22.3 Rocks and the Rock Cycle

How to Write A Lab
 Title
1 point
Student Name 1 point
 Date 1 point
 Purpose: A sentence that explains why you are doing the lab.
1 point
A statement of the results you expect from the lab
 Hypothesis:
based on your understanding of the concept and your reading of
background information.
6 points
 Justification of Hypothesis: WHY you chose the hypothesis
you wrote.
1 point
List of materials necessary for the performance of the
 Materials:
lab. Be sure to include all personal protective equipment
5 points
Format cont.
Outline of the Procedure: In your own words, summarize the process to be followed
during the lab. A statement of safety concerns related to this lab is a requirement.
5 points
Data and Observations: This may be written observations or data tables depending
on the nature of the lab. This will be determined while writing the outline of the lab
10 points
Sketch of lab set up and/or graph: If a graph is appropriate to the data, a line
graph should be done ON GRAPH PAPER. If a graph is not appropriate, then a
sketch of the lab set up is required.
5 points
Analysis Questions: Answer the questions that are provided with the lab
preparation sheet. ALWAYS restate the question. If you don’t, I won’t grade your
20 points
Format Cont.
Conclusions: (This section should be the largest part of the lab report and should
not include personal opinions)
20 points
Restate the purpose
Discuss the error involved in the lab as it was performed by your group
Restate the hypothesis and the justification for the hypothesis
Describe how the results were collected
Discuss the results
State why hypothesis was supported or rejected
Describe what you learned as a result of doing the lab. This must relate to the
purpose of the lab
Title, Name, and Date
 The title of the lab should be centered on the top line of
the lab report
 Your name, class hour, and the date that you
performed the lab should be written in the top, right
hand corner of the lab report.
 The purpose is a sentence that explains why you are
doing the lab.
 In order to write an accurate purpose statement, rewrite the problem from the lab into a statement.
 Example:
Problem: What is a single-displacement reaction that
can be observed.
Purpose: The purpose is to observe a singledisplacement reaction.
 A hypothesis is a statement of the results you EXPECT
from the lab based on your understanding of the
concept and your reading of background information.
 You will use the If, then, because format.
 If ________________, then _________________,
because blank.
 If (I do this: independent variable), then (this will
happen: dependent variable) because (why you think it
will happen: background knowledge)
Justification of Hypothesis
 The JOH is a statement explaining why chose your
 A bulleted list of all of the materials needed to complete
the lab.
Outline of Procedures
 This is a summary (in your own words) of the
procedures from the lab.
Data and Observations
 Write down EVERYTHING from the lab. Record all
quantitative and qualitative data.
 Organize data and observations into a data chart.
Sketch of lab set up and/or
 Create a graph if you obtained quantitative data. If your
data does not need a graph draw a sketch of your lab
set up.
For example: If burning chemicals in a Bunsen
burner and collecting qualitative data, you will not need a
graph. Instead, you will draw a set up of your Bunsen
Analysis Questions:
 Answer the questions that are provided with the lab
preparation sheet. A:WAUS restate the question. If you
don’t I won’t grade your answer.
 This is the largest part of your lab report
 Do NOT include personal opinions (I think)
 Restate purpose
 Restate hypothesis and JOH
 Describe how you collected your results
 Discuss the results (include control, independent variable, and
dependent variable)
 State if (why) your hypothesis was supported or rejected
 Discuss the error involved in the lab as it was performed
Science Journal
 All of your data from the lab should be copied into your
science journal. Do NOT rely on your partner to keep
the lab data. EVERYONE needs to have all data and
observations. 5 points
 Lab report total: 100 points