September - ATD Austin

September 21, 2015
6:50 PM – 8:30 PM
Café Express, Austin, TX
Members Present:
 President - CC Cooper
 President-Elect – Debrah Fields
 VP of Communications – Jaime Davis
 VP of Finance – Andrea Cole
 VP of Professional Development *
 VP of Programs – Tameka Thomas *
 VP of Records – Sallia Bandy
 VP of Technology – Lori Anderson *
 VP of Volunteers – Chantel Scott
Members Not Present:
 Past President – Jennifer Cox
 VP of Membership – Melanie Anderson
 VP of Public Relations – Gloria Brown Oliver
 VP of Special Interest Groups - Catherine Jewell
*newly appointed tonight
1. President Report – Roundtable Discussion on Monthly
1.1. Opening Remarks – Introduction of Agenda
2. Records and Meeting Report
2.1. Approve previous meeting notes
2.2. Status of Meeting Note Posting
2.3. Sallia to post meeting notes to the Website
3. Nomination of VP Technology and VP Programs and VP
Professional Development
3.1. Lori Anderson and Tameka and Monica Cornetti
4. Membership Drive Initiatives
4.1. 4.1 Project to contact all new members
4.2. 4.2 Proposals and Ideas on how to increase membership
and volunteer participation
4.3. 4.3 Status of Membership Drive Ideas --4.4. September – New and Renewing Member (joint and
local) gets free lunch and learn. Status?
4.5. 4.6 September 24th Membership Social. Strum out the
Summer. 5:00 PM – 7 PM Eukale is the focus.
4.6. Joint# is only the people that buy the membership from
Austin ATD. Wendy Leedy has quarterly number that is
different Mar = 87 (47%) June 83 46%
5. Leader n Learning Award – Status – Linda Warren very
pleased – we received 7 submissions – Next Step Discussion
6. Volunteer Needs – Strategy presented by Chantel on how to
support the Board Member needs for filling volunteer
positions. What events do we need assistance. How to get
7. SIG status Report - Below
8. Budget Review – report on Income + Expense + Balance for
2015 Events
9. Review Chapter Action Items – Page 24 of the Workbook
9.1. October Board Meeting we need to do the following:
9.1.1.Prepare For Election of Board Members at October
Lunch n Learn – need Advisory Board input on this –
status of Advisory Board?
9.1.2.Review Chapter By-Laws – please read before Board
Meeting. Identify any gaps – we need to vote to
9.1.3.Bring One Page Succession Plan document – with
Lessons Learned in 2015
General Business
CC Cooper opened the meeting at 6:40 pm.
August minutes were reviewed and approved.
 Motion made by Debrah
 Seconded by Jaime
 Approved with no objection
 Posted to website
President Report – Roundtable Discussion on Monthly Topic(s)
 Opening Remarks – Introduction of Agenda
Records and Meeting Report
 Approve previous meeting notes
 Status of Meeting Note Posting
 Sallia to post meeting notes to the Website
Nomination of VP Technology and VP Programs and VP
Professional Development
 Each nominee gave their bio, asked questions, and
discussed their board positions.
 Lori Anderson – VP Technology
 Sallia made the nomination, Andrea seconded,
approved unanimously
 Tameka Thomas – VP Programs
 Jaime made the nomination, Debrah seconded,
approved unanimously
 Monica Cornetti – VP Professional Development
 Debrah made the nomination, CC seconded,
approved unanimously
Membership Drive Initiatives
 Project to contact all new members
 Proposals and Ideas on how to increase membership and
volunteer participation
 Status of Membership Drive Ideas --- 16 currently
registered for Thursday September 24 event at Manuel’s
 September – New and Renewing Member (joint and
local) gets free lunch and learn. Status?
 September 24th Membership Social. Strum out the
Summer. 5:00 PM – 7 PM Ukelele Fiesta is the focus.
Joint# is only the people that buy the membership from
Austin ATD. Wendy Leedy has quarterly number that is
different Mar = 87 (47%) June 83 46%
5. Leader n Learning Award – Status – Linda Warren very pleased
– we received 7 submissions – Next Step Discussion
New Business
Awards banquet held during ATD Employee Learning
Week – December 7-11, 2015
Volunteer Needs – Strategy presented by Chantel on how to
support the Board Member needs for filling volunteer
positions. What events do we need assistance. How to get
SIG status Report - Below
 Go to Design & Development SIG tomorrow night and
support Leah
Budget Review – report on Income + Expense + Balance for
2015 Events
 Suggestion to have a finance report each month
 Andrea gave the finance report
 $27,600 income YTD
 $31,195 expenses YTD
 $-3,500 behind YTD
Sensei travel expenses put us over
Oct workshop will be cancelled with $400 deposit
3 people to Chapter Leader Conference in early
Paid Wild Apricot for 2 years to save in the long run
 Discussion of offering what will help our members to
increase not only membership but also attendance at
events, workshops, L&L, etc.
Review Chapter Action Items – Page 24 of the Workbook
 October Board Meeting we need to do the following:
Prepare for Election of Board Members at October
Lunch n Learn – need Advisory Board input on this –
status of Advisory Board?
Review Chapter By-Laws – please read before Board
Meeting. Identify any gaps – we need to vote to
Bring One Page Succession Plan document – with
Lessons Learned in 2015
Present at L&L in October (21)
Election in Oct is for positions starting in
January 2016
Debrah, CC, and Sallia going to Chapter Leader’s Conference in
Washington DC the beginning of October – will bring back lots
of great ideas!
Debbie from Houston will be here Oct 21 to teach Wild
Board meeting will stay on Monday October 19
VP of Finance
VP of Programs
VP of Public Relations
VP of Membership
VP of Volunteers
VP of Professional Development
VP of Communications
VP of SIGs
VP of Technology –
VP Records
Action Items: Open
Agenda items for October
October 16 L&L will have names on ballots and space for
write-in – review at October 19 board meeting
Complaints from members about too many emails – need
communication strategy
December - board retreat – no board meeting – CC will send a
Doodle to see what date and time
Need to find a new L&L meeting place starting in January
Look for places, about $900 per event (about $30/person)
Open – All – calendar in Workbook
Open – All – Update ASTD links in email signatures,
bookmarks, etc. to and remove all references to
“ASTD”, including logos
Open – All – Update old @AustinASTD email to forward to the
new @TDAustin email
Open - CC – prepare chapter calendar to record
planned/possible events.
Open – Sallia – Post approved minutes to the
website (August posted)
Open – Jaime – Communications strategy
 Election of board from Oct 16 L&L
 Communication strategy
Meeting was adjourned by CC Cooper at 8:22 pm.