20. Current employment status (select all that apply) Not employed outside the home Response Response Percent Count 14.3% 174 11.5% 140 59.6% 728 7.2% 88 11.1% 135 Employed in a temporary position 5.2% 63 Retired 6.2% 76 Currently pursuing additional education or training Employed in a stable position Employed while looking for something more suitable Self-employed / Contractor / Entrepreneur Other (please specify) 155 answered question 1,221 skipped question 168 21. Which of the following best describes your current career/calling? (select all that apply) It is closely related to my major Response Response Percent Count 44.7% 556 27.2% 338 It is unrelated to my major(s) 18.2% 227 Full-time homemaker 14.2% 177 3.1% 38 6.2% 77 9.2% 114 answered question 1,244 skipped question 145 (s) It is somewhat related to my major (s) I feel disillusioned regarding my overall calling/career I enjoy what I do and will contact you about mentoring others Other (please specify)