Anti-Bullying Week Lessons


Anti-Bullying Core Advisory Lessons


At the end of the week, students will a) know the definition of bullying b) think of others before they speak or act c) have the courage to speak up


Data collection survey: please have the students fill out the provided survey and send it to

Mrs. Currie by the end of 8 th

hour. We understand that students will be absent due to track. Provided as a separate document (2 pages – one pre-survey, one post-survey)

Day 1

Attend assembly in auditorium. We anticipate the assembly will take 25 minutes.

Day 2

1) Please show the following video:

2) When the video is over give the students a couple minutes to discuss what they saw.

* review the definition of bullying

* tricking the student into doing something goofy

* making fun of him after he does it

* one female bystander talks to him

* the issue with bullying is that it is reoccuring – so the next day they continue to make fun of him

* one male bystander speaks up and asks the bullying to stop and goes to talk to the student

3) What would you do?

We are providing four scenarios. Gauge your time. We would like for you to discuss at least one from start to finish. Pick the one you feel most comfortable discussing with your students. Or feel free to break your class into groups and give them the different scenarios to discuss.

Scenario 1 : One of the kids has threatened your friend that they will get them after school for a fight.

What would you do?

Why would you do that?

How could the school help?

Scenario 2 : A big kid at school keeps taking lunch treats off the smaller kids trays and making them give up their money.

What would you do?

Why would you do that?

How could the school help?

Scenario 3 : A new kid in your class is being teased because he comes from another country and doesn’t speak English very well.

What would you do?

Why would you do that?

How could the school help?

Scenario 4 : One of your friends is being bullied on Facebook by other kids in the school. They are spreading rumors about her family.

What would you do?

Why would you do that?

How could the school help?

Day 3

Pick one:

1) Students create posters to hang around building.

2) Write and act out a skit to record and send to us. Please use a computer or phone and email the final product to us. Think 3-5 minutes at most.

Ideas of tips or pointers to include:

 the bully, the target, the bystander

 speaking up – don’t stay silent – and keep speaking up until it stops

 thinking about others – remember being bullied hurts, those pains last a lifetime

 reporting it to an adult

 definition of bullying

 cyber bullying

 consequences of bullying

Day 4

Finish up posters and/or skits.

Final survey.

Helpful Definitions

Feel free to refer to these definitions when talking with your core.

Bullying : intentional, negative actions intended to harm another person; severe, persistent and pervasive.

Essentially there is an imbalance of power, there is intent to hurt, and it is usually repeated.

Types of bullying :

Physical: actions done to the person

Verbal: name calling and threats

Property: destruction of property

Social/relational: ostracism, gossip/rumors, nonverbal gestures

Cyber: electronic based harassment

Bully : the student trying to gain power

Target: usually weaker in stature, less likely to defend themselves and at risk for rejection by peers

Bystanders : come in four types

Assistants: participate with the bully

Reinforcers: cheer on the bully

Outsiders: withdraw from the action, but also don’t do or say anything

Defenders: stand up to the bully or aids/comforts the victim
