Digital Unit Plan Template Unit Title: Name: Introduction to Derivatives Dulce Fonseca Content Area: Calculus Grade Level: 12 CA Content Standard(s)/Common Core Standard(s): 4.0 Students demonstrate an understanding of the formal definition of a derivative of a function and the notation 4.1 Students demonstrate of an understandingof the derivative of a function as the slope of the tangent line to the graph 4.2 Students demonstrate an understanding of the interpretation of the derivative as instantaneous rate of change. Students can solve a variety of problems from physics, economics, chemistry, and so forth that involve the rate of change of a function. 4.3 Students understand the relation between differentiability and continuity 4.4 Students derive derivative formulas and use them to find the derivatives of algebraic, trigonometric, inverse trigonometric, exponential and logarithmic functions 5.0 Students know the chain rule and its proof and applications to the calculation of the derivative of a variety of composite functions. 7.0 Students compute derivatives of higher orders. Big Ideas: What is a derivative? How can it be described in non-mathematical language and how can it be described graphically? How is a derivative computed and how can we recognize what derivative rules to use? What are some applications of derivatives? Unit Goals and Objectives: Goals: The purpose of this unit is to expose students and teach students about the basics of derivatives. Students will learn what a derivative is in simple mathematical terms. Students will be able to explain differentiability. Students will learn the different ways to compute derivatives. Students will learn the rules of derivatives, as well the derivatives of trigonometric functions. Students will know how derivatives are applied to moving objects. Objectives: Students will be exposed to the idea of the derivative as the slope of a tangent line to a graph. Students will learn to use the limit definition of a derivative. Students will know if a function is differentiable based on its graph. Students will be able to recognize and use the product rule, quotient rule, and chain rule. Students will continue their introduction on proof writing, particularly with the rules of derivatives. Students will memorize and be able to compute the derivatives of trigonometric, inverse trigonometric, exponential, etc. functions. Students will compute higher ordered derivatives. Using derivatives, students will learn to find and analyze velocity and acceleration of moving objects. Unit Summary: The digital unit plan is on the introduction to derivatives. There will be online activities to complete, from gathering information and interacting with digital tool. We will begin by learning the definition of the derivative and what a derivative actually is. We will learn how continuity deals with differentiability. This will give us the tools necessary to learn the “shortcuts,” or the rules, of derivatives. This will lead to the applications of derivatives. How are they used? Why are they important? Assessment Plan: Entry-Level: Formative: Summative: Review continuity. Review what a limit is. Non graded quiz on the use of the unit circle, composite functions and basic physics properties. Corners Student Teacher Letters Graphic Organizer Peer quizzing Traditional quizzes Student led conferences Exam covering all the material of the unit Lesson 1 Student Learning Objective: All but one of the objectives are addressed in lesson one: Students will memorize and be able to compute the derivatives of trigonometric, inverse trigonometric, exponential, etc. functions Acceptable Evidence: -Evaluate using derivative definition -Evaluate using rules of derivatives. -Given a graph, graph the derivative at indicated points, if differentiable. -Solve physics problems using derivatives. -Successful completion of Guided Notes Instructional Strategies: ☐ Communication ☐ Collection ☐ Collaboration ☐ Presentation ☐ Organization ☐ Interaction Lesson Activities: -Review continuity. -Review what a limit is. Teacher Lecture and Guided Notes will cover the following: -Students will review derivative as the slope of a tangent line to a function and as the rate of change. -Students will be given different types of functions, polynomials, quadratics, trigonometric, etc. and will find the derivatives by using power rules -Given graphs as visual representations, determine if a graph is differentiable at a given point. -Solving physics problems using derivatives. Lesson 2 Student Learning Objective: Acceptable Evidence: -Demonstrate -Studentswill be ability to not exposed to the only USE the idea of the product, derivative as the quotient and slope of a tangent chain rule, but line to a graph. to recognize WHEN these -Students will should be used. know if a function is -Given a differentiable function, be able based on its to take the graph. higher ordered derivatives. - Students will be able to recognize -Successful and use the completion of power, product, Werbcise. quotient, and chain rule. -Students will memorize and be Instructional Strategies: ☐ Communication ☐ Collection ☐ Collaboration ☐ Presentation ☐ Organization ☐ Interaction Lesson Activities: -Review the derivative as the slope of a tangent line to a graph: video -Continue writing proofs. -Use the rules of derivatives to compute including the chain rule. -Use the “must know” derivative functions. -Continue learning how to write proofs. -Review on continuity and its relationship to differentiability. able to use derivatives of trigonometric functions. - Students will compute higher ordered derivatives. -Students will continue their introduction on proof writing, particularly with the rules of derivatives. Lesson 3 Student Learning Objective: Acceptable Evidence: - Students will be able to recognize and use the product rule, quotient rule, and chain rule -Students are able to organize their thoughts into coherent sentences and examples. -Students will memorize and be able to compute the derivatives of trigonometric, inverse trigonometric, exponential, etc. functions. -Successful completion of Graphic Organizer. Instructional Strategies: ☐ Communication ☐ Collection ☐ Collaboration ☐ Presentation ☐ Organization ☐ Interaction Lesson Activities: - Students state all the rules of derivatives in mathematical and symbolic form. -Students give examples of each of the rules of derivatives. -Students do more in depth computations of derivatives using the chain rule. -Graphic organizer: gives students the chance to present problems the way they wish the teacher presented. Unit Resources: Match Multiple Derivatives Graph: Try to Graph the Derivative Function: The Intuitive Notion of the Chain Rule: Derivative of e^x Proof: Derivative of sin(x) Proof: Derivatives Using the Limit Definition: Tips for Derivatives: What is Acceleration: Position, Velocity, and Acceleration in one Dimension: Velocity and Acceleration: Useful Websites: Calculus Derivatives 1: Derivative Tracer: Differentiability vs Continuity: Higher Ordered Derivatives Practice Problems: Simple Derivative Examples: Millionaire Calculus Game: Introduction to Derivatives: