Technologies for the Prosperity of Agricultural Stakeholders
3 rd floor Zari Taraqiati Bank Building
47-The Mall,
Phone: 042-7247593
PABX: 042-7232744 Ext.606
Lahore Fax: 042-7247594
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All the Project Managers/Team Leaders of
PARB Funded Projects
Reference: Standing instructions regarding Recruitment of project staff, Procurements and
Maintenance of project accounts and stock registers issued by this office vide circular letters bearing No. PARB-4797 dated 10-07-2009, No. PARB-4747 dated 10-07- 2009, No. PARB-2546 dated 24-06-2009 and No. PARB-5036-53, dated 10-08-2009. The instructions issued in respect of recruitment and maintenance of project accounts issued earlier vide above referred letters are re- iterated while instructions regarding procurements are substituted as under:-
For recruitment of project staff (if approved), the Project Manager (PM)/Team Leader (TL) shall follow the following guidelines:
Recruitment of Research Associates a) The post(s) of Research Associate(s) (RAs) shall invariably be advertised in two national dailies i.e. one in Urdu and one in English indicating the pay package, qualifications and experience as prescribed in the project document. b) The selection shall be made on merit by the committee constituted by the head of the host/collaborating institute/organization under the convener-ship of respective PM/TL. In case, the PM/TL is also the head of the host/collaborating institute, the said committee shall be constituted by the head of the host/collaborating organization. c) The RAs shall be appointed on contract initially for one year which may be extended on yearly basis for the project period subject to satisfactory annual performance to be appraised by the
Note: After completion of recruitment of RAs, one copy each of advertisement made, notification of constitution of selection committee, minutes of selection committee meeting and appointment letter shall be provided to PARB by the PM for all project components in consolidated form (including those of TLs) for information and record.
Recruitment of Daily Paid Labourers (DPL). a) The DPL (if approved) shall be appointed in the light of instructions issued by the respective
DCOs. The wages shall also be paid as notified by the DCOs for skilled and un-skilled labourers. b) Pay of DPL may be drawn by the PM/TL and disbursed under proper receipt. c) The muster roll must be signed and certified by the PM/TL for the days duty was performed during the month.
As notified by the Managing Director of the Punjab Procurement Regulatory Authority
(PPRA), vide No. MD. PPRA/1-1/2009, dated 15-11-2009, the Purchase Manual, IDSC and DSCs of the Punjab Government do not exist anymore. Consequently, all the procurements from the local market shall be made under the provision of PPRA Rules-2009. The abstract of the provisions of
PPRA Rules is as under which shall be followed in letter and spirit; a) Procurement shall be planned for the entire year (Rule 8). b) All procurements shall be announced in an appropriate manner without regrouping or splitting during one year (Rule 9).
Note: Rule 9 implies that the entire procurement for one year including stationary, chemicals, instruments, spare parts, machinery and equipment etc. shall be advertised at a time without splitting provided the cost of all the items to be procured in one year is Rs. 0.100 million or above. c) Specifications for the store items shall allow widest possible competition. The specifications shall be generic and shall not include brand name or model etc. (Rule 10).
Note: i) If the specifications of the item to be procured have been standardized by the
Specifications Standardization Committee (SSC) of the Agriculture or parent Department of the host/collaborating institute/organization (hereinafter called as procuring agency), the same shall be adapted as such.
ii) If the specifications of the item to be procured have not been standardized by the SSC of the Department, the same shall be developed by the PM/TL at their own after proper market survey. The specifications so developed shall be generalized to ensure fair market competition.
The specifications developed by the PM/TL shall be got approved from the Specifications
Standardization Committee (SSC) of the procuring agency. The SSC for the procuring agency may be constituted by the Head of the procuring agency. In case, the PM/TL is also the head of the procuring agency, the SSC shall be constituted by the head of the host/collaborating organization.
iii) After standardization of the specifications, one copy of each item standardized and notification of constitution of SSC shall be provided to PARB by the PM for all project components in consolidated form (including those of TLs) for information and record.
d) Procurements shall be made under the delegation of powers (Rule 11).
Note: All the PMs/TLs have been delegated full financial powers under the provision of Clause
21 of the approved funding procedure. e) The procurements costing Rs. 0.100 to 2.000 million shall be advertised on websites of PPRA and the procuring agency (if available). The advertisement may be published in print media if the procuring agency deems necessary. Procurements costing over Rs. 2.000 million shall be advertised on websites of PPRA and the procuring agency (if available) and in the print media or newspapers i.e. in two national dailies, one in Urdu and one in English (Rule 12). f) Response time for submission of bids shall be at least 15 days (Rule 13). g) The procurement shall be made after advertisement as prescribed under Rule 12 except when procurement is below Rs. 0.100 million. In case items to be procured is of proprietary nature or falls within the definition of Intellectual Property, the same may be procured without advertisement subject to the condition that prior approval of PPRA shall be required (Rule 14). h) For procurement of services, works, turnkey projects and expensive and technically complex equipment, the procuring agency may pre-qualify bidders. The pre-qualification, qualification, dis-qualification and blacklisting shall be done in a manner as prescribed (Rule 15 to 19).
Note: A technically complex equipment may be the one requiring warranty for a specific period and after sale services. i) Principal method of procurement shall be open competitive bidding, if the cost of procurement is more than Rs. 0.100 million (Rule 20 and 21) j) Submission of bids, bidding documents and reservations and preference shall be as prescribed
(Rule 22 to 24). k) Bid security, bid validity and extension in time for submission of bids shall be as prescribed
(Rule 25 to 27). l) The bids opening, evaluation criteria, evaluation of bids, clarification of bids, discriminatory and difficult conditions and rejection shall be carried out in a manner as prescribed (Rule 28 to 33). m) Re-bidding, announcement of evaluation reports, procedures of open competitive bidding and conditions for single stage and two stage bidding procedure shall be as prescribed (Rule 34 to 37) n) The bids acceptance, obtaining of performance guaranty, limitations of negotiations, and confidentiality shall be as prescribed (Rule 38 to 41). o) Alternate method of procurement for petty purchases, request for quotation, direct contracting and negotiated tendering shall be adopted in a manner as prescribed (Rule 42). i) The purchases costing below Rs. 0.025 million shall be exempted from the
requirements of bidding or quotations (Rule 42-a).
Note: Petty purchases may be affected either from the market directly from one of the GST registered firm or from one of the pre-qualified firms.
ii) Procurements costing above Rs. 0.025 million and below Rs. 0.100 million shall be procured through Request for Quotations (RFQs) in a manner as prescribed (Rule 42 b).
Note: RFQs may be obtained either from the market directly from at least three of the GST registered firms or from at least three of the pre-qualified firms. iii) Direct contracting for procurement of spare parts, supplementary services from OEMs, repeat order and items of rate contract shall be undertaken in a manner as prescribed (Rule
42-c) p) Payments, enforcement of contract and closing of contract shall be done in a manner as prescribed (Rule 43 to 45). iv) Negotiated tendering for procurement of IPRs and in cases of extreme urgency shall be practiced in a manner as prescribed (Rule 42-d) q) Record of procurement proceedings shall be maintained in a manner as prescribed (Rule 46) r) Public access and transparency of procurement shall be ensured in a manner as prescribed (Rule
47). s) Redressal of grievances and Arbitration shall carried out in a manner as prescribed (Rule 48 and
49). t) Any breach of these rules shall amount to mis-procurement (Rule 50) u) Any procurement initiated prior to enforcement of PPRA rules shall be carried out under the previous instructions (Rule 51).
Note: i) All the procurements shall be made from the GST registered firms.
ii) After procurement of stores, a copy of tender notice, supply order/contract, income tax/withholding tax and sales tax deducted shall be sent to PARB by the PM for all the project components
(including those of TLs) in consolidated form for information and record.
iii) For purchase of stores items, Income tax 3.5%, and GST @ 20% (1/5 th ) shall be deducted at source and deposited as per govt. instructions and for procurement of services and works, withholding tax @ 6% shall be deducted at source and deposited as per govt. instructions.
iv) For further details on PPRA Act, Procurement Rules, FAQs and placement of tenders on
PPRA website, please visit
Under the provision of Clause 3.2 of the Contract Agreement , the PM/TL shall maintain project account(s) in respect of all the expenditure under different head(s) of account for the purpose of internal /external audit in accordance with the practices prevailing in the host/collaborating organization(s). The project accounts shall be maintained in the form of Cash Book, Voucher File and Budget Register.
Note: i) Consolidated expenditure report on quarterly basis and photocopies of all paid vouchers shall be submitted to PARB on six monthly basis by the PM for all the project components for the purpose of internal audit and record. The original Paid vouchers and other record shall remain with the PM/TL for the purpose of external audit.
The PM/TL shall maintain record of the project assets/stores in the following forms: a) Stock Register: In which entry of all the consumable stores purchased under the project, shall be made.
b) Dead Stock Register: In which entry of all machinery, equipment, furniture & other nonconsumable stores purchased under the project, shall be made.
c) Un-Serviceable Stock Register: In which entry of all the condemned machinery, equipment, furniture & non-consumable stores purchased under the project, shall be made.
CC: for information to the Chief Executive and Executive Members PARB