Leonardo da Vinci.

Leonardo da Vinci.
It was born on Saturday, the 15th of April, 1452.
Leonardo, descends from a rich family of Italian nobles, he
was an illegitimate child of his father Messer piero fruosino
dí Antonio, a notary, chancellor and ambassador of
florencia's republic, embarrassed caterina, a humble young
woman of rural family. Of whom it is said that she could be
a slave of average east.
Leonardo dá vinci, was a Florentine polímata of the Italian
renaissance. He was simultaneously a painter, anatomist,
architect, artist, botanist, scientist, writer, sculptor,
philosopher, engineer, inventor, musician, poet and town
planner. It was born in Vinci on April 15, 1452 and died in
Amboise on May 2, 1519, at the age of 67, accompanied of
his public inspector Francesco Melzi, to whom he
bequeathed his projects, designs and paintings. After
spending his infancy in his natal city, Leonardo studied with
the famous Florentine painter Andrea de Verrocchio. His
first works of importance were created in Milan to the
service of the duke Ludovico Sforza. It was employed later
at Rome, Bologna and Venice, and happened last years of
his life in France, for invitation of the king Francisco I.
Frequently described as an archetype and symbol of the
man of the Renaissance, universal genius, besides humanist
philosopher whose infinite curiosity only can be comparable
to his inventive capacity, Leonardo da Vinci is considered to
be one of the biggest painters of all the times and, probably,
she is the person with the major number of talents in
multiple disciplines that it has never existed. As engineer
and inventor, Leonardo developed ideas very advanced to
his time, such as the helicopter, the car of combat, the
submarine and the car. Very small of his projects they
managed to be constructed (between them the machine to
measure the elastic limit of a cable), since the majority they
were not realizable during this epoch. As scientist, Leonardo
dá Vinci made progress very much the knowledge in the
areas of anatomy, the civil engineering, the optics and the
His more famous historical association is the painting, being
two of his more famous works, The Gioconda and The Last
Dinner, copied and parodied in several occasions, as his
drawing of the Man of Vitruvio, who would manage to be
taken again in numerous derivative works. Nevertheless,
only there are known approximately twenty of his works,
owed principally to his constants (and sometimes
disastrous) experiments with new technologies and to his
chronic fickleness. This limited number of creations,
together with his notebooks that contain drawings,
scientific graphs and think about the nature of the painting,
they constitute a legacy for the successive generations of
artists, managing to be equalized only by Michael Ángel.