ACCT 200 Spring 2012 WKU Introductory Financial Accounting





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0 c t o r y F i i n

S p r r i i n g 2 0 1 2 W K U a n c i i a l l A c c o u n t i i

U n g

W elcome to ACCT 200. This course will help you to learn about the decisions that are made when running a business.

We will focus on the financial results of business decisions and how accountants inside a business report these results to people outside the business who then use the reports to make their own decisions. This balanced inside/reporter and outside/user perspective will help you whether you become a manager who makes business decisions, an accountant who reports the financial results of these decisions, or an investor or lender who evaluates the reported financial results.

Course Advice

This course has a reputation of being “tough.” Unlike other courses where you can get by with just reading or listening, this is a course where you’ll learn the most by doing. If you merely read the book and listen to the comments made in class, you might


you understand the material but then struggle when you later try to apply it. The problem is some people don’t realize this until the first exam. If you wait that long to practice what you’re learning, you’ll likely find that the class isn’t easy. Make time to practice regularly, just like you’re learning to play the piano.

Course Policies


It is easy to distract others even

You’ll do the typical stuff: read textbook chapters, come to

Please don’t do anything that draws attention away from projects, and take exams. What I hope will be different other

Cell phones or other electronic devices that ring, beep, or play a merry melody should be silenced before class begins.


Everyone in this class is expected to have read and class, do homework problems, complete quizzes, work on posted on the Student Code of classes, though, is that you’ll do this for

Please ask me if you have questions about how these rules apply to this course.


Yining Chen, PhD, CPA

510 Grise ◊ 270.745.2982

Office hours:

TR 8:20-9:20, 11:00-12:00 or by appointment

Class meetings:

TR 12:45-2:05, 533 Grise

Course web site:


Course materials:

1) Text – Fundamentals of

Financial Accounting, 3e, 2011,

McGraw-Hill/Irwin, by

Phillips, Libby, & Libby.

2) Connect online homework system. Registration:



Sophomore standing and a

Math class above Math 110


I don’t require you to make formal class presentations, but I may occasionally call on you to answer a question, discuss an issue, or work on problems with others in the class. Please participate to the best of your ability. If you don’t get involved in this course, the rest of us lose something.

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Course Components

To do well in this course, you should prepare before class, engage in what is discussed during class, and practice after class. These are crucial steps to developing your understanding, as shown below.

Prepare: read the chapter and view the online presentation

Prepare: review the chapter and begin ungraded practices

Practice: complete the ungraded and graded assignments

Engage: ask questions in class Engage: review ungraded practices

Your understanding will be assessed through a variety of tasks, including graded assignments, quizzes, midterm exams, and a final exam. The following diagram shows how I visualize the contribution of these course components to your overall understanding, and how I will weight them in determining your final course grade:





Exam #1



Exam #2



Exam #3



Final Exam


Ungraded practices: On page 4, I have listed several exercises that you should attempt on each chapter. Most of these exercises will be reviewed during our class meetings. I do not want to ding you for mistakes when you are first learning to apply the material of each chapter, so these exercises will not be graded. That does not mean they are unimportant; they are very important and will serve as your first step to learning the material. Do not skip this step.

Graded assignments: You are expected to complete 12 graded homework assignments, which will contribute 75 points (15%) to your final grade. Graded homework will be completed, submitted, and graded using an online system called Connect. Access to Connect is free with any new book purchase; if you buy a used book, you must buy access online at or buy a

Connect access card at the university bookstore, and use its access code to register online. When registering with Connect, enter a login name AND pass code. After registering, you will be able to access the first assignment. The dates on which Connect assignments will be available for online completion are indicated at the Connect Web site. Connect automatically rejects all submissions after the deadline. Because these assignment questions are auto-graded, you should format your responses precisely as instructed in each question.

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Exams: Exams will be based on the textbook readings, in-class discussions, homework assignments, and ungraded practice material. Exams are expected to be more challenging than graded homework assignments (there are no drop-down menus in an exam). Instead, they will be similar in difficulty to practice material. The midterm exams will be held in class on the scheduled dates. If you must miss a midterm for a university-sanctioned reason and provide appropriate documentary evidence, your final exam score will substitute for that midterm. (This does not mean your final exam score will automatically substitute for assignments or midterm exams for other reasons. It won’t.) THERE WILL

BE NO MAKE-UP EXAM GIVEN. The final exam is scheduled by central university administration.

The last day for finals is May 11, so don’t book an early vacation. You may use only 4-function calculators during exams; cell phones and other electronic devices are not to be accessed during exams.

Grading: Grading Scale

90% - 100% = A

80% - 89.9% = B

70% - 79.9% = C

60% - 69.9% = D

Below 60% = F

Possible Points

Exam 1

Exam 2

Exam 3

Final Exam


100 points




75 Total 500 points

Course Communications

On many occasions, I will make course announcements in class and via the WKU email account.

There might be addendums to this course syllabus, which means you should attend class and check your WKU email account on a regular and frequent basis. If you would like to discuss any aspect of the course, please drop in to see me during office hours. If you have a question that can be answered with a short reply, please send me an email message with the label “ACCT200” in the subject line.

Finally, if you feel quizzes or exams have been graded inaccurately, write a short memo explaining the issue and I will reconsider the grading.

In compliance with university policy, students with disabilities who require accommodations

(academic adjustments and/or auxiliary aids or services) for this course must contact the Office for

Student Disability Services in DUC A-200 of the Student Success Center in Downing University Center.

Please DO NOT request accommodations directly from the professor or instructor without a letter of accommodation from the Office for Student Disability Services.

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Course Schedule

Date Prepare Ungraded Practice Homework*

1/24 (T)

Ch.1: Business Decisions and Financial Accounting

26 (R)

31 (T) Ch.2: Reporting Investing and Financing Results

2/2 (R) on the Balance Sheet

M: 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10

E: 8, M: 3, PA: 1

M: 6, 14, E: 9

PA: 2

M: 1, 7, 14, E: 2, PA: 1 M: 2, 4

M: 5, 18, E: 12, 14 E: 4, 6, PA: 2

7 (T) Ch.3: Reporting Operating Results on the Income

9 (R) Statement

14 (T) Ch.4: Adjustments, Financial Statements, and

16 (R)

21 (T)

Financial Results

M: 2, 4, 13, E: 7

M: 20, E: 21

M: 1, 5, 6, 11

M: 12, 13, 14, 15

Ch. 1–4 Midterm Exam 1

23 (R) Ch.5: Financial Reporting and Analysis

28 (T) Ch.6: Internal Control and Financial Reporting for

3/1 (R) Cash and Merchandise Sales

5-9 Spring Break

13 (T) Ch.7: Reporting and Interpreting Inventories and

15 (R) Cost of Goods Sold

M: 6, 10, 12, 13, 14

M: 4, 6, 8, 9, E: 6

M: 16, E: 13, 14

E: 1, 3, 7, 10

E: 15, 16, 17, 22

M: 3, 16

E: 11, 12

E: 3, 15, 16

M: 8, E: 5, 16

M: 2, 3

E: 5, 11, 17

PA: 1, 3, 4

20 (T) Review

22 (R) Ch. 5-7 Midterm Exam 2

27 (T) Ch.8: Reporting and Interpreting Receivables, Bad

29 (R) Debt Expense, and Interest Revenue

4/3 (T) Ch.9: Reporting and Interpreting Long-Lived

5 (R) Tangible and Intangible Assets

M: 1, 3, E: 1, 2, 7

M: 11, 13, E: 10, 16

M: 12

E: 4, 9, 12

M: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, E: 2, 6 M: 9

M: 12, 13, E: 11 E: 3, 7, 12, 14

10 (T)

12 (R)

Ch.10: Reporting and Interpreting Liabilities

17 (T) Review

19 (R)

M: 1, 7, 9, 14, 16

E: 2, 8, 11, CP: 10

Ch 8-10 Midterm Exam 3

M: 6, 10

E: 5, 6, 14

24 (T) Ch.11: Reporting and Interpreting Stockholders’

26 (R) Equity

5/1 (T) Ch.12: Reporting and Interpreting the Statement

5/3 (R) of Cash Flows

5/9 (W)

M: 4, 5, 9, 12, E: 1, 3, 8 M: 13

M: 14, 17, E: 6, 10, 12

M: 2, 3, 9, E: 2, 3, 10

E: 16, 18, 25, CP: 3

Final Exam 1:00-3:00pm (Ch. 1-12)

E: 2, 4, 14

E: 1, 6, 19

PA: 4, 7

M: mini-exercises; E: exercises; CP: coached problems; PA: problem set A.

* Homework is due 6:00am in the class day following the finish of the chapter.

January 30 - Last day to drop a course without a grade.

February 14 - Last day to drop a course with a “W”. Your instructor will NOT approve any withdrawal after the withdrawal deadline. For medical withdrawal, contact registrar’s office.

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