-functions of two variables -graph of a function -level curves with calue „c” -level curves with respect to „x” or „y” -partial differentation -partial derivative of f with respect to „x” - ----------„ -------------- with respect to „y” -Theorem of continous partial derivatives A function of two variables is a rule which assigns a number f(x,y) to each point (x,y) of a domain int he xy plain. Example: f(x,y) = x3-3xy The graph of a function f(x,y) of two variables consist of all point (x,y,z) in space such that (x,y) is int he domain of the function and z=f(x,y) Example: z=x3-3xy2 Let be a function of two variables and let „c” be a constant. The set of all (x,y) int he plane such that f(x,y)=c is called a level curve of f with calue „c”. Example: x3-3xy2=-0.8 Let f be a funtion of two variables and (a,b)EDf. The level curve with respect to x is the graph of f1(x)=f(x,b), (x,b)ED f function of one variable. The level curve with respect to y is the graph of f2(y)=f(a,y) (a,y)ED f function of one variable. These are the traces of the surface. If f is a funtion of two variables, to calculate the partial derivative with respect to a certain variable, treat the remaining variable as a constant and differentiate as usual by using the rules of variable calculus. Remember for the differentation of a constant: (1) c’=0 (2) (cf)’=c*f’ If z=f(x,y) is a function of two variables, the partial derivative of f with respect to x is denoted f’x=deltaz/deltax = limchangingx->0 f(x+changingx,y) – f(x,y) / changingx If z=f(x,y) is a funtion of two variables, the partial derivative of f with respect to y is denoted. f’y=deltaz/deltay=limchanging y->0 f (x,y +changing y) – f(x,y) /changing y ..túl hosszú a következő ez vmi second order partial derivatives Theorem: If z=f(x,y) has continous partial derivatives, then the mixed partial derivatives are equal: f”xy=f”yx