Grading Policies

Welcome to Senior English!
Mrs. Malaspino, MA/NBCT
Welcome to Honors English 9
Mrs. Melinda Malaspino
About me
• BA, English (music minor): California
Lutheran University
• Teaching credential: CSU Sacramento
• MA, Curriculum and Instruction: CSU
• National Board Certified Teacher
• Globe Education Academy alumna
• California Scholarship Federation (CSF)
• Global Program Studies (GPS) Coordinator
Grading Policies
Grading Scale:
Grades will be based on points earned
through the entire semester.
Point value of assignments will depend
on importance and complexity.
Grades will be weighted in the following
•Writing and Projects
•Tests and Quizzes
•Classwork and Homework
•Final Exam
Grading Scale
• Letter grades will be based on the following scale
as set forth by the FHS Department of English:
100% + = A +
78-79% = C +
93-99% = A
73-77% = C
90-92% = A70-72% = C•
88-89% = B +
68-69% = D +
83-87% = B
63-67% = D
80-82% = B60-62% = D•
59% and below = F
Common Core Curriculum
English 12 is designed to be an inquiry-based
course, integrating reading, writing,
discussion, and critical thinking in all units.
Teachers collaborate to create lessons which
call on students to explore ideas, interact
with the text and develop thoughtful
understanding in accordance with the
FCUSD mission statement.
GPS Curriculum
• All students, whether or not
they are officially enrolled in the GPS
program, will receive integrated instruction
in their core classes.
• In Senior English, students explore literary
works from across cultures to discover how
our stories reveal truth about ourselves, the
nature of mankind, and human culture.
1st Semester Curriculum
English 12A will focus on
• Expository reading and writing skills in preparation for
college, the workplace, and beyond.
• Career and College portfolio:
• Includes college application essay or alternative and a
research component.
• Students will present findings to peers
during the spring semester.
• Literature and Reading:
• Early English and World literature,
including Beowulf and the Arthur legend.
• Shakespeare: Macbeth, Taming of the Shrew
• Articles and poems relevant to a variety of topics
• Independent reading of works (fiction or nonfiction) by
world authors.
2nd Semester Curriculum
English 12B will focus on
• College and Career Readiness:
Students will continue to develop reading, writing,
speaking and critical thinking skills for college and career.
• Literature by British and world authors will be selected
from the FCUSD board-approved reading list.
• Reading selections to include:
• Brave New World
• Hamlet
• Things Fall Apart
• The Kite Runner
• Articles and poems related to variety of topics
• Independent reading of works (fiction or nonfiction) by
world authors
Grammar and Vocabulary
• Grammar and vocabulary will be taught
through the context of reading and writing
• Grammar and Usage concepts to be
reviewed as we approach college placement
• Writing for a variety of purposes and
audiences will be practiced and reinforced
frequently both in and out of class.
I can be reached at
•916-294-2400 ext. 415202
E-Mail is the best way to reach me!