Chapter 2 Study Guide

Chapter 2--Chemistry of Life-- Study Guide
Topics discussed:
 Chemistry of life (basics)
 pH
 Properties of Water
 Biochemistry
 Enzymes
1. What is cohesion?
2. What is adhesion?
3. Why does ice float on water?
4. What are all of the properties of water that make it so essential to life?
5. What is capillary action?
6. Differentiate between atoms, elements, molecules, and compounds. If drawing would help,
please do so!
7. What does the atomic number represent? Atomic mass?
8. What is an isotope? Give an example of one we discussed.
9. What are the subatomic particles? Be sure to mention their charge and where they are
10. What is pH a measure of (DON’T TELL ME ACIDITY!!)
11. The pH scale goes from _____ to ______.
12. What classifies as an acid? Neutral? A base?
13. Which pH is more alkaline: 8 or 10?
14. What does it mean to say water is a polar molecule? (explain why it is)
15. What are the two main types of bonds? Differentiate between the two.
16. What kind of bond does a molecule of oxygen have? What kind of bond does NaCl have?
17. Compare polar covalent bonds to nonpolar covalent bonds.
18. What type of bond is found in between the atoms of a water molecule? What type of bond
is found between two water molecules?
19. What is a solution? Solvent? Solute?
20. What are the 6 most abundant elements in the human body?
21. What is an organic compound?
22. What is an element?
23. Describe why carbon is able to bond so easily with different atoms. (use the term valence
electrons in your answer)
24. Fill in the chart below about the four organic molecules:
25. What is a catalyst?
26. What are enzymes? What type of organic molecule are they? What is their function?
27. What does it mean if something denatures?
28. What can cause denaturation?
29. What is a monomer? A polymer?
30. What is the term used to describe how much energy is needed to start a chemical reaction? What is the
effect of an enzyme on this amount of energy?
31. A chemical reaction takes place when (reactants/products) turn into (reactants/products).
32. Describe why the enzyme-substrate relationship is called a lock and key model.