Heartland Community College Social and Business Sciences Division Course Syllabus for Students Course Prefix and Number: ACCT 140 Course Title: Small Business Taxes Prerequisite: None Credit Hours: Lecture Hours 4 Laboratory Hours 0 Days and times the course meets: Spring 2010 200-03HY 2:00-3:50 PM Tuesday Catalog Description: General tax principles and their application to small businesses. This course will introduce the basics of the federal and state tax structure, payroll taxes, sales tax reports, and basic tax preparation and reporting requirements for small business. Instructor Information: Betty Pilchard, M.S., C.P.A. Office location: 2109 ICB Office phone: (309) 268-8586 E-Mail: betty.pilchard@heartland.edu Office hours: Tuesday 1:00 – 1:50 pm, Wednesday 1:00 – 3:00 pm, Thursday 1:00 – 3:00 pm And other times by appointment. Textbook and supplies: Cruz, et al. Fundamentals of Taxation 2010, Boston, MA: McGraw-Hill Irwin, 2010. Relationship to Academic Development Programs and Transfer: ACCT 140 was designed to meet the specific needs of students in the Small Business Management and the Microcomputer Applications programs and not necessarily as a transfer course, particularly in relation to the Illinois Articulation Initiative. This course may transfer to various institutions in a variety of ways. Please see an academic advisor for an explanation concerning transfer options. It should be noted that this course generally will not transfer as Principles of Taxation that is required for Accounting degree programs at a 4-year institution. 2 COURSE OBJECTIVES Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of this course, students will be able to: 1. Determine appropriate tax reporting of various types of taxes including income tax, sales tax, and employment taxes. 2. Complete appropriate tax forms required for federal and state tax reporting for income tax, sales tax, and employment tax. 3. Identify appropriate records and record keeping procedures required for tax purposes. 4. Compute net income or loss for tax reporting purposes. 5. Determine the tax reporting for the disposal of business assets. 6. Understand how the federal and state tax structure affects tax reporting for the various forms of business ownership. 7. Discuss the tax appeals process, taxpayer rights, and taxpayer services available at the state and federal level. 8. Discuss the role of taxes in planning for various financing, investing, and general business decisions. Course Outline: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Sources of Tax Authority and Tax Law Form 1040EZ 1040 and 1040A Basic Concepts Gross Income Adjustments for Gross Income Itemized deductions (Schedule A) Self-Employed Business Income (Schedule C) Capital Gains and Sales of Buisness Property (Schedule D & Form 4797) Rental Properties & Special Property Transactions (Schedule E) Partnership Taxation Corporate Taxation Employer Payroll Taxes Illinois Sales Taxes EDUCATIONAL BELIEFS Beliefs about the Academic Discipline: Every business professionals and individual taxpayer can benefit from a basic understanding of tax laws. This understanding will help them prepare the facts needed to accurately prepare their tax returns. Understanding the tax laws can help in recognizing potential problems before taxable events take place. Through proper planning, taxpayers may be able to structure business transactions to reduce their overall tax liability. 3 Beliefs about Teaching and Learning: My philosophy of teaching and learning evolves around the belief that the ultimate responsibility for learning belongs to the student while it is the teacher’s responsibility direct the learning process by providing a classroom environment that encourages the student to reach for their fullest individual potential. As the teacher, I have a responsibility to direct the learning process by providing: a classroom environment that is respectful and supportive of the student while encouraging student success an appropriate mix of course materials and activities to help the student learn the subject matter assistance with understanding the basic theories and principles of accounting and tax law that correlate to the course materials opportunities for students to assess their learning before they are evaluated for grades an introduction to the basic principles, strategies or decision making tools that will provide the foundation needed for the students’ future studies in accounting and business as well as for their lives/jobs. As the student, you have a responsibility to: be prepared for class be willing to actively participate in all course related activities be respectful of the instructor and the other students in the classroom assess your own learning so you can communicate effectively when you encounter difficulties with course materials apply what you learn in class to future studies in accounting and business as well in your life/job. I believe there is definitely a reciprocal relationship between my responsibilities as the teacher and your responsibilities as a student. Over the years I have found that if I live up to my responsibilities as the instructor, you will find your responsibilities much easier, and vice versa. I have also found that if I live up to my responsibilities, you are much more likely to take you responsibilities more seriously and that is when you will begin to see your true individual potential. METHODS OF INSTRUCTION Top 10 things to do to be successful in this class: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Ask questions! Attend class and participate in class discussions! Read and review all assigned material prior to class. Attempt all assigned homework problems/exercises prior to class. After the assignments have been discussed in class, review the problems/exercises and complete all aspects of the assignment for future reference. Participate in class activities. Have a class contact/study partner that you work with the keep up with class activities. Review chapter materials on the web for this class. Don’t let yourself fall behind – it can be devastating in a class like this. Review EARLY and OFTEN for quizzes and exams. Ask questions!!! 4 COURSE POLICIES Grading System: Total points accumulated during the semester will determine course grades. Points will be assigned as follows: Online Quizzes (top 8) 80 points Text Tax Return Problems (15) 150 points Comprehensive Tax Return Projects (2) 80 points Payroll Tax Return Project 40 points Hourly Exams (2) 200 points Final Exam 100 points Total points possible 650 points Grading Scale: The grading scale used to determine the course grade will be: A = 585 to 650 points D = 390 to 454 points B = 520 to 584 points F = Less than 390 points C = 455 to 519 points Policies on Assignments/Tests/Make-ups: Students will be required to complete several tax returns throughout the course utilizing the tax software that is provided with the text and/or blank tax forms. Approximately 20 tax return problems will be assigned, however, only the scores of the top 15 will be counted towards the final grade for the course. You must complete at least one problem from each chapter that we cover. There will be three required tax return projects assigned throughout the course that will count towards the final grade for the course. In addition, the projects will require you to address questions from the taxpayer related to their tax returns. Students will be allowed to use calculators during quizzes and examinations. Students are responsible for completing quizzes/exams within the allotted time period in case of calculator failure. No calculators on cell phones, palm pilots, or other multifunctional electronic devices may be used on quizzes/exams Chapter quizzes must be completed online after we have completed coverage of that topic in class. These quizzes will be timed and you have only one chance to complete each 10 point quiz. There are 12 chapter quizzes available and only the top 10 scores will be used in the determination of your course grade. Deadlines for the quizzes will be posted in WebCT. *** NO MAKE UP QUIZZES OR DEADLINE EXTENTIONS WILL BE GIVEN , NO EXCEPTIONS.*** The exams may consist of problems, as well as multiple choice, true false, and/or essay questions which are included to test your conceptual understanding of the material. The final exam for the course will be taken during the final exam time assigned to this class. *** NO MAKEUP EXAMS OR DEADLINE EXTENSIONS WILL BE GIVEN. NO EXCEPTIONS. *** Anyone who removes an exam, in part or in total, from the classroom at anytime will be given a grade of "F" for the course. Reproduction of the contents of the exam by any process will result in your receiving a grade of "F" for the course. 5 Attendance Policy: All students are expected to attend class on a regular basis. Consistent class attendance and participation is critical in the learning process since accounting knowledge tends to be cumulative in nature. Class attendance and participation in class activities may be evaluated by the instructor and may be considered as part of determining your final course grade. Notice of Cancelled Class Sessions Cancelled class sessions, for all HCC classes, will be listed under Cancelled Class Meetings announcements at www.myheartland.edu. The list will show you the classes have been cancelled for that day and the upcoming week. Be sure to check the last column, which might contain a message from the instructor. Required Writing and Reading: The text was selected to provide the basis of the information needed for this course. In additional, supplementary materials will be made available from time to time for student usage in certain sections of the course. We will not necessarily discuss all of the information contained in the reading assignments; however, students will be responsible for all information presented in assigned readings. Students will be required to complete two comprehensive tax return projects during the semester. Those projects will include some written discussion of the tax return as well as tax planning strategies the taxpayer may want to consider in future years. Academic Integrity: Academic integrity is a fundamental principle of academic life at Heartland Community College and is essential to the credibility of the College’s educational programs. Moreover, because grading may be competitive, students who misrepresent their academic work violate the right of their fellow students. The College, therefore, views any act of academic dishonest as a serious offense requiring disciplinary measures, including course failure, suspension, and even expulsion from the College. In addition, an act of academic dishonesty may have unforeseen effects far beyond any officially imposed penalties. Violations of academic integrity include, but are not limited to cheating, aiding or suborning cheating or other acts of academic dishonesty, plagiarism, misrepresentation of data, falsification of academic records or documents and unauthorized access to computerized academic or administrative records or systems. Definitions of these violations may be found in the college catalog. 6 SUPPORT CENTER SERVICES Library The Library, located in the Student Commons Buildings at the Raab Road campus, provides Heartland students with a full range of resources including books, online journal databases, videos, newspapers, periodicals, reserves, and interlibrary loan. Librarians are available to assist in locating information. For more information, please call the Library (309) 268-8200 or (309) 268-8292 Tutoring Services Heartland Community College offers tutoring in various forms at no cost to Heartland students at the Tutoring and Testing Center in Normal and at the Pontiac and Lincoln Centers. Tutors are available at convenient times throughout the week. Study groups are also available by request. For more information about services available at each location, please call the Tutoring and Testing Center in Normal (309) at 268-8231, the Pontiac Center at (815) 842-6777, or the Lincoln Center at (217) 735-1731. Testing Services The Tutoring and Testing Center provides a secure testing environment for students who are enrolled in online, hybrid, and other distance learning courses; have a documented disability; or need to take a makeup exam. Testing accommodations for students having documented disabilities must be arranged by the student through the Office of Disability Services, and Testing Services will only administer make-up exams at the request of the instructor. Contact Testing Services at (309) 268-8231 for more information. Open Computing Lab The Open Computing Lab provides free computing for HCC students at convenient times throughout the week. The computer lab is staffed by trained Lab Assistants and offers the use of approximately 70 computers, a scanner, a laser printer, and an electric typewriter. Hours for Support Services Hours that the various support services are available are posted online at www.heartland.edu . Please be advised that hours around holidays and over school breaks may be limited. 7 ACCOUNTING 140 - ASSIGNMENT SCHEDULE (Spring 2009 W) DATE CHAPTER AND TOPIC OF DISCUSSION HOMEWORK 01/13 Course Introduction & Intro to Tax Basics 01/20 1 Form 1040EZ 17-34, 43-4, 50, 62, 66, 69-75 TRP 1 & 3 01/27 2 1040 and 1040A Basic Concepts 16-30, 33, 35-9, 44-5 TRP 2 & 3 02/03 3 Gross Income 19-33, 35-7, 39, 42-3 TRP 2 & 3 02/10 4 Adjustments for Adjusted Gross Income 24-42, 45, 47-8, 50, 53 TRP 2 & 3 02/17 Exam 1 02/24 5 Itemized deductions (Schedule A) 25-45, 45, 47-51, 54-57, 60-1 TRP 2 & 3 03/03 6 Self-Employed Business Income (Schedule C) 17-40, 42, 44, 46, 49-50, 54-5 TRP 1 & 3 Spring Break – no class 03/10 03/17 03/24 7 Capital Gains (Schedule D & Form 4797) 8 & 12 Rental Properties & Property Transactions Chpt 8 LO 1, LO4 Chpt 12 LO 1 to LO 3 03/31 24-9, 31-5, 37-8, 43-6, 49-50, 54 TRP 1 & 3 Chpt 8: 18-21, 31-4, 40, 43 Chpt 12: 23-38, 45, 47, 56 Chpt 8: TRP 1 & 3 Exam 2 04/07 14 Partnership Taxation 26-47, 50, 52, 54-5, 58, 60-1 TRP 1 & 2 04/14 15 Corporate Taxation 25-44 TRP 1 & Handout 04/21 10 Employer Payroll Taxes 26-48, 55-7 TRP 1 & 2 04/28 Illinois Sales Taxes TBA 05/05 Illinois Income Tax TBA 05/12 Final Exam Changes to the schedule will be announced in class and online