WCAS© LinkedIn Results report

Client: Amalgamated LinkedIn Response
Workplace Civility Assessment Survey©
Report prepared by Dr. Martina Carroll-Garrison
Presented to the LinkedIn Survey Respondents
18 Jan 2016
Contact Information
Dr Martina Carroll-Garrison
AKA Dr Tina
• WEB Site: www.WorkplaceCivilityMatters.com
• E-Mail: INFO@WorkplaceCivilityMatters.com
• E-Mail: DrTina@WorkplaceCivilityMatters.com
• LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/drmartinacarrollgarrison
Table Of Contents
• Executive Summary
• Methodology
• Findings
• Research Data
• How We Experience Our Organization And Worklife
• What We Believe About Our Organization And Worklife
• Survey Conclusions
• Recommendations
Executive Summary
• This briefing reflects an amalgamation of responses from three LinkedIn survey invitations, including to the HBR Group,
the researcher’s LinkedIn connections, and as a result of an article published on Pulse. 128 questions were fully
responded to by 28 the various survey participants. Other participants commenced the survey but did not complete it so
their data was removed. The original version of this survey had 182 questions, however feedback uncovered
redundancies and ambiguity so the final survey was modified down to 128 questions.
• Of significance to the respondents is that either most or many have experienced workplace incivility in their worklife, in
their current position, in the past month, and in the past week. This was a non-mandatory or self-select survey, and an
assumption can be made that the survey participants elected to complete this survey because they recently endured
workplace incivility.
• The major findings are that most participants indicate that they become upset when directly experiencing bad behavior
and become stressed when observing bad behavior at work. They affirm that they are more creative when working in a
positive environment, and are more engaged when they observe positive behavior at work. Approx. 2/3rds of employees
loose enjoyment in their work as a result of workplace incivility, and although they experience work-related stress their
supervisors and colleagues are generally supportive. Three of every four survey participants strongly agree that they
experience both emotional abuse and hostility in their workplace.
• The survey participants reflect that either most or many feel appreciated and respected and have achieved a sense of
purpose from their worklife. Most disagree that they have great confidence in their company's future. 50% of survey
participants strongly disagree that their workplace has a written statement of expected norms or behaviors for all
employees. Survey participants vary widely in their belief that their supervisors behave according to the expected norms
or behaviors for all employees. There is a 50/50 split among survey participants regarding their belief that their colleagues
behave according to expected norms or behaviors for all employees.
• Regarding survey participants beliefs about an Ideal Workplace they, other than committing to only hire civil employees,
they generally are in strong agreement with the 15 precepts of an ideal workplace
• The survey data was collected electronically over a 7 day period through
unknown respondents who completed the survey as a result of
announcements on LinkedIn. This briefing reflects an amalgamation of
responses from three LinkedIn survey invitations, including to the HBR
Group, the researcher’s LinkedIn connections, and as a result of an
article published on Pulse.
• 128 questions were fully responded to by 28 the various survey
participants. Other participants commenced the survey but did not
complete it so their data was removed. The original version of this
survey had 182 questions, however feedback uncovered redundancies
and ambiguity so the final survey was modified down to 128 questions.
Findings From The WCAS©
How We Experience …
Tolerance For Deviant Behaviors
Preference For Positive Behaviors
Awareness Of What Incivility Is
Response To Incivility
Response To Work Environment
Personal Experience Of Incivility
Personal Observation Of Incivility
Personal Activity As Instigator Of Incivility
Civility/Culture Preferences
What We Believe About…
Direction And Purpose
Personal Engagement
Leadership Style & Behavior
Clarity, Justice, & Parity
Commitment, Support & Appreciation
Ideal Workplace
Civility/Culture Values
Response Data:
• Survey Participants: 28
• Survey Questions: 134
How We Experience Our Organization And Worklife
(8 Civility Culture Preferences)
How We Experience Our Organization And Worklife helps to explain our experience, level
of engagement and productivity, and our interest and ability to positively affect our
colleagues and the desired organizational outcomes. The following civility culture
questions and responses address eight civility culture preferences;
1. Tolerance For Deviant Behaviors
2. Preference For Positive Behaviors
3. Awareness Of What Incivility Is
4. Response To Incivility
5. Response To Work Environment
6. Personal Experience Of Incivility
7. Personal Observation Of Incivility
8. Personal Activity As Instigator Of Incivility
Questions for Tolerance For Deviant Behaviors…
2. It’s easy for me to become upset by bad behavior at work.
3. I become stressed when I experience bad behavior at work.
4. I become stressed when I observe bad behavior at work.
5. My tolerance for bad behavior at work is the same as most other
Regarding Survey Participants Tolerance For Deviant
Most participants indicate that they become upset by bad behavior at
work, while most strongly agree or agree that they become stressed
when experiencing or observing bad behavior at work. However most
participants indicate that their tolerance for bad behavior at work is
not the same as most other colleagues.
An assumption here is that because this was an non-mandatory and
open-network survey the participants completing the “workplace
civility survey” were already familiar with the phenomenon.
Q2: It’s easy for me to become upset by bad behavior at work.
Answered 28
Skipped: 0
Q3: I become stressed when I experience bad behavior at work.
Answered 28
Skipped: 0
Q4: I become stressed when I observe bad behavior at work.
Answered 28
Skipped: 0
Q5: My tolerance for bad behavior at work is the same as most other
Answered 28
Skipped: 0
Preference For Positive Behaviors…
6. It’s easy for me to become excited by positive behavior at work.
7. I am more creative when I work in a positive environment.
8. I am more engaged when I observe positive behavior at work.
9. My desire for positive behavior at work is the same as most others.
Regarding Survey Participants Preference For
Positive Behaviors…
Most participants indicate that they it’s easy for them to become
excited by positive behavior at work, that they are more creative when
working in a positive environment, and are more engaged when they
observe positive behavior at work. Most strongly agree or agree that
their desire for positive behavior at work is the same as most others.
Q6: It’s easy for me to become excited by positive behavior at work.
Answered 28
Skipped: 0
Q7: I am more creative when I work in a positive environment.
Answered 28
Skipped: 0
Q8: I am more engaged when I observe positive behavior at work.
Answered 28
Skipped: 0
Q9: My desire for positive behavior at work is the same as most others.
Answered 28
Skipped: 0
Awareness Of What Incivility Is…
10. Workplace incivility includes being bombastic.
23. Workplace incivility includes personal aggression.
11. Workplace incivility includes being disrespectful in the
event of disagreement.
24. Workplace incivility includes professional exclusion.
12. Workplace incivility includes being distrustful.
13. Workplace incivility includes being obstinate.
14. Workplace incivility includes being quarrelsome.
25. Workplace incivility includes professionally or personally
endangering coworkers.
26. Workplace incivility includes projecting an intimidating manner.
27. Workplace incivility includes public humiliation.
15. Workplace incivility includes being snarky or sarcastic.
28. Workplace incivility includes purposely sighing when someone is
16. Workplace incivility includes blaming coworkers.
29. Workplace incivility includes rolling your eyes when someone
17. Workplace incivility includes competing non-beneficially
with co-workers.
18. Workplace incivility includes confrontational attitudes.
30. Workplace incivility includes social exclusion.
31. Workplace incivility includes spreading rumors about colleagues.
19. Workplace incivility includes emotional harassment.
32. Workplace incivility includes stealing small items such as food or
pens from co-workers.
20. Workplace incivility includes favoritism.
33. Workplace incivility includes texting while in meetings or engaged
in a conversation.
21. Workplace incivility includes gossiping about co-workers.
22. Workplace incivility includes interrupting others when
34. Workplace incivility includes verbal abuse.
Regarding Survey Participants Awareness Of What
Incivility Is…
Most participants indicate that they strongly agree or agree that the
survey’s 24 identified precepts represent their understanding of the
nature and behavior that constitutes workplace incivility.
Q10: Workplace incivility includes being bombastic.
Answered 28
Skipped: 0
Q11: Workplace incivility includes being disrespectful in the event of
Answered 28
Skipped: 0
Q12: Workplace incivility includes being distrustful.
Answered 28
Skipped: 0
Q13: Workplace incivility includes being obstinate.
Answered 28
Skipped: 0
Q14: Workplace incivility includes being quarrelsome.
Answered 28
Skipped: 0
Q15: Workplace incivility includes being snarky or sarcastic.
Answered 28
Skipped: 0
Q16: Workplace incivility includes blaming coworkers.
Answered 28
Skipped: 0
Q17: Workplace incivility includes competing non-beneficially with coworkers.
Answered 28
Skipped: 0
Q18: Workplace incivility includes confrontational attitudes.
Answered 28
Skipped: 0
Q19: Workplace incivility includes emotional harassment.
Answered 28
Skipped: 0
Q20: Workplace incivility includes favoritism.
Answered 28
Skipped: 0
Q21: Workplace incivility includes gossiping about co-workers.
Answered 28
Skipped: 0
Q22: Workplace incivility includes interrupting others when speaking.
Answered 28
Skipped: 0
Q23: Workplace incivility includes personal aggression.
Answered 28
Skipped: 0
Q24: Workplace incivility includes professional exclusion.
Answered 28
Skipped: 0
Q25: Workplace incivility includes professionally or personally
endangering coworkers.
Answered 28
Skipped: 0
Q26: Workplace incivility includes projecting an intimidating manner.
Answered 28
Skipped: 0
Q27: Workplace incivility includes public humiliation.
Answered 28
Skipped: 0
Q28: Workplace incivility includes purposely sighing when someone is
Answered 28
Skipped: 0
Q29: Workplace incivility includes rolling your eyes when someone
Answered 28
Skipped: 0
Q30: Workplace incivility includes social exclusion.
Answered 28
Skipped: 0
Q31: Workplace incivility includes spreading rumors about colleagues.
Answered 28
Skipped: 0
Q32: Workplace incivility includes stealing small items such as food or
pens from co-workers.
Answered 28
Skipped: 0
Q33: Workplace incivility includes texting while in meetings or engaged in
a conversation.
Answered 28
Skipped: 0
Q34: Workplace incivility includes verbal abuse.
Answered 28
Skipped: 0
Response To Incivility…
(As a result of workplace incivility)
35. I sometimes leave early.
36. I sometimes take excessive
37. I sometimes intentionally work
38. I sometimes waste resources.
39. I sometimes withhold my best
40. I sometimes sabotage office
41. I have retaliated against the
uncivil person.
42. I sometimes lie about hours worked.
43. I have decreased concern for
44. I have lost commitment to my
45. I have decreased concern for my
46. I have retaliated against my
47. I have lost enjoyment in my work.
Regarding Survey Participants Response To
Workplace Incivility…
The survey participants’ individual responses to their experience
reflects a variety of differing results along the continuum of 13 typical
behaviors. Of significance to the leadership team is that 1/2 of
employees shortchange the organization on time, while approx. 1/3 of
employees withhold discretionary effort and concern for colleagues.
Significantly, 2/3rds of employees loose enjoyment in their work as a
result of workplace incivility.
Q35: As a result of workplace incivility I sometimes leave early.
Answered 28
Skipped: 0
Q36: As a result of workplace incivility I sometimes take excessive breaks.
Answered 28
Skipped: 0
Q37: As a result of workplace incivility I sometimes intentionally work
Answered 28
Skipped: 0
Q38: As a result of workplace incivility I sometimes waste resources.
Answered 28
Skipped: 0
Q39: As a result of workplace incivility I sometimes withhold my best
Answered 28
Skipped: 0
Q40: As a result of workplace incivility I sometimes sabotage office
Answered 28
Skipped: 0
Q41: As a result of workplace incivility I have retaliated against the uncivil
Answered 28
Skipped: 0
Q42: As a result of workplace incivility I sometimes lie about hours
Answered 28
Skipped: 0
Q43: As a result of workplace incivility I have decreased concern for
Answered 28
Skipped: 0
Q44: As a result of workplace incivility I have lost commitment to my
Answered 28
Skipped: 0
Q45: As a result of workplace incivility I have decreased concern for my
Answered 28
Skipped: 0
Q46: As a result of workplace incivility I have retaliated against my
Answered 28
Skipped: 0
Q47: As a result of workplace incivility I have lost enjoyment in my work.
Answered 28
Skipped: 0
Response To Work Environment
48. ....difficult colleagues add to my stress level.
49. ....difficult customers add to my stress level.
50. ....difficult supervisors add to my stress level.
51. ....when I experience stress my colleagues are
52. ....when I experience stress my supervisor is
53. ....I experience emotional abuse.
54. ....I experience open hostility.
55. ....my supervisor is emotionally intelligent.
56. ....my colleagues are emotionally intelligent.
57. ....my supervisor is culturally aware.
58. ....my colleagues are culturally aware.
59. ....I trust my supervisor.
60. ....I trust my colleagues.
61. ....my supervisor embraces diversity.
62. ....my colleagues embraces diversity.
63. ....my supervisor displays negative or positive
bias towards some groups or individuals.
64. ....my colleagues display negative or positive
bias towards some groups or individuals.
65. …. I can approach another about their uncivil
66. …. I can applaud another for their civil
Regarding survey participants Response To Work
Environment …
The survey participants reflect that although they experience work-related
stress their supervisors and colleagues are generally supportive. Three of
every four survey participants strongly agree that they experience both
emotional abuse and hostility in their workplace, while half of the
participants agree that their supervisors and colleagues are emotionally
intelligent and culturally aware.
Half of the participants agree that they trust their colleagues and
supervisors, although their response reflects a degree of ambiguity regarding
how colleagues and supervisors embrace diversity or display bias towards
some groups and individuals. Generally most survey participants appear
comfortable approaching colleagues about their uncivil behavior or
applauding then for acts of civility.
Q48: ....difficult colleagues add to my stress level.
Answered 28
Skipped: 0
Q49: ....difficult customers add to my stress level.
Answered 28
Skipped: 0
Q50: ....difficult supervisors add to my stress level.
Answered 28
Skipped: 0
Q51: ....when I experience stress my colleagues are supportive.
Answered 28
Skipped: 0
Q52: ....when I experience stress my supervisor is supportive.
Answered 28
Skipped: 0
Q53: ....I experience emotional abuse.
Answered 28
Skipped: 0
Q54: ....I experience open hostility.
Answered 28
Skipped: 0
Q55: ....my supervisor is emotionally intelligent.
Answered 28
Skipped: 0
Q56: ....my colleagues are emotionally intelligent.
Answered 28
Skipped: 0
Q57: ....my supervisor is culturally aware.
Answered 28
Skipped: 0
Q58: ....my colleagues are culturally aware.
Answered 28
Skipped: 0
Q59: ....I trust my supervisor.
Answered 28
Skipped: 0
Q60: ....I trust my colleagues.
Answered 28
Skipped: 0
Q61: ....my supervisor embraces diversity.
Answered 28
Skipped: 0
Q62: ....my colleagues embraces diversity.
Answered 28
Skipped: 0
Q63: ....my supervisor displays negative or positive bias towards some
groups or individuals.
Answered 28
Skipped: 0
Q64: ....my colleagues display negative or positive bias towards some
groups or individuals.
Answered 28
Skipped: 0
Q65: …. I can approach another about their uncivil behavior.
Answered 28
Skipped: 0
Q66: …. I can applaud another for their civil behavior.
Answered 28
Skipped: 0
Personal Experience Of Incivility
67. You have experienced workplace incivility in your worklife.
68. You have experienced workplace incivility in your current position.
69. You have experienced workplace incivility in your current
organization in the past month.
70. You have experienced workplace incivility in your current
organization in the past week.
Regarding survey participants Personal Experience
Of Incivility…
The survey participants reflect that either most or many have
experienced workplace incivility in their worklife, in their current
position, in the past month, and in the past week.
Q67: You have experienced workplace incivility in your worklife.
Answered 28
Skipped: 0
Q68: You have experienced workplace incivility in your current position.
Answered 28
Skipped: 0
Q69: You have experienced workplace incivility in your current
organization in the past month.
Answered 28
Skipped: 0
Q70: You have experienced workplace incivility in your current
organization in the past week.
Answered 28
Skipped: 0
Personal Observation Of Incivility
71. You have observed workplace incivility in your work-life.
72. You have observed workplace incivility in your current position.
73. You have observed workplace incivility in your current organization
in the past month.
74. You have observed workplace incivility in your current organization
in the past week.
Regarding survey participants Personal Observation
Of Incivility…
The survey participants reflect that either most or many have observed
workplace incivility in their worklife, in their current position, in the
past month, and in the past week.
Q71: You have observed workplace incivility in your work-life.
Answered 28
Skipped: 0
Q72: You have observed workplace incivility in your current position.
Answered 28
Skipped: 0
Q73: You have observed workplace incivility in your current organization
in the past month.
Answered 28
Skipped: 0
Q74: You have observed workplace incivility in your current organization
in the past week.
Answered 28
Skipped: 0
Personal Activity As Instigator Of Incivility
75. You have been uncivil to others in your work-life.
76. You have been uncivil to others in your current position.
77. You have been uncivil to others in your current organization in the
past month.
78. You have been uncivil to others in your current organization in the
past week.
Regarding survey participants Personal Activity As
Instigator Of Incivility…
The survey participants reflect that most or many would strongly
disagree that they had engaged in any activity as an instigator of
incivility in their current position, in the past month, and in the past
Q75: You have been uncivil to others in your work-life.
Answered 28
Skipped: 0
Q76: You have been uncivil to others in your current position.
Answered 28
Skipped: 0
Q77: You have been uncivil to others in your current organization in the
past month.
Answered 28
Skipped: 0
Q78: You have been uncivil to others in your current organization in the
past week.
Answered 28
Skipped: 0
What We Believe About Our Organization And
(6 Civility/Culture Values)
What We Believe About Our Organization And Worklife helps to shape our
experience, level of engagement and productivity, and our interest and
ability to positively affect our colleagues and the desired organizational
outcomes. The following civility culture questions and responses address six
civility culture values;
1. Direction And Purpose
2. Personal Engagement
3. Leadership Style & Behavior
4. Clarity, Justice, & Parity
5. Commitment, Support & Appreciation
6. Ideal Workplace
Direction And Purpose
79. It is important to you to feel appreciated in your worklife.
80. It is important to you to feel respected in your worklife.
81. It is important to you to have personal autonomy in your worklife.
82. It is important to you to achieve professional mastery over what
you do in your worklife.
83. It is important to you to achieve a sense of purpose from your
Regarding Survey Participants Direction And
The survey participants reflect that either most or many feel
appreciated and respected in their worklife. They confirm that they
have personal autonomy and professional mastery over what they do
in their worklife. They achieve a sense of purpose from their worklife.
Q79: It is important to you to feel appreciated in your worklife.
Answered 28
Skipped: 0
Q80: It is important to you to feel respected in your worklife.
Answered 28
Skipped: 0
Q81: It is important to you to have personal autonomy in your worklife.
Answered 28
Skipped: 0
Q82: It is important to you to achieve professional mastery over what you
do in your worklife.
Answered 28
Skipped: 0
Q83: It is important to you to achieve a sense of purpose from your
Answered 28
Skipped: 0
Personal Engagement
84. I am really enthusiastic about the mission of my company.
85. In my team, I am surrounded by people who share my values.
86. I have the chance to use my strengths every day at work.
87. At work, I clearly understand what is expected of me.
88. I know I will be recognized for excellent work.
89. In my work I am always challenged to grow.
90. I have great confidence in my company's future.
Regarding Survey Participants Personal
The survey participants reflect that most are enthusiastic about the mission
of their company, however disagree they are surrounded by people who
share their values.
Most participants strongly agree that they have the chance to use their
strengths every day at work and that they clearly understand what is
expected of them.
Most are unsure or disagree that they will be recognized for excellent work,
or that they are always challenged to grow, or that they have great
confidence in their company's future.
Q84: I am really enthusiastic about the mission of my company.
Answered 28
Skipped: 0
Q85: In my team, I am surrounded by people who share my values.
Answered 28
Skipped: 0
Q86: I have the chance to use my strengths every day at work.
Answered 28
Skipped: 0
Q87: At work, I clearly understand what is expected of me.
Answered 28
Skipped: 0
Q88: I know I will be recognized for excellent work.
Answered 28
Skipped: 0
Q89: In my work I am always challenged to grow.
Answered 28
Skipped: 0
Q90: I have great confidence in my company's future.
Answered 28
Skipped: 0
Leadership Style & Behavior
91. In my workplace supervisors who manage aggressively are viewed as
strong leaders.
92. In my workplace supervisors use fear to motivate employees.
93. In my workplace employees feel that they are expected to compete
against each other.
94. In my workplace high performing employees get away with bad
behaviors that most others would be reprimanded for.
95. In my workplace verbal abuse (shouting, swearing, name calling, or
sarcasm) is tolerated.
96. In my workplace supervisors ignore uncivil behaviors committed by
Regarding Survey Participants Beliefs About
Leadership Style & Engagement…
75% of survey participants reflect that most supervisors who manage
aggressively are viewed as strong leaders, while all agree that in their
workplace their supervisors use fear to motivate employees, and 50% agree
that employees are expected to compete against each other.
50% of survey participants indicate that their workplaces permit high
performing employees to get away with bad behaviors that most others
would be reprimanded for, and that verbal abuse (shouting, swearing, name
calling, or sarcasm) is tolerated. All survey participants strongly agree or
agree that supervisors ignore uncivil behaviors committed by others.
Q91: In my workplace supervisors who manage aggressively are viewed
as strong leaders.
Answered 28
Skipped: 0
Q92: In my workplace supervisors use fear to motivate employees.
Answered 28
Skipped: 0
Q93: In my workplace employees feel that they are expected to compete
against each other.
Answered 28
Skipped: 0
Q94: In my workplace high performing employees get away with bad
behaviors that most others would be reprimanded for.
Answered 28
Skipped: 0
Q95: In my workplace verbal abuse (shouting, swearing, name calling, or
sarcasm) is tolerated.
Answered 28
Skipped: 0
Q96: In my workplace supervisors ignore uncivil behaviors committed by
Answered 28
Skipped: 0
Clarity, Justice, & Parity
97. In my workplace I am clear about my role in the organization.
98. In my workplace I am clear about others role in the organization.
99. In my workplace others are clear about my role in the organization.
100. In my workplace I am expected to stay late to catch up on projects or tasks.
101. In my workplace I carry a similar workload as my colleagues.
102. In my workplace my work effort is recognized by my supervisor.
103. In my workplace I am adequately compensated for my work effort.
104. In my workplace I feel valued by my organization.
105. In my workplace I feel valued by my colleagues.
106. In my workplace I am expected to work more than the regular 40 hours.
107. In my workplace the demands of my job interfere with my family life.
Regarding Survey Participants Beliefs About Clarity,
Justice, & Parity…
100% of survey participants reflect that they are clear about their role in the
organization, however there is a high degree of ambiguity by others of their role in
the organization, yet generally believe that most others are clear about their role
in the organization. Most survey participants reflect that they are expected to
stay late to catch up on projects or tasks, and most that they carry a similar
workload as their colleagues. 2/3rds agree that their work effort is recognized by
their supervisor, however 50 % disagree that they are adequately compensated for
their work effort. The survey participants are divided about feeling valued by their
organization, however 75% feel valued by their colleagues. 75% strongly or mildly
agree that they are expected to work more than the regular 40 hours, yet there is
an equal split between agree and disagree regarding survey participants belief that
the demands of their job interfere with their family life.
Q97: In my workplace I am clear about my role in the organization.
Answered 28
Skipped: 0
Q98: In my workplace I am clear about others role in the organization.
Answered 28
Skipped: 0
Q99: In my workplace others are clear about my role in the organization.
Answered 28
Skipped: 0
Q100: In my workplace I am expected to stay late to catch up on projects
or tasks.
Answered 28
Skipped: 0
Q101: In my workplace I carry a similar workload as my colleagues.
Answered 28
Skipped: 0
Q102: In my workplace my work effort is recognized by my supervisor.
Answered 28
Skipped: 0
Q103: In my workplace I am adequately compensated for my work effort.
Answered 28
Skipped: 0
Q104: In my workplace I feel valued by my organization.
Answered 28
Skipped: 0
Q105: In my workplace I feel valued by my colleagues.
Answered 28
Skipped: 0
Q106: In my workplace I am expected to work more than the regular 40
Answered 28
Skipped: 0
Q107: In my workplace the demands of my job interfere with my family
Answered 28
Skipped: 0
Commitment, Support & Appreciation
108. My workplace has a written statement of
expected norms or behaviors for all
109. My supervisor behaves according to
expected norms or behaviors for all
110. My colleagues behave according to
expected norms or behaviors for all
111. In my workplace I feel physically safe.
112. In my workplace I feel emotionally safe.
113. In my workplace I believe my colleagues
feel physically safe.
114. In my workplace I believe my colleagues
feel emotionally safe.
115. My organization is committed to our physical
116. My organization is committed to our
emotional safety.
117. My supervisor is committed to my growth and
118. My supervisor is committed to my wellbeing
as an employee.
119. ....I am trusted.
120. ....I am appreciated.
121. …I am listened to.
Regarding survey participants beliefs about
Commitment, Support & Appreciation
50% of survey participants strongly disagree that their workplace has a written
statement of expected norms or behaviors for all employees. Survey participants vary
widely in their belief that their supervisor behave according to the expected norms or
behaviors for all employees. There is a 50/50 split among survey participants regarding
their belief that their colleagues behave according to expected norms or behaviors for
all employees.
Most employees feel physically safe, while only 50% feel emotionally safe or believe
that their colleagues feel physically safe. 75% believe that their colleagues do not feel
emotionally safe. Only 50% believe that their organization is committed to our physical
safety or their emotional safety. 75% are unsure or do not believe that their supervisor
is committed to their growth and development, while 50% strongly disagree that their
supervisor is committed to their wellbeing as an employee. 75% believe that they are
trusted, while 50% believe that they are both appreciated and listened to.
Q108: My workplace has a written statement of expected norms or
behaviors for all employees.
Answered 28
Skipped: 0
Q109: My supervisor behaves according to expected norms or behaviors
for all employees.
Answered 28
Skipped: 0
Q110: My colleagues behave according to expected norms or behaviors
for all employees.
Answered 28
Skipped: 0
Q111: In my workplace I feel physically safe.
Answered 28
Skipped: 0
Q112: In my workplace I feel emotionally safe.
Answered 28
Skipped: 0
Q113: In my workplace I believe my colleagues feel physically safe.
Answered 28
Skipped: 0
Q114: In my workplace I believe my colleagues feel emotionally safe.
Answered 28
Skipped: 0
Q115: My organization is committed to our physical safety.
Answered 28
Skipped: 0
Q116: My organization is committed to our emotional safety.
Answered 28
Skipped: 0
Q117: My supervisor is committed to my growth and development.
Answered 28
Skipped: 0
Q118: My supervisor is committed to my wellbeing as an employee.
Answered 28
Skipped: 0
Q119: ....I am trusted.
Answered 28
Skipped: 0
Q120: ....I am appreciated.
Answered 28
Skipped: 0
Q121: …I am listened to.
Answered 28
Skipped: 0
Ideal Workplace
122. ...we would choose to be respectful, even in
the face of disagreement.
123. ...we would choose to be generous, even
where there is a cost to doing so.
124. ...we would choose to be trusting, even
when there is a risk to being so.
125. ...we would choose to only hire civil
126. ...we would choose to seek out a common
ground if we encounter interpersonal friction.
127. ...we would choose to model civil behavior.
128. ...we would choose to acknowledge
personality clashes so as to move beyond them.
129. ...we would choose to set clear expectations
for behavior.
130. ...we would choose to provide training on
civil behaviors.
131. ...we would choose to become active
listeners to avoid misunderstandings.
132. ...we would choose to remove chronic
133. ...we would choose to understand the
antecedents to incivility and watch out for signs of
its presence.
134. ...we would not excuse powerful offenders.
135. ...we would choose to gather data on the
impact of incivility.
136. ...we would choose to be aware of and
calculate the potential costs of workplace
Regarding Survey Participants Beliefs About An
Ideal Workplace
Regarding survey participants beliefs about an Ideal Workplace they,
other than committing to only hire civil employees, they generally are
in strong agreement with the 15 precepts of an ideal workplace,
including...being respectful, being generous, being trusting, seeking
common ground, modeling civil behavior, acknowledge personality,
setting clear expectations, providing training on civil behaviors,
becoming active listeners, removing chronic offenders, understanding
the antecedents to incivility, excusing powerful offenders, collecting
data on the impact of incivility and choosing to be aware of and
calculate the potential costs of workplace.
Q122: ...we would choose to be respectful, even in the face of
Answered 28
Skipped: 0
Q123: ...we would choose to be generous, even where there is a cost to
doing so.
Answered 28
Skipped: 0
Q124: ...we would choose to be trusting, even when there is a risk to being
Answered 28
Skipped: 0
Q125: ...we would choose to only hire civil employees.
Answered 28
Skipped: 0
Q126: ...we would choose to seek out a common ground if we encounter
interpersonal friction.
Answered 28
Skipped: 0
Q127: ...we would choose to model civil behavior.
Answered 28
Skipped: 0
Q128: ...we would choose to acknowledge personality clashes so as to
move beyond them.
Answered 28
Skipped: 0
Q129: ...we would choose to set clear expectations for behavior.
Answered 28
Skipped: 0
Q130: ...we would choose to provide training on civil behaviors.
Answered 28
Skipped: 0
Q131: ...we would choose to become active listeners to avoid
Answered 28
Skipped: 0
Q132: ...we would choose to remove chronic offenders.
Answered 28
Skipped: 0
Q133: ...we would choose to understand the antecedents to incivility and
watch out for signs of its presence.
Answered 28
Skipped: 0
Q134: ...we would not excuse powerful offenders.
Answered 28
Skipped: 0
Q135: ...we would choose to gather data on the impact of incivility.
Answered 28
Skipped: 0
Q136: ...we would choose to be aware of and calculate the potential costs
of workplace incivility.
Answered 28
Skipped: 0
Survey Conclusions
• The conclusion is that for the imaginary LinkedIn workgroup, which the survey participants represent, workplace incivility is
prevalent and is a problem. The participants indicate a significant presence and occurrence of workplace incivility in their worklife,
in their current position, in the past month, and in the past week.
• The major findings are that most participants become upset when directly experiencing bad behavior and become stressed when
observing bad behavior at work. They affirm that they are more creative when working in a positive environment, and are more
engaged when they observe positive behavior at work. However the participants loose enjoyment in their work as a result of
workplace incivility, and although they experience work-related stress their supervisors and colleagues are generally supportive.
Significantly however, three of every four survey participants strongly agree that they experience both emotional abuse and
hostility in their workplace.
• The survey participants reflect that either most or many feel appreciated and respected and have achieved a sense of purpose
from their worklife. Most disagree that they have great confidence in their company's future. 50% of survey participants strongly
disagree that their workplace has a written statement of expected norms or behaviors for all employees. Survey participants vary
widely in their belief that their supervisors behave according to the expected norms or behaviors for all employees. There is a
50/50 split among survey participants regarding their belief that their colleagues behave according to expected norms or behaviors
for all employees.
• Regarding survey participants beliefs about an Ideal Workplace they, other than committing to only hire civil employees, they
generally are in strong agreement with the 15 precepts of an ideal workplace.
Workplace Civility Strategic Activity
Strategy# 6. Develop individual and group executive coaching programs to
address specific issues around deviant workplace
Strategy# 5. Appoint and train civility ambassadors (practitioners) to help
organizations and work groups build positive cultures, and
Strategy# 4. Developing and present experiential workshops to address and
resolve group issues around workplace incivility,
Strategy# 3. Introducing civility as a cultural norm to your workforce through
keynote speakers, seminars, and presentations at small group and
organization-wide events,
Strategy# 2. Building civility as a leadership behavior into your corporate
Strategy# 1. Surveying and assessing the prevalence and impact of workplace
2016 Workplace Civility Matters ©
• A course of action for the imaginary workgroup includes six tested
and proven options that can be tailored to the specific needs of the
organization. Based upon the survey conclusions workplace incivility
is prevalent and is a problem and should be addressed as both an
organization al issue and as a leadership issue.
Consolidated Findings
How We Experience Our Organization And Worklife
(8 Civility Culture Preferences)
How We Experience Our Organization And Worklife helps to explain our experience, level
of engagement and productivity, and our interest and ability to positively affect our
colleagues and the desired organizational outcomes. The following civility culture
questions and responses address eight civility culture preferences;
1. Tolerance For Deviant Behaviors
2. Preference For Positive Behaviors
3. Awareness Of What Incivility Is
4. Response To Incivility
5. Response To Work Environment
6. Personal Experience Of Incivility
7. Personal Observation Of Incivility
8. Personal Activity As Instigator Of Incivility
Regarding Survey Participants Tolerance For Deviant
Most participants indicate that they become upset by bad behavior at
work, while most strongly agree or agree that they become stressed
when experiencing or observing bad behavior at work. However most
participants indicate that their tolerance for bad behavior at work is
not the same as most other colleagues.
An assumption here is that because this was an non-mandatory and
open-network survey the participants completing the “workplace
civility survey” were already familiar with the phenomenon.
Regarding Survey Participants Preference For
Positive Behaviors…
Most participants indicate that they it’s easy for them to become
excited by positive behavior at work, that they are more creative when
working in a positive environment, and are more engaged when they
observe positive behavior at work. Most strongly agree or agree that
their desire for positive behavior at work is the same as most others.
Regarding Survey Participants Awareness Of What
Incivility Is…
Most participants indicate that they strongly agree or agree that the
survey’s 24 identified precepts represent their understanding of the
nature and behavior that constitutes workplace incivility.
Regarding Survey Participants Response To
Workplace Incivility…
The survey participants’ individual responses to their experience
reflects a variety of differing results along the continuum of 13 typical
behaviors. Of significance to the leadership team is that 1/2 of
employees shortchange the organization on time, while approx. 1/3 of
employees withhold discretionary effort and concern for colleagues.
Significantly, 2/3rds of employees loose enjoyment in their work as a
result of workplace incivility.
Regarding survey participants Response To Work
Environment …
The survey participants reflect that although they experience work-related
stress their supervisors and colleagues are generally supportive. Three of
every four survey participants strongly agree that they experience both
emotional abuse and hostility in their workplace, while half of the
participants agree that their supervisors and colleagues are emotionally
intelligent and culturally aware.
Half of the participants agree that they trust their colleagues and
supervisors, although their response reflects a degree of ambiguity regarding
how colleagues and supervisors embrace diversity or display bias towards
some groups and individuals. Generally most survey participants appear
comfortable approaching colleagues about their uncivil behavior or
applauding then for acts of civility.
Regarding survey participants Personal Experience
Of Incivility…
The survey participants reflect that either most or many have
experienced workplace incivility in their worklife, in their current
position, in the past month, and in the past week.
Regarding survey participants Personal Observation
Of Incivility…
The survey participants reflect that either most or many have observed
workplace incivility in their worklife, in their current position, in the
past month, and in the past week.
Regarding survey participants Personal Activity As
Instigator Of Incivility…
The survey participants reflect that most or many would strongly
disagree that they had engaged in any activity as an instigator of
incivility in their current position, in the past month, and in the past
What We Believe About Our Organization And
(6 Civility/Culture Values)
What We Believe About Our Organization And Worklife helps to shape our
experience, level of engagement and productivity, and our interest and
ability to positively affect our colleagues and the desired organizational
outcomes. The following civility culture questions and responses address six
civility culture values;
1. Direction And Purpose
2. Personal Engagement
3. Leadership Style & Behavior
4. Clarity, Justice, & Parity
5. Commitment, Support & Appreciation
6. Ideal Workplace
Regarding Survey Participants Direction And
The survey participants reflect that either most or many feel
appreciated and respected in their worklife. They confirm that they
have personal autonomy and professional mastery over what they do
in their worklife. They achieve a sense of purpose from their worklife.
Regarding Survey Participants Personal
The survey participants reflect that most are enthusiastic about the mission
of their company, however disagree they are surrounded by people who
share their values.
Most participants strongly agree that they have the chance to use their
strengths every day at work and that they clearly understand what is
expected of them.
Most are unsure or disagree that they will be recognized for excellent work,
or that they are always challenged to grow, or that they have great
confidence in their company's future.
Regarding Survey Participants Beliefs About
Leadership Style & Engagement…
75% of survey participants reflect that most supervisors who manage
aggressively are viewed as strong leaders, while all agree that in their
workplace their supervisors use fear to motivate employees, and 50% agree
that employees are expected to compete against each other.
50% of survey participants indicate that their workplaces permit high
performing employees to get away with bad behaviors that most others
would be reprimanded for, and that verbal abuse (shouting, swearing, name
calling, or sarcasm) is tolerated. All survey participants strongly agree or
agree that supervisors ignore uncivil behaviors committed by others.
Regarding Survey Participants Beliefs About Clarity,
Justice, & Parity…
100% of survey participants reflect that they are clear about their role in the
organization, however there is a high degree of ambiguity by others of their role in
the organization, yet generally believe that most others are clear about their role
in the organization. Most survey participants reflect that they are expected to
stay late to catch up on projects or tasks, and most that they carry a similar
workload as their colleagues. 2/3rds agree that their work effort is recognized by
their supervisor, however 50 % disagree that they are adequately compensated for
their work effort. The survey participants are divided about feeling valued by their
organization, however 75% feel valued by their colleagues. 75% strongly or mildly
agree that they are expected to work more than the regular 40 hours, yet there is
an equal split between agree and disagree regarding survey participants belief that
the demands of their job interfere with their family life.
Regarding survey participants beliefs about
Commitment, Support & Appreciation
50% of survey participants strongly disagree that their workplace has a written
statement of expected norms or behaviors for all employees. Survey participants vary
widely in their belief that their supervisor behave according to the expected norms or
behaviors for all employees. There is a 50/50 split among survey participants regarding
their belief that their colleagues behave according to expected norms or behaviors for
all employees.
Most employees feel physically safe, while only 50% feel emotionally safe or believe
that their colleagues feel physically safe. 75% believe that their colleagues do not feel
emotionally safe. Only 50% believe that their organization is committed to our physical
safety or their emotional safety. 75% are unsure or do not believe that their supervisor
is committed to their growth and development, while 50% strongly disagree that their
supervisor is committed to their wellbeing as an employee. 75% believe that they are
trusted, while 50% believe that they are both appreciated and listened to.
Regarding Survey Participants Beliefs About An
Ideal Workplace
Regarding survey participants beliefs about an Ideal Workplace they,
other than committing to only hire civil employees, they generally are
in strong agreement with the 15 precepts of an ideal workplace,
including...being respectful, being generous, being trusting, seeking
common ground, modeling civil behavior, acknowledge personality,
setting clear expectations, providing training on civil behaviors,
becoming active listeners, removing chronic offenders, understanding
the antecedents to incivility, excusing powerful offenders, collecting
data on the impact of incivility and choosing to be aware of and
calculate the potential costs of workplace.