you provide that satisfy the following requirements: No fading of ink on any part of the form. No tears, wrinkles or damage to paper. Appropriate paper specification used according to the document type (e.g. letters that do not require a stub are printed on non-perforated paper. No smudges, spots, or specs of ink on the form. The printing is to be centered on the form. All documents shall be laser printed using black and white print with at least 600 x 600 DPI. Application of OMR scan marks. Must have an easily readable OCR scan line. Page 21 of 98 Proposal Title: Business Tax, CIS and Document Production Software and Services Solution 4.1.6 Indicate your agreement to comply with the following SLAs, noting any exceptions with corresponding explanations. All documents that do not pass the quality inspection shall be scrapped, recycled and reprinted by Vendor at no cost to City and be prepared for mailing the same day or as instructed by City. All documents damaged during any process (printing, inserting, or Vendor handling) shall be scrapped, recycled and reprinted the same day at no additional expense to City. Storage on-line Describe the services you provide that satisfy the following requirements: 4.1.7 Proposal Number: 11-12-04 Archive electronic document images generated by Vendor within three hours of the production of the document for a minimum period of three years. Indicate your agreement to comply with the following SLAs, noting any exceptions with corresponding explanations. Four years of all printed document images must be available for on-line review by the City. Ability to link on-line bill images to the Business Tax/CIS transaction history for that billing event. 95% of all inquiries for an on-line document image must return the image within 5 seconds. On-line document images, for a specified date, must be recoverable by the following look up keys: account number, customer name, mailing address, service address. Any customer access to this information shall be through a secured PIN. 100% of document images will be available through a customer self-service webpresentation function within three hours of the document creation. Provision of web services Describe how your Document Production and Management Services solution interacts with the Functional Requirements for Customer Self Service (refer to 8.1 below and 8.2 below) for City’s customers? Does your product integrate operating system software security options within its baseline application to support single sign-on (i.e., industry standard LDAP)? Specifically, describe the services you provide that satisfy the following requirements: City of San José Provide web access to customers and CSRs that can be branded and modified to look and feel like City’s company website. Describe how your solution complies with City’s web guidelines described in Exhibit 12 below. Make available archived electronic documents on-line for viewing by customers (via emails containing links) and City staff. Archived documents must be available for the end-user to print and download in formats including but not limited to Adobe (.PDF). Provide the CSRs with all the tools (i.e. reset passwords, add/or remove subscribers, etc.) required to manage and support customer inquiries. CSRs must have the ability to link by document date to the exact document and search for other documents for that account when in document viewing screen. The following on-line reports are available to City including but not limited to: audit; subscriber/enrollment; email rejections (for e-bill enrolled customers) accounts accessed Page 22 of 98 Proposal Title: Business Tax, CIS and Document Production Software and Services Solution Proposal Number: 11-12-04 and viewed; statement reports; stock usage (by date range), postage usage (by date range) and reports that support SLAs and invoicing (by invoice period). 4.1.8 Reporting available in Adobe (.PDF) and Comma Delimited (.CSV) and MS Excel (.XLS) formats, on-line within a Browser User Interface (BUI). Reporting should be available for a minimum of 13 months. Supports links to a comprehensive pre-packed and City customizable database of Frequently Asked Questions and Answers regarding e-billing and document management. Enrollment for access via a website for customers wishing to view archived electronic documents on-line. Data Security 4.1.9 In relation to all services described herein relating to the provision of Document Production and Management Services, provide responses to the following: Your compliance with City’s Data & Privacy requirements (Attachment G, Exhibit G and Exhibit 13 below), noting any exceptions; All information contained in the transferred files shall be considered strictly confidential and shall not be communicated or disclosed to any third party or Vendor employee not directly involved in performing the tasks required in this scope of work. Describe the services you provide that satisfies this requirement. Describe or supply your procedures for data back-up and recovery. Describe the processes and/or technologies in place to ensure the security and privacy of data transmissions. Provide your written policies and procedures to detect, prevent and mitigate Identity Theft in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s Red Flag Rules (pursuant to the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions (“FACT”) Act of 2003). Indicate your agreement to return, any and all data furnished by or obtained on behalf of City promptly upon City’s request whether upon the termination or completion of the contract in whichever form it is maintained. General Describe your standard work schedule, noting when the services you are proposing are available and unavailable, listing standard holidays, weekends and standard working periods (including supported time zones). Indicate your agreement to issue an invoice for services to City monthly within ten business days of the last day of the previous month. Indicate your agreement to issue an invoice for services to City via email as well as on paper. Indicate your agreement to issue an invoice for services to City by source type (i.e. separate invoices for Business Tax and CIS related services). Indicate your agreement to issue an invoice for services to City where the description of the invoiced line item matches an accompanying statistical report that describes the line item. Provide details of your Disaster Recovery (“DR”) and business continuity plan. Ensure that your plan addresses the protection of City interests (including City data), proposed DR site location and capabilities in the event of catastrophic failures (e.g. natural disasters, terrorist attack), technology failure (server failures, AC failure, communications failure), labor interruption, etc. City of San José Page 23 of 98 Proposal Title: Business Tax, CIS and Document Production Software and Services Solution Proposal Number: 11-12-04 To facilitate quality control, auditing, invoicing, financial compliance and balancing, and stock control, describe your processes, providing example reports in support of the following: Monitoring your performance against the Service Level Agreements. Tracking the number of documents presented by City vs. those received, printed, scrapped, enveloped, mailed, or emailed. Tracking the number of documents presented by City for printing, the number of envelopes and inserts used vs. stock levels. Tracking the postage amounts utilized, including the level of discount realized and the category of document mailed. Providing supporting documentation for invoicing. Such documentation should be consistent with the printed invoice and the services contracted for. 4.2 I MPLEMENTATION S UPPORT City requires that the implementation of the proposed Document Production and Management Services will include the following deliverables (at a minimum and if not proposed, justification will need to be provided for any items omitted). Describe the implementation support you provide as part of your proposed implementation services. At a minimum, address the following in your proposed implementation services in relation to Document Production and Management Services. Include in your narrative whether or not specific activities occur and are managed wholly or partially on-site by Vendor staff. Note: In order to avoid duplication of effort, it is the City’s intent to continue to utilize Document Production and Management Services from the current service provider until the point at which new solutions are implemented for Business Tax and CIS. Therefore, implementation services for Document Production and Management Services described below will be required in conjunction with both Business Tax and CIS implementations. 4.2.1 4.2.2 Describe your Initiation Activities. City’s expectation is that these activities will include the following tasks and deliverables: Vendor will conduct a kick-off meeting in conjunction with the Business Tax and CIS kick-off meetings in order to present a preliminary implementation plan and schedule, identify implementation risks and introduce their implementation team. Vendor will present an integrated schedule for both Business Tax and Document Production and Management Services, and CIS and Document Production and Management Services. Vendor will review City’s current Document Production and Management Services requirements, including all bill and document formats, inserts, envelopes, etc.; Vendor will review any technical requirements they have of City hardware, desktop, and network. Vendor will prepare detailed project plans, schedules (integrated with Business Tax), and, approach documents for conversion, integration, and testing. Describe your Analysis Activities. City’s expectation is that these activities will include the following tasks and deliverables: Vendor will provide sample bill and document formats from their standard portfolio. Vendor will lead detailed design workshops in which bill and document formats are proofed and agreed with City. City of San José Page 24 of 98 Proposal Title: Business Tax, CIS and Document Production Software and Services Solution 4.2.3 4.2.4 Proposal Number: 11-12-04 Vendor will incorporate integration strategy workshops for Document Production and Management Services into the integration workshops performed as part of the main Business Tax System implementation. Identify, suggest and incorporate preferred document formats and business practices consistent with other clients utilizing similar Document Production and Management Services. Vendor will update plans, schedules and approaches based on the outcome of the Analysis Activities. Describe your Execution Activities. City’s expectation is that these activities will include the following tasks and deliverables: Construction. Vendor will design, configure and test the documents including bills and letters based on the outcome of Analysis Activities in order to support City’s business requirements. Interfaces and Integration. Vendor will program and/or configure custom interfaces or standard APIs/Web Services in order to integrate Document Production and Management Services with other applications such as IVR, Business Tax System, CIS and City’s website. Vendor will be responsible for the unit test, integration, and test system test (where appropriate) of all deliverables. Describe your Business Readiness activities. City’s expectation is that these activities will include the following tasks and deliverables: Vendor will provide product training for select City users in preparation for Go-Live using, at a minimum, an instance of the application that meets the entry criteria for UAT. Vendor will provide training materials to City that are customized to reflect City’s business processes including any product modifications and reports agreed to during the Analysis Activities. 4.2.5 Describe your User Acceptance Testing (“UAT”) activities. City’s expectation is that these activities will be included in the UAT performed as part of the Business Tax System and CIS implementation. 4.2.6 Describe your Go-Live activities. City’s expectation is that these activities will be included in the Go-Live performed as part of the Business Tax System and CIS implementation. 4.2.7 Describe your Post Go-Live activities. City’s expectation is that these activities will be included in the Post Go-Live performed as part of the Business Tax System and CIS implementation. In addition: Vendor shall make available on-line all printed documents for check and review by City daily for the first month of this contract or time established in the agreed upon contract. City will approve/reject within the first three hours after receipt of the files. Subsequently, selected print runs or bunch-coded documents may require similar review on an on-going basis. 4.3 I MPLEMENTATION S CHEDULE Note: In order to avoid duplication of effort, it is the City’s intent to continue to utilize Document Production and Management Services from the current service provider until the point at which new solutions are implemented for Business Tax and CIS. Therefore, implementation services for Document Production and Management Services described below will be required in conjunction with both Business Tax and CIS implementations. Provide: 4.3.1 The typical delivery lead-time from contract execution to: The delivery of the application documentation; The configuration of the base application software; City of San José Page 25 of 98 Proposal Title: Business Tax, CIS and Document Production Software and Services Solution 4.3.2 Proposal Number: 11-12-04 The start of project activities that demand dedicated City Implementation Team resources. A suggested implementation schedule for the proposed services. Implementation tasks must be incorporated into the schedule provided as part of your response to 2.2 above. 4.4 I MPLEMENTATION T EAM Note: In order to avoid duplication of effort, it is the City’s intent to continue to utilize Document Production and Management Services from the current service provider until the point at which new solutions are implemented for Business Tax and CIS. Therefore, implementation services for Document Production and Management Services described below will be required in conjunction with both Business Tax and CIS implementations. City will provide management and user resources (“Business Core Team”) to support City’s obligation under the contract in accordance with the Vendor’s installation approach and associated activities. City will also provide technical resources (“Technical Core Team”) to support desktop and network infrastructure support staff. Provide your views and description (# of staff, project roles and time commitment) of the recommended Business Core Team and Technical Core Team (“City Implementation Team”). Please be candid in your response. City wants to ensure proper staffing for this project. For the proposed implementation: 4.4.1 4.4.2 Provide the positions and names of your proposed Vendor Implementation Team: Include a resume for each team member showing qualifications and experience, including the name and contact phone number for the last two sites worked by each proposed team member. Describe by individual (name and title) the roles and responsibilities of the position and the general tasks your personnel will perform during implementation, referring to the activities you described in responses to 4.1 above. Describe City’s responsibilities and manpower requirements for each implementation task described in 4.1 above. 4.5 V ENDOR S UPPLIED T RAINING S ERVICES In support of Vendor supplied training: 4.5.1 4.5.2 Provide a list of available training courses. The training must be comprehensive enough to ensure that City’s staff can effectively use the system. Areas that should be included (but not limited to) in the training are: Overview of the system. Record inquiry and similar routine operations. Routine and ad hoc report generation. Year-end and other periodic processing. Interfacing with other systems and programs. Procedures for system operation such as batch processing sequence, parameters, etc. Provide the following details for each available course (on-site or off-site; functional or technical): City of San José Target audience. Page 26 of 98 Proposal Title: Business Tax, CIS and Document Production Software and Services Solution Maximum number of attendees per session. Course contents. Pre-requisites. Instructional medium (class room, self-study, computer tutorial, on-the-job instruction). Duration. Materials required other than manuals (e.g., audiovisual equipment). List training facility requirements by course type: City facility (computer lab, conference room, etc.). Vendor’s facility (specify location). Proposal Number: 11-12-04 4.6 C ITY ’ S I NFORMATION T ECHNOLOGY P OLICIES AND P REFERENCES Indicate your proposed products and your company’s compliance and compatibility with the following City Technology Policies and Preferences. Consider in your response your proposed solutions for file transfer, document storage and on-line presentation of documents (customer web access). Describe any limitations, lack of compliance or compatibility. 4.6.1 The City’s current technical platform (described in Exhibit 10 below). 4.6.2 The City’s ADA Design Guidelines (described in Exhibit 11 below). 4.6.3 The City’s Privacy and Disclosure Policy (described in Attachment G, Exhibit G). 4.6.4 The City’s Security and Data Privacy Requirements (described in Exhibit 13 below). 4.7 P OST I MPLEMENTATION S ERVICES Describe how you support changes in City requirements during live operation. Specifically: 4.7.1 4.7.2 Describe your procedures for the modification of document formats. Cover in your response (describing any limitations of your solution): The City’s ability to make changes to the format of an existing document; The City’s ability to design new documents; The City’s ability to test modified or new document formats. Describe how documents may be changed and implemented. Vendor must employ a standard development approach which shall include: The proofing and testing of documents from a test region (rather than production) that caters for high volume testing where verification by the City occurs on-line. Describe how you support the testing of individual and large volume tests (e.g. prior to the deployment of a new bill format, City requires Vendor to support the storage of a full billing cycle in order that it can view the “test run” on-line); The use of version control which will allow City to revert to previous versions of documents without the requirement for redevelopment. 4.8 H ARDWARE AND SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS AND C HARACTERISTICS 4.8.1 Performance and availability City of San José Page 27 of 98 Proposal Title: Business Tax, CIS and Document Production Software and Services Solution Proposal Number: 11-12-04 Provide: Verification that the system will be available 24 hours per day, seven days per week for inquiry. Verification of performance and scalability. Include a description of your system’s typical on-line transaction response times. An explanation of your back-up, security and disaster recovery and business continuity procedures. 4.9 P RODUCT -R ELATED D OCUMENTATION For each of the documents described in the table below, enter an “X” only where applicable into the appropriate column using the notes below: Hardcopy Only Document Description 4.9.1 Major system components overviews for 4.9.2 Manuals describing the use of the application software (User’s Manual and Administrator’s Manual) 4.9.3 Training materials (two complete sets, including one reproduction-ready copy) 4.9.4 Samples of all standard reports with narrative descriptions of all fields displayed on the report, input parameters and an explanation of how to execute each report 4.9.5 Samples of document formats 4.9.6 All error codes, messages and their explanations displayed on-line and/or on reports with action required or options available 4.9.7 Customer service support procedures, including escalation procedures Electronic Editable Restricted Not Available Release Compatible all Assuming typical contract terms regarding confidentiality and ownership of intellectual property, the following Notes should be used when completing this table: Hard Copy Only: Your Company provides hard copies only of this document (at no additional fee to City). Electronic: Your Company provides electronic versions of this document. Editable: Your Company provides electronic versions of this document that can either be edited or is open for City to copy sections for use in their own, custom documentation. Not Available: Your Company does not provide this documentation. City of San José Page 28 of 98 Proposal Title: Business Tax, CIS and Document Production Software and Services Solution Proposal Number: 11-12-04 Restricted: Indicate if you restrict the use of this document by charging additional fees to City to copy this document. Release Compatible: This document is available concurrent with the release of new software updates? City of San José Page 29 of 98 Proposal Title: Business Tax, CIS and Document Production Software and Services Solution Proposal Number: 11-12-04 5 BUSINESS TAX TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS 5.1 C ITY ’ S I NFORMATION T ECHNOLOGY P OLICIES AND P REFERENCES Indicate your proposed products and your company’s compliance and compatibility with the following City Technology Policies and Preferences. Describe any limitations, lack of compliance or compatibility. 5.1.1 City’s current technical platform (described in Exhibit 10 below). 5.1.2 City’s ADA Design Guidelines (described in Exhibit 11 below). 5.1.3 City’s Privacy and Disclosure Policy (described in Attachment G, Exhibit G). 5.1.4 City’s Security and Data Privacy Requirements (described in Exhibit 13 below). 5.2 E NVIRONMENT R EQUIREMENTS Complete the following table in accordance with the notes below. Each row in the table should describe the type of environment required by its purpose. For example, typical environments may include “Development” and “UAT”, and are included in chevrons in the table as examples only. 5.2.1 Complete the table (removing examples first): Environment Purpose & Content Required after Implementation Complete? <Development> <Used by Vendor and City to develop interface code and custom reports. Contains non-converted data in order to support unit and integration testing.> <Yes> <UAT> <Used by City in order to perform User Acceptance Testing. Contains latest version of converted data and application configuration data.> <No> Notes: Environment: Short name describing the environment. Purpose & Content: Brief description of the usage and content of the environment. If multiple copies of this environment are required, it should be noted here. If the environment requires a full copy of all converted data (or a copy of the production database) it should be noted here. Required after Implementation Complete?: Indicate whether or not you recommend that the environment is retained following the completion of the implementation. City of San José Page 30 of 98 Proposal Title: Business Tax, CIS and Document Production Software and Services Solution Proposal Number: 11-12-04 5.3 H ARDWARE AND SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS AND C HARACTERISTICS 5.3.1 Integration 5.3.2 Describe any APIs or Web services that are provided with the application to facilitate integration with other products. Describe how your product interfaces with external systems, websites or other sources of information (e.g. the Franchise Tax Board) for the purpose of generating “lead” accounts that may increase revenue. Include in your description, the following possible integration points with your proposed product stating specifically the technology used, (e.g. XML, comma delimited files, web services, etc.): Vendor Product Version Function Kubra i-doxs Suite V3.7 (Provided as SAAS) Billing & e-Commerce Cayenta Financial Management System (FMS) V7.5 Reporting financial transaction to the GL Metavante N/A N/A Payments interface Wells Fargo N/A N/A Payments interface In addition to the other questions in this section, a list of all platforms, operating systems, RDBMS, and other appropriate hardware/software (e.g., barcode scanners, printers, e-mail, imaging), which you certify your application to run on. Specifically include in your response, your ability to use mobile tablets in the field such as the Motion F5v Rugged Tablet PC. Performance and availability Based on City’s size, complexity and the assumptions stated above, provide: Verification that the system will be available 24 hours per day, seven days per week for update and inquiry (e.g., your application does not require downtime to perform batch processing). Verification of performance and scalability. Include a description of your system’s typical on-line transaction response times. Indicate the typical nightly complete batch window time. Include specific run times for back-up, batch payment postings, bill calculations, nightly reports, and bill print. A description of how your solution will allow City to perform inquiries and do reporting without affecting the performance of the system. An explanation of full back-up procedures. Describe your product’s archive/purge/restore procedures and capabilities. Include in your response: City of San José Page 31 of 98 Proposal Title: Business Tax, CIS and Document Production Software and Services Solution 5.3.3 Proposal Number: 11-12-04 Examples where your product’s archive/purge/restore capabilities are operational. How your product’s archive/purge/restore caters for product modifications (including the addition of custom or user-defined tables and columns). How referential and financial integrity of the application is maintained. Application software characteristics and features Answer the following: 5.3.4 What programming language(s) is your product written in? Is your product’s source code provided and licensed to City? What development tools are required to support configuration and/or modifications to the system? Are these development tools provided to City as part of the baseline product? Provide a diagram of your recommended hardware architecture. Is your product a 32-bit or 64-bit application? Does your product fully use the RDBMS (i.e., all required application data is stored in the database)? Product Architecture Answer the following: Does your product utilize a normalized database (N3 or above)? Please describe your database design approach. Describe how your product design supports integration with other systems through the use of standard APIs, web services, etc.? Describe how the architecture of the proposed product(s) supports customization through the use of non-invasive, code-based approaches (such as plug-ins, user-exits, etc.) that avoid changes to baseline application code. If you have proposed more than one product/application/module, do your proposed products/applications/modules share common data structures and program code? Example: Is the data structure that stores addresses for premises for the purpose of managing Business Tax the same as the data structure that holds the address used by a Utility account? 5.4 P RODUCT -R ELATED D OCUMENTATION Complete the following section for the Business Tax product(s) you are proposing. For each of the documents described in the table below, enter an “X” only where applicable into the appropriate column using the notes below: Hardcopy Only Document Description 5.4.1 Major system components 5.4.2 System flowcharts and/or Data Flow City of San José overviews for all Page 32 of 98 Electronic Editable Restricted Not Available Release Compatible Proposal Title: Business Tax, CIS and Document Production Software and Services Solution Hardcopy Only Document Description Diagrams 5.4.3 Entity Relationship Diagrams 5.4.4 Work Flow Diagrams 5.4.5 Data Dictionary 5.4.6 Program documentation 5.4.7 Program source code documentation 5.4.8 Installation and configuration procedure manuals for servers and workstations including the setting of the server environment. (These define ports to be defined, space limitations) 5.4.9 Manuals describing the use of the application software (User’s Manual) 5.4.10 Training materials (two complete sets, including one reproduction-ready copy) 5.4.11 Input screen/panel documentation with data entry explanations (user procedure manual) 5.4.12 Samples of all standard reports with narrative descriptions of all fields displayed on the report, input parameters and an explanation of how to execute each report 5.4.13 Samples of bill formats 5.4.14 All error codes, messages and their explanations displayed on-line and/or on reports with action required or options available 5.4.15 Samples of all on-line screens with a narrative description of all fields displayed on the screen 5.4.16 System Administration Manuals 5.4.17 Computer operations documentation (e.g., scheduling information, job and City of San José and Security Page 33 of 98 Proposal Number: 11-12-04 Electronic Editable Restricted Not Available Release Compatible Proposal Title: Business Tax, CIS and Document Production Software and Services Solution Hardcopy Only Document Description Proposal Number: 11-12-04 Electronic Editable Restricted Not Available Release Compatible restart/recovery information, error codes, job dependencies and flow charts). 5.4.18 Procedures for updating technical and user documentation for new releases 5.4.19 Standardized user exits/plug-ins custom enhancements 5.4.20 Help desk documentation for internal user support for help-desk diagnosis 5.4.21 Customer service support procedures, including escalation procedures for Assuming typical contract terms regarding confidentiality and ownership of intellectual property, the following Notes should be used when completing this table: Hard Copy Only: Your Company provides hard copies only of this document (at no additional fee to City). Electronic: Your Company provides electronic versions of this document. Editable: Your Company provides electronic versions of this document that can either be edited or is open for City to copy sections for use in their own, custom documentation. Not Available: Your Company does not provide this documentation. Restricted: Indicate if you restrict the use of this document by charging additional fees to City to copy this document. Release Compatible: This document is available concurrent with the release of new software updates? City of San José Page 34 of 98 Proposal Title: Business Tax, CIS and Document Production Software and Services Solution Proposal Number: 11-12-04 6 CIS TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS (OPTIONAL) 6.1 C ITY ’ S I NFORMATION T ECHNOLOGY P OLICIES AND P REFERENCES Indicate your proposed products and your company’s compliance and compatibility with the following City Technology Policies and Preferences. Describe any limitations, lack of compliance or compatibility. here 6.1.1 City’s current technical platform (described in Exhibit 10 below). 6.1.2 City’s ADA Design Guidelines (described in Exhibit 11 below). 6.1.3 City’s Privacy and Disclosure Policy (described in Attachment G, Exhibit G). 6.1.4 City’s Security and Data Privacy Requirements (described in Exhibit 13 below). 6.2 E NVIRONMENT R EQUIREMENTS Complete the following table in accordance with the notes below. Each row in the table should describe the type of environment required by its purpose. For example, typical environments may include “Development” and “UAT”, and are included in chevrons in the table as examples only. 6.2.1 Complete the table (removing examples first): Environment Purpose & Content Required after Implementation Complete? <Development> <Used by Vendor and City to develop interface code and custom reports. Contains non-converted data in order to support unit and integration testing.> <Yes> <UAT> <Used by City in order to perform User Acceptance Testing. Contains latest version of converted data and application configuration data.> <No> Notes: Environment: Short name describing the environment. Purpose & Content: Brief description of the usage and content of the environment. If multiple copies of this environment are required, it should be noted here. If the environment requires a full copy of all converted data (or a copy of the production database) it should be noted here. Required after Implementation Complete?: Indicate whether or not you recommend that the environment is retained following the completion of the implementation. City of San José Page 35 of 98 Proposal Title: Business Tax, CIS and Document Production Software and Services Solution Proposal Number: 11-12-04 6.3 H ARDWARE AND SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS AND C HARACTERISTICS 6.3.1 Integration 6.3.2 Describe any APIs or Web services that are provided with the application to facilitate integration with other products. Describe how your product interfaces with external systems, websites or other sources of information (e.g. the State Board of Equalization) for the purpose of generating “lead” accounts that may increase revenue. Include in your description, the following possible integration points with your proposed product stating specifically the technology used, (e.g. XML, comma delimited files, web services, etc.): Vendor Product Version Function Kubra i-doxs Suite V3.7 (Provided as SAAS) Billing & e-Commerce Cayenta Financial Management System (FMS) V7.5 Reporting financial transaction to the GL Metavante N/A N/A Payments interface Wells Fargo N/A N/A Payments interface Badger Connect Meter reading download and upload In addition to the other questions in this section, a list of all platforms, operating systems, RDBMS, and other appropriate hardware/software (e.g., barcode scanners, printers, e-mail, imaging), which you certify your application to run on. Performance and availability Based on City’s size, complexity and the assumptions stated above, provide: Verification that the system will be available 24 hours per day, seven days per week for update and inquiry (e.g., your application does not require downtime to perform batch processing). Verification of performance and scalability. Include a description of your system’s typical on-line transaction response times. Indicate the typical nightly complete batch window time. Include specific run times for back-up, batch payment postings, bill calculations, nightly reports, and bill print. A description of how your solution will allow City to perform inquiries and do reporting without affecting the performance of the system. City of San José Page 36 of 98 Proposal Title: Business Tax, CIS and Document Production Software and Services Solution 6.3.3 Proposal Number: 11-12-04 An explanation of full back-up procedures. Describe your product’s archive/purge/restore procedures and capabilities. Include in your response: Examples where your product’s archive/purge/restore capabilities are operational. How your product’s archive/purge/restore caters for product modifications (including the addition of custom or user-defined tables and columns). How referential and financial integrity of the application is maintained. Application software characteristics and features Answer the following: 6.3.4 What programming language(s) is your product written in? Is your product’s source code provided and licensed to City? What development tools are required to support configuration and/or modifications to the system? Are these development tools provided to City as part of the baseline product? Provide a diagram of your recommended hardware architecture. Is your product a 32-bit or 64-bit application? Does your product fully use the RDBMS (i.e., all required application data is stored in the database)? Product Architecture Answer the following: Does your product utilize a normalized database (N3 or above)? Please describe your database design approach. Describe how your product design supports integration with other systems through the use of standard APIs, web services, etc.? Describe how the architecture of the proposed product(s) supports customization through the use of non-invasive, code-based approaches (such as plug-ins, user-exits, etc.) that avoid changes to baseline application code. If you have proposed more than one product/application/module, do your proposed products/applications/modules share common data structures and program code? Example: Is the data structure that stores addresses for premises for the purpose of managing Business Tax the same as the data structure that holds the address used by a Utility account? 6.4 P RODUCT -R ELATED D OCUMENTATION Complete the following section for the Business Tax product(s) you are proposing. For each of the documents described in the table below, enter an “X” only where applicable into the appropriate column using the notes below: Hardcopy Only Document Description 6.4.1 Major City of San José system overviews for all Page 37 of 98 Electronic Editable Restricted Not Available Release Compatible Proposal Title: Business Tax, CIS and Document Production Software and Services Solution Hardcopy Only Document Description components 6.4.2 System flowcharts and/or Data Flow Diagrams 6.4.3 Entity Relationship Diagrams 6.4.4 Work Flow Diagrams 6.4.5 Data Dictionary 6.4.6 Program documentation 6.4.7 Program source code documentation 6.4.8 Installation and configuration procedure manuals for servers and workstations including the setting of the server environment. (These define ports to be defined, space limitations) 6.4.9 Manuals describing the use of the application software (User’s Manual) 6.4.10 Training materials (two complete sets, including one reproduction-ready copy) 6.4.11 Input screen/panel documentation with data entry explanations (user procedure manual) 6.4.12 Samples of all standard reports with narrative descriptions of all fields displayed on the report, input parameters and an explanation of how to execute each report 6.4.13 Samples of bill formats 6.4.14 All error codes, messages and their explanations displayed on-line and/or on reports with action required or options available 6.4.15 Samples of all on-line screens with a narrative description of all fields displayed on the screen 6.4.16 System City of San José Administration and Security Page 38 of 98 Proposal Number: 11-12-04 Electronic Editable Restricted Not Available Release Compatible Proposal Title: Business Tax, CIS and Document Production Software and Services Solution Hardcopy Only Document Description Proposal Number: 11-12-04 Electronic Editable Restricted Not Available Release Compatible Manuals 6.4.17 Computer operations documentation (e.g., scheduling information, job and restart/recovery information, error codes, job dependencies and flow charts). 6.4.18 Procedures for updating technical and user documentation for new releases 6.4.19 Standardized user exits/plug-ins custom enhancements 6.4.20 Help desk documentation for internal user support for help-desk diagnosis 6.4.21 Customer service support procedures, including escalation procedures for Assuming typical contract terms regarding confidentiality and ownership of intellectual property, the following Notes should be used when completing this table: Hard Copy Only: Your Company provides hard copies only of this document (at no additional fee to City). Electronic: Your Company provides electronic versions of this document. Editable: Your Company provides electronic versions of this document that can either be edited or is open for City to copy sections for use in their own, custom documentation. Not Available: Your Company does not provide this documentation. Restricted: Indicate if you restrict the use of this document by charging additional fees to City to copy this document. Release Compatible: This document is available concurrent with the release of new software updates? City of San José Page 39 of 98 Proposal Title: Business Tax, CIS and Document Production Software and Services Solution Proposal Number: 11-12-04 7 DELIVERY MODEL 7.1 O N - PREMISES M ODEL Note: Complete this sub-section 7.1 only if you are proposing an on-premises deployment of your solution. Your response should incorporate information for your proposed Business Tax solution and CIS solution (if proposed), differentiating between the two solutions in all cases in order that City clearly understands the independent requirements of each system. In other words, if you are proposing Business Tax and CIS, provide two answers to each question in this sub-section. If there are efficiencies that relate to procuring both solutions, the Proposer is encouraged to explain these efficiencies. Complete the following sections incorporating the hardware and software requirements of all the environments recommended in the table(s) above (Sections 5.1.1 and 6.1.1). Use the following assumptions in your responses: For Business Tax: 75,000 active customer accounts City bills all accounts annually. City’s customer base has a growth rate of <2% per annum. City’s customer base has a churn rate of 7%. City will retain ten years of history before archiving/purging data. For CIS: 7.1.1 232,516 active customer accounts. Approximately 24,000 have water service. City bills all Storm and Sanitary Sewer accounts annually; City bills Municipal Water account every two months. City’s customer base has a growth rate of <2% per annum. City’s customer base has a churn rate of 6.4%. City will retain ten years of history before archiving/purging data. Based on City’s size, complexity and the assumptions stated above, describe the recommended hardware/software configuration for the Database Server. Describe: City of San José Your product’s support of a clustered configuration. Provide your recommended hardware requirements, including: Processor type: Intel, RISC, Alpha, Other (specify). Processor/MHZ, type, number of CPUs and Core’s. RAM capacity needed for initial application execution. Hard Disk capacity needed for initial application programs. Hard Disk capacity needed for initial application data. Page 40 of 98 Proposal Title: Business Tax, CIS and Document Production Software and Services Solution 7.1.2 The details of any other hardware requirements required for the operation of your proposed product. Provide your recommended software requirements, including: The Server Operating System and minimum version required: Linux or UNIX, or Windows. 32 and/or 64 bit version support. Network Protocols Supported/Required (e.g. TCP/IP). Database Software supported (including edition) and minimum version required (e.g., SQL 2005 standard edition, Oracle 11g). Any other software requirements required for the operation of your proposed product (regardless of whether this is bundled with your proposal). Based on City’s size, complexity and the assumptions stated above, describe the recommended hardware/software configuration for the Application Server. 7.1.3 Proposal Number: 11-12-04 Describe: Your product’s support of server virtualization. Your product’s support of a clustered configuration. Provide your recommended hardware requirements, including: Processor type: Intel, RISC, Alpha, Other (specify). Processor/MHZ, type, number of CPUs and Core’s. RAM capacity needed for initial application execution. Hard Disk capacity needed for initial application programs. Hard Disk capacity needed for initial application data. The details of any other hardware requirements required for the operation of your proposed product. Provide your recommended software requirements, including: Operating System and minimum version if required: Linux or UNIX, or Windows. 32 and/or 64 bit version support. Application server software requirements (e.g., BEA Application Server, Websphere, JBoss, etc.). Any other software requirements required for the operation of your proposed product. Network Protocols Supported/Required (e.g. TCP/IP). Based on City’s size, complexity and the assumptions stated above, describe the recommended hardware/software configuration for the Web/Workstation Server(s). Describe: City of San José Your product’s support of server virtualization. Hardware Requirements: Processor type: Intel, RISC, Alpha, Other (specify). Processor/MHZ, type, number of CPUs and Core’s. RAM capacity needed for initial application execution. Page 41 of 98 Proposal Title: Business Tax, CIS and Document Production Software and Services Solution 7.1.4 Proposal Number: 11-12-04 Hard Disk capacity needed for initial application programs. Hard Disk capacity needed for initial application data. The details of any other hardware requirements required for the operation of your proposed product. Operating System Requirements: Operating System and minimum version. 32 and/or 64 bit version support. Web Server software requirements (e.g., Apache, IIS Server, etc.). Other software requirements. Network Protocols Supported: TCP/IP. Any other network requirements required for the operation of your proposed product. Based on City’s size, complexity and the assumptions stated above, describe the recommended hardware/software configuration for Client workstations. City of San José Hardware Requirements: Processor type: Intel, Other. Processor/MHZ, type, number of CPUs and Core’s. RAM capacity needed for application execution. Hard Disk capacity needed for initial application programs. The details of any other hardware requirements required for the operation of your proposed product. Software Requirements: Operating System and minimum version. List all compatible (e.g., Windows 7, Windows 2000, Windows XP, and Vista). 32 and/or 64 bit version support. Network Protocols Supported: TCP/IP. Required network speeds and bandwidth. The software required for the client workstation (e.g., run-time libraries, Java run-time VM, DLL’s required, Oracle client version, license fees for the run-time environment). Other software requirements, including requirements (e.g. Microsoft Office 2003). The middleware used between the Client and the Database server. Your adherence to SAA/CUA standards across all modules within your Business Tax Solutions. Confirmation that your product supports distributed processing in a client/server environment. Confirmation that your product will support and is compatible with Trend Micro Office Scan (current version v8 through v10). Support for remote distribution using MSI Packages, Active Directory group policy. Page 42 of 98 your recommended desktop software Proposal Title: Business Tax, CIS and Document Production Software and Services Solution 7.1.5 Proposal Number: 11-12-04 Required Modifications to Client: The changes required to the existing Client control files (e.g., config.sys, autoexec.bat, win.ini, browser settings (e.g., security settings)). Provide examples if possible. A description of the Client installation (initial and new release) procedures. The list of required drivers and their memory requirements. Other Hardware/Software Requirements Provide: 7.1.6 A description of the recommended back-up and recovery procedures for all servers, including recommended hardware, configuration, software, and frequency. A recommendation of any third party tools or software that is not included in your proposed services or software that may be beneficial to City in terms of productivity. Example, if your proposal assumes the use of reporting tools internal to the product you are proposing, should City consider using other 3 rd party reporting tools? A description of batch job scheduling requirements including any third party software requirements. A description of the recommended hardware and software to support an OCR reader for processing of payments. Maintenance and Technical Support Describe your product licensing policy. Note: If you are not proposing a hosted delivery model, the City will require a perpetual license for the proposed product. Provide details of your standard warranties and support policies: City of San José Details of standard warranties applicable to services provided, baseline software and customized software. Verification that the Proposer will provide corrections, without charge, for any implementation errors including but not limited to programs, configuration, data, objects, interfaces, etc. discovered after go-live of the project. Will this support continue for the contract warranty period? Describe any limitations. Verification that the application software Vendor will provide product corrections, without charge, for any product defects including but not limited to programs, objects, APIs, etc. discovered during or after go-live of the project. Will this support continue as long as City maintains an active Maintenance/Support Agreement with Vendor? Describe any limitations. Verification that the application software Vendor will provide corrections without charge (e.g., patches) for City’s system if program errors are discovered at another user’s site. A list of all known outstanding errors/system deficiencies and the anticipated schedule for their resolution. Provide details of you product release strategy. Address the following in your response: The date you anticipate the next update of your current release. How long do you support each version? What is your policy for updating the Business Tax application? Page 43 of 98 Proposal Title: Business Tax, CIS and Document Production Software and Services Solution City of San José Proposal Number: 11-12-04 How often do you provide new product version releases? Is this on a scheduled or flexible basis? Illustrate by describing the general release data of the proposed product and the dates of subsequent releases. Describe and include any policies related to ancillary products (e.g., cash receipting, bill printing) included in your proposal. Describe how customer requested enhancements to the system are handled. Provide details of your recommended upgrade strategy for future releases of the product(s). Consider the following in your response: How frequently should patch releases be applied, and minor and major product upgrades be performed? An explanation of how a new version or release of the product is implemented. Provide a detailed explanation of the upgrading process (e.g., overall implementation timeframe, Vendor effort/time/resources, City effort/time/resources, and estimated cost). A description of the policy for updating and/or certifying the application when new releases of system software become available (e.g., new releases of Windows, Windows service pack releases, SQL Server). A description of the policy for the certification of your proposed products in a VM environment? A description of the policy for updating and/or certifying the application when new releases of third party application software become available (e.g., ESRI ArcGIS, Cayenta FMS, Trend Micro Office Scan)? An explanation of procedures to retrofit all (if any) customizations made by the Vendor, for City, into new releases of the application. Describe regression-testing procedures used to ensure previous changes are not impacted by the new release. Verification that all point releases are made available to all customers. Verification that all patches are made available to all customers. Verification that all modifications performed for any customer are made available to all customers. Describe any limitations. Provide details of your Customer Service and Support offering that is included in your standard Support Contract: An explanation of how problems are classified according to Degree of Urgency (for example: “Critical”, “Urgent”, “Non-urgent”, “Information Request”). Who determines the priority of the problem? The hours (including time zone) that your company provides telephone support during normal business hours and the hours outside normal business hours (including weekends and holidays) that emergency telephone support is available. A guaranteed response time for support calls: during normal business hours and outside normal business hours (including weekends and holidays). Include in your response how response times vary based on the severity of the issue reported. Verification that the Vendor has escalation procedures if they are unable to resolve a problem within the established response times. Verification that the Vendor will provide on-site support if there is a “production down” situation and the remote diagnostics prove inconclusive. Provide your procedures for this situation. Page 44 of 98 Proposal Title: Business Tax, CIS and Document Production Software and Services Solution Proposal Number: 11-12-04 The application software Vendor’s customer service/support website capabilities. What features are available to the City at this site? Provide details of City technical and functional support resource requirements: The minimum and recommended staffing levels including technical and functional expertise and roles needed for ongoing support of your application for a client of the size and complexity of City. Provide details of any technical or functional role that the Vendor must retain after go-live. For example, does the Proposer prefer to retain ownership of the system administration role, responsible for application configuration? If such roles exist, ensure any associated costs are documented in your response. The monthly and annual cost for your organization to provide the recommend level of functional and technical staff to support your Business Tax product if City was unable to provide the in-house support staff recommended in (f) (i) above. Verification (or not) that your organization is able to provide such services (described in (f) (i) above) on a contract basis. 7.2 H OSTED M ODEL Complete this sub-section 7.2 only if you are proposing a hosted deployment of your solution. Your response to this subsection may be in addition to OR instead of a response to 7.1 above. Your response should incorporate information for your proposed Business Tax solution and CIS solution (if proposed), differentiating between the two solutions in all cases in order that City clearly understands the independent requirements of each system. If there are efficiencies that relate to procuring both solutions, the Proposer is encouraged to explain these efficiencies. For this section, the Proposer should address (in a narrative format) each of the following SLA requirements (by number) indicating affirmative compliance and, if not, either a clear rejection of the SLA requirement or a description of a possible alternative offering. For the proposed Business Tax and CIS (referred to as “Systems” in this section) the following represents the minimum Service Level Agreements (SLA) required by City. Unless otherwise stated, all performance measures identified herein shall be measured on a monthly basis. 7.2.1 Service Level Agreement Requirements Critical Process Management The following SLAs are provided to specify the consistent and accurate processing of all scheduled batch activities. During implementation and at regular intervals during the contract term, the batch schedule will be reviewed, revised and confirmed to produce a mutually agreeable schedule of activities. Describe how you will provide for and indicate your willingness to comply with the following requirements and SLAs: City of San José 98% of all batch schedule jobs, including reports will be initiated within the previously agreed upon schedule design. All batch activities will be logged with a start and finish time and this log will be available for on-line review by City 24 hours a day. Page 45 of 98 Proposal Title: Business Tax, CIS and Document Production Software and Services Solution Proposal Number: 11-12-04 All non-critical batch activities (i.e., those that have been identified for an automatic “restart” or “rerun”) that do not complete successfully will be reported to City within 8 hours. All critical batch activities that do not complete successfully will be identified and reported to City by phone call and email within 1 hour of the abend (or abort). Batch scheduling must support the ability to identify certain batch jobs that cannot be started until a previous batch job has been confirmed as successfully completed. All log files for the batch schedules will be maintained, archived, and available for on-line review for 180 days. System Availability This SLA provides the detailed requirements for the management of the Systems environment targeted for optimum system availability in support of City’s business dependent functions. Describe how you will provide for and indicate your willingness to comply with the following requirements and SLAs: The Systems and all associated ancillary systems/applications & interfaces will be available for transaction processing 99.995% of the time, except during the mutually agreed upon scheduled down time. Unscheduled downtime shall be identified and tracked thru an automated monitoring system with notification sent to City via email. All unscheduled downtime will be classified as Critical incidents, regardless of the date or time they occur, thus requiring phone and email notification to City and prompt resolution. All unscheduled downtime will be logged with a start time and a resolution time in the Support Desk tracking tool. This information will be available to City on-line 24 hours a day. A problem investigation report with actual and potential causes and resolutions for any unscheduled outage will be presented to City within 48 hours of the system availability incident. System Responsiveness This SLA identifies the required level of system transaction processing performance. Describe how you will provide for and indicate your willingness to comply with the following requirements and SLAs: City of San José 97% of all on-line transactions including all web service interfaces will be processed within 1 second. Transaction time is measured from the user’s last key/button stroke until the user’s screen is updated. 99% of all on-line transactions including all web service interfaces processed within 4 seconds. Transaction time is measured from the user’s last key/button stroke until the user’s screen is updated. System responsiveness shall be monitored and reported by an automated system or method. This information shall be used to drive system “tuning” activities as required. Access to the monitored results will be available for on-line review by City 24 hours a day. Page 46 of 98 Proposal Title: Business Tax, CIS and Document Production Software and Services Solution Proposal Number: 11-12-04 Based on continuous review of the statistics gathered by the monitoring system, system responsiveness will be evaluated and addressed if it weakens to within 1% of the required SLAs stated in (i) and (ii) (97% and 99% respectively). City shall receive an evaluation of overall system responsiveness by date and time once every month. This evaluation will include identification of weakening response times and remedies under consideration in order to preserve the required SLA level. Any gross failure (greater than 5% under the target) to meet system response time requirements shall be classified as Critical incidents regardless of the day and time of the failure. System Reports This SLA defines the required management and operational services for report production processing, including distribution. Describe how you will provide for and indicate your willingness to comply with the following requirements and SLAs: 98% of reports delivered to the designated end-user point on time, as outlined in the mutually agreed upon schedule. Standard report production and distribution will be managed by an automated scheduling tool. Report production will be logged at all times. The log will be available on-line for review by City 24 hours a day. All standard reports will be designed for on-line presentation, with an option to print. The standard report(s) on-line presentation will provide a sort and query option and will include an export option to Excel or other MS Office tool. Vendor shall provide custom report services for the generation of City defined reports as needed, but not less than one custom report request per business week. Where possible, customized reports shall be designed with selectable parameter options (as defined by City) to maximize the value and general utilization of the report. Standard system reports will be a part of the pre-defined batch schedule. All standard reports will remain accessible on-line for 36 months. After 36 months all standard reports will be archived for 4 years. All archived reports will be recoverable and available on-line within 24 hours of request. Service Level Reports The Proposer must provide a monthly report to the City within 5 work days of the calendar month end. Describe how you will provide for and indicate your willingness to comply with the following requirements and SLAs: A list of all system outages for the month where the on-line system was not available or was not fully functional. The listing must include the following information: City of San José Date and time of the outage Duration of the outage Page 47 of 98 Proposal Title: Business Tax, CIS and Document Production Software and Services Solution Proposal Number: 11-12-04 Aspects of the system that were affected during the outage Cause and resolution of the outage Any resulting adverse effects on customer transactions or City data after the resolution of the problem The following statistics for every day of the month, if available: Number of unique customers Average and peak transactions per day Average and peak number of concurrent users per day Average and peak duration of unique customer sessions Detailed report of all security breaches. The report must include details of both electronic and physical breaches either directly related to the Vendor or any subcontracted Vendor: Date and time of the security breach Customer(s) affected Cause and resolution of the security breach Detailed Report of all contracted SLRs to support the Vendors submittal of invoices for services supplied Interface Management This SLA describes the required level of managed and operational services concerning the use and availability of City’s required Systems interface processes. Describe how you will provide for and indicate your willingness to comply with the following requirements and SLAs: 98% of the interface events completed on time, as outlined in a mutually agreed upon interface schedule. For all on-line real-time interfaces, the application must maintain a 99.995% “up time” or availability for end user use and processing. All batch interface processing events will be managed by an automated scheduling tool. Interface processing requiring a data/file transfer to a 3rd party provider will be supported by an automated transfer process (unless otherwise mutually agreed). All interface processing events will be logged with a start and finish time and this log will be available for on-line review by City 24 hours a day. Interface events that do not complete successfully will be identified and reported to City within 30 minutes of the abend (or abort). All log files for the interface events schedules will be maintained and available for on-line review for 180 days after which they will be archived. Disaster Recovery/Business Continuity This SLA describes the managed process for supporting business continuity at a level required by City. Note 1: It is required that both the primary and the secondary sites must be within the contiguous 48 United States of America. City of San José Page 48 of 98 Proposal Title: Business Tax, CIS and Document Production Software and Services Solution Proposal Number: 11-12-04 Note 2: In addition to addressing the SLA requirements below in the section of your response, also include a description of your Disaster Recovery (“DR”) plan. Describe how you will provide for and indicate your willingness to comply with the following requirements and SLAs: Recovery of full on-line and batch services (for Systems and all ancillary systems/applications including interfaces and web services) must occur within 24 hours once a disaster has been declared. The primary processing site will have a full secondary uninterruptable power resource with automated switching capabilities. The primary processing site will have a full secondary power generation resource capable of being brought on-line within 20 minutes of a power failure and providing full system and communications power indefinitely. The secondary disaster recovery site must be located at least 50 miles from the primary service site. The documented disaster recovery plan will be tested and evaluated once a year; City must participate in the scheduling and evaluation of the DR Test. The secondary site must meet the SLA for system response time requirements within 24 hours of transfer to the site. The secondary site must meet the SLA for bill print and mail services within 6 hours of transfer to the site. The secondary site must meet the SLA for all scheduled processing (e.g., batch, reports, etc.) within 6 hours of transfer to the site. After transfer to the secondary site, a full problem report, including potential resolutions will be presented to City within 24 hours. After transfer to the secondary site, a plan for restoring services to the primary site must be presented within 72 hours. If the secondary site becomes the primary site, a new second DR site must be identified and established within 7 business days. All in-process transactions (on-line, batch and interface) at the time of the primary site failure, must be identified and analyzed for follow-up resolution within 24 hours. This analysis should be available for City review upon request. Incident Management/Problem Resolution This SLA describes a well-defined, designed and managed process for identifying and addressing incidents based upon classification of “Critical”, “Urgent”, “Non-urgent”, as well as support requested “Information Request” based upon a classification of “High”, “Medium”, and “Low” priority. The Vendor shall provide both system technical support including server, operating system, communications, security, database, application code, interfaces, and all ancillary applications/systems as well as end user functional support for all contracted applications. City of San José Page 49 of 98 Proposal Title: Business Tax, CIS and Document Production Software and Services Solution Proposal Number: 11-12-04 Proposer’s support staff must be able to respond quickly and effectively to system issues. The Proposer must have a means to continuously monitor the proper functioning and availability of the on-line system and have the ability to respond to system issues in order to meet the SLRs. The Proposer must also have the capability to identify if a system issue is a result of a failure of a City-managed system and must notify City technical contacts immediately to coordinate the resolution of the problem. Describe how you will provide for and indicate your willingness to comply with the following requirements and SLAs: City of San José City personnel will be provided a single phone number and on-line contact of skilled IT technical support for reporting any incident, problem or support request. City personnel will be issued a tracking number for each incident, problem or support request by the support desk staff. All incidents will be classified as either: Critical, Urgent, Non-urgent or Information Request. Definitions of these classifications may be found in Exhibit 1 below. The classification of an Incident will dictate the Vendor response time. Critical incidents will be addressed within 1 hour and a resolution (including acceptable workaround) must be in place within 4 hours. Urgent incidents will be addressed within 1 hour and a resolution (including acceptable workaround) must be in place within 8 hours. Non-urgent incidents will be addressed within 4 hours and a resolution (including acceptable workaround) must be in place within 48 hours. All potential resolutions or workarounds must be documented (in accordance with the time parameters identified above) and accepted by City before they will be initiated & classified as true resolutions to an incident. All Critical and Urgent incidents, after initial resolution, will be analyzed for root cause and a problem resolution report will be presented to City within 5 business days. All Critical and Urgent incidents, City will be notified (at the earliest opportunity) following the occurrence of the incident and following the resolution of the issue. Information communicated to the City shall include the following. The date and time the system started experiencing the problem, what the symptoms are, which aspects of the system are affected, and when the system is expected to be back on-line and fully functional. Requests for support (Information Requests) will be prioritized as High, Medium and Low. Support requests classified High will receive a response within 1 hour and after the initial response an update every 4 hours until resolution. Support requests classified Medium will receive a response within 4 hours and after the initial response an update each day until resolution. Support requests classified Low will receive a response within 72 hours and after the initial response an update each week until resolution. All requests for additional information from City for either an incident, problem or support request must be made in a written form and sent by email to specific City employee, who will be responsible for the additional documentation and clarification. If the additional information has not been received by the support desk within 24 hours, a follow-up email will be sent to the City employee(s) as a reminder of the request. Page 50 of 98 Proposal Title: Business Tax, CIS and Document Production Software and Services Solution Proposal Number: 11-12-04 A full support desk activity report will be sent to City each month, listing all open tracking items and all items that have been closed within the last month. System Maintenance and Scheduled Downtime This SLA describes the required system maintenance activities/services. Describe how you will provide for and indicate your willingness to comply with the following requirements and SLAs: City of San José All maintenance will occur within a scheduled timeframe of Sunday, 2 AM to Monday, 5 AM PST. System maintenance plan(s) will be developed for a rolling three-month timeframe. Operating System critical patches must be applied within 10 days of release. If approved by City, all other operating system patches must be applied within 60 days of release. If approved by City, the operating system must be updated with the latest version within 18 months of the release of that version. Database application critical patches must be applied within 10 days of release. If approved by City, Database application upgrades must be updated with the latest version within 18 months of the release of that version. If approved by City, the Systems must be upgraded within 18 months of the latest release. Upgrades to operating system and database management software must only be applied if the Systems are certified on those versions and by prior written approval of City. A full duplicate test environment must be maintained and available to City at all times. Fully integrated environment (OS, Database, Application, web server, communication services) testing must occur for all considered changes to the production environment. Vendor shall manage such testing and City will participate. City must accept the test results before any changes are placed into the production system. A Change Management process must be defined and followed for any changes to the production environment, subject to City approval. City will be a partner in the change management approval process. Complete system back-ups must be executed before changes are applied to the Systems. For each proposed change, a back out and/or recovery plan must be detailed in the change management plan. Any proposed change requiring execution of a back out or recovery plan will be logged as an incident in the support desk tracking tool. Any proposed changes to the production environment that will impact the interface environment will require full testing of the specific interface application(s) and written acceptance by City. Each scheduled maintenance outage will be preceded by an email notification to specific City employees 48 hours prior to the event. Security Management Page 51 of 98 Proposal Title: Business Tax, CIS and Document Production Software and Services Solution Proposal Number: 11-12-04 This SLA describes the services required by City in the areas of security management as well as responsiveness to changes or additions for the role-based assignments. Describe how you will provide for and indicate your willingness to comply with the following requirements and SLAs: The production environment shall be implemented with full multi-level security features employed. Vendor provided Application developers will not have access to the production environment. Transaction level security will be required for certain types of transactions. All changes to the user’s assigned profiles require a logged support desk transaction and a signed authorization from a designated City employee. All changes to the role-based profile require a logged support desk transaction and a signed authorization from a designated City management-level employee. Login and password for Administrative Rights for the operating system and database shall be changed every 30 days. Request for termination of administration rights or user access will be logged as support desk transactions and must be completed within 4 hours of the initial request. City requires User password access to be changed every 60 days. This security function (expiration of passwords) must be automated. User sessions shall be automatically terminated after 50 minutes of inactivity. The application must have features to protect customers from identity theft, including masking or encryption of credit scores, credit/debit/checking account numbers, social security numbers and any other information required to comply with any ID theft governing statues for the state of California. All applications including web based applications must be actively protected from all known common “hacking” techniques. Describe your policies and procedures and include example reports for monitoring, resolving and reporting security intrusions of Vendor networks and systems. All transaction files imported to the production system will have appropriate security checks to validate the source and content of the files. Any security breach created due to unauthorized access or importing of files will be logged initially as a Critical incident in the support desk tracking tool within 30 minutes of identification of the incident. The physical location of the production site is required to have badge identification access to all parts of the facilities (i.e., offices, equipment, power sources, fire management, HVAC, water/sewer source). Any breach in the physical security of the site must be logged as an incident in the support desk tracking tool with appropriate level of criticality. All personnel with access to the physical production sites must have specific identification badges or other security management methods. City of San José Page 52 of 98 Proposal Title: Business Tax, CIS and Document Production Software and Services Solution Proposal Number: 11-12-04 Personnel with badges must have a complete background check, including an updated background check annually. City shall retain ownership of all customer data. The Vendor shall not sell, reproduce or data mine the City owned data. 7.2.2 Operational Services In response to this Section, the Proposer shall provide a narrative confirmation and explanation of its ability to provide all of the services identified below (by item number). If the Proposer is able to offer other possibly desirable services not mentioned herein, please describe those services under a separate narrative heading entitled “Optional Operational Services.” At a minimum, please address all of the following: Standards Certification List and describe (where appropriate) your and/or your subcontractor’s compliance with the following standards associated with services delivery. Indicate your willingness to provide your latest report of assessment and compliance: SSAE 16; SAS 70 Type 2; AICPA SOC 2; ISO 27001; PCI DSS version 2.0. Cross Functional Responsibilities The following are general responsibilities that shall be applicable to all services provided by Vendor. As part of its general responsibilities, Vendor shall: City of San José Define and document a Change Control process/procedure to be followed by the Vendor and City for the duration of the contract. Develop and modify processes and systems as is necessary to accommodate and comply with regulatory changes and City changes to Policies and Procedures. Establish and report on business policies, practices, and rules, under which Vendor will implement, manage, and achieve or exceed the Service Levels or as required by internal and/or external audits. Propose processes, tools and training, subject to City Approval, and provide all related services in accordance with such processes, tools and training. Retain and store records in accordance with City Policies and Procedures. Participate in quarterly meeting on-site at City to review operations, business results, performance, and future strategies. Provide all Services in accordance with City Policies and Procedures (both Administrative Policies and Procedures and Operational Policies and Procedures). Application Management Page 53 of 98 Proposal Title: Business Tax, CIS and Document Production Software and Services Solution Proposal Number: 11-12-04 Vendor is responsible for application management services for the proposed Systems. As part of its application management responsibilities, Vendor shall support the following areas: Change Management Vendor will maintain the application and make changes based on requests from City that are submitted through the change management process and according to the procedures described for support requests in above. These tasks will include but are not limited to the following: Make base configuration changes to improve processes and support the City business processes. Manage all changes to rates and tax tables. Create new document types such as service orders or work orders. Manage user roles and profiles. Construct test and deploy customizations, custom reports or interfaces at the request of the City. Application Support Vendor will provide programming services to manage, maintain and support all custom modifications, reports and interfaces developed as part of the Implementation. Application Troubleshooting / Break-Fix Vendor will respond to all submitted trouble tickets based on priority and work diligently to resolve issues identified and communicated by City. In the event that the Vendor determines that the reported issue actually resides within City’s application or hardware infrastructure, Vendor shall communicate this issue to City and work diligently with City staff (as needed) to resolve the infrastructure issue. Job Scheduling and Monitoring The Vendor will schedule and monitor jobs for completion. Daily jobs/activities will include but not be limited to the following: City of San José Account Maintenance – Captures unapplied debits and credits to reconcile all accounts. Run each night prior to billing job. Dunning – Run against all accounts to assess any dunning levels required. CIS: Create meter reading request – Creates meter reading request for Connect. CIS: Download meter reading request to Connect – Downloads meter reading request file to a shared location to be picked up and uploaded to Connect. CIS: Upload meter reading results from Connect – Picks up the meter readings file from a shared location and uploads to Systems. CIS: Post meter reading results – Posts consumption data from meter reading file on accounts. CIS: Billing – Executes the calculation of consumption x rate for all accounts in the designated billing group. Page 54 of 98 Proposal Title: Business Tax, CIS and Document Production Software and Services Solution Proposal Number: 11-12-04 BT: Billing – Executes the calculation of business tax for all accounts. Bill Print – Generates file of billing records from the Systems to be printed. CIS: Bank Draft – Sends bank draft (ACH) file to City’s depository bank Job Monitoring – Monitors any ad hoc jobs launched by City Technical Job Listing describing the jobs executed and their completion status Perform on-line data back-up Perform off-line full data back-up Patch and Release Management Vendor will apply patches and releases based on established best practices from the Vendor. As part of this service tasks will include the following: Vendor will apply OS patches to fix issues based on trouble ticket reporting. Vendor will submit periodic maintenance patches and releases to City for evaluation upon release of patches by the Systems Vendor. Vendor and City will jointly test any applied patches and will follow a three tier development architecture (i.e., Development, Test, Production) to move changes from development to production. City will continue testing until it is satisfied that there are no remaining issues with the patch. City’s acceptance of patches is required prior to deployment of the same in production. Vendor will provide City training (as needed) associated with each patch or release update. Programming Support / Systems Administration Vendor shall provide programming support and system administration functions and duties for the Systems environment. Tasks will include: City of San José Analyzing resource utilization and user loads Analyzing short dumps to assist functional teams in break-fix and testing evaluation Routine monitoring and examination of buffers Routine checks on outstanding update requests Routine monitoring and checks of job queue for failed jobs or jobs not completed Monitoring of system logs Periodic verification that no outstanding traces have been launched Monitor operating system performance from the application on each physical server Monitoring database allocation Monitoring disk and memory usage Review of database back-up log Monitoring work process overview Scheduling and monitoring System and Database back-up jobs Periodic checks on table locks Page 55 of 98 Proposal Title: Business Tax, CIS and Document Production Software and Services Solution Update and manage support patches, OS notes, and releases Reboot systems, conduct spool clean ups, and perform offline back-ups within agreed upon downtime periods Maintain ancillary City environments (e.g., development, Test 1, Test 2, etc.) and refresh as requested by City. Provide performance tuning services as need to maintain aforementioned performance related SLAs. Help Desk Proposal Number: 11-12-04 Vendor will retain end-to-end problem ownership and management using Vendor ticket management system Vendor will provide four levels of ticket classification as set forth in the aforementioned Service Level Agreements Detailed ticket tracking with clear escalation and notification procedures for all support levels Reporting and trending analysis of tickets for root-cause analysis and change management initiatives Infrastructure Services Vendor will be responsible for providing the technical infrastructure environment, including all hardware and software necessary for the Vendor to deliver the Services. Vendor shall provide the Information Technology Installation, Configuration and Maintenance Services necessary to provide the Services, including the following: Server management Vendor will provide and maintain the computing platform, operating system and data center resources sufficient to reliably and consistently deliver the Services. In doing so, the Vendor will maintain a secure environment that protects the integrity and confidentiality of City customer and financial data. Vendor will provide necessary system administration and security management services. Storage Vendor will provide and maintain the database systems and data storage services required to organize and provide efficient access to City customer and billing information. Network Management Vendor will provide and maintain the appropriate WAN and LAN resources to allow the Services to be delivered in accordance with Service Levels and other requirements of this RFP and will maintain these network resources in a way that prevents unauthorized access to City Data. Telecommunications Vendor will provide and manage telecommunications circuits to provide point-to-point connectivity from City to primary facility and secondary facility. City of San José Page 56 of 98 Proposal Title: Business Tax, CIS and Document Production Software and Services Solution Proposal Number: 11-12-04 Disaster Recovery Vendor will provide and maintain Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity plan as set forth in this RFP and the Vendor’s proposal, so that the Services delivered by the Vendor are not unduly interrupted in the event of a disaster or unforeseen event. Vendor will test and maintain the integrity of these Disaster Recovery services so that they can be counted upon to reliably protect City business. Database Management Vendor will provide database administration support as needed to manage the databases installed to support the Systems. Vendor will be responsible for establishing and managing the replication of data to the business continuity / disaster recovery site using the applicable database toolset. Vendor will perform all database management functions required to maintain the database and meet or exceed the established service levels for response time and system availability. Termination/Expiration Assistance Services Vendor shall provide the following services on termination of the contract for a period no greater than 18 months: City of San José Meet with City as soon as practicable after a notice of termination or notice of a decision to not extend the Services Agreement has been given, to discuss any potential modifications to the then most current Termination Schedule; Assist City in planning a transition to its alternate solution; Export of system data into a City-specified format that is compatible with the City enterprise database platform in a format agreed to with City; Provide a validation report that the data export balances from the perspective of financial transactions and record count with the source system. This report should describe the method in which data is mapped from the source system to the extract file. Provide City with support in the balancing of converted data to the extent that in its testing City may discover defects or design flaws in the data extracted from Vendor’s systems. Provide parallel production and testing services until transition to a new system is complete; Provide on-site technical support, Assist City or its designated Vendor in developing required interfaces, Use all commercially reasonable efforts to assist City in effecting a transition of the Services, in accordance with industry best practices, to City or another vendor chosen by City; Provide the number and types of resources necessary to complete the transition in accordance with the Termination Schedule; Such other services as shall be necessary or appropriate to facilitate, without interruption to the Services, the orderly transition of Services to City or its new provider of services in accordance with industry best practices; Page 57 of 98 Proposal Title: Business Tax, CIS and Document Production Software and Services Solution City of San José Proposal Number: 11-12-04 At the termination of the contract, all data at the Proposer’s facilities and computer systems must be purged only after the City determined that it has good copies of the data, and officially requests that the Proposer delete and destroy all City data. Page 58 of 98 Proposal Title: Business Tax, CIS and Document Production Software and Services Solution Proposal Number: 11-12-04 8 FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS Responses to questions should be as they pertain to the proposed version of the product or system that is in production use in an environment that is comparable to City as of the proposal due date. For each question, complete the “Vendor Response” field by choosing a response code that closely corresponds to one of the descriptions below (any unanswered questions will be considered a “D” for evaluation purposes): Response Code Description A This requirement currently exists in the proposed version of the product that is in production use in an environment that is comparable to City and can be demonstrated. B This requirement will be available for production use prior to unit testing at City and will be incorporated at no additional charge as part of the baseline product. C This requirement is not currently available, but can be provided as an enhancement to the baseline product or as a modification. If a Vendor uses this response code, a corresponding reference should be made to that requirement from the completed Cost Section (Attachment B) included in the Vendors proposal. D This requirement is not included in the proposal. The Vendor is to provide an explanation for each functional requirement that the Vendor feels has restrictions, limitations or needs clarification. Further, the Vendor is to provide a brief explanation of each enhancement or modification and reference the item number. Please feel free to use separate sheets for explanations and simply indicate in the “Reference” column a Reference Item Number corresponding to the item on your additional sheet(s) so that it can be easily found during scoring. Any modifications should also be reflected in the project plan time line as requested in Attachment B. Each requirement has been assigned a priority code as defined below: Priority Definition 3 City cannot fully accomplish its business objectives without this feature. 2 Including this feature will provide significant benefits to City in accomplishing its business objectives. 1 Including this feature will provide some benefits to City in accomplishing its business objectives. For definition of terms used, refer to Exhibit 1. City of San José Page 59 of 98 Proposal Title: Business Tax, CIS and Document Production Software and Services Solution Proposal Number: 11-12-04 8.1 B USINESS T AX F UNCTIONAL R EQUIREMENT C HECKLIST NOTE: 8.1 is included as a downloadable file on BidSync as a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet (“Attachment A-1.xlsx”). Your proposal must include both hardcopy and electronic (CD or DVD) versions of this completed Section. The electronic version should include the completed spreadsheet, saved in unprotected, editable Office 97-2003 format (or later) and any accompanying additional sheets. 8.2 CIS F UNCTIONAL R EQUIREMENT C HECKLIST NOTE: 8.2 is included as a downloadable file on BidSync as a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet (“Attachment A-2.xlsx”). Your proposal must include both hardcopy and electronic (CD or DVD) versions of this completed Section. The electronic version should include the completed spreadsheet, saved in unprotected, editable Office 97-2003 format (or later) and any accompanying additional sheets. City of San José Page 60 of 98 Proposal Title: Business Tax, CIS and Document Production Software and Services Solution EXHIBIT 1. Proposal Number: 11-12-04 GLOSSARY OF TERMS & ACRONYMS Term / Acronym Definition Account Classification A code or designation identifying the type of utility account (e.g., Large Commercial, Small Family Residential, Government, Developer, etc.). ACH Automated Clearing House Add-on Meter An additional meter at a premises. Consumption from this meter is added to consumption measured on another at the same premises for the purposes of determining total consumption. Alternate Customer Names Alias names, aka, or new married/divorced names. AMI Advanced Metering Infrastructure AMR Automated Meter Reading API Application Programming Interface Assigned Inspector A City inspector that is assigned to inspect a particular utility project Budget Billing The practice of averaging the previous 12 months of utility bills (and adding some percentage or amount) to determine the “budget bill” amount that the customer will pay for the next 12 months. BUI Browser User Interface Business Day 8am through 6pm Pacific Time Business Tax City’s term for Business License Business Tax Solution The combination of Business Tax application and third party software, implementation services and work products that are provided to City during the Business Tax implementation and go-live effort. Business Tax System (BTS) City’s current Business Tax system CASS Certification Coding Accuracy Support System utilized by the United States Postal Service to facilitate accurate address and zip code verification. CCF 100 Cubic Feet CD/DVD Compact Disc / Digital Versatile Disc cf Cubic Feet CIS Vendor Vendor responsible for the provision of CIS. May be the Prime Vendor or a subcontractor to the Prime Vendor. City City of San José Connect Badger brand name meter reading application software City of San José Page 61 of 98 Proposal Title: Business Tax, CIS and Document Production Software and Services Solution Proposal Number: 11-12-04 Term / Acronym Definition Connection Fee A monetary charge to the customer associated with starting a utility service. Contingency Plans Plans proposed by Vendor and agreed to by City in the event that Go-live should fail Credit rating A categorization of a customer credit score provided by one of the credit bureaus CSR Customer Service Representative CTI Computer Telephone Integration Customer Name Business or Individual name legally responsible for payment on the account Customer Number Unique numeric identifier for a customer DBA Name Doing Business As name, may not be the legal name. Degree of Urgency “Critical” means: (a) an error that causes an application to be unusable or inoperable; (b) an error that causes an application to completely fail causing total loss of function or program or destruction or loss of data creating a critical impact on Client’s business and/or Client end users, and (c) no workaround exists and testing or production processing cannot continue until the correction or avoidance procedure is in place. “Urgent” means: (a) an error that causes a function or application to be materially restricted; or (b) an error that causes an application to demonstrate a failure preventing the normal use of certain material function(s) within a module (for example, a Vendor-provided screen or batch program, known as a process). “Non-Urgent” means; (a) an error that is a limitation or defect in a function or application that is not a Critical Error or an Urgent Error; and (b) a practical workaround is available for an indefinite period of time. “Information Request” means: an issue that is logged than meets none of the definitions above. Document Production & Management Collective term used throughout this RFP to refer to Document composition, fulfillment, mailing, and mail services. DPI Dots Per Inch e-Bill Electronic copy of (or link to) a bill emailed to the customer EFT Electronic Funds Transfer ESB Enterprise Service Bus ESRI ArcGIS ESRI’s GIS software application Final Acceptance Sign-off by City at the end of Stabilization period tied to release of final payment. City of San José Page 62 of 98 Proposal Title: Business Tax, CIS and Document Production Software and Services Solution Proposal Number: 11-12-04 Term / Acronym Definition Fire Line A water line dedicated to providing service to a site’s fire protection sprinkler system. G/L or GL General Ledger GIS Geographic Information System Guarantor An additional legally responsible party identified on an account. Holding Account A transaction account like a clearing account where unidentified payments can be posted for back deposit/accounting purposes while the staff is researching the proper customer account for posting. IBS Integrated Billing System: City’s current utility billing system (see also legacy system) i-doxs City’s current document imaging system (for bills and notices) IVR Interactive Voice Response system JMS Java Message Service Kubra City’s current Document Production and Management vendor Language Code A code or flag on an account used to identify the spoken language preference of the customer. LDAP Lightweight Directory Access Protocol LOC Letter of Credit Medical Alert Designation A customer/service location code or flag used to identify the presence of life support equipment. MICR Magnetic Ink Character Recognition NAICS North American Industry Classification System codes NCOALINK USPS service that provides change of address information OCR Optical Character Recognition Old Legacy System Account Number The utility customer account number currently being used by City’s current billing system s OMR Optical Mark Recognition PeopleSoft City’s current Business Tax System and CIS vendor (acquired by Oracle in 2004) PIN Personal Identification Number Premises A building/location where utility services are provided. Often incorrectly referred to in City’s current billing system as the Premise Premises Type For example; single family, duplex, apartment, etc. Premium Service Order The type of Service Order that promises on-site service within a specific time City of San José Page 63 of 98 Proposal Title: Business Tax, CIS and Document Production Software and Services Solution Term / Acronym Proposal Number: 11-12-04 Definition window Proposer Proposer to this RFP, responsible for all content of the response including contributions from subcontractors, Product Vendor, Document Production and Management Services vendor, etc. After award of the contract, Proposer shall be considered the Prime Vendor, solely responsible for the delivery of contracted deliverables RDBMS Relational Database Management System Reclaimed Water / Recycled Water Non-potable water primarily used for irrigation purposes for commercial customers Returned Item A payment (check or debit draft) that has been refused by the financial institution. Returned Item Fee The fee to be charged to the customer’s account when a returned item occurs. SAA/CUA Systems Application Architecture / Common User Access. CUA is a standard for user and developer interfaces and is part of the SAA standards set that encompasses computer software standards in general Service Address The physical address where utility service is provided Service Delivery Point (SDP) The physical connection point at a premises for a particular type of service Service Location The physical location where the utility service exists at the service address. One service address may have more than one service locations Service Order A work order requiring some action for one or more utility services Service Type For example: residential water, commercial water, Flat rate sewer, residential gas, etc. SIC Standard Industrial Classification codes SLA Service Level Agreement SLD Service Level Definition SME Subject Matter Expert Software as a Service (SAAS) Service delivery model where application software is provided and paid for as a service delivered through the internet based on a subscription or pay-as-you-go arrangement Software Specification Documents that describe the City’s requirement and the Vendor proposed solution in terms of the changes, modifications, customizations, interfaces, plugins, algorithms etc. that satisfy the requirment Soundex The ability to query by typing how a word sounds verses the correct spelling Special Information Flags Codes or Flags used to indicate particular information to a user (e.g., Cash Only, Bad Dog, Prior theft/tampering, etc.) SSN Social Security Number City of San José Page 64 of 98 Proposal Title: Business Tax, CIS and Document Production Software and Services Solution Proposal Number: 11-12-04 Term / Acronym Definition Temporary Meters Meters provided to a customer or a service location and used for a short time or a temporary purpose Transaction ID A unique numeric/alphanumeric identifier (primary key) for tracking a particular transaction UAT User Acceptance Test USPS United States Postal Service Vendor Vendor responsible for the provision of any software or professional services proposed by Proposer. May be the Proposer or a subcontractor to the Proposer. Vendor Implementation Team Team assigned by Vendor to execute the services described herin. Web Service A method of interfacing whereby an interface can be exposed via the world wide web. Workstation ID Unique identifier associated with transactions that allows one to track what workstation performed a particular transaction. City of San José Page 65 of 98 Proposal Title: Business Tax, CIS and Document Production Software and Services Solution EXHIBIT 2. Proposal Number: 11-12-04 CLIENT LIST AND IMPLEMENTAION FORMS According to 1.3 above, Proposer shall complete the following tables. Exhibit 2.1 B USINESS T AX C LIENT L IST 8.2.1 A full Business Tax client list for both the Proposer and the Product Vendor submitting a proposal to this RFP (if different): For the Proposer, for each client, complete the information in the following table: Client Name Brief description of Services provided to Client by Vendor (include product name and version and indicate whether an implementation/migration is currently underway) Number of customers serviced by Client <enter one line per client> For the Product Vendor (only if different to the Proposer), for each client (maintaining an active support agreement with the Product Vendor for the product(s) being proposed), complete the information in the following table only: Client Name Product Name and Version (indicate whether an currently underway) implementation/migration is Number of customers serviced by Client <enter one line per client> Exhibit 2.2 CIS C LIENT L IST (O PTIONAL ) 8.2.2 A full Business Tax client list for both the Proposer and the Product Vendor submitting a proposal to this RFP (if different): For the Proposer, for each client, complete the information in the following table: Client Name Brief description of Services provided to Client by Vendor (include product name and version and indicate whether an implementation/migration is currently underway) <enter one line per client> City of San José Page 66 of 98 Number of customers serviced by Client Proposal Title: Business Tax, CIS and Document Production Software and Services Solution Proposal Number: 11-12-04 For the Product Vendor (only if different to the Proposer), for each client (maintaining an active support agreement with the Product Vendor for the product(s) being proposed), complete the information in the following table only: Client Name Product Name and Version (indicate whether an currently underway) implementation/migration is Number of customers serviced by Client <enter one line per client> Exhibit 2.3 Number of Business Tax Systems Implemented Provide the number of implementations and upgrades contracted for, on the Business Tax product being proposed. Include implementations or upgrades only where your company was the Prime Vendor responsible for the Business Tax project. For each implementation or upgrade, include the number contracted for in the last 24 months, total number contracted to date, and total number of live sites: 8.2.3 List the number of implementations performed (where client was converted from an existing legacy or commercial application). Product Name and Version # # in last months 24 Total # to Date # Live to Date # in last months 24 Total # to Date # Live to Date <enter one line per product being proposed> 8.2.4 List the number of upgrades performed. Product Name and Version # <enter one line per product being proposed> Exhibit 2.4 Number of CIS Implemented (Optional) Provide the number of implementations and upgrades contracted for, on the CIS product being proposed (if applicable). Include implementations or upgrades only where your company was the Prime Vendor responsible for the CIS project. For each implementation or upgrade, include the number contracted for in the last 24 months, total number contracted to date, and total number of live sites: City of San José Page 67 of 98 Proposal Title: Business Tax, CIS and Document Production Software and Services Solution 8.2.5 Proposal Number: 11-12-04 List the number of implementations performed (where client was converted from an existing legacy or commercial application). Product Name and Version # # in last months 24 Total # to Date # Live to Date # in last months 24 Total # to Date # Live to Date <enter one line per product being proposed> 8.2.6 List the number of upgrades performed. Product Name and Version # <enter one line per product being proposed> City of San José Page 68 of 98 Proposal Title: Business Tax, CIS and Document Production Software and Services Solution EXHIBIT 3. Proposal Number: 11-12-04 DEMONSTRATION SCHEDULE Activity or Topic Start Time End Time Day 1 Vendor Setup 8:00 AM 9:00 AM Introductions and Corporate Overview 9:00 AM 9:30 AM Functional Overview of the Solution 9:30 AM 10:00 AM Customer Service 10:00 AM 11:30 AM Customer Web Access 11:30 AM 12:00 AM 12:00 PM 1:00 PM Billing 1:00 PM 2:00 PM Payment Processing 2:00 PM 2:30 PM Collections Processing 2:30 PM 3:30 PM Accounting 3:30 PM 4:00 PM Reporting / Queries 4:00 PM 4:30 PM 4:30 PM 5:00 PM 8:00 AM 9:00 AM 9:00 AM 10:30 AM Field Activities & Meter Reading 10:30 AM 11:30 AM Customer Web Access 11:30 AM 12:00 PM Billing 1:00 PM 2:00 PM Payment Processing 2:00 PM 2:30 PM Business Tax: Lunch Break Wrap-Up, Questions and Answers Day 2 Vendor Setup CIS (if proposed): Customer Service City of San José Page 69 of 98 Proposal Title: Business Tax, CIS and Document Production Software and Services Solution Proposal Number: 11-12-04 Collections Processing 2:30 PM 3:30 PM Accounting 3:30 PM 4:00 PM Reporting / Queries 4:00 PM 4:30 PM 4:30 PM 5:00 PM Vendor Setup 8:00 AM 9:00 AM Technical Overview 9:00 AM 10:00 AM Implementation Approach and Services Overview 10:00 AM 11:00 AM Hosted Services Overview (if proposed) 11:00 AM 12:00 PM Lunch Break 12:00 PM 1:00 PM Document Printing and Management (if proposed) 1:00 PM 2:00 PM Final Wrap-Up, Final Questions and Answers 2:00 PM 3:00 PM Wrap-Up, Questions and Answers Day 3 (Day 2 if CIS not proposed) City of San José Page 70 of 98 Proposal Title: Business Tax, CIS and Document Production Software and Services Solution EXHIBIT 4. Proposal Number: 11-12-04 PRELIMINARY SITE VISIT AGENDA The following preliminary agenda describes the subjects City wish to cover. Typically, this agenda will be limited to one day or less. Familiarization (1 hour) Site Background: governance, structure, services, size, demographic, major initiatives, etc. System Environment: the IT picture. How is BT / CIS is deployed, what other systems does it talk to and what major projects are planned or underway. Implementation: a brief overview of the implementation. What were the strategic drivers, significant dates, decisions points and costs. Introduction to Client’s Key Personnel Software Demonstration (possible time with each unit – 20/30 minutes each) Customer Service (incl. Field dispatch, if applicable) Call Center (incl. Customer Self Service) Cashiers Billing and Collections Meet with Client’s Key Project/Support Personnel (90 minutes) BT / CIS Project Manager and Team: - Implementation Experience; - Vendor strengths, weaknesses, performance, value; - Product strengths and weaknesses; - Degree of customization; - Lessons Learned. System Support Representatives (Discussion of Technical Issues) Conduct Discussions with Client Personnel (90 minutes). The Businesses view of: Application Functionality Functional Issues Ease of Use Screen Flow Reporting Capabilities Support Documentation Training Ability of System to Support Growth City of San José Page 71 of 98 Proposal Title: Business Tax, CIS and Document Production Software and Services Solution EXHIBIT 5. RATES AND FEES Exhibit 5.1 B USINESS T AX Refer to “Exhibit 5 – Convention Center Rates.pdf” Refer to “Exhibit 5 – TOT Rates.pdf” Refer to “Exhibit 5 – HBID Rates.pdf” Exhibit 5.2 CIS Refer to “Exhibit 5 – MWS Rates.docx” City of San José Page 72 of 98 Proposal Number: 11-12-04 Proposal Title: Business Tax, CIS and Document Production Software and Services Solution EXHIBIT 6. EXAMPLE BILL FORMATS Exhibit 6.1 B USINESS T AX Refer to “Exhibit 6 – BT Bill.docx” Exhibit 6.2 CIS Refer to “Exhibit 6 – MWS Bill.pdf” Refer to “Exhibit 6 – SJ Redevelopment SS-WW bill.pdf” City of San José Page 73 of 98 Proposal Number: 11-12-04 Proposal Title: Business Tax, CIS and Document Production Software and Services Solution EXHIBIT 7. EXAMPLE LETTER FORMATS Exhibit 7.1 B USINESS T AX Refer to “Exhibit 7 – BT Documents.docx” Exhibit 7.2 CIS Refer to “Exhibit 7 – 2nddisco.pdf” City of San José Page 74 of 98 Proposal Number: 11-12-04 Proposal Title: Business Tax, CIS and Document Production Software and Services Solution EXHIBIT 8. Proposal Number: 11-12-04 BUSINESS TAX SYSTEMS INTEGRATION The following sections describe the less commonplace interface requirements between Business Tax and other City systems. Interfaces not described in this section as they are considered “standard” Business Tax interfaces (or are not currently known) are: Bill Print Extract, Address Verification, Document Imaging, Internal Collections, Accounts Payable, Outbound IVR (Voice Broadcast). These sections are provided for informational purposes only in order that Proposers accurately estimate the work effort associated with developing, testing and deploying interfaces. They should not be considered comprehensive specifications. Exhibit 8.1 I NTERFACE : F RANCHISE T AX B OARD This on-demand, one-way, inbound, point to point, interface has the following attributes: Data Element Name End Pos. 9 Field Size 9 Type Description AN 10 18 9 AN OWNERSHIP TYPE 19 19 1 AN OWNERS LAST NAME 20 34 15 AN OWNERS FIRST NAME 35 45 11 AN OWNERS MIDDLE INITIAL BUSINESS NAME 46 47 46 86 1 40 AN AN BUSINESS ADDRESS 87 126 40 AN 127 167 166 168 40 2 A A Must be present unless FEIN is provided. Fill unused field with blanks. Must be present unless SSN is provided. Fill unused field with blanks. Must be present: S = Sole Proprietorship, P = Partnership, C = Corporation, T = Trust, L = LLC. Must be present if Ownership Type in position 19 = S. Must be present if Ownership Type in position 19 = S. May be blank. Enter if business is operating under a fictitious name (Doing Business As (DBA). Address of the business location or the residence of the owner if sole proprietorship. Must be present. Enter standard state abbreviation. SOCIAL (SSN) SECURITY Start Pos. NUMBER 1 FEDERAL EMPLOYER ID NUMBER (FEIN) NUMBER-AND-STREET CITY STATE City of San José Page 75 of 98 Proposal Title: Business Tax, CIS and Document Production Software and Services Solution Proposal Number: 11-12-04 ZIP 169 177 9 AN BUSINESS START DATE 178 185 8 N BUSINESS CEASE DATE 186 193 8 N CITY-BUSINESS-TAX-NUMBER 194 196 3 N NORTH-AMERICAN-INDUSTRYCLASSIFICATION-SYSTEM (NAICS) STANDARD-INDUSTRIALCLASSIFICATION (SIC) 197 202 6 N 203 206 4 N TOTAL RECORD LENGTH City of San José 206 Page 76 of 98 Enter the valid ZIP Code (nine or five-digit) assigned by the U.S. Postal Service. If only the first fivedigits are know, left-justify information and fill the unused positions with blanks. Enter the eight-digit (MMDDCCYY). Zero fill if not known. Enter the eight-digit date (MMDDCCYY) if out of business. Zero fill if not known or not out of business. Enter three-digit number assigned by FTB. Enter the six-digit NAICS code. Fill unused fields with zeros. Enter the 2-4 digit SIC code. Left justify (example 99 will be 9900). Fill unused fields with zeros. Proposal Title: Business Tax, CIS and Document Production Software and Services Solution Exhibit 8.2 I NTERFACE : W ELLS F ARGO B ANK I NTERNET P AYMENT F ILE This daily, one-way, inbound, point to point, daily interface has the following attributes: Header Record: Position # of Characters Description 1 1 "H" for a Header Record 2-4 3 Batch Number 5-7 3 444 8-11 4 4444 12-17 6 Batch Date 18-27 10 Total Amount of Cash in Batch (Unsigned, no Decimal point with leading zeros) 28-37 10 Total Amount of Cash in Batch (Unsigned, no decimal poit with leading zeros) 38-40 3 number of records within the Batch Details Record: Position 1 # of Characters Description 1 "6" for a Detail Record 2-11 10 12-20 9 Amount Paid (Unsigned, no decimal point with leading zeros) 21-22 2 "20" (filler only) City of San José Account Number Page 77 of 98 Proposal Number: 11-12-04 Proposal Title: Business Tax, CIS and Document Production Software and Services Solution 23-28 6 29-40 12 Batch Creation Date Blank Spaces Exhibit 8.3 I NTERFACE : M ETAVANTE C ASH F ILE This daily, one-way, inbound, point to point, daily interface has the following attributes: Header Record: Position # of Characters Description 1 1 "H" for a Header Record 2-4 3 Batch Number 5-7 3 333 8-11 4 3333 12-17 6 Batch Date 18-27 10 Total Amount of Cash in Batch 28-37 10 Total Amount of Cash in Batch 38-40 3 number of records within the Batch Details Record: Position 1 2-11 City of San José # of Characters Description 1 10 "6" for a Detail Record Account Number Page 78 of 98 Proposal Number: 11-12-04 Proposal Title: Business Tax, CIS and Document Production Software and Services Solution 12-20 9 Amount Paid 21-22 2 "20" (filler only) 23-28 6 Batch Creation Date Proposal Number: 11-12-04 Exhibit 8.4 I NTERFACE : F INANCIAL A CCOUNTING (C AYENTA FMS) This daily, one-way, outbound, point to point, daily interface has the following attributes: Column ACCTG-PERIOD Start 1 Length 2 Type Numeric Description Accounting Month Value 01 = July 02 = Aug … 12 = June SUBSYSTEM BATCH 3 5 2 10 Alphanumeric Numeric SHEET 15 10 Numeric SEQ VC-FUND 25 35 10 3 Numeric Numeric FMS Subsystem A Number generated on external system A Sequential Number generated on external system Position 1-3 of Visible Code VC-FILLER VC-CODE TRANS-TYPE 38 44 56 6 12 3 Numeric Numeric Position 4-15 of Numeric Visible Code Transaction Type: 13 = Extended June GL Example: 6410162002 Can be same as Batch number Zero-filled Example: 999 000000 Example: 420000001000 282 = CR Cash Voucher - Negative Amount 284 = DB Cash Voucher - Positive Amount 262 = CR Journal Voucher - Positive Amount City of San José Page 79 of 98 Proposal Title: Business Tax, CIS and Document Production Software and Services Solution Proposal Number: 11-12-04 264 = DB Journal Voucher - Negative Amount OVRHD-CODE OVRHD-AMT OVRHD-SIGN SOURCE QUANTITY QTY-SIGN RATE RATE-SIGN EXT-AMT 59 60 71 72 75 84 85 92 93 1 11 1 3 9 1 7 1 11 Alphanumeric PIC 9(9)V99 Alphanumeric Alphanumeric PIC 9(7)V99 Alphanumeric PIC 9(4)V999 Alphanumeric PIC 9(9)V99 EXT-AMT-SIGN TRANS-DATE 104 105 1 6 Alphanumeric Numeric Transaction Amount Blank-filled Zero-filled + Example: GBL Zero-filled + Zero-filled + Zero-padded (left) Transaction Date “+” or “-“ Example: External source ID 031016 (Format: YYMMDD) FILLER JV-TITLE 111 116 5 7 Alphanumeric Alphanumeric FILLER DESCRIPTION 123 227 104 900 Alphanumeric Alphanumeric FILLER 900 1126 Alphanumeric City of San José Page 80 of 98 Journal/Cash Voucher Title Journal/Cash Voucher Description Blank-filled Example: GBL_JVS Blank-filled Example: GBL JV/CV Blank-filled Proposal Title: Business Tax, CIS and Document Production Software and Services Solution Proposal Number: 11-12-04 Layout of interface file sent to the FMS/GL system Record length = 1126. File must be in ASCII format and without any carriage returns: ACCTG-PERIOD: The accounting period for the City of San Jose. If the ACCTG-PERIOD and TRANS-DATE are not coordinated, every transaction will be rejected and no batch will be created in FMS. Must match the TRANS-DATE. Example: a TRANS-DATE of 070130 would require an ACCTG-PERIOD of 07 Example: a TRANS-DATE of 070822 would require an ACCTG-PERIOD of 02 Must be greater than 12 if a transaction is sent to FMS after Fiscal Period of 12 is closed Example: Period 12 is closed on June 29, 2007. Transactions are sent to FMS the evening of June29, 2007. The TRANS-DATE would be: 070629 and the ACCTG-PERIOD would be: 13. SUBSYSTEM: Must be equal to “GL”. BATCH: The Batch is used for segregating transactions into an FMS batch or batches. FMS assigns batch numbers based on FMS’s internal controls; the batch or batches created in FMS will most likely not be the same as the batch number(s) as in the transaction file. The transaction file sent to FMS must be sorted by Sequence within Sheet within Batch. Each unique batch number in the transaction file will create a unique batch in FMS. Each time FMS encounters a new batch number in the transactions, the FMS will assign a unique batch number. SHEET: Is a subset of batch. Will have no effect on the FMS Batch and Sheet SEQUENCE: Is a subset of Sheet. Will have no effect on FMS Batch, Sheet or Sequence. VC-FUND and VC-CODE: Must be equal to a 15-digit Visible Code within the FMS system. If the VC-FUND and VC-CODE is not equal to a Visible Code in the FMS, the transaction will be flagged on the Interface Transaction Report. All VC-FUND and VC-CODEs must be equal to a Visible Code in respective fiscal year of the FMS prior to batch approval in FMS or the transaction will be posted to the suspense account. VC-CODE is parsed into: Positions 1-2 are the 2-digit City Department designation; Positions 3-8 are the 6-digit Responsibility Center (RC) assigned by the department and Positions 9-12 are the 4-digit City Object Detail. TRANS-TYPE: Indicates the transaction type for each transaction. Please coordinate with Finance if there is a question as to whether to use Cash Journal Vouchers or Regular Journal Vouchers. 282: 284: City of San José Cash Journal Voucher Credit Transaction: Must be a negative EXT-AMT. Cash Journal Voucher Debit Transaction: Must be a positive EXT-AMT. Page 81 of 98 Proposal Title: Business Tax, CIS and Document Production Software and Services Solution 262: 264: Proposal Number: 11-12-04 Regular Journal Voucher Debit Transaction: Must be a positive EXT-AMT. Regular Journal Voucher Credit Transaction: Must be a negative EXT-AMT. SOURCE: Must be equal to the assigned value for each unit sending transaction files to the FMS. The SOURCE becomes the FMS “User ID” included with all transactions posted to the FMS General Ledger. EXT-AMT: The transaction amount. TRANS-DATE: Must be in yymmdd format, where yy are the last two digits of the calendar year, mm is the number of the calendar month and dd is the calendar day. TRANS-DATE must coordinate with the ACCTG-PERIOD. Example: July 21, 2007 = 070721 (ACCTG-PERIOD = 01) Example: January 16, 2008 = 080116 (ACCTG-PERIOD = 07) JV-TITLE: Content should be coordinated with the General Ledger Section of the City’s Finance Department. DESCRIPTION: Content should be coordinated with the General Ledger Section of the City’s Finance Department. The total of all debits must be equal to the total of all credits for each batch sent to the FMS. Each batch sent to the FMS must contain one and only one TRANS-TYPE pair. If a file of transactions contains more than one TRANS-TYPE pair, then multiple batches are required. Example: A batch contains only transactions with a TRANS-TYPE equal to 282 and 284. Example: A batch contains only transactions with a TRANS-TYPE equal to 262 and 264. The values in the remaining fields are self-explanatory. The City’s Financial Management System (FMS) runs on an Oracle Relational Database Management System (RDBMS). The flat (sequential) file should have a unique file name. Example: The Airport file name for July 17, 2007 would be AI0717. Each application sending an interface file to FMS must use a unique filename prefix (e.g. AI in the case of the Airport). Contact the Information Technology FMS Support Team to arrange for a unique filename prefix. The last two characters of each record must be spaces, not a carriage return or line feed. The interface file may contain any number of records, but the must conform exactly to the aforementioned format. Interface files sent to FMS after June 30 for a fiscal year must have an “Extended June” ACCTG_PERIOD of 13, 14, etc. Coordinate with the General Ledger Section of Finance for Interface files sent after June 30 and require posting in the last fiscal period of the previous fiscal year. City of San José Page 82 of 98 Proposal Title: Business Tax, CIS and Document Production Software and Services Solution EXHIBIT 9. Proposal Number: 11-12-04 CIS SYSTEMS INTEGRATION The following sections describe the less commonplace interface requirements between CIS and other City systems. Interfaces not described in this section as they are considered “standard” CIS interfaces (or are not currently known) are: Bill Print Extract, Lockbox, Credit Card Payment, ACH, Address Verification, Document Imaging, Meter Testing. Interfaces not described in this section as they are described above (and share the same format with Business Tax) are: General Ledger, Metavante Payment, Wells Fargo Payment, Data Warehouse. These sections are provided for informational purposes only in order that Proposers accurately estimate the work effort associated with developing, testing and deploying interfaces. They should not be considered comprehensive specifications. Exhibit 9.1 I NTERFACE : T AX R OLL B ILLING Storm and Sanitary Sewer Billings are calculated within CIS and passed to the County for inclusion on the annual tax roll. The determinants for Storm Sewer are the size of the parcel and its usage. The determinant for Sanitary Sewer is water consumption. Water consumption information comes from three sources: Firstly from CIS itself that manages and bills for City (Municipal Water) accounts; Secondly from San José Water Company, a private company that manages and bills the majority of San José residents; thirdly from Great Oaks, a neighboring City that supplies water to a small number of San José’s residents (these readings are manually entered). The process of tax roll billing involves a sequence of file exchanges, described below: Inbound Interface (San José Water Company): An inbound, quarterly interface (containing 24 months of consumption data for each meter) from San José Water Company is received and processed: Data Description Type and Length Position Address Character (48) 1 Street Character (30) 49 Direction Character (1) 79 Number Numeric (8) 80 Suffix Character (2) 88 City of San José Page 83 of 98 Proposal Title: Business Tax, CIS and Document Production Software and Services Solution Proposal Number: 11-12-04 Suite # Character (4) 90 City Character (21) 94 State Character (2) 96 Zip Character (5) 101 Meter # Numeric (9) 106 Location Character (48) 115 Month 1 consumption Numeric (8) 163 Month 2 consumption… Inbound Interface (County): An Inbound file from the County, known as “The Parcel Control Index File” is transmitted annually, in the month of June to the City. The APN, Tax Rate Area and Public/Non-Public Status information are contained within this file: Data Description Type and Length Position Assessor’s Parcel Number Numeric (8) 1-8 Parcel Flag Characters (1) 11 - 12 Tax Rate Area Numeric (6) 27 - 32 The User will execute queries to compare the APN stored in CIS, with the value coming from the file for Tax Rate Area ‘17’ (San José). Also, another comparison is done between the Public/Non-Public status within the file to the Customer Class of the CIS Account. The Public status from the file will correlate to a Customer Class of “Government”. Discrepancies will be investigated by City Staff, and updates maybe performed within CIS. Outbound (Draft County) Interface (“915 Tape”): After billing has occurred in CIS, according to the rates described elsewhere in this document, an outbound file is generated. This is the draft version of the Tax roll file: City of San José Page 84 of 98 Proposal Title: Business Tax, CIS and Document Production Software and Services Solution Proposal Number: 11-12-04 Data Description Type and Length Position Assessor’s Parcel Number Numeric (8) 1-8 Public Improvement Code Numeric (3) 9 – 11 value: “800” Public Improvement Amount Numeric (8) 12 – 19 (w/leading zeros) (no decimals) e.g. $799.57 will be translated to 00079957 Data Processing Code Numeric (5) 20 - 24 Outbound (Final County) Interface (“912 Tape”): The final Tax Roll Interface is generated by the City (outbound). This file maybe re-generated multiple times if the County finds discrepancies: Data Description Type and Length Position Assessor’s Parcel Number Numeric (8) 1–8 Public Improvement Code Numeric (3) 9 – 11 value: “800” Public Improvement Amount Numeric (8) 12 – 19 (w/leading zeros) (no decimals) e.g. $799.57 will be translated to 00079957 City of San José Page 85 of 98 Proposal Title: Business Tax, CIS and Document Production Software and Services Solution FILLER Proposal Number: 11-12-04 61 blank characters 20 - 80 Outbound Interface (Library): This outbound file is generated by the City at the time of the Final County Interface sending information to the Library. Data Description Type and Length Position DP CODE Numeric (6) 1–8 ACRES Signed (9.2) 18 – 29 (right justified, with no leading zeros) e.g ZERO should be reflected as 0.00 and 7.9 should be reflected as 7.90 APN_NUMBER Numeric (8) 34 - 41 Exhibit 9.2 I NTERFACE : I NTERACTIVE V OICE R ESPONSE (IVR) This real time interface allows the IVR to query CIS, based on an account number entered by the customer for the following information: Current balance Due date Last Bill Date Last payment amount Last payment date Disconnection date Next scheduled payment arrangement date and amount Exhibit 9.3 I NTERFACE : B ADGER C ONNECT M ETER R EADING S OFTWARE This daily, bi-directional, point-to-point interface has the following attributes: Field Name Format to Connect Format From Connect Size Start End Description Unused Blank Space Fill Same 8 1 8 Unused Customer Name Text Left Justify Space Fill Same 20 9 28 name of person or business where the meter is located City of San José Page 86 of 98 Proposal Title: Business Tax, CIS and Document Production Software and Services Solution Proposal Number: 11-12-04 Service Address Text Left Justify Space Fill Same 20 29 48 address where the meter is located Module Serial # Text Left Justify Space Fill Same 10 49 58 number used by reading device to interrogate reading module Unused Blank Space Fill Same 4 59 62 Unused Read Status Blank Space Fill Text Coded 1 63 63 status of read from reading device Service # Number 1-9 Same 1 64 64 used to distinguish between reads with the same Account # Meter Type Text W, G, E or Space Same 1 65 65 type of meter Network ID Number Left Justify Space Fill Same 2 66 67 ID number of Dialog module when multiple modules are attached to one Dialog sensor for Touch read Meter Serial # Text Left Justify Space Fill Same 9 68 76 serial # of meter Unused Blank Space Fill Same 1 77 77 Unused High Read Limit Number Right Justify Zero Fill Same 9 78 86 highest value read should be Low Read Limit Number Right Justify Zero Fill Same 9 87 95 lowest value read should be Current Reading Number Space Fill Number Right Justified Zero Filled 9 96 104 read from reading device Current Read Time Blank Space Fill Time hhmmss 8 105 112 time of read from reading device Read Type Blank Space Fill Text Coded 1 113 113 type of read from reading device Tamper Mode Blank Space Fill Text Coded 1 114 114 tamper mode from reading device Comment Code or Trouble Code Text Free Form Text Free Form 2 115 116 code sent to and from reading device for meter reader notification Route # Text Same 4 117 group the meter belongs to City of San José Page 87 of 98 Proposal Title: Business Tax, CIS and Document Production Software and Services Solution Proposal Number: 11-12-04 Left Justify Space Fill 120 Account # Text Left Justify Space Fill Same 15 121 135 ID value that links the billing system record to the Connect record Current Read Date Blank Space Fill Date mm/dd/yy 8 136 143 date of read from reading device Device Code Text Coded Text Coded 1 144 144 code that indicates the reading technology used to read the meter MMI Latitude** Text 12 Numbers or Letters Text 12 Numbers or Letters 12 145 156 latitude position of reading module for Radio read Text 6 Numbers or Letters Text 6 Numbers or Letters 6 151 156 longitude position of reading module for Radio read Unused Blank Space Fill Same 6 157 162 unused Test Circle Code** (Reading Resolution Code) Number Coded Same 2 163 164 code used to convert Radio and Touch reads from reading module to actual reads Read Sequence Number Right Justify Zero Fill Number Right Justify Zero Fill 6 165 170 order that meter should be read in relation to other meters based on location Meter Model or Reader Notes Text Left Justify Space Fill Same 20 171 190 description of meter or miscellaneous information Utility Specific Text Left Justify Space Fill Same 30 191 220 value stored by Connect and passed back to billing system Reader ID Blank Space Fill Text Free Form 3 221 223 initials of meter reader Read Code 1 Blank Space Fill Text Free Form 2 224 225 meter reader comments Read Code 2 Blank Space Fill Text Free Form 2 226 227 meter reader comments Read Code 3 Blank Space Fill Text Free Form 2 228 229 meter reader comments Location Text Left Justify Space Fill Same 9 230 238 describes location of meter to meter reader Changed from 6 to 12 per Badger’s instructions MMI Longitude** Incorporated this space into the Latitude fields per Badger instructions. City of San José Page 88 of 98 Proposal Title: Business Tax, CIS and Document Production Software and Services Solution Proposal Number: 11-12-04 Read Mode Blank Space Fill Text Coded 2 239 240 mode of read from reading device MMI Longitude** Text 12 Numbers or Letters Text 12 Numbers or Letters 12 241 252 longitude position of reading module for Radio read Unused Blank Zero Fill Same 14 253 254 unused End of Record Code Text Carriage Return and Line Feed Text Carriage Return and Line Feed 2 255 256 end of record Moved to this position to utilize unused space Exhibit 9.4 I NTERFACE : D ATA W AREHOUSE This one-way, inbound, point to point, weekly interface has the following attributes (2 record types): Field Name APN NEWOWNER TAXRATEAREA ASSESSEE INCAREOFNAME MAILINGADDRESS MAILINGCITYSTATE MAILINGZIP LANDVALUE IMPROVEMENTVALUE EQUIPMENTVALUE STRUCTUREVALUE PERSONALVALUE POOLCODE OWNEREXEMPTION OTHEREXEMPTION USECODE USECODEEXTENSION FILLER1 WELLFLAG PARCELSIZE USABLEAREA NUMOWNERS NOOFBLDGS TOTALSQFT City of San José Start Length Premises Information 1 8 9 1 10 5 15 43 58 43 101 43 144 28 172 10 182 9 191 9 200 9 209 9 218 9 227 1 228 1 229 1 230 2 232 1 233 1 234 1 235 7 242 8 250 3 253 2 255 8 Type CHAR CHAR ZONED EXTERNAL CHAR CHAR CHAR CHAR CHAR CHAR CHAR CHAR CHAR CHAR CHAR CHAR CHAR CHAR CHAR CHAR CHAR ZONED EXTERNAL ZONED EXTERNAL ZONED EXTERNAL ZONED EXTERNAL ZONED EXTERNAL Page 89 of 98 Proposal Title: Business Tax, CIS and Document Production Software and Services Solution YEARBUILT EFFYEARBUILT TRANSFERDATE DOCNUMBER FILLER2 REPORTDATE PARCELCODE FILLER3 STREETNUM STREETNUMSUFFIX STREETDIR STREETNAME STREETTYPE UNIT CITY FILLER4 STATE ZIP NOOFADDR NOOFFLOORS NOOFUNITS TRACT LOT BLOCK MAPNUM MAPPAGENUM PREVAPN PREVAPNEFFDATE PREVCHANGECODE FILLER5 APN FILLER1 LASTNAME FIRSTNAME MIDDLENAME GENERATION TITLE SEQUENCECOUNT FILLER2 ASSESSEEPOSITION OWNER_TYPE OWNER_PERCENTAGE City of San José 263 4 267 4 271 8 279 8 287 2 289 8 297 1 298 1 299 6 305 4 309 2 311 22 333 2 335 12 347 15 362 1 363 2 365 10 375 4 379 2 381 4 385 6 391 4 395 4 399 4 403 4 407 8 415 8 423 1 424 1 Owner Information 1 8 9 2 11 20 31 22 53 20 73 4 77 6 83 4 87 4 91 4 95 1 96 5 CHAR CHAR DATE "YYYYMMDD" CHAR CHAR DATE "YYYYMMDD" CHAR CHAR CHAR CHAR CHAR CHAR CHAR CHAR CHAR CHAR CHAR CHAR ZONED EXTERNAL ZONED EXTERNAL ZONED EXTERNAL CHAR CHAR CHAR CHAR CHAR CHAR DATE "YYYYMMDD" CHAR CHAR CHAR CHAR CHAR CHAR CHAR CHAR CHAR CHAR CHAR CHAR CHAR CHAR Page 90 of 98 Proposal Number: 11-12-04 Proposal Title: Business Tax, CIS and Document Production Software and Services Solution FILLER3 ASOFDATE FILLER4 City of San José 101 102 110 1 8 1 CHAR CHAR CHAR Page 91 of 98 Proposal Number: 11-12-04 Proposal Title: Business Tax, CIS and Document Production Software and Services Solution EXHIBIT 10. TECHNICAL ENVIRONMENT The following describes the City’s current technical environment: Server Windows Server 2003 SP2, 32-bit and 64-bit Windows Server 2008 SP2 64-bit VMware vSphere4.1 (Intel based) Veeam back-up Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 on Windows 2003 server with Outlook 2000/2003 (e-mail) Microsoft Internet Information Server 6 on Windows 2003 (web) Database Oracle Standard Edition 10g or later Microsoft SQL: Server 2005 Desktop Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7 Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0, 8.0, testing 9.0 Microsoft office 2003 Antivirus Trend Micro Office Scan – server and desktop Trend Scan Mail – e-mail Other Microsoft Windows 2003 and 2008 File and Print Services Microsoft Windows Server Update Service (WSUS) Electronic Mail Platform supports Exchange Server 2003 and Outlook 2003 Nortel/Avaya routers and switches TCP/IP Network Protocol 1000Mb/100Mb/10Mb Ethernet Cayenta Financial Management System 7.5 GIS environment Oracle Spatial Multiple GIS tools (Intergraph, ESRI), Map Info) in a common repository PeopleSoft Revenue Management 8.9 PeopleSoft Customer Relationship Management 8.9 PeopleSoft Hr/Payroll City of San José Page 92 of 98 Proposal Number: 11-12-04 Proposal Title: Business Tax, CIS and Document Production Software and Services Solution Proposal Number: 11-12-04 EXHIBIT 11. ADA REQUIREMENTS The web components of the proposed system that are accessible by the public must meet the following Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) web site design guidelines. Please specify if the proposed system cannot meet any of the specific guidelines and why. The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) published the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines, and the numbers within brackets indicate the guideline number as identified in the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines. Please see for more information. 1. Required Design Guidelines 1.1 Non-text elements (images, maps, graphs, etc.) 1.1.1 Provide text equivalent for non-text elements (via “alt” or “longdesc”) [1.1] 1.1.2 Provide redundant text links for each active region of a server-side image map. 1.2] 1.1.3 Provide client-side image maps instead of server-side image maps except where the regions cannot be defined with an available geometric shape. [9.1] 1.2 Multimedia 1.2.1 Provide an auditory description of the important information of the visual track of a multimedia presentation. [1.3] 1.2.2 Synchronize equivalent alternatives with the presentation. [1.4] 1.3 Navigation 1.3.1 Title each frame to facilitate frame identification and navigation. [12.1] 1.4 Language 1.4.1 Clearly identify changes in the natural language of a document’s text and any text equivalents (e.g. captions) [4.1] 1.4.2 Use the clearest and simplest language appropriate for a site’s content. [14.1] 1.5 Tables 1.5.1 Identify row and column headers. [5.1] 1.5.2 Use markup to associate data cells and header cells. [5.2] 1.6 Color 1.6.1 Ensure that all information conveyed with color is also available without color. [2.1] 1.7 Technologies 1.7.1 Organize documents so they may be read without style sheets. [6.1] 1.7.2 Ensure that equivalents for dynamic content are updated when the dynamic content changes. [6.2] 1.7.3 Ensure that pages are usable when scripts, applets, or other programmatic objects are turned off or not supported. If this is not possible, provide equivalent information on an alternative accessible page. [6.3] 1.7.4 Make programmatic elements such as scripts and applets directly accessible or compatible with assistive technologies. [8.1] 1.7.5 If, after best efforts, you cannot create an accessible page, provide a link to an alternative page that uses W3C technologies, is accessible, has equivalent information (or functionality) and is updated as often as the inaccessible original page. [11.4] 1.8 Presentation 1.8.1 Avoid causing the screen to flicker. [7.1] 2. Desirable Design Guidelines City of San José Page 93 of 98 Proposal Title: Business Tax, CIS and Document Production Software and Services Solution 2.1 Proposal Number: 11-12-04 Navigation 2.1.1 Divide large blocks of information into more manageable groups where natural and appropriate. [12.3] 2.1.2 Clearly identify the target of each link. [13.1] 2.1.3 Provide metadata to add semantic information to pages and sites. [13.2] 2.1.4 Use navigation mechanisms in a consistent manner. ] 13.4] 2.1.5 Group related links, identify the group (for user agents) and provide a way to bypass the group. [13.6] 2.2 Language 2.2.1 Identify the primary natural language of a document. [4.3] 2.3 Tables 2.3.1 If a table is used for layout, do not use any structural markup for the purpose of visual formatting. [5.4] 2.4 Color 2.4.1 Ensure that all foreground and background color combinations provide sufficient contract. [2.2] 2.5 Technologies 2.5.1 Avoid deprecated features of W3C technologies. [11.2] 2.6 Presentation 2.6.1 Use style sheets to control layout and presentation. [3.3] 2.6.2 Use relative rather than absolute units in markup language attribute values and style sheet property values. [3.4] 2.6.3 Mark up list and list items properly. [3.6] 2.6.4 Avoid causing content to blink. [7.2] 2.6.5 Avoid movement in pages. [7.3] 2.6.6 Do not create periodically auto-refreshing pages. [7.4] 2.6.7 Do not use markup to redirect pages automatically. Instead, configure the server to perform redirects. [7.5] 2.6.8 Do not cause pop-ups or other windows to appear and do not change the current window without informing the user. [10.1] 2.6.9 For all form controls with implicitly associated labels, ensure that the label is properly positioned. [10.2] 2.6.10 Create a style of presentation that is consistent across pages. [14.3] City of San José Page 94 of 98 Proposal Title: Business Tax, CIS and Document Production Software and Services Solution Proposal Number: 11-12-04 EXHIBIT 12. WEB SITE DESIGN GUIDELINES The web components of the proposed system that are accessible by the public should meet the following City of San José web site design guidelines. Please specify if the proposed system cannot meet any of the specific guidelines and why. 1. Citywide Templates 1.1 Departments are encouraged to use citywide templates for their websites to ensure a consistent, professional look across all City of San José Internet sites. 1.2 The top of the templates contains the City logo and a photo-collage representing City service areas. This is a permanent part of the templates and will appear on every page. 1.3 The City’s primary Navigation Bar (NavBar) will appear at the top of the home page for each City department or division. All pages must link back to the city home page ( 1.4 The Department Title (ex: Office of the City Manager) will appear at the upper left of the secondary lefthand navigation 1.5 Program or Division names will appear just below that in the blue box, with white text, above the secondary navigation 1.6 The secondary NavBar will appear at the left of every web page. Additional navigation can be situated on the right-hand side of the page as needed. 1.7 The central content of the templates is the editable region where most of your content will reside 1.8 At the bottom, a server-side include file will automatically populate the date the pages were updated 1.9 The bottom of the department home page template mirrors the top navigation (for pages that require scrolling) and also houses a link to email the Call Center, ADA instructions, e-gov policies, statement of purpose, privacy statement, security info, disclaimer. Subsequent template pages only have the top nav links repeated, and the email link to the Call Center 2. Information 2.1 Do not code links to open a new browser window. 2.2 On the department home page, provide an email contact and/or telephone number (preferably both) to respond to inquiries from the public. Also include this information on subsequent pages where appropriate. 2.3 Include area codes with all telephone numbers. 2.4 On pages with heavy amounts of text information that a user may need/want to print out, consider breaking the information up onto several web pages that will print to a page or less, or create PDF files of the information for someone to download 2.5 Post PDF files for download; do not post Word or Excel documents 3. Design 3.1 When using the City web template name your home page “default.asp.” Use “deptHome.dwt.asp” as the template for your home page and “deptSub.dwt.asp” for all sub pages. 3.2 Pages within a department/division or city office web site should be consistent in their “look and feel,” which should be possible with the templates 3.3 No pop up windows 3.4 The color contrast between background and text should be sufficient in order to ensure easy reading. 3.5 The minimum font size to be used on web pages is 10 pt. 3.6 Please design all pages to work in an 800 pixel wide environment but use relative sizing to lay out page. 3.7 No animated gifs. 3.8 Use the cascading style sheets associated with the templates 3.9 Try to make on-line forms fully visible within the window without scrolling. City of San José Page 95 of 98 Proposal Title: Business Tax, CIS and Document Production Software and Services Solution 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 3.14 3.15 3.16 3.17 3.18 Proposal Number: 11-12-04 Approved City logo colors for the web are: Bronze= R: 204 G: 153 B: 102 Blue= R: 000 G: 051 B: 102 (the hexadecimal color equivalents are: Bronze - #CC9966, Blue - #003366) The default font in the CSS is set up using “San Jose blue” as the font color DO NOT create "splash" pages. Splash pages are created to be the first page of a web site. They are usually made up of images and link to the home page of the web site. Splash pages do not provide any useful information to the user and therefore serve no purpose to City business. Additionally, they delay the user from getting to information quickly on our website. Anything that we can do to reduce the number of clicks it takes to access information is fundamental to providing good customer service on the web. Links in the middle of text paragraphs should be underlined to identify that the text is a hyperlink. Links should change color after visited. Okay to use rollover navigation or drop-down menus, provided they are stylistically consistent with the templates styles and compatible across browsers. Okay to use pop-out menus provided they are stylistically consistent with the templates styles and compatible across browsers. Don’t include hit counters on web pages – hit counters that use FrontPage extensions will no longer be available on the new City server Use cartoon clip art sparingly in an effort to maintain a professional look and feel on the City’s website pages 4. ADA 4.1 Set Dreamweaver and/or Contribute to use “ems” to display font sizes. Ems are relative sizes as opposed to pixels (px) or points (pt) which are absolute sizes. Ems are preferred under ADA guidelines. Therefore, use ems percentages (80%, 120%, 50%). 4.2 Please refer to the City of San José ADA Site Design Guidelines. 5. Other 5.1 Advisable to use email address scramblers to reduce spam to email addresses found on the website. 5.2 Some browsers and/or email clients do not recognize the “é” symbol – to ensure it is viewed properly, be sure to actually type “#0233” in your source code. City of San José Page 96 of 98 Proposal Title: Business Tax, CIS and Document Production Software and Services Solution Proposal Number: 11-12-04 EXHIBIT 13. ADDITIONAL SECURITY AND DATA PRIVACY REQUIREMENTS 1. The Proposer must follow industry best practices with security of the systems that contain City data. All system users shall have a unique user name and password. Access to systems shall electronically log user name, date, and time. As an additional security measure, strong passwords meeting a City-defined password criteria and regular password change shall be required. The City may choose to specify the password criteria and password expiration time interval for all Proposer system users as well as City system users. 2. The system must be designed, operated, maintained and certified to meet payment card security requirements of Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover including, but not limited to, all Payment Card Industry (PCI) requirements including PCI Data Security Standards (PCI-DSS) and Payment Applications Data Security Standards (PA-DSS) requirements, and other requirements as they are adopted by Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover. The proposer must also perform regular required assessments and audits to maintain compliance with payment card security requirements as they are updated. 3. Industry standard data encryption with a minimum of 128 bit key encryption must be used for user names, passwords and confidential data, when transferred through publicly accessible networks such as the Internet. This includes but is not limited to: 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 User names and passwords Credit card information Financial transactions Customer and customer contact information Customer family relationships Customer health/medical information 4. The proposer must provide the City’s technical lead with the administrator’s user name and password and a user list for all password protected computers, systems and equipment located in City property, offices, and facilities. 5. Proposer must cooperate with all City security audits and must cooperate with the City in the remediation of all identified system vulnerabilities that can lead to a system breach. 6. Security and Data Privacy Requirements for Proposer-managed Systems: 6.1 The proposer shall have security features that are designed to maintain the security of all information contained in the database and maintain the confidentiality of information. City data must remain confidential and only accessed by authorized personnel for official City business or when access is needed to provide system implementation, maintenance, updates, or troubleshooting services. City data cannot be used by the proposer for other reasons unless approved by the City of San José. 6.2 Proposer must abide by the City’s e-Government policy ( and Internet Privacy and Disclosure Policy ( as it relates to the hosting management and operation of the online component of the system. City of San José Page 97 of 98 Proposal Title: Business Tax, CIS and Document Production Software and Services Solution Proposal Number: 11-12-04 6.3 Proposer must abide by all applicable laws relating to data privacy and identity theft which may include but are not limited to California SB 1386, California Civil Code 1398, the Personal Data Privacy and Security Act, the Identity Theft Protection Act, the Information Protection and Security Act, and the Consumer Data Security and Notification Act. 6.4 All customer information must be secured in compliance with all applicable laws, codes of practice, and other legal obligations associated with the collection, use, and disclosure of personal information. 6.5 The proposer must have an incident response plan in effect that covers processes and procedures for incidents such as, but not limited to: 6.5.1 6.5.2 6.5.3 6.5.4 6.5.5 Breach of Personal information Firewall Breach Virus Outbreak Denial of Service/Distributed Denial of Service Excessive Port Scans 6.6 The Proposer must immediately notify the City regarding all identified security breached that compromises City data privacy, integrity, or accuracy within 24 hours of the breach. This notification must include the date and time of the breach or unauthorized access, nature of the security breach, what City data was accessed or vulnerable to the breach including names and contact information of customer information that may have been compromised, and what the Proposer has done in response to the event. 6.7 Affected customer must be notified by Proposer of any breach of security involving their personal information as required by applicable laws. 6.8 Customer’s personal information at minimum must be secured by user name and password and must only be utilized to perform services requested by customer and official City business. 6.9 Proposer must control entry to their facilities and offices that contain or have access to files, computers, data networks, data disks, backup tapes and paper documents containing City data to prevent unauthorized personnel from accessing confidential data. Physical security requirements at a minimum, include, but are not limited to, controlled entry to facilities rooms that contain systems that house City data, and access to backup tapes that contain City data. 6.10 Proposer must maintain detailed transaction histories with date, time, and user identification of every transaction, and backup records of virtually every update or deleted transaction. 6.11 Proposer must follow strict control, testing, and reconciliation procedures for every system update to maintain system reliability and security. 6.12 Proposer shall insure virus, worm, trojan horse, and other hostile software detection and control is frequently updated and operational. 6.13 Proposer must install and maintain a firewall at non-City facilities following industry best practices where City data is stored to prevent unauthorized access to data and to block unused ports. 6.14 Industry standard encryption must be used to secure the confidential data stored in the servers, backup tapes or any other electronic medium should they be lost or stolen form the Proposer. 6.15 Security practices and measures taken to ensure the security of City data, the system and its users must be documented and provided to the City at the City’s request. 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