2014-2017 National Resource Center (NRC) & Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) Grantees Purpose of the Programs: The NRC Program provides grants to institutions of higher education and consortia of such institutions to establish, strengthen, and operate comprehensive and undergraduate foreign language and area or international studies centers to serve as national resources for (a) teaching of any modern foreign language; (b) instruction in fields needed to provide full understanding of areas, regions, or countries in which the modern foreign language is commonly used; (c) research and training in international studies and international and foreign language aspects of professional and other fields of study; and (d) instruction and research on issues in world affairs that concern one or more countries. The FLAS Program allocates academic year and summer fellowships to institutions of higher education and consortia of institutions of higher education to assist meritorious undergraduate and graduate students undergoing training in modern foreign languages and related area or international studies. Source: International and Foreign Language Education Office, US Department of Education SOUTH ASIA University Consortium Partner Grants Contact Information Outreach Coordinator FLAS Coordinator Columbia University n/a NRC FLAS South Asia Institute 615 West 131st Street New York, NY 10027 www.sai.columbia.edu William Carrick wac2112@columbia.edu (212) 854-4565 William Carrick wac2112@columbia.edu (212) 854-4565 Cornell University Syracuse University NRC FLAS 373 Pine Tree Road Ithaca, NY 14850 http://sap.einaudi.cornell.e du/ Durga Bor durgabor@cornell.edu (607) 255-8493 William Phelan wjp22@cornell.edu (607) 255-8923 Consortium Partner Grants Syracuse University Cornell University NRC FLAS 209 Maxwell Syracuse, NY 13244 https://www.maxwell.syr. edu/moynihan/Programs/s ac/ Emera Bridger Wilson elbridge@syr.edu (315) 443-2553 Amy Marsden ammarsde@syr.edu (315) 443-0726 University of California, Berkeley n/a NRC FLAS Institute for South Asia Studies c/o Sponsored Projects Office Berkeley, CA 94704 http://southasia.berkeley.e du/ Sanchita Saxena sanchitas@berkeley.edu (510) 642-3608 Gina Blanco gfarales@berkeley.edu (510) 642-0672 University of Chicago n/a FLAS Committee on Southern Asian Studies 5801 S Ellis Avenue Chicago, IL 60637 https://southasia.uchicago. edu/ n/a Irving Birkner ibirkner@uchicago.edu (773) 834-9994 University of Michigan n/a NRC FLAS Center for South Asian Studies 3003 S State Street Ann Arbor, MI 48109 http://www.ii.umich.edu/c sas Desiree Gerner gernerde@umich.edu (734) 615-4059 Nancy Becker nbecker@umich.edu (734) 647-8216 University of Pennsylvania n/a NRC FLAS 3451 Walnut Street, Suite P-221 Philadelphia, PA 19104 https://www.southasiacent er.upenn.edu/ Raili Roy railiroy@sas.upenn.edu (215) 898-4490 Jody Chavez jchavez@sas.upenn.edu (215) 898-8816 University Contact Information Outreach Coordinator FLAS Coordinator University Consortium Partner Grants Contact Information Outreach Coordinator FLAS Coordinator University of Texas n/a NRC FLAS South Asia Institute 101 E 27th Street, Stop A9000 Austin, TX 78712 http://www.utexas.edu/col a/insts/southasia/ Neha Mohan nmohan@austin.utexas.edu (512) 232-9096 Rachel S. Meyer rachelmeyer@austin.utexas.edu (512) 475-6038 University of Washington n/a NRC FLAS South Asia Center 4333 Brooklyn Avenue NE Seattle, WA 98195 http://southasia.washingto n.edu/ Keith Snodgrass snodgras@uw.edu (206) 543-4800 Robyn Davis rldavis@uw.edu (206) 616-8679 University of Wisconsin n/a NRC FLAS Center for South Asia 21 N Park Street, Suite 6401 Madison, WI 53715 http://southasia.wisc.edu/ Rachel Weiss rweiss@southasia.wisc.edu (608) 262-9224 Rachel Weiss rweiss@southasia.wisc.edu (608) 262-9224