BSYS 1000 – Lab 1 Introduction to BCIT Network and Setting up File Management Structure with Windows 7 Getting Started Computer lab log in – if you cannot login (student number, birthdate) then please go to SE12-205 to fix this problem. MyBCIT Open a browser and go to and login. If you haven’t used this yet spend a bit of time acquainting yourself with this resource. Change password If not already done, change your login password (the link to this is on the right side of the main page). Email (Optional) Instructors will be using your assigned BCIT email on occasion. If you will not be checking this on a regular basis then have your BCIT email forwarded to your email account that you normally use. On the main page select either “more” or “E-mail” under the My E-mail Inbox. Then select Option – Settings – scroll down to find the forwarding section – once complete, click save. Log out of mybcit and close your browser. Page 1 of 5 BSYS 1000 – Lab 1 Windows 7 at BCIT If you look at the desktop you should see your name under a file at the top of the screen. Open this file to display Windows Explorer. You should see a number of drives, both local and network. Click on DATA (D:) and you should see something like the following. All files saved to your computer are saved to the Work folder on the D drive. When you log off these files will remain on this computer. Below the D drive you should see a number of network drives. The one displaying your student number is your Personal Storage (H: drive) that only you can access. Below it are the two network drives for sharing files (In and Out). Go to the Out drive and see if you can find the week 1 lecture slides for MKTG. Open this file and then save it to your Personal Storage. Close the file. Page 2 of 5 BSYS 1000 – Lab 1 Assignment Step 1 – Plan your file management strategy Organizing files is critical if you want to avoid wasting endless hours trying to find a single file buried within the thousands if not tens of thousands on your computer. For this assignment, you are going to create a typical file structure to get organized for school. Here is an example of what the file structure needs to look like (note: your course names, and numbers, may vary depending upon your program area): To get started, open your Personal Storage folder and you should see a folder named “My Courses”. In this folder you should see a separate folder for each course that you are taking. (If you do not see the My Courses folder you will need to make one and then you will need to make each course folder) To create new folders, right click within the folder that you plan to store the folder that you are creating, and then scroll down to New and then from there, over to Folder. Page 3 of 5 BSYS 1000 – Lab 1 Step 2 – Create subfolders A sub-folder is a folder within a folder. Within each course folder (e.g. BSYS 1000), create five sub-folders: Labs, Lecture, General Information, Individual Assignments and Group Assignments. Instead of doing this multiple times, you can just create the folders for one of your course folders and then copy the folders you created to the other course folders. To copy multiple folders, you can select them by clicking each folder while holding the Shift key Step 3 – Complete the file structure Add any necessary folders so that your file structure looks similar to the diagram in Step 1. Step 4 – Screen shot of your file structure Create a “print screen” of your file folder structure. To do this, use the PrtSc key (the one to the right of F12 on the top row of your keyboard). If you hold down the ALT key and then press PrtSc key you will only copy the top window rather than the entire computer screen. Open up a MS Word 2013 blank file (Start button / type Word in search box) and within the file, right-click, then select Paste. This should paste your screen shot into your MS Word document. Page 4 of 5 BSYS 1000 – Lab 1 Step 5 – Cropping the Image Select the image, under Picture Tools select Format. Use the crop button (top right corner) to remove any unwanted parts of the image. Deselect the crop button and then resize the image so that it is easier to read. Step 6 – Saving and submitting your assignment Save your file with the following naming convention: last name first name – Lab 1 – File Management (e.g. Wong Cindy – Lab 1 – File Management). (save to D or H drive?) Once saved, drag this file into your lab instructor’s ShareIn folder for the Week 1 Lab. Never save to the In drive. Always either drag and drop, or copy and paste, your file to the ShareIn. Optional – Setting up your home computer for accessing the networks at BCIT. Go to the following web site and scroll down until you find the links that will show you how to access BCIT remotely. Page 5 of 5