Lesson 20 Packet-Begin M

Background Knowledge: Human Reproduction and Reproductive Health
1. What is another name for the Birth Canal? ____________________________________________________
2. Name the process by which the Uterus sheds it’s lining: _________________________________________
3. Where is Sperm produced? ________________________________________________________________
4. Name the organ that stores egg cells before they mature: ________________________________________
5. Name the organ that protects and controls the temperature of the Testes: __________________________
6. Where is Sperm stored? _____________________ _____________________________________________
7. Name the tubes that are severed (cut or cauterized) during a vasectomy: ___________________________
8. Name the tubes that carry a mature egg from the ovaries to the uterus: ____________________________
9. What type of Doctor specializes in the female reproductive system? _______________________________
10. In what organ is the baby developing during pregnancy? ________________________________________
11. Name the tube that carries both urine and semen out of the male body: ___________________________
12. Name the hormone responsible for masculine changes during puberty: ____________________________
13. Name the hormone responsible for feminine changes during puberty: _____________________________
14. Name the sac of water that protects and cushions the baby during pregnancy: ______________________
15. What is the operation to remove the foreskin of the penis called? ________________________________
Name the method of birth control in which the penis is removed from the vagina just before ejaculation:
What is the safest and most effective method of birth control as well as STD/STI prevention?
16. What substance can a condom be treated with to help prevent the spread of some STD s? _____________
17. Name the most common site of cancer in a woman’s reproductive system: __________________________
Lesson 20: Learning about the Reproductive System
Vocabulary Practice: Use the Terms to fill in the blanks below. Some terms may be used more than once.
Cowper’s Glands
Fallopian Tube
Pap Smear
Prostate gland
Vas deferens
1. A male’s emotional and physical changes during puberty are caused by ____________________________.
2. The ___________________________ are female reproductive glands that produce estrogen.
3. After sperm are produced in the seminiferous tubules, they move to the ___________________________
to mature.
4. Without the fluid from ________________________________________, fertilization would be almost
impossible because my sperm would die
5. When an ovum is released from an ovary, it enters a(n) ________________________________________.
6. The __________________________ contracts during childbirth.
7. During a(n) ____________________________ cells are scraped from the cervix and examined for cancer.
8. The ___________________________________ extend from the scrotum up into the abdomen.
9. Males and females are capable of producing offspring after the onset of ___________________________.
10. The ____________________________________ are two small glands located beneath the prostate gland.
11. Sperm mature in the __________________________________.
12. What is puberty?
13. During what age range do most females reach puberty?
14. List the secondary sex characteristics for females.
15. What are the internal female reproductive organs?
16. What reproductive organs produce ova and estrogen?
17. What structure connects the uterus to the vagina?
18. What are three functions of the vagina?
19. What path does the ovum take one released from the ovary?
20. What is circumcision?
21. Describe an inguinal hernia
22. Why is it dangerous for a male to have mumps after puberty?
23. True or False? Testicular cancer is one of the most common cancers among males aged 15-34.
Define the following key terms:
Secondary sex characteristics
Corpus Luteum