Delivery and Assessment Guide - Sakai

BSBPMG417 Apply
Project Life Cycle
Delivery and
Northern Sydney Institute
School of Business and
St Leonards Campus
Delivery and Assessment Guide
Table of Contents
Facilitator and Head Teacher Contact Details ..................................................................................... 3
Unit of Competency: BSBPMG417 Apply Project Life Cycle Management Processes ........................ 4
Elements....................................................................................................................................... 4
Resources ............................................................................................................................................. 4
Delivery Schedule ................................................................................................................................. 5
Assessment .......................................................................................................................................... 6
Assessment Task 1: Individual Assignment.................................................................................. 6
Assessment Task 2: Quiz .............................................................................................................. 8
Assessment Task 3: Classwork ..................................................................................................... 8
Additional Assessment Information ............................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Appendix A – Assessment Task 1 - Workbook for Apply Project Life Cycle Management Processes
............................................................................................................................................................ 12
Element 1: Assist in establishing project and Element 2: Support project planning and design
processes .................................................................................................................................... 12
Element 3: Assist with project control and execution ............................................................... 12
Element 4: Assist with project finalisation................................................................................. 13
Appendix B – Assessment Task 3 – Classwork – Apply Project Life Cycle Management Processes .. 14
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Facilitator and Head Teacher Contact Details
Facilitator Name: Luke White
Email Address:
Head Teacher Name: Deborah Evans, Business Services
Email Address: Deborah
Phone Number: 9942 0095
Location: St Leonards Campus Room B1.26
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Unit of Competency: BSBPMG417 Apply Project Life Cycle Management
Performance Criteria
1. Assist in establishing
1.1 Identify and clarify project initiation documentation where
1.2 Establish relationship between the project and broader
organisational strategies and goals
1.3 Assist in negotiating and documenting project objectives,
outcomes and benefits
1.4 Assist in establishing the project governance structure
1.5 Assist in drafting a project charter for approval
2. Support project planning
and design processes
2.1 Support breakdown of project objectives into achievable project
2.2 Assist in identifying project stages, and key requirements for
stage completion
2.3 Identify project milestones and map clearly against time and
2.4 Assist in consolidating associated plans and baselines in project
management plan
2.5 Support negotiation with relevant stakeholders and project
authority to gain approval of project plan
3. Assist with project
control and execution
3.1 Maintain and update records against project deliverables and
plans at required intervals
3.2 Prepare status reports on project progress and identified issues
3.3 Assist with undertaking an impact analysis of proposed changes
to the project
3.4 Maintain relevant project logs and registers accurately and
regularly to assist with project audit
3.5 Update associated plans to reflect project progress against
baselines and approved changes
4. Assist with project
4.1 Assist with project finalisation activities where required
4.2 Prepare project products and associated documentation for
handover to client
4.3 Assist in completing financial, legal and contractual obligations
where required
4.4 Contribute perspectives on project performance to assist with
project review assessments
The complete unit of competency is available on the Training.Gov.Au website.
The following resources are required for this unit:
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Additional Information
A Guide to the
Management Body
of Knowledge 5th
A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide),
Newtown Square PA, Project Management Institute, 2013, 5th edition
ISBN13: 978-1-935589-67-9
Optional: Project
Management in
Project Management in Practice by Pearson, Larson and Gray, McGraw-Hill,
2013, ISBN13: 9781743077238
Apply Project Life Cycle Management Process Site at:
Delivery Schedule
Refer to Course
Prior to class (self-study):
studEspace: Apply Project Lifecycle Management Processes
 Home page – Getting Started
 Home page – Delivery and Assessment Guide
 Home page - Learning Program - Apply Project Life Cycle
Management Processes
In class:
Project Lifecycle Management Introduction
Organisation Strategies and Objectives and the Project
Project Governance
Project Lifecycle
4.1 Project Charter
4.2 Develop Project Management Plan
Issue logs
Updating the project plan
Forecasting budget and time
Handover to client
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Completing financial, legal and contractual obligations
Assessment Task 3: Classwork. Note: this Classwork may be
given at a later date once the Time and Cost units have been
completed as these units cover information relevant to the
Classwork for this unit.
Task Overview
Due Date
Unit of Competency
1. Individual Assignment
Refer to Course
BSBPMG417 Apply Project
Life Cycle Management
2. Quiz
Refer to Course
3. Classwork
Refer to Course
BSBPMG417 Apply Project
Life Cycle Management
Assessment Task 1: Individual Assignment
Student Instructions
Project Choice
Your selected project must be agreed between you and your facilitator so that its methodology,
tools and techniques conform to the performance requirements of each Unit of Competency
before you start work on the unit.
You may use the same project for all units in this Course, unless your selected project changes
during the Course or cannot conform to the performance requirements of any of the Units of
Competency. If either or both of these events occur during your course, you must contact your
facilitator to find out what you need to do to continue to satisfy the Course performance
requirements and achieve competency.
Your selected project must have:
a practical and comprehensive project plan
a documented communications strategy
a detailed project budget
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strategic engagement with stakeholders
a risk, issues and change-management methodology
a quality plan with assurance and control processes
a supportive team-based environment.
Note: it is recommended the project be undertaken within an organisation, business or you are
operating as a consultant. If you continue to the Diploma of Project Management this is
mandatory and it is a mandatory requirement for certification with the Australian Institute of
Project Management.
Use the Workbook provided in Appendix A to answer the questions.
All questions in this assignment must be applied to your project (unless otherwise stated) and
specific answers (not just theory) are required to show you can apply what you have learnt to your
project. Your answers must be satisfactory for all questions.
Note: It is important for project management to show you can meet deadlines.
Assignments will be submitted by uploading documents to the Assignments area in studEspace –
electronic copies are required for audit purposes. More than three attachments for a submission
will not be accepted. Accepted file types are: MS Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint, MS Project, MS
Publisher and PDF. Versions accepted are 2003 onwards.
Some facilitators may also request a paper copy of your assignment. If this is the case, please
submit using the Assignment Submission form at the end of this document.
Feedback and Resubmission
You will receive your feedback within two weeks - you will be notified by email by your facilitator
when results are available. You will need to visit this Assignments area in studEspace and down
load your feedback.
Where students answers are deemed not satisfactory after the first attempt a resubmission may
be requested. If a student has demonstrated consistent effort in the learning of a module then, at
the facilitator’s professional discretion, the student may be awarded a resubmission. This
resubmission must be made as soon after the initial assessment as possible.
Criteria for competency
To achieve competency in the Unit BSBPMG417 Apply project life cycle management processes,
you are required to demonstrate your knowledge, skills and experience to:
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assist in establishing project by contributing to project initiation documentation,
governance structures
understanding the relationship between the organisations strategies and objectives and
the project
support project planning and design processes
assist with project control and execution
assist with project finalisation by contributing to lessons learnt, assisting with handover to
client and completing financial, legal and contractual obligation
interpret potentially complex project plans and documentation
conduct forecasting
plan, monitor and respond to project issues
measure progress against agreed plans
Assessor Instructions
Assessment Task 1 requires the student to submit evidence in a project to demonstrate that
student has the knowledge, skills and experience to apply project lifecycle management processes.
The assessor:
checks that each student’s proposed project satisfies the course requirements for the project
choice according to the criteria listed in the Project Choice section above
advises each student that their project satisfies the course requirements according to the
student’s course timetable
assesses each student’s work to ensure that their work satisfies the performance criteria for
competency listed above in Assessment Task 1
completes each student’s assessment within 2 weeks of submission
provides feedback as required about the student’s work overall and/or individual task
elements in writing
requests each student to resubmit their work or components of their work to satisfy the
performance criteria for competency as soon as possible after each assessment
notifies each student that they are Satisfactory/ Not Satisfactory in writing
record each student’s results in EBS.
Assessment Task 2: Quiz
For this unit there is no quiz.
Assessment Task 3: Classwork
Student Instructions
Short Classwork exercises demonstrate your knowledge, skills and experience in project
management practice including your employability skills, such as teamwork and communication.
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This assessment task is generally completed as group exercises. You will need to attend a
minimum of 6 units classwork exercises and complete the remaining 4 units classwork exercises in
your own time to satisfy the course performance requirements to achieve competency.
The four units that you complete in personal time must be submitted and assessed by the
facilitator as satisfactory prior to the course completion date.
Details of the Classwork Exercises are in Appendix B.
Assessment Criteria
The classwork or individual exercises must satisfy the performance criteria listed in Assessment
Task 1 above.
Discuss your ideas with your group in the class. You write your answers on a piece of paper,
clearly identifying each contributor in class and hand this to your facilitator on completion.
If you complete your classwork exercise individually at home, write your answer on a sheet of
paper with your name and date and submit to your teacher according to your course program.
Assessment and Feedback:
You will receive assessment results and feedback from your facilitator within two weeks of your
Your classwork activities must be complete and assessed as satisfactory by the completion of your
course to achieve competency in the overall course.
Assessor Instructions
Assessment Task 3 requires the student to participate individually and/or in groups to complete
the required life cycle management activities. Answers must include the names of any group
The assessor:
must inform the students that their answers must satisfy the performance criteria for
competency listed in Assessment Task 1 above
must inform the students that participation in group work is mandatory to assess each
student’s capacity to communicate and work with project team members
assess each student’s answers and provide feedback within 2 weeks of submission
notifies each student that they are Satisfactory/ Not Satisfactory in writing
record each student’s results in EBS.
Additional Assessment Information
Finding out
Other than from your teacher, unit results may also be accessed using your log-on
to Student e-Services. You should have received information about how to register
for Student e-Services when you enrolled.
Dispute of
If you do not agree with the grade given for your assessment, you may appeal the
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assessment decision. You should first discuss the assessment result with your
teacher. If you are not satisfied with the outcome of that discussion you can access
the appeal process through the staff in the campus administration office.
If you have a permanent or temporary condition that may prevent you successfully
completing the assessment task(s) you should immediately talk with your teacher
about ‘reasonable adjustment’. This is the adjustment of the way you are assessed
to take into account your condition and may include providing a support person or
extra time. The assessment criteria cannot be altered.
of Prior
All TAFE students are eligible to apply for credit for previous formal, informal and
non-formal learning. Refer to the Training and Education Support website for
information about Credit pathways (Articulation, Credit transfer and Recognition of
Prior Learning (RPL). There is also a brochure widely available throughout the
campus on RPL.
Each case of student absence from an assessment event, or late submission of an
assessment event, will be considered by the teacher on an individual basis.
Students should endeavour to notify their teacher in advance where an absence
will prevent them from attending, or submitting, a planned assessment event (e.g.
class test, presentation, project, report, portfolio or assignment). Unexpected
absence and/or late submission due to illness, work commitments and/or other
unforeseen misadventure MUST be supported by documented evidence (e.g.
medical certificate, statements from employers etc.). If you fail to adequately
notify and/or explain your absence/late submission penalties may apply as follows:
1. If a student is late handing in an assessment event the following penalty
may apply:
if the assessment event is more than 7 days late the grade is
reduced to a Fail/Not Competent for this event.
2. No penalty will apply if the student has an acceptable reason and
negotiates a new date with the teacher before the original due date, or if it
is not possible, at the first attendance after the event or within 7 days
(whichever is the sooner). The negotiated or revised date will become the
due date and the penalty will apply if the assessment event is not
submitted by the revised due date. If extension is not accepted the original
due date applies and the penalty will be as outlined.
3. If the student does not attend a class test, presentation or other classroombased assessment event on a negotiated date, penalty may apply.
4. Failure in one particular assessment event may not necessarily mean a Fail
in the unit. For information about assessment in TAFE please see "Every
Student's Guide to Assessment in TAFE NSW" which was offered at
enrolment and is available on the TAFE internet site at:
Policy on
Policy on
Definition: Plagiarism involves using the work of another person and presenting it
as your own.
A STUDENT WILL BE GUILTY OF PLAGIARISM if they do any of the following in an
assignment, or in any piece of work which is to be assessed, without clearly
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acknowledging their source(s) for each quotation or piece of borrowed material:
a) copying out part (s) of any document or audio-visual material,
including computer–based material;
b) using or extracting another person’s concepts, experimental results,
or conclusions;
c) summarising another person’s work;
d) in an assignment where there was collaborative preparatory work,
submitting substantially the same final version of any material as
another student.
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Appendix A – Assessment Task 1 - Workbook for Apply Project Life Cycle
Management Processes
Element 1: Assist in establishing project and Element 2: Support project planning and
design processes
The Project Manager wants you to help establish to project.
1. Which document initiated the project?
2. What is the relationship between the project and the broader organisational strategies and
3. Contribute to the Project Charter by briefly describing:
a. A High level project description and boundaries
b. The projects measureable objectives
c. The benefits of the project for the organisation
d. The governance structure
e. High level stakeholder list
f. Project stages and key requirements for stage completion
4. Element 2 performance criteria 2.1, 2.3, 2.4 and 2.5 require a satisfactory result for
Assessment Task 1: Scope (E1 Q2, Q8), Time (E1 Task 2, E1 Task 3Q2) and Cost (E1 Q4).
Element 3: Assist with project control and execution
1. Which project records need to be updated as the project proceeds?
2. Maintain the issue log below, showing four issues experienced on the project.
Issue Description
action and date
Assigned to
Delivery and Assessment Guide
Issue Description
action and date
Assigned to
3. Explain how the issue log above would be used to manage issues.
4. Explain what needs to be updated in the project plan in response to:
a. Project progress against baselines
b. Approved changes
5. Element 3 performance criteria 3.2 and 3.3 require a satisfactory result for Assessment
Task 1: Scope (E2 Q1), Communications (E2 Q2).
Element 4: Assist with project finalisation
1. Identify and describe what you will need to do to handover project products and
associated documentation to the client at the end of the project.
2. Identify and describe what needs to be done to complete financial, legal and contractual
3. Element 4 performance criteria 4.1 and 4.4 require a satisfactory result for Assessment
Task 1: Time (E3 Q1-2), Cost (E3 Q2-3), Quality (E3 Q3), HR (E4 Q1), Communications (E4
Q1-2), Risk (E3 Q1-2).
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Appendix B – Assessment Task 3 – Classwork – Apply Project Life Cycle
Management Processes
The following classwork may be completed in class in small groups or individually or at home
individually. 20 minutes will be allowed to complete this task. The answer will be assessed as
Satisfactory/ Not Satisfactory.
Criteria for competency
To achieve competency in this task, your answer must satisfy the performance criteria listed
For a project of your choice or one of the Case Studies used in this Course:
The project is behind schedule and over budget, outline:
For the tasks just completed the baseline vs actual date completed
For the work completed to date: the baseline budget vs actual expenditure
Using these figures forecast the likely project end date and actual budget vs the baselined.
Justify your calculations.
Write your answers on a piece of paper, clearly identifying each contributor and hand this to your
facilitator on completion.
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