From Friends to Enemies Study Guide
Name: ___________________ Pd: ____
North America 1754/Mercantilism (Page 1 in the notebook)
According to the idea of mercantilism, why were the American colonies important to
The American colonies provided England with raw materials and natural resources.
England would get wealthy from the colonies because it can produce finished goods
from the raw materials and natural resources and sell these goods to the American
What is a monopoly? Give an example of a monopoly during colonial times.
Total control of the market for a certain product where there are no competitors. The
East India Company is an example of this because they were the only legal seller of
team in the colonies.
Trouble on the Frontier (Page 3 in the notebook) and
French and Indian War: Filling in the Gaps (Page 4 in the notebook)
What purpose does building a fort serve in the 1760’s?
Military bases that were built to protect the colonies from the enemy and to trade with
What is the purpose of forming alliances with a group or another country?
Two or more groups joining together to form a partnership against other countries or
groups. (Example: Both the French and English created alliances with the various
native tribes to gain man power but also knowledge of the frontier).
What main issue started the French and Indian War in North America?
The Virginia militia and British army tried to get the French away from the three rivers
area around Pittsburgh because the British believed that they had the territorial rights
to that area.
What did they call Pittsburgh when the French owned that area? Fort Duquesne
How did George Washington get involved in French and Indian War?
He tried to get the French to leave the area around Pittsburgh. He lost the battle at
Fort Necessity. Led a retreat after a failed attempt to overtake Fort Duquesne.
What fighting strategy did the French and Natives use against the British at the start
of the war? Guerilla Warfare/Sneak attacks/Fighting behind trees
Written Document Analysis Worksheet: When King George Speaks(P.5 binder)
 What were a positive and a negative result of the French and Indian War?
Positive (+): More land for England in North America. France losing power and territory.
Negative (-): Soldiers lives lost; Huge War Debt; the possibility of England losing her colonies.
Why does the king think that the colonists must pay the war debt?
The British soldiers came and protected the American colonies from the French and
natives. England paid a majority of the costs for this war in the colonies. The king felt
that the colonists should help pay for this war since they have a lot of wealth in the
Are the king and Parliament right to tax the colonists to pay off the war debt?
Yes – The colonists must pay off the war debt since England did send soldiers and paid
huge amounts of money to protect the “ungrateful” and “uncooperative” colonists that
benefited through trading with the enemy.
No – No taxation without representation. The colonies did not have any
representation or voice in Parliament about these taxes.
The Colonies Must Pay!!! (Page 6 in your notebook binder)
Give an example of the Quartering Act. (Think of the “John and Mary’s Unwanted Visitors”)
Soldiers taking over John and Mary’s home while forcing them to sleep in one room.
The soldiers could take your food and animals if they wished.
Why did the British create these acts?
To help pay off the war debt caused by the French and Indian War.
Note: Please make sure you know what the purpose was for the Proclamation Line
Explain why boycotting something is effective? What did they boycott back then?
It’s when a large group of people refuse to buy goods from a specific business or
supplier. The business starts to lose money as the result of the protest and makes the
changes that will satisfy the boycotters. Stamps, Tea, British made goods were all
Why did people protest the British government?
They taxed the colonists without them having a voice in Parliament. The colonists
could not have a say in how much they were taxed – No taxation without
 Do you feel that the colonists were doing right thing by protesting their government?
Yes – The British government were treating them like second class citizens and passed taxes and
laws that took away their liberty and freedoms of British citizens without them having a voice.
Protests and violence were the only way that they could voice their disagreements with the
No – The people do not have the right to act as criminals and violently destroy property and threaten
the lives of people that followed the kings orders.