Rainford Parish Council MINUTES OF A MEETING HELD ON MONDAY 28 SEPTEMBER 2015 COMMENCING AT 7.00pm IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBER AT RAINFORD VILLAGE HALL Present: In attendance: Councillors: Aspinall, Brown, Grice, G Jones, P Jones, Lee, Long, Monk D Mussell, L Mussell, D Nichols, R Nichols, Reynolds (Chairman), Wesley S Powell (Clerk) V Nelson (Administration Assistant) 2 Residents Absent: None 334. 335. APOLOGIES: Councillor: Collins (family commitments) DECLARATION OF INTEREST: Councillor Reynolds – non-pecuniary 344.1.P/2015/0612/S73 Councillor L Mussell – non-pecuniary 337 Councillor Grice – non-pecuniary 344.3 336. FORMAL ANNOUNCEMENTS FROM THE CHAIRMAN: The Chairman reminded members of the forthcoming Art Exhibition and the need to fill the rota for supervising the hall. 337. TO HEAR AND PESPOND TO ANY QUESTIONS/DEPUTATIONS BY COUNCILLORS OR MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC: Mr & Mrs Willis of Lakeside Gardens re the displacement of traffic that will be caused by the redevelopment of the Ex-servicemen’s club on Cross Pit Lane Mrs Willis raised a complaint because Lakeside Gardens was not included in the letter drop from St Helens Council of the Statement of Community Involvement concerning the ExServicemen’s Club. Residents of Lakeside Gardens were first informed on 25.07.15 by letter from St Helens Traffic Department, which was after the letter drop. Mr & Mrs Willis do not believe that Lakeside Gardens is a safe place for parents to drop off and pick up children attending Rainford CE Primary. Mr & Mrs Willis were informed that the Parish Council had raised concerns with the Borough Council and that Lakeside Gardens will not be promoted as a drop off zone. Also, that the Landlord of the Derby Arm has offered the car park there as an alternative. Mr & Mrs Willis were informed that the land behind the Village Hall is owned by St Helens Council and the Parish Council has no jurisdiction over it. Mr & Mrs Willis left the meeting at 7.25pm Councillor Dennis Mussell re the area of land at the front of the Village Hall Councillor Mussell informed the meeting that he had met with Peter Reddington about the flowerbed being overshadowed and the alternative placements of plants. A short discussion ensued and Councillor D Nichols stated she would take the issue to the Rainford in Bloom Steering Group. Councillor Wesley suggested that Mr Reddington be asked to produce a plan for the area. Councillor Lee requested that the bushes near the steps are trimmed and that the white lines are repainted. 338. POLICE REPORT The Clerk read out a summary of the report. (See Appendix 1) Page 1 of 7 339. TO APPROVE AS A CORRECT RECORD THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON MONDAY 27 JULY 2015 AND THE FINANCE, PLANNING & ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE MEETING ON WEDNESDAY 19 AUGUST 2015 Councillor Wesley asked if the residents who had attended the meeting had been given a copy of the draft minutes for the meeting held on 27.07.15. The Clerk stated that minutes are always given to members of the public who attend the meeting. RESOLVED: That the minutes be agreed as a true and accurate record. 340. MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES 322. - Councillor Grice asked about the costings for the Christmas Tree. Councillor L Mussell explained and also informed the meeting that a new Christmas Tree would be placed in the centre of the Village this year following the improvements, which will be funded by the Borough Councillors’ improvement fund. The lights will be switched on sometime on 04.12.15. 328 - Councillor L Mussell indicated that the issue with the barrier in The Spinney with regard to the Rainford 10k had been resolved. 341. ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENT Councillor Aspinall proposed that the Income and Expenditure Figures be accepted. This was seconded by Councillor R Nichols and carried unanimously. (See Appendix 2) 342. ST HELENS DISTRICT FIRE COVER CONSULTATION DOCUMENT The document had been circulated with the agenda. A discussion took place. It was proposed by Councillor Reynolds and seconded by Councillor Brown that Rainford Parish Council endorsed the proposal to open a new Fire Station in the town centre at the site on Canal Street. This was carried unanimously. The Clerk was asked to write to the Fire & Rescue Service to inform it of the Parish Council’s decision. 343. CORRESPONDENCE The Clerk summarised the following correspondence, reading the entire document where requested: Email from MPF Communications regarding HMT consultation on HMT Public sector pay cap of £95k Letter from Merseyside Fire & Rescue Authority regarding failure to comply and the details of the implemented agreed action plan Card from Mr & Mrs MacRae thanking the PC for flowers and Rob’s visit with £20 donation for Rainford in Bloom (RiB) Rainford Heritage Society Newsletter Letter from Opus Energy confirming the change to them for the provision of electricity Leaflet re Insurance for Local Councils (the Fixed term with Zurich expires next year) Letter from Attivo confirming it’s quote for the installation of the new firm alarm system and the starting date for the work Email from Cllr L Mussell confirming access to the Councillor’s Improvement Fund for RiB Letter from Barclaycard regarding new pricing policy from 01.10.15. Debit card transactions will be charged at £0.01 each (ad valorum 1.00% ). All refunds £0.30 Monthly rental charge for unit increasing from £10 to £20. No change for charge for credit cards. The Clerk was asked to research the possibility of a cheaper option. Email from Hawk Alarms with quote for extending the security camera to include the outside doors and latch locks for each of the offices. - £1010 Notice of AGM of SLCC Copy of Clerk Magazine 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Page 2 of 7 13. Letter from NHS Blood and Transplant confirming dates and requesting help with publicising the next session 14. Statement from Viridor (This money not owed £16.20 as service not provided) 15. Leaflet – The Essential guide to automatic enrolment (pension scheme) 16. Letter from the Pensions Regulator confirming the date the automatic enrolment duties start is 01.10.16 17. Tickets from Britain in Bloom for the Award ceremony on 30.10.15 18. Copy of Clerk and Councils Direct with advert for Solar powered trees (with lights) 19. Email from firm advertising the above - Trees for lampposts cost £105 per half unit!! 20. Letter from Rainford Rangers requesting a donation. 21. Email from Rainford Rangers with accounts 22. Email re Health & Safety training 23. Police report Additionally, the office has dealt with approximately 3074 emails, 240 phone calls and 117 visitors 2283 ‘Likes ‘on FB Page (1163) RESOLVED: That the Correspondence be accepted. 344. COMMITTEE & COUNCILLOR REPORTS Community Development – Rainford in Bloom Councillor D Nichols informed the meeting that the Steering Group was meeting weekly again and had arranged 2 planting sessions on 03.10.15 and 10.10.15. Peter Reddington has devised the plan for the planting and the containers will also be redone. Councillor L Mussell wished congratulations to be recorded for the Rainford in Bloom team. Finance, Planning & Administration No committee meeting had taken place prior to this meeting. 1. Plans - 6 sets of plans were considered P/2015/0612/S73 After a short discussion, the Clerk was requested to send a letter of objection regarding this application. RESOLVED: That the plans be agreed en bloc 2. Income & Expenditure – No queries 3. Donation to Rainford Band – Following a short debate, it was accepted that all organisations must follow the approved procedure 4. Fire Authority Agreed Action Plan – Arrangements have been made to have the new Fire Alarm System installed and the Fire Extinguishers have been moved and updated where necessary. Councillor D Mussell stated that it would be necessary for all staff to undergo Emergency Evacuation training. 5. Art Exhibition – Councillor P Jones suggested that the Art Exhibition should be scrapped after this year. A brief discussion resulted in agreement to put the Art Exhibition as a separate agenda item for the next meeting. 6. Extension of CCTV to include cameras on the front external doors – a long awaited quote had arrived and as it was over £1000, 2 other quotes would need to be obtained. Borough Council Councillor L Mussell reported that there have been 22 complaints about the noise of the new road surface on the By-pass. Apparently, the road will take 6 months to bed in, after which time the noise will decrease. The Linear Park is to be promoted as a cycling path for children and an outside gym is a possibility. A request has been submitted to have a Zebra Crossing on Old Lane where the Linear Park crosses the road. Crank footpaths are being improved. Page 3 of 7 345. FESTIVAL OF CAROLS Councillor Reynolds initiated a discussion about the Festival of Carols held annually in the Village Hall. In recent years the event has been very poorly attended. A discussion took place. It was proposed by Councillor D Nichols and seconded by Councillor D Mussell that the Festival of Carols is cancelled this year. The motion was carried unanimously 346. ANY OTHER BUSINESS 1. Councillor D Nichols informed the meeting about ‘The Magic of Christmas’ which is a Christmas Tree festival taking place at All Saints Church the first weekend in December. Last time this event was held, the Parish Council did not sponsor a Christmas Tree, which she felt was a mistake. All agreed that the Parish Council should have a tree this time. 2. Councillor Long requested that the noticeboard outside the Village Hall is kept up-todate 3. Councillor D Mussell asked for an item to be on the agenda for the next meeting regarding the Junction Ward and RiB. Councillor Nichols extended an invitation to Councillor D Mussell to attend the next RiB Steering Group meeting instead, which he accepted. 4. Councillor Reynolds asked the meeting to support the campaign against the closure of St Helens court. Councillor R Nichols stated that there is an online petition. It was proposed by Councillor Reynolds and seconded by Councillor Aspinall that Rainford Parish Council supported the campaign against the closure of St Helens Court. The motion was carried. 5. Councillor Wesley asked about the request for sponsorship for the Village Firework display. Following a short discussion it was agreed that the Parish Council do not wish to help fund the display. 347. DIARY DATES 3.10.15 12 – 15.10.15 21.10.15 26.10.15 30.10.15 31.10.15 11am – 11.30am 11am – 7pm 6.30pm 7pm 10.30am 7.30pm Borough Councillors’ surgery Art Exhibition FPA Committee meeting Full Council Meeting North West in Bloom Award Ceremony Halloween Ball (Chairman’s Fundraiser) There being no other business, the meeting closed at 8.45pm __________________________________ Chairman Page 4 of 7 APPENDIX 1 Merseyside Police Crime Report, presented to the Rainford Parish Council Meeting, The Village Hall, Church Road, Rainford, September 2015. The report will cover any crimes committed or reported to the Police and any other incidents of note between 1st August 2015 and 31st August 2015. Apologies are given for non-attendance by the following officers: Constable (4250) Laura Boyle PCSO (0211) Keith Howard PCSO (0165) Neil Draper Crime figures for this period: ASB = 10 (Incidents occurring on: Siding Ln, Junction Rd, Berringtons Ln, Springfield, Ormskirk Rd, Church Rd, Lords Fold, Old Ln, Kendal Dr, Scarisbrick Rd) Criminal Damage = 5 (Incidents occurring on: Inglewood Rd, A570 Rainford By-Pass, Maggots Nook Rd, Higher Ln, Springfield) Burglary / Attempt Burglary = 8 (Incidents occurring on: Thickwood Moss Ln, Church Rd, Junction Rd, Berringtons Ln, Old Ln, News Ln) Theft Other = 0 Theft of / or from a Motor Vehicle = 2 (Incidents occurring on: News Ln, Old Ln) (i) Have Your Say Meeting – The next Rainford Priority Meeting will be held on 18th September 2015 at Rainford Police Station, Church Road between 18:00pm & 19:00pm, where your local Policing team will be on hand to offer advice and help with any problems you are having. . PCSO (0211) Keith Howard D3 Neighbourhood Team Rainford Police Station Tel: 0151 777 6055 Page 5 of 7 APPENDIX 2 RAINFORD PARISH COUNCIL Income & Expenditure 2015 - 2016 Aug-15 Expenditure Date 03.08.15 03.08.15 03.08.15 05.08.15 05.08.15 05.08.15 07.08.15 10.08.15 12.08.15 12.08.15 12.08.15 12.08.15 17.08.15 18.18.15 18.18.15 18.18.15 18.18.15 18.08.15 18.08.15 18.08.15 18.08.15 20.08.15 21.08.15 25.08.15 28.08.15 28.08.15 28.08.15 Income Company Detail ICO Information Commission Fee Barclays Bank Bank Charges Cleanse cleaning Solutions Ltd Cleaning Wendys Flowers Anniversary Flowers BDO External Audit - Annual return Merseyside Pension Fund Lump Sum Contribution Asda/S Powell Soap Barclycard Merchant Charges St Helens Council Salaries St Helens Council Pensions St Helens Council National Insurance St Helens Council Fees Scottish Power Electricity St Helens Council Salaries St Helens Council Pensions St Helens Council National Insurance St Helens Council Fees Ravenhead Services Ltd Hire of Tablecloths P B Electrical Socket and switch repairs Scottish Power Electricity - Paviliion Mahood Marquees Hire of Round Tables Greenhope Recycling & Waste Services Glass Recycling CPRE Membership subscription Titan Telecom Telephone & Broadband British Gas Gas St Helens Council Rates Service, replacement and re-siting of Direct Fire & safety Ltd Fire Extinguishers Bar Sales Main Hall Reception Room Rent Other Current Account £ £ £ £ £ £ Total VAT £ 35.00 £ 9.78 £ 307.50 £ 40.00 £ 6.67 £ 516.00 £ 86.00 £ 2,100.00 £ 4.00 £ 0.67 £ 28.99 £ 3.16 £ 4,150.53 £ 272.61 £ 110.13 £ 40.00 £ 379.00 £ 63.17 £ 3,291.92 £ 272.61 £ 93.00 £ 36.00 £ 14.40 £ 2.40 £ 70.00 £ 41.02 £ 2.01 £ 103.20 £ 17.20 £ 8.10 £ 1.35 £ 36.00 £ 74.96 £ 12.49 £ 1,021.63 £ 170.27 £ 1,208.00 £ 181.14 £ 14,445.52 £ £ 30.19 395.58 3,905.35 1,039.00 396.00 1,793.25 2,020.12 9,153.72 August Opening Balance £ 9,843.10 Total Income Expenses Transfers in Transfers Out Closing Balance Bank Balances @ 31.08.15 Bar Current High Interest Debtors @ 31.08.15 Bank Balances + Debtors Chairman Page 6 of 7 £ 4,387.12 -£ 14,445.52 £ 5,325.86 -£ 83.50 £ 5,027.06 £ 14,332.99 £ 5,027.06 £ 46,093.56 £ 65,453.61 £ 7,022.25 £ 72,475.86 Page 7 of 7