U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION FOREIGN LANGUAGE & AREA STUDIES (FLAS) PROGRAM Application for Graduate Academic Year 2016-17 Fellowship 1. ELIGIBILITY You must answer “yes” to question A and either question B or C to be eligible for academic year FLAS. A. Are you a US citizen or permanent resident? Yes No B. Are you currently enrolled as a full-time student at Northwestern? Yes C. Have you submitted an application to a graduate program at Northwestern for AY 2016-17? Yes 2. APPLICANT IDENTITY No Last Name First Name Street Address Apartment/Unit # City State Phone E-mail Address University ID Net ID Have you received prior support from FLAS? Yes 3. ZIP Date of Birth No If so, when? ACADEMIC INFORMATION For currently enrolled students Department Anticipated degree Year in Program (1st, 2nd, etc.) For incoming students 4. No Expected graduation date Department applied to Anticipated degree LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY Proposed language of study for academic year 2016-17 Arabic Swahili Wolof* Zulu* *Note that Wolof & Zulu are only offered through course-share with UIUC and must be approved by the Department of Education Program Officer. Consult with the FLAS coordinator before submitting an application for Wolof or Zulu. What is your anticipated level in the proposed language of study by the beginning of academic year 2016-17? 1st Yr 2nd Yr 3rd Yr 4th Yr 5th Yr How many years have your studied this and other languages and when was the study undertaken? Enter the number of years you have studied at each level. Language Language Language High School: Undergrad: High School: Undergrad: High School: Undergrad: Grad: Other (specify): Grad: Other (specify): Grad: Other (specify): U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION FOREIGN LANGUAGE & AREA STUDIES (FLAS) PROGRAM Application for Graduate Academic Year 2016-17 Fellowship 5. 2 PROPOSED COURSE OF STUDY FOR ACADEMIC YEAR 2016-17 Please indicate your proposed course of study for academic year 2016-17. For each quarter, this should include one language course (Arabic, Swahili, Wolof, or Zulu) and at least one course with significant African content. All courses that appear on the PAS course list meet the criteria for significant African content, as well as courses offered through Middle East and North African Studies (MENA) that have significant North African content. Note that your proposed language and African studies courses must be taken for graded credit and you must be enrolled full-time during the year of your FLAS award. The Selection Committee understands that departments will not have published course planners for 2016-17 at the time of application, but asks you to make your best projection based on past schedules. The Selection Committee recognizes that plans may change once official course schedules are available for 2016-17. Independent Studies in either foreign language or African studies must be approved by the Department of Education Program Officer. Any awards made that include independent studies will be contingent upon receiving Program Officer approval. Fall 2016 Course # Title Instructor Course # Title Instructor Course # Title Instructor Language Course African Studies Course Winter 2017 Language Course African Studies Course Spring 2017 Language Course African Studies Course 6. CAREER OBJECTIVE SURVEY What is your career objective after completing your degree? Check all that apply. K-12 teaching 7. College teaching U.S. government service Private sector Non-governmental organization Other FINANCIAL INFORMATION (OPTIONAL) FLAS fellowships are awarded on the basis of academic merit and other selection criteria as determined by the Department of Education (DoED) and the Program of African Studies. However, in accordance with DoED requirements, competitive preference is given to students who demonstrate financial need. Applicants will be grouped into categories of need based on the financial information provided. Students who do not provide information will automatically be assigned to the “No Need” group. All other factors being equal, applicants with higher need will be given competitive preference. Financial need will be determined by using your Expected Family Contribution (EFC) value from the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). If you wish to have your financial need considered, you must complete a FAFSA for the 2015-16 School Year and have it sent to Northwestern University (Federal School Code 001739). Do you intend to complete a FAFSA? Yes No U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION FOREIGN LANGUAGE & AREA STUDIES (FLAS) PROGRAM Application for Graduate Academic Year 2016-17 Fellowship 8. 3 CERTIFICATION By typing my name below, I certify that this information is true, complete, and given in good faith. I waive my right to see the letters of recommendation. I understand that if I receive the FLAS, I will be required to: Submit a post-award report to the U.S. Department of Education, and complete surveys periodically in the years following my award. Take pre- and post-award language proficiency assessments, administered by a qualified language instructor. Type your name Date RECOMMENDERS’ INFORMATION: FOR CURRENT GRADUATE STUDENTS ONLY Type the names of the individuals who will be providing letters of recommendation. It is the applicant’s responsibility to request the letters and ensure they are submitted on time. Language Recommender Department Other Academic Recommender Department AUTHORIZATION: FOR INCOMING GRADUATE STUDENTS ONLY Incoming graduate students do not need to submit separate letters of recommendation or transcripts. By checking the box below, you authorize PAS to request access to your application file from the relevant department. I authorize the Program of African Studies to view the application file I submitted to my department. Yes No When you have finished filling out this form, save it as a pdf and send, along with your other application materials, to african-studies@northwestern.edu. For complete application instructions, see Graduate Application Instructions on the FLAS portion of the PAS website.