Chapter 1 Outline

Chapter 1 Outline
Chemistry Matter and Change
Introduction to Chemistry
I. Branches of Chemistry
Chemistry -the study of matter and
the changes it undergoes
(particularly interested in energy
Organic Chemistry - the study of
carbon containing compounds (once
thought to be just the study of
compounds having a living source) now contains synthetic compounds
like plastics
Chemistry- may
contain some
short carbon
chained molecules
but basically does
not contain
chemistry- covers
the topics of
and kinetics as
well as other
Chemistry - deals
with the
components and
composition of
Biochemistry matter and
processes of
living organisms
(proteins, fats,
lipids, enzymes…)
D = mass/volume
II. Properties of
 Mass - has the
property of inertia
a) Inertia - the
resistance to
change of motion
b) Weight - is the
measurement of
force of gravity
between two obj
 Density - how
much matter is in
a specific volume
Energy - property
of all matter that
under the right
conditions can do
a) potential energy of position
b) kinetic - energy
of motion
question - evaluate
the picture to the
right in terms of
kinetic and
potential energies
III. Scientific Method
Science - is the
search for
a) pure science gain knowledge for
the sake of
knowledge itself
b) applied science knowledge to solve
a specific problem
A systematic approach
Observe environment
around you and
ask a question
Collect data may take notes
then form a
Hypothesis - an
initial educated
guess why
Experiment - to
Analyze - evaluate the data
Theorize - after many experiments
conclude that a cause an effect are
likely - may be modified by new
Scientific law - after years of
experiments no know exceptions
to the theory occur
IV. Designing a Good
An experiment is a carefully
controlled procedure that tests a
hypothesis/ A good experiment has
a) an independent variable - one thing
that is changed ..and is studied for
its effect on
b) the dependent variable - the factor
that results of the independent
variable -- is measured in the
c) a control - a standard of
comparison for all the
experimental entries
d) constants - factors that are kept
the same through the experiment (
everything that is possible to keep
constant except for the
independent variable should be
kept the same)
Constructive Response
Three friends argue over which brand of
microwave popcorn is best. Billy says that
Big Pop is the tastier, Joe claims that Pop
Mister is the best, while Sue insists that
Red Devil is great!
Design an experiment that will settle the
dispute. Be sure to include a description of
the experiment using the terms control,
constant, independent and dependent