Engaging Students in the First Year Computer Literacy Course with

Engaging Students in the
First Year Computer
Literacy Course with SelfPaced, Flexible, Online
Mava Wilson, PhD
Bill Jaber, PhD
Department of Business
Computer Information Systems
• Computer literate student population
• Varying degrees of literacy
• Disengaged in the introductory course
• Computer literacy classes not meeting
• Met and discussed with the administration a
new plan for the computer literacy courses
Student Needs
• Students were largely disengaged
o Due in large part to students growing up with
• Misunderstood surfing and social networking
as computer literate
• Experience indicated students were not
skilled in computer concepts, spreadsheets
or database
The Plan
• Past computer literacy exam produced few
passing scores
• Developed two proposals for consideration
o Plan 1 - The courses are going to be self-paced with a
o Plan 2 - The courses are going to traditional classroom
• Presented these plans to Department Chair
and Dean
o The administrations elected to try Plan 1.
The Design
• General Literacy Course
o Two sections
o Pre/Post-Tests in Excel, Word, PP, Computer
• Option to receive “P” by passing all four with
• Business Literacy Course
o Two sections
• Pre/Post-Tests in Excel & Access
The Design (cont)
• Calendar with DUE dates
• Training (simulation; observe, practice, apply; not for
• Tutorials (simulation; up-to-three times; 10 chances per
task; graded)
• Project (case problem; live in software; submit/receive
feedback immediately; submit up-to-three times;
• Quiz (second scenario; live in software; submit one time;
• Capstone Project (cumulative; graded)
• Post-Test (graded as test)
The Operation
• Attendance not required
• Self-paced, meeting deadlines
• Material completed = course completed
• Help / mini-lectures / explanations
o In class
o Office hours
o Via email
The Experience
• Students
o No one passed all pre-tests
o Slow purchasing book/access
o Mac issues
o Slow getting used to method
o Book not seen as “necessary”
o Little attendance for 8:00 class
o Group that attend class
• Faculty
o Difficult getting everything
o Issues with access first few days
o Important to have everything
o More questions via email
o Last minute “help” on due
o Very “picky”
o Control w/passwords for
o Doesn’t follow standards
o Grading scale “curve”
The Survey Feedback
• 26 responses from General Literacy (out of 55 – 47%)
23 responses from Business Literacy (out of 51 – 45%)
• GL - 25 students like self-paced component; one no
• BL – 19 students like self-paced component; three dislike;
one no opinion
o One person needs more self-discipline
o One person likes more one-on-one help in “lecture class”
• GL – one student felt this way is not quite as good
compared to what they’ve heard about other sections;
21 felt it was better or much better
• BL – one student student felt this way is not quite as good
compared to what they’ve heard about other sections;
15 felt it was better or much better
The Feedback (cont)
• “really enjoying self-paced nature. With my
schedule it makes it much easier”
• “puts a lot of responsibility on the
students…catch myself doing it last minute
literally…student wants a good grade in this
class its easy to attain just a matter of time
• “Like doing the assignments in SAM not from
book” & “I love SAM!!! I hate SAM and the book
• “…wish training covered the whole project just
not part…”
The Feedback (cont)
• “I like the way it works. Wish it wasn’t so picky or
would give a more definitive answer to ones that
are missed”
• “format of class is excellent; SAM site is not always
the best to work with…automated feedback on
projects can sometimes be obscure or confusing
leading to some degree of frustration instead rather
than learning” & “Confusing sometimes”
• “Do not like this way of learning. .. Feel like I am
failing in the class because of the lack of one-onone help. Yes, I can come to class but that one
period can only do so much since we do everything
outside of class. I’d rather have this be a lecture
class explaining in a clearer way what is in each
The Feedback (cont)
• Unexpected learning
o Quick feedback on the Case problem projects is
helping me to pay more attention to detail and
reading instructions carefully
• 12 strongly agree
• 8 moderately agree
• 3 neutral
The Feedback
• Video Clips of students
The Next Phase
• Spring 2011 – online component with
black/white copy of book
• Two sections of General Literacy
o Similar format
• Two large sections of Business Literacy
o One faculty
o Two lab-assistants
o Half of class attend one-day-per-week
o Scheduled labs with assistants
The Future
• Questions to be answered
• Outcomes
• Course Organization
o Lab assistants
o Class size
• Faculty Load/Administration
Mava Wilson, PhD
Bill Jaber, PhD