Lifelong Learning Programme LEONARDO DA VINCI 2011 CALL FOR PROPOSALS PROJECT OUTLINE FORM Transfer of Innovation Projects This form aims to help you structure your project ideas and receive feedback from Irish National Agency personnel. N.B. The Project Outline Form does not replace the official application form. Please study the documentation on the National Agency website before returning your Project Outline Form to the Irish National Agency. Applicant Organisation: .............................................................................................. Contact Name: .............................................................................................. Tel No: ......................................... E-mail: ................................................................... Proposed Project title ............................................................................................ Project Objective: (what are the proposed outcomes/products and target groups?) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Describe your project idea using the headings on the next page. It is recommended that your responses are succinct and brief. Expand spaces as necessary. WHY? (Explain the project rationale. How was the need identified? What analyses have you and your partners undertaken? What is the added value of carrying out the proposed activity on a transnational basis? What’s innovative about your project? How does it contribute to Leonardo’s objectives and Community priorities, while supporting Irish training policies and initiatives?) 1 WHAT? (What are you transferring and to whom? What are the expected outcomes, outputs, products or results? Is it relevant to the needs of the target group? How will it impact on employability, promoting inclusion or improving the quality and take-up of learning?) WHO? (Name your partners in Ireland and in other European Countries. Specify their expertise and roles in the project. How will each partner add value and contribute actively to project objectives? Do your partners include the users of training as well as providers - especially public and private employers, SMEs, sectoral organisations and trade unions? How is the ‘target group’ involved?) HOW? (Describe your project methodology. How will the product/output be adapted/updated/tested? How will the project be managed? What plans exist for implementing the project on a transnational basis? How will progress be monitored and evaluated? How will the project be disseminated? How would you promote social dialogue in the project? In what ways do you expect the project to be sustained after Leonardo funding ceases (assuming you submit an official application and are successful). WHEN? (Outline your proposed timetable and the project duration. Indicate the proposed start and finish dates of key activities e.g. the design/development activities, dissemination activities, evaluation.) *************************************************************************************************** Estimated TOTAL Project Cost: …………… EURO LEONARDO DA VINCI Grant to be requested: …………… EURO *************************************************************************************************** Please return completed Project Outline form for Transfer of Innovation projects to: To Siobhán Wallace ( or Neil Maher ( Thank you. 2