General purposes of speeches

Effective Public Speaking
Chapter # 2
Basic Tips for Speech
Preparation and Delivery
• Selecting the subject
• Narrowing the subject
• Determining the purposes , including
central ideas and claims
• Analyzing the audience and occasion
• Gathering the speech material
• Outlining the speech
• Practicing aloud
Follow these guidelines while selecting a subject
• Select a subject which you already know something and
can find out more.
• Select topic appropriate to the occasion.
• Select a subject which interest you and your audience.
A topic may interest listeners for one or
more of the following reasons
• It concerns their health , happiness, or security.
• It offers a solution to a recognized problem.
• It is surrounded by controversy
or conflict of
• It provides information on a misunderstood
little understood issue.
Narrowing the Subject
• A general subject will be of little value until it is
narrowed down to a manageable size.
• Narrowing a subject to more precise speech topic
involves three primary considerations:1. Narrow your subject so you can discuss it
effectively in the time allotted for the speech.
2. Narrow your subject to meet the specific
expectations of your audience .
3. Gauge your subject to the comprehension level
of the audience.
• Once you know what to talk about, the next task is to consider a
series of why questions :• Why this topic?
• Why audience want to listen?
• Why this topic is appropriate to this occasion?
These questions can be answered easily by considering these
four points in sequence: Think about the general purposes that people have in mind when
they speak in public.
 Consider your own specific purpose for speaking.
 Focus on the claim or central idea which you want to
 Create a title for the presentation that captures your goals and
tells the audience what your central idea or claim will focus on.
• General purposes can be determined by asking your self
these questions: Are you trying to tell them something that they don’t
know but they should ?
 Are you seeking to change how they feel about a social or
political issue ?
 Are you interested in having them do something as a result
of your speech ?
 Do you want them laugh and learn at the same time ?
To Inform
To Persuade
To Actuate
To Entertain
To Inform
• The general purpose of speech to inform, help listeners to
understand idea, concept or to widen their range of
• To Persuade or To Actuate
• The purpose of speech to Persuade or to Actuate is to
influence listeners’– whether to adopt a new point of view
or to take a course of action.
• To influence or alter your listeners’ beliefs and actions ,
you need to present well-ordered arguments that are
supported by facts, figures examples , and expert opinions.
• To Entertain
• To entertain , amuse , or provide other enjoyment for
listeners is frequently the general purpose of speech.
Specific Purposes
• A specific purpose focuses audience attention on
the particular goal of your presentation.
• You may have more than one specific purposes for
a speech ( clearly expressed and hidden one)
• Specific purposes may be short term as well as
long term.
Central Idea and Claims
• If you declare statement which summarize your
speech for example :- “ This institution is taking
specific steps to promote education in Afghanistan
” this sentence is called central idea.
• “This institution should take specific steps to
promote education in Afghanistan ” is a claim.
Analyzing The Audience & the
 You need to analyze the people that compose your
audience, their age range , gender , culture , background
, and fears.
 The audience knowledge of and attitude towards you.
 The audience knowledge of and attitude towards the
 Are there specific rules or customs that you need to know
and follow.
Gathering of the Speech Materials
• You need to do these things:• Assess what information you think is needed in
order to accomplish your objectives.
• Reflect on what you already know.
• Figure out what is relevant to your central idea
and claim.
• Investigate where additional information can be
found , if necessary.
• Obtain the additional information.
Outlining the Speech
• While outlining follow these rules:• Arrange your main ideas in a clear and systematic
• Arrange the sub points under each Main idea in a
manner that clearly illustrate their connection to
the main point.
• Preserve (maintain) the unity of your speech by
making sure that each point , whether a main
point or a sub point, is directly related to your
specific purpose and central idea or claim
Practicing Aloud
• Practice alone or with friends aloud.
• Record your speech then listen and watch it.
• Also criticize your own speech by assessment.
Selecting the Method of Presentation
• The most important thing is the selection of
method for presenting your speech. Your choice
should be based on several criteria:
• Type of speaking occasion
• The seriousness and purpose of your speech
• Audience analysis
• Your own weaknesses and strengths as a speaker
• The Impromptu Speech :• A speech done or said without earlier planning or
• In this method try to focus on a single idea , carefully
relating all significant details to it.
• The Memorized Speech:• It is written out , word for word , and committed to
• This type of speech is good for drama, speeches in a
Shakespearean play but not suitable for general purposes.
• The Read Speech:• It is also like the memorized one but in this method, a
reader reads from a manuscript.
• For examples President Speech.
• The Extemporaneous Speech:• Representing a middle course between the memorized,
read and the impromptu speech ,the extemporaneous
speech requires careful planning and a good outline.
• For example book writing.
Communicating Self-Confidence
• Many students ready to give their first speech ask:• How should I deliver my speech?
• How can I communicate a sense of self-confidence to an
audience ?
Answer of these questions can be found by:A. Be Yourself
B. Look at your listeners
C. Communicate with your body as well as your voice.
Learning to Evaluate Speeches
• The classroom is like a laboratory for studying
and evaluating speech content and delivery.
• The evaluation form is designed to help sharpen
your critical listening skills as well as sensitivity to
the fundamentals of the speechmaking process.
Evaluation Form
• Name :• Occasion :• Topic:-
Date:Speech length :-
• Introduction (15 points)
• Gained Audience’s Attention.
• Established credibility and goodwill.
• Nature of the topic as central idea and claim
BODY(40 points)
Clearly identified main points.
Developed each main point with appropriate materials.
Developed topic appropriately for this occasion and
Arranged ideas logically .
Provided appropriate support (examples , opinions)
Related to and included audience.
Made appropriate use of visual aids
• Conclusion (15 points)
• Prepared audience for end.
• Reinforced central idea or claim in appropriate manner.
• Presentation and Delivery (20 points)
• Enthusiasm for subject .
• Gestures / movements appropriate.
• Facial expressions appropriate.
Eye contact appropriate.
Pronunciation clear and accurate.
Vocal variety
Fluent expression
• Overall Evaluation(10 points)
Total points ___/100