Preparing a Speech Recommended Steps Steps – Speech Preparation 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Analyze audience and occasion Select topic; narrow topic Write purpose statement (tentative) Do basic research, then pick main points Do focused, in-depth research Refine purpose statement, if necessary Prepare body of speech – main points, sub pts. Supports – examples, stories, facts & figures Prepare visual aids (Powerpoint, demonstrations, etc.) Prepare introduction & conclusion Select and refine title Practice Step 1 -Analyze Audience and occasion Think about your audience demographics what they already know attitudes, beliefs, values Understand the occasion why this audience, at this time? what will success look like? Step 2 – Select & narrow topic Topic that will hold audience interest Topic that has abundance of supports Suitable for the occasion Can it be discussed in depth? Can it meet time limit? Is enough information available? Is it too broad? Step 3 – Purpose Specific Purpose: Objective of speech What do you want the audience to know? What do you want them to take away? Find ways to keep audience interest Step 4: Main Points Go to web, library and explore topic Tentative list of main points (2 – 4 main points for normal speech) Used as guideline to start May refine/revise after research Step 5: Research Gather information Library Internet Interviews Use: facts, descriptions, examples, statistics, illustrations, stories, quotes Step 6: Refine Purpose Aim for precision and clarity One sentence - central idea summarizing your objective: “Today I’ll explain the three steps to building a thermonuclear bomb.” Step 7: Body of Speech Determine main points Determine organizational pattern sequential spatial topical cause & effect problem-solution Sub-Points; Sub-sub points Transitions Step 8: Supports Look for more supports Lots of examples, stories, visuals, handouts, artifacts, etc. – Remember: audiences love to listen to stories about people and events. Step 9: Visual Aids Required for all presentations in Com 1545 Should highlight specific points Should not cover entire speech Should mix graphics with key words Should not contain sentences Insert blank slides to switch attention back to you ? Step 10: Introduction & Conclusion Introduction: gain attention establish credibility relate speech to listeners preview topic & main ideas Conclusion: summarize main idea(s) relate message to listeners meaningful closure Step 11 – Pick a Title The title should excite curiosity – it’s a tease The title should foreshadow your message The title should be memorable Step 12: Practice Start with a rough topical outline Then move to a formal sentence outline Move to brief speaking notes Practice with visual aids Practice in front of friend/family