EDU 100 Self & Schooling Dennis D. Cartwright, Ph.D. Review Syllabus Questions Blog – Field Experience 12/8 hours Log Conceptual Framework Mission Vision Beliefs Dispositions Educative Community Community of Learners Constructivist learning Critical Caring Pedagogy Who Are You Name Where are you from Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior Major Why are you interested in teaching – or not? Something others might not know Leonardo da Vinci What do you know about him? What would you like to know? Some scholars have ranked him as the greatest genius of all time Seven Principles of Da Vinci Curiosita Dimonstrazione Sensazione Sfumato Arte/Sceinze Corporalita Connessione Context – Culture Middle Ages - Dark Ages What do you know of this period in history? Pp 13-14 Culture today Renaissance Woman/Man in 2011? Humble Beginnings Born - April 15, 1452 Mother – Caterina – Father – Ser Piero da Vinci Raised by grandfather (Notary) Leonardo Apprentice – Andre de Verrocchio – six years Company St. Luke – Apothecaries, physicians and artists Anatomy Late teen- early twenties Good lookin dude Arrested – before 24th birthday Strolling through Florence - Silk leggings, long alburn-blond curls – rose-colored velvet tunic storytelling, beauty, physical grace, humorist, conjurer, musician Prison “The greater the sensibility the greater the suffering…much suffering.” dismissed Started receiving commissions The Adoration of the Magi (p. 28) “Feathers shall raise men even as they do birds, toward heaven; that is by letters written with their quills.” Leonardo da Vinci Review/Reflect Item #1 Write down the things you can remember about the education department conceptual framework. Item #2 Write down anything you can remember about Leonardo da Vinci and/or the dark ages Moved to Milan Patronage of Ludovico “the Moor” Sforza The Last Supper (p. 29) Studied Botany Anatomy Astronomy Geology Flight Geography Inventions Military innovations The Equestrian Monument 24 ft tall Wooden model 80 tons of bronze Fall of Ludovico defeated by French Da Vinci – without a patron Patrons Borgia – commander of Papal armies – known for violence Signoria of Florence Works Battle of Anghiari (p. 33) Mona Lisa Mona Lisa Traveled to France Francois patron I – King of France became his No loyalty to patrons to the Pope to the country of his birth Was free to pursue his interests – Francois allowed him almost unlimited freedom to pursue his interests. Final Days Stroke As death approached, Leonardo, never religious but always deeply spiritual, “desired scrupulously to be informed of Catholic practice and the good and holy Christian religion.” (Vasari) “as a day well spent brings blessed sleep, so a life well lived brings a blessed death.” Final days filled with repentance and apologized to “God and man for leaving so much undone.” Died May 2 1519 - 67- Many of his works were never finished – only 17 of his paintings exist and some are not finished. Notes never organized and published. Added perspective and landscape to paintings (p. 39) Inventions Plans Domestic/Commercial - automation Military – flying machine, parachute, extendable ladder, threespeed gear shift, machine for cutting threads, bicycle, adjustable wrench, snorkel, hydraulic jack, revolving stage, locks for a canal system, horizontal waterwheel, folding furniture, olive press, automated musical instruments, water-powered alarm clock, therapeutic armchair, crane for cleaning ditches Armored tank, machine gun, mortar, guided missile, submarine Science – Botany, Anatomy, Geology and physics (Pp. 44-45) Can we all develop into a Leonardo? We can all become more than we think we can? IQ Genetic Developmental Alfred Binet (1857-1911) Can IQ change? What does it measure? Howard Gardner – Brain Capacity - Curiosita An Insatiably Curious Approach to Life and an Unrelenting Quest for Continuous Learning Why to five year olds ask so many questions and seniors ask so few? Maturity Amount School Society they know What did the self assessment teach you about yourself? Pair Share 100 questions Did anyone make a list? What did you learn About Leonardo? About yourself? About being a teacher? Conceptual Framework Does anything in this chapter relate to anything in the conceptual framework? Two Questions What was the most important thing you learned this week (in class or through reading) What, if anything, are you still confused about? Dimostrazione Comment on someone’s reflection about Curiosita Describe an experience that changed your life or that altered what you believed and explain why it had that impact.